It's getting late, in the inn.

After dinner, Huang Rong started to tinker with the bottles and cans she bought. Li Mochou looked at them for a long time, wondering what she was doing.

Seeing Huang Rong's serious expression, which is rare, Li Mochou couldn't help asking: "Rong'er, why are you doing this?"

Huang Rong kept her hands in her hands, and said with a smile: "Make some small things, so that we don't have to bother when we go out in the future."

Li Mochou shook her head, she was really bored, she turned and went back to the couch, sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and adjusted her breath.

Huang Rong still fiddled with her head down.

After an unknown amount of time, Huang Rong finally straightened up, rubbed her waist, and stretched, "It's finally done."

Turning around, Li Mochou was woken up, "Sister Mochou, come here and take a look at the good things I made for you."

Li Mochou got off the bed, walked to the table, looked down, and saw two masks that looked like masks on the table.

Huang Rong pushed Li Mochou on the stool, picked up a human skin mask, and stuck it on Li Mochou's face.

Li Mochou felt a cool thing sticking to her face, she felt a little uncomfortable, when she was about to move, Huang Rong stopped her.

Huang Rong fiddled with Li Mochou's face for a while, finally straightened Mochou's body, looked at it, and said with a smile, "What a handsome man."

Afterwards, she brought a bronze mirror and let Li Mochou look at it by herself.

Li Mochou looked at the bronze mirror, and saw a man's face with sword eyebrows and starry eyes appeared in front of her eyes, Mochou softly exhaled, "Rong'er, you look like this, who did you learn this from?" , much more powerful and convenient than the Disguise Technique."

Huang Rong got the compliment, she raised her face slightly, and said proudly, "That's right, I don't care who made it, my brother taught me this."

Li Mochou heard this, and said softly: "Your senior brother taught you again? How could he know so many things?"

Huang Rong shook her head after hearing this question, "I don't know how he knows these things, he only said he learned it in his dreams."

Afterwards, she also put on her human skin mask, and suddenly a handsome, thick-eyed young man appeared in front of Li Mochou. The reason why she was a young man was because Huang Rong was petite.

Huang Rong obviously noticed this problem too, she pouted, but there was nothing she could do.

Afterwards, Huang Rong took out the sets of clothes she bought during the day, handed Li Mochou a set, and motioned her to try it on.

Li Mochou couldn't resist her, so she stretched out her hands to untie the clothes on her body, and took them off, until only the obscene clothes remained.

Suddenly realizing that Huang Rong's eyes were staring at her chest, Li Mochou blushed and said shyly, "Rong'er, where are you looking?"

Huang Rong looked at Li Mochou's chest, and then looked down at herself, feeling frustrated.


Seeing Huang Rong's appearance, Li Mochou couldn't help laughing out loud.

When Huang Rong saw it, she pouted, rolled her eyes, and suddenly reached out to grab it.


A low cry.

Li Mochou blushed and quickly put on her clothes, and stopped playing around with Huang Rong.

After getting dressed, a handsome man with a slender body, sword eyebrows and starry eyes suddenly appeared in front of Huang Rong. If it weren't for the protruding chest of this "man", almost no one would suspect that he was a girl.

The two girls also noticed this problem, Huang Rong couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Sister Mochou, what do you eat on weekdays? What do you eat to grow faster?"

Li Mochou heard this, her face turned red, she spat at Huang Rong, and ignored her nonsense.

After the two girls had a quarrel, they turned off the lights and took a rest.


The next day, early in the morning.

Inside the inn, Huang Rong and Li Mochou were sitting on stools, eating.

Li Mochou and Huang Rong were dressed in men's clothes at this time, Huang Rong even replaced the Emei thorn in her hand with a long sword, they planned to leave after eating.

At this time, a man also came down from upstairs, it was the young master who almost bumped into Huang Rong and Li Mochou yesterday, at this moment he looked puzzled and muttered in his heart, why did the two girls from yesterday disappear.

He walked with his head down a little listlessly, passed by Li Mochou, and walked to another table.

Suddenly, the man's nostrils fluttered, and he sniffed the familiar fragrance lightly. He turned around calmly and glanced at Li Mochou who was disguised as a woman behind him, then sat down, and secretly took a closer look at the "man"'s face. Posture and posture.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, he called Xiaoer and ordered something to eat.

Here, Huang Rong said in a rough voice, "Brother Mo, let's go to Lu's Village to have a look."

Li Mochou nodded, anyway, he was traveling around the rivers and lakes, he could go anywhere.

The man next to him heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, he stood up, walked to the table of the two, and cupped his hands: "Just now I heard that the two brothers said that they were going to Lujiazhuang, and I am from Lujiazhuang, the two brothers If Taiwan doesn't dislike it, would you be willing to go with it?"

His tone of voice and demeanor were very natural, and he sincerely invited two men who met by chance but went to the same place to walk together.

Li Mochou also said in a rough voice: "Brother, are you from Lujiazhuang?" Turning to look at Huang Rong, Huang Rong once told her that Lu Chengfeng, the owner of Lujiazhuang, is her senior brother.

After hearing this, Huang Rong was a little uncertain. She had never been to her brother's Lujiazhuang, so how did she know who was in Lujiazhuang?

The man smiled and said kindly: "I met two brothers in Lu Zhanyuan in the lower Lujiazhuang." This man's appearance and demeanor are extraordinary, but this time he is generous, but it gives people a sense of trust.

Li Mochou cupped her hands, "Don't rush."

Huang Rong glanced at Lu Zhanyuan and said, "I'm Huang Peifeng."

After hearing this, Lu Zhanyuan smiled brightly, looking very happy, and said with a smile: "It turned out that Brother Mo and Brother Huang met face to face, but they were able to sit at the same table. I'm really very happy."

The sincere words made Huang Rong and Li Mochou smile.

This Lu Zhanyuan was a man who could speak well, and he inadvertently shortened the distance with others, and the three of them chatted for a while.

Huang Rong and Li Mochou really couldn't find a reason to refuse to go with them, so the three of them started on the road together after eating.


Lin'an Mansion, in a small courtyard.

Mu Nianci stood silently with a long sword in his hand, his eyes slightly closed.

Silently, he opened his eyes, their eyes glistening.

At the same time, hold the hilt of the sword with the right hand.


Draw the sword out of the sheath.

Immediately afterwards, in the small courtyard, the cold sword light flickered, and as the figure changed, the sword light swayed like water, showing coldness and sternness, but it was silent, and the strength of the whole body had clearly reached the state of fine control, without the slightest leakage.


There were footsteps outside.

In the small courtyard, the sword light disappeared immediately, and Mu Nianci stood there holding the long sword as before, as if he had never moved.

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