Jiaxing City.

Guo Jing saw Hua Zheng who had been looking for him for a long time, and his joy was beyond words.

Huazheng hugged Guo Jing directly, and the smile on his face made him look even more charming.

Guo Jing hurriedly asked, "Hua Zheng, why did you come to the Central Plains?"

Hua Zheng looked at Guo Jing with bright eyes, and said with a smile, "Ms. Guo said she wanted you to go back, so I came to the Central Plains to find you."

When Guo Jing heard this, he was anxious, "What? What happened to my mother?"

Huazheng hurriedly said, "No, no, your mother is fine, she is in good health."

Guo Jing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Then he said, "My mother told me to go back, did she say what to do when I go back?"

Huazheng was also a little puzzled, and shook his head, "I don't know, your mother only told me to go back to the desert immediately after I found you, but she didn't tell me what happened when I went back."

Guo Jing scratched his head, frowned and said, "But, I came to the Central Plains to avenge Duan Tiande, now that I have not avenged my father's death, if I go back to the desert, I will let that thief live a little longer."

Huazheng said, "Guo Jing, you should go back first, I think Aunt Guo is very anxious to let you go back."

Guo Jing thought for a while, "Okay, then go back to the desert first, see what my mother is doing, and come to the Central Plains when the time comes."

When Huazheng heard that Guo Jing was going back to the desert, she nodded happily.

Guo Jing said again, "However, before leaving, I want to say hello to my seven masters."

Huazheng said, "Then where are your seven masters? Let's go tell him now."

Guo Jing nodded.

Then the two left Jiaxing City and found the Seven Monsters in the South of the Yangtze River. After telling the story, the group rode their horses northward and set off for the desert.

The group planned to go to Datong Mansion, pass through Fengzhou, enter Mongolia, and then gallop home on the grassland.


Two months later, the group walked out of Datong Mansion and arrived at the boundary of Fengzhou.

On the official road, Guo Jing was riding forward, when suddenly his ears moved, as if he heard something, he flicked the reins, and the little red horse galloped out immediately.

Huazheng saw it, and said loudly, "Guo Jing, what's the matter?"

Guo Jing didn't answer him.

Hua Zheng and a few of her followers, seeing him, hurriedly rode to follow.

Guo Jing's little red horse was extremely fast, and it didn't take long to reach the place, and he saw the woods not far from the official road in front of him.

About seven or eight gold soldiers were fighting with an old man who was over fifty years old. There were already several people lying on the ground.

Guo Jing jumped away from the little red horse, flew away quickly, and arrived at the fighting place in an instant.

The figure passed through the crowd, stretching its hands and feet, and waving its fists.

With his current skill, when these golden soldiers hit his fist, they would all break their bones and fly away backwards.

The old man leaned over and was about to fall down, Guo Jing hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, "Old man, are you alright?"

At this time, Hua Zheng and others also came here, and Hua Zheng waved his hand when he saw them.

Among the entourage behind him, one came forward, checked the old man, and then took out some medicine from the backpack and applied it to the old man's wound.

Guo Jing asked, "How?"

The entourage cupped his hands, "Go back to Master, Uncle Guo, this man has lost a lot of blood, and the bleeding has stopped now, as long as he has a good rest, he can recover."

Guo Jing calmed down and looked at the old man, "Old man, are you feeling better?"

The old man turned his head to look at the few people lying on the ground, and couldn't help crying, "Gold thief, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost, my son."

Guo Jing heard this, and couldn't help but feel pity.

Seeing this, Huazheng waved his hand. Since he had stopped, he took a rest and helped the old man bury his relatives in peace.

With the help of Guo Jing and others, the old man finally buried his relatives in the ground.

Afterwards, the old man turned to face Guo Jing, bowed his head and bowed.

Guo Jing panicked, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to help the old man up, "Old man, why is this?"

The old man said, "Engong, you saved my life. You are my savior. I am now a widow. From now on, I will follow Engong. Engong is my master. From now on, I will serve as a dog and horse under Engong's hands." work."

Ignoring Guo Jing's outstretched hand, he insisted on bowing down.

Guo Jing didn't dare to push hard, fearing that the old man who was already injured would be further injured.

Hearing this, he hurriedly turned to the side, waved his hands and said, "Old man, don't say such things. Being chivalrous is what we should do. We are all Han Chinese, so we should help each other. As for serving me as the master, this is absolutely impossible."

The old man stamped his head on the ground and cried, "I am now a widow. If the master doesn't want to accept me, then I can only die. I may as well go with my son who died tragically."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and stood up, and slammed into the big tree next to him, as if he was going to be killed here.

Guo Jing was shocked, and quickly stopped him, "Don't be impulsive, I agree."

Only then did the old man stop his movements, turned around and bowed deeply to Guo Jing.

Guo Jing had no choice but to accept it, but still said, "Old man, you can follow me, but don't call me master, you are not my subordinate, my name is Guo Jing, you can call me by my name."

The old man thought for a while, "Then I will call the master Mr. Guo from now on."


After being translated by the entourage, Huazheng laughed out loud. She didn't expect Guo Jing to be called Mr. Guo one day, but she was happy to see that the old man worshiped Guo Jing as his master. There are many such things in Mongolia. The victor is the winner, and it is the spoils of the victor. Although it is slightly different, Guo Jing is also very happy that she has a loyal subordinate.

Hua Zheng could naturally see that the reason why the old man insisted on following Guo Jing was that he valued Guo Jing's martial arts and wanted to use Guo Jing to avenge his son, but Hua Zheng didn't care too much. He is the son-in-law of the golden sword, and he may also lead the army to fight.

Seeing Huazheng laughing, Guo Jing glared at her, feeling helpless, but he had no choice but to accept it.

They took a good rest before continuing on the road.

There was one more injured person among the pedestrians, so naturally they couldn't hurry on their way.

Along the way, Guo Jing and Hua Zheng also learned something about the old man. The old man's name was Liu Anmin. He was framed and hunted down because he offended an official in the Kingdom of Jin. The old man was the only one left in the family. .

What surprised Guo Jing and the others was that the newly recruited subordinate, apart from having practiced some fists and kicks, was actually a scholar, and immediately had more respect for the old man in his heart, instead of treating him as an ordinary subordinate.

During the conversation, the old man quoted scriptures and casually expressed some opinions, which made the group respect him even more.

No matter where they are, talented people are always respected and convincing.


Not long after they left, two figures appeared there.

Dai Daojin looked at the official road where no one could be seen, and asked softly, "Are you sure there is no problem?"

Ma Yu nodded and said, "There will be no problem. An Min once raised troops with his master. He was a military advisor in the army. He fought all the way. Zun Du once praised him, and now with the help of "Wu Mu's Last Letter", I believe that things can be done well."

Dai Daojin nodded.

However, Ma Yu looked at Dai Daojin strangely, and asked, "Why do you insist on letting An Min pass the "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" to Guo Jing? You are not afraid that an ordinary scholar who knows some fists and feet will have the "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" "This kind of martial arts aroused Guo Jing's suspicion?"

Dai Daojin laughed, "Don't worry, I've made changes to "The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", and the martial arts are still the same. Besides, Guo Jing might not have the chance to return to the Central Plains after this trip, and it's impossible to know that he learned the famous martial arts. "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", you praise Liu Anmin so much, I believe he can do this well without arousing Guo Jing's suspicion."

After finishing speaking, Dai Daojin smiled and said, "As for why Guo Jing insisted on learning the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon..."

"No other reason, just think he is very suitable."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, leaving only Ma Yu who was a little confused.

May Yu shook his head and left too.


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