After a while, a middle-aged man walked into the small courtyard and was very happy to see Mu Nianci standing with a sword.

Mu Nianci smiled when he saw the person coming, "Father."

This man is Yang Tiexin. Compared with a few years ago, the weather on Yang Tiexin's face has faded a lot, but his life is much more comfortable than before.

Yang Tiexin looked at his daughter carefully, and sighed: "Nianci, you have changed a lot compared to before, you have grown up."

He turned his head and looked curiously at the giant panda lying on the ground, but he had never seen such a thing before.

Mu Nianci smiled and didn't say anything. How could there be no change in the past few years.

The two entered the room and sat opposite each other.

Yang Tiexin asked: "Nianci, where's your uncle?" Brother Huang took his daughter away, and they left for several years, except for the occasional letter sent back, there was no contact.

Mu Nianci replied: "Uncle, Nianci and him parted ways in Lanzhou Mansion. He said he had to leave first, so he left."

Yang Tiexin nodded, did not ask carefully, and said with a smile: "Nianci, tell me quickly, what have you been doing these past few years?"

Mu Nianci then briefly talked about his martial arts training in Shushan and his travels in the past few years. Of course, there is no need to talk about some of them, which will only arouse his foster father's worries.

After hearing this, Yang Tiexin couldn't help saying distressedly: "Son, you have suffered a lot these past few years."

Mu Nianci smiled and shook his head.

Mu Nianci asked: "Father, these past few years have been good. Nianci has not been able to serve you by your side. Nianci is not filial."

Yang Tiexin laughed, stroked his beard and said, "Father, you don't have to worry, Chief Security Officer Qu has taken good care of me. In the past few years, apart from going out for escorts and looking for your mother, I have a good life."

Mu Nianci said softly, "Father, is there still no news of the adoptive mother?"

Yang Tiexin sighed, and said: "In the past few years, Dad has traveled around with escorts, inquired in many places, and asked the brothers in the escort agency to pay attention, but he still couldn't find anyone."

Mu Nianci walked up to Yang Tiexin, grabbed his hand, and comforted him: "Father, don't worry, Nianci believes that you can find it."

Yang Tiexin smiled, and patted Mu Nianci's hand, indicating that he was fine, but the sadness in his eyes made Mu Nianci feel distressed.

The father and daughter spoke again for a while.

Yang Tiexin patted his forehead suddenly, as if he remembered something, and said to Mu Nianci: "Nianci, I almost forgot, your uncle sent you a letter a few days ago, old, old, really old, dad I almost forgot, you are waiting here, dad will get it for you."

After speaking, Yang Tiexin left in a hurry to get the letter.

Mu Nianci looked at Yang Tiexin's back, wondering in his heart, his uncle sent him a letter, what's the matter?

After a while, Yang Tiexin hurried back with a letter in his hand, walked up to Mu Nianci and handed it to her.

Mu Nianci took the letter and looked at the envelope, "Nianci personally sends it."

Mu Nianci then opened the letter and read it. There were not many words on the letter, just a few sentences, but Mu Nianci's face changed slightly after reading it.

Yang Tiexin was sitting on the chair, seeing his daughter's expression was wrong after reading the letter, he asked in confusion, "Nianci, what's wrong with you? But what did the letter say?"

After hearing this, Mu Nianci raised his head and handed the letter to Yang Tiexin.

Yang Tiexin took the letter, glanced at Mu Nianci, and looked down at the letter.

Suddenly, she got up suddenly, the hand holding the letter trembled slightly, and her eyes were instantly red.

Mu Nianci looked at it and said worriedly, "Father."

Yang Tiexin said with a trembling voice: "Nianci, hurry up, pack up, let's go to Zhongdu." After speaking, he wanted to go outside.

Mu Nianci was much calmer at this time, thinking of the content of the letter sent by his uncle, "Brother Yang, I asked someone to find out that there is a person who is suspected of being his wife in Zhongdu, who lives in Dajin Wanyan Honglie's mansion. Concubine Yan, if you want to reunite, don't be reckless, you can go to Zhongnan Mountain to find Changchunzi Qiu Chuji for help."

Mu Nianci thought that the content in his heart was written to the adoptive father, but he asked himself to read it himself, knowing that the adoptive father knew the news of the adoptive mother, and if he recklessly went to save others, he was afraid of accidents, so he had to write By myself.

Seeing the adoptive father walking out in a hurry, Mu Nianci hurriedly stopped him and said, "Father, calm down. If that is really the adoptive mother, she is now the princess of Dajin. How can you go so rashly?" Maybe take the stepmother away?"

Yang Tiexin lost his composure, and after hearing this, he said with red eyes: "I don't care, I must go to her, sorry for the weak, wait for me." After speaking, he wanted to break free from Mu Nianci's hand.

Mu Nianci raised his hand and tapped Yang Tiexin's acupoints, and patiently explained: "Father, we must not be reckless, the foster mother is probably living deep in the palace of the Kingdom of Jin, which is the capital of the Kingdom of Jin, if we If you force people to leave, you will most likely be surrounded by the Jin soldiers, if you don’t plan well, it may be difficult for you and your mother-in-law to get out of Zhongdu City alive, father, please calm down.”

Mu Nianci killed all the way, but his mind was much calmer. Regarding the stakes involved, after thinking about it for a while, he realized that if he and others went to rob them, how could King Jin give up and send troops to encircle and suppress them? If trapped in the siege of a large number of soldiers, not to mention the righteous father, even himself, it would be hard to survive.

After Yang Tiexin heard this, the madness in his eyes gradually receded. Although he was still excited, he calmed down a lot.

Seeing this, Mu Nianci lightly tapped Yang Tiexin's acupuncture points, "Father, Nianci offended you just now."

Yang Tiexin shook his head, and sighed: "Father is too anxious. This matter really cannot be rash, and we have to think about it in the long run." In his heart, he desperately wanted to see Bao Xiruo, and wanted to ask her how she became the concubine of King Jin He traveled all over the years to search, but he never thought of searching in the deep mansion of the palace, let alone his wife, who became the concubine of King Jin.

Yang Tiexin suddenly thought of the words in the letter, as if waking up from a dream, "Yes, it was Daoist Qiu who knew the affairs of Niujia Village very well back then, and I actually forgot about him, and I didn't go to him all these years. He thought I was dead like Brother Guo."

As he said that, he slapped himself fiercely, regretting so much that his intestines turned green.

Mu Nianci hurried forward to stop him, and comforted him: "Father, now that we have finally found it, let's go to Taoist Qiu first. The uncle asked us to find him, there must be a deep meaning. I want to come to Taoist Qiu to learn more about the situation." some more."

Yang Tiexin nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, yes, let's go to Taoist Qiu, maybe he also knows the whereabouts of Aunt Guo and her child." As he spoke, he rubbed his hands and walked back and forth. It hasn't happened in more than ten years.

Mu Nianci nodded, and reminded: "Father, if you want to leave Lin'an Mansion, you still need to inform Director Qu."

Yang Tiexin listened, nodded and said: "This is what it should be, I will go here, I will go here." After speaking, he walked out.

Mu Nianci didn't stop him this time, looking at Yang Tiexin's back, thinking of the place where the adoptive mother was, couldn't help flashing a trace of worry in his eyes, and then disappeared, clutching the long sword in his hand, his eyes returned to coldness.

After thinking about it, I still thought it would be better to inform my uncle. Thinking of this, I walked out.

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