The martial arts of the heavens start from Wudang

Chapter 253 Farewell and Beginning

It was almost two months before Chinese New Year, and Dai Daojin didn't go anywhere any more, and went straight back to Peach Blossom Island.

By the way, I sent a letter to Lu Chengfeng, Qu Lingfeng and others, inviting them to Peach Blossom Island for the New Year.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Dai Daojin's long hair was blown by the sea breeze.

Smelling the fishy smell in the air, Dai Daojin looked at the small island faintly visible in the distance, and his thoughts turned.

After another hour or so, the boat docked, and Dai Daojin finally set foot on Peach Blossom Island again.

Walk through the familiar peach blossom array and come to the sword-testing pavilion.

Dai Daojin saw a boy about six or seven years old playing with a wooden sword.

When the boy saw the person, he felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while, and asked, "Who are you?"

Dai Daojin laughed, this child should be Huang Xiao.

Dai Daojin smiled and said, "Huang Xiao, why, you don't know senior brother?"

Huang Xiao rolled his eyes, as if remembering it, he said pleasantly, "Are you Brother Huang Peifeng?"

Dai Daojin stepped forward, rubbed his head, and said with a smile, "Where are your father and mother?"

Huang Xiao replied, "They are in the study, my sister and Aunt Liu are also here."

Dai Daojin's eyes showed surprise, and Liu Ying also came.

Huang Xiao ran forward, "Father, mother..." Dai Daojin followed with a smile.

After a while, Huang Yaoshi's voice came from the front, "Xiao'er, what's the point of yelling?"

Huang Xiao said in a slightly aggrieved voice, "Daddy, senior brother is back."

Dai Daojin turned the corner, saw Huang Yaoshi and his wife, smiled and bowed, "Master and wife are well."

Huang Yaoshi and his wife were also very happy to see Dai Daojin come back.

Huang Yaoshi stroked his beard and smiled, but didn't say much.

Feng Heng asked concerned, "Peifeng, how are you doing outside these days?"

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile, "Everything is fine."

Feng Heng smiled and said, "That's good, by the way, your mother is here too."

Immediately, he glanced at Dai Daojin, and said strangely, "Besides, your mother brought your father along."

Dai Daojin's face froze, and he let out a soft voice.

In a room, Dai Daojin, Liu Ying and Zhou Botong stared at each other.

Zhou Botong peeked at Dai Daojin from time to time, while muttering, "How could my son be a god, how could it be him?"

Seeing Zhou Botong like this, Liu Ying glared at him.


Zhou Botong suddenly yelled, and then slapped his thighs continuously, with a regretful expression on his face.

Liu Ying was taken aback, even Dai Daojin was a little surprised, what happened to him?

Liu Ying scolded, "Botong, what are you doing yelling?"

Zhou Botong jumped up and down, regretful on his face, he suddenly thought, if he knew he would see this person again, he would not let that kid Guo Jing absorb his internal energy, so he would not have to practice again.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling depressed.

Liu Ying scolded, then smiled and said to Dai Daojin, "Peifeng, he is your father, you...can you shout?" At the end of the speech, there was a hint of request in his voice.

Dai Daojin looked at Zhou Botong expressionlessly.

Zhou Botong listened to Liu Ying's words and saw Dai Daojin's eyes again, he couldn't help feeling guilty, his eyes fell to other places, his eyes drifted away.

There was silence in the room.

Liu Ying's face gradually became disappointed, and she forced a smile and said, "It's okay, Pei Feng, the future will be long, the future will be long..."

Dai Daojin was silent.

After a long time, he stood up and said, "You guys have a good rest."

Then, turn around and leave.

Liu Ying glanced at Zhou Botong, and found that he still didn't care, and couldn't help feeling bitter secretly.


This year's Spring Festival in Peach Blossom Island was much more lively than before.

Among the disciples under Huang Yaoshi's seat, except Mei and Chen, all of them came, and some even brought their families with them.

Among these disciples, except for Dai Daojin, all have married wives and had children.

There are more than three generations of disciples in Peach Blossom Island, so it is inevitable that they will be tested in martial arts.

As a result, Huang Yaoshi was a little dissatisfied, feeling that the martial arts of these three generations of disciples were a little low.

In fact, from Dai Daojin's point of view, among the three generations of Peach Blossom Island, their martial arts are already quite good, but Huang Yaoshi judged them based on the standards he taught his disciples, so he looked down upon them a bit, but Qu Lanru and Lu Guanying's martial arts were outstanding. If you go, you can be considered a master of the rivers and lakes.

Huang Yaoshi finally said, let these children come to Peach Blossom Island for three months every year, and he will personally train them.

Qu Lingfeng, Lu Chengfeng, Feng Mofeng and Wu Mianfeng's eyes were red at that time. Although they resumed walking these years, Huang Yaoshi never let go of letting them go back to the door wall, and they dared not touch the bad luck .

Now that their children can be taught martial arts by Huang Yaoshi, it means that they are truly Taohua Island's disciples again.

So, excited on the spot, they dragged the children to kowtow to Huang Yaoshi repeatedly.

Huang Yaoshi also stroked his beard with a smile and nodded in acceptance.


Lantern Festival.

At night, on the coast, Huang Yaoshi and his wife sat together with Zhou Botong and Liu Ying, watching Huang Rong and Huang Xiao put the lanterns they made into the water on the beach. These lanterns were of various kinds, and there was a pumpkin lantern.

The jack-o-lanterns were naturally written by Dai Daojin, and when he got interested, he made a few for Huang Xiao to have fun with.

Dai Daojin looked at the lights on the beach and the sea breeze blowing his face, turned his head to look at the crowd, and said, "After the Lantern Festival, I will leave Peach Blossom Island for a while."

Huang Yaoshi nodded and didn't care. It's normal to leave Peach Blossom Island and walk around the Central Plains.

Liu Ying asked, "Peifeng, where are you going?"

Dai Daojin thought for a while, and said, "My martial arts has reached a bottleneck, and I need to go out to find an opportunity to break through. This time may be a month, or a year, or it may be four or five years."

Feng Heng was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Then you might not come back for several years?"

Dai Daojin nodded, "Yes, so I'll tell you."

Liu Ying opened her mouth, wanting to say, son, your martial arts are already very good, your master said that you are no match, why bother working so hard, but she knew that it was useless if she said it, her son would not listen to her.

Liu Ying turned her head to look at Zhou Botong again, wanting him to say a few words, but found that he was looking at the pumpkin lantern in Huang Rong's hand with great interest, and couldn't help sighing secretly.

Liu Ying said worriedly, "Peifeng, with your martial arts, now you are stuck in a bottleneck, it must be something special. There is no need to rush for a breakthrough, and mother will not stop you. You are walking outside, take good care of yourself."

Dai Daojin nodded with a smile.

The next day, early in the morning, Dai Daojin boarded the boat out of the island.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Dai Daojin turned around and looked at the people on the shore, and waved his hands.

Huang Yaoshi and others also waved their hands.

Only Huang Rong pouted, feeling a little bitter about Dai Daojin not taking her out to play.

Dai Daojin took a few glances at the crowd, then went straight into the cabin, thinking carefully about the next thing.

He didn't know what he would face when he set foot in the Central Plains this time, and how things would develop, but he was looking forward to it.


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