Quartet Escort.

Qu Lingfeng had just sent Mu Yi out of the room, and before he sat down for a long time, he was told by the people below that Mu Yi's daughter, Miss Mu, was here.

Qu Lingfeng knew that this woman had a close relationship with his junior, so he hurriedly invited someone in.

After meeting Mu Nianci and taking his seat, Qu Lingfeng asked, "Miss Mu, what do you want from me?"

Mu Nianci said: "Boss Qu, thanks to you for taking care of my father these years, thank you very much." As he spoke, he bowed and bowed.

Qu Lingfeng hurriedly supported him, and said with a smile: "Miss Mu is polite, not to mention that my junior brother came forward, your father has always been diligent in his work, and it is obvious to all in the escort agency, and it is natural to take care of him, but it is not necessary. So polite."

Mu Nianci smiled, paused, and said, "Boss Qu, do you know where my uncle is now?"

Qu Lingfeng thought for a while, "I don't know about this, but I guess I went back to Peach Blossom Island."

Mu Nianci pondered for a while, and begged: "Head Qu, can you do Nianci a favor?"

Qu Lingfeng stroked his beard and smiled and said, "Miss Mu, you don't need to be polite, but it's okay to say something if you have something to do?"

Mu Nianci said: "Please trouble Chief Escort Qu to deliver a letter to Peach Blossom Island." As he spoke, he took out a letter from his pocket.

Qu Lingfeng took it, and said, "It's a small matter, I'll send someone to Peach Blossom Island as soon as possible."

Mu Nianci thanked him again, and Tuoqu, the head of the bodyguard, had no choice but to deliver the letter, and she couldn't do without Yang Tiexin.

Afterwards, Mu Nianci left.

Early the next morning, Mu Nianci and Yang Tiexin left Lin'an City and headed for Zhongnan Mountain.


Huzhou Fucheng.

Huang Rong stared at the prefecture, wondering: "Your surname is Lu, did you go the wrong way?"

Along the way, Lu Zhanyuan took great care of Huang Rong and Li Mochou, and behaved like a gentleman in his dealings with others. In his usual conversations, he also showed his extraordinary knowledge and family roots.

Although Huang Rong and Li Mochou are inexperienced in the world, they are not fools. Looking at Li Mochou's eyes, Lu Zhanyuan understands what this surname Lu is thinking, and knows that the trick of the two of them disguised as a man has long been caught by this person. See through.

But none of the three took the initiative to tell the truth, so they walked all the way to Huzhou Mansion.

Huang Rong felt quite depressed. These two masks had cost her a lot of work. The pawned jade pendant cost almost half of it to make this mask. Something went wrong, and this person surnamed Lu found out. .

In addition, Lu Zhanyuan's purpose of approaching the two was impure, so Huang Rong took a dislike to this Lu.

Li Mochou didn't care about the fact that the identities of the two women were seen through, but the way Mr. Lu looked at her made her quite flustered.

Aside from other factors, Lu Zhanyuan is actually quite outstanding, with a wealthy family, a lot of money along the way, modest and polite, personable, well-mannered, and handsome.

When Li Mochou came out of the ancient tomb for the first time, she encountered this ancient version of "tall, rich and handsome" admiration, just like a woman being pursued by someone, and the pursuer is also very good, so naturally her heart is moved, very normal.

Lu Zhanyuan was rather depressed when he heard Huang Rong's question. He didn't know where he offended the little girl. In fact, as a veteran in love, when he first met Huang Rong and Li Mochou, he liked Li Mochou a little, but he also liked Li Mochou. Huang Rong has some ideas, three wives and four concubines, the blessing of all people, who wouldn't want it?

Since he was a child, he came from a wealthy family, personable and personable, and his kung fu is good. Jiaxing Mansion is famous for its young talents, and there are many pretty girls who admire it. Naturally, a young man is a romantic, and no one criticizes him. .

This time, he really met Li Mochou, a woman who made his heart flutter, so even though Huang Rong was three points more beautiful than Li Mochou, he could naturally feel the hostility expressed in Huang Rong's words. I also stopped the thought of enjoying the blessings of all people.

Lu Zhanyuan smiled and said: "Brother Huang, Lu's family is in Lujiazhuang, how could he go wrong?"

Huang Rong frowned and said, "Isn't the Lu Family Village in Taihu Lake?"

Li Mochou also looked puzzled.

Lu Zhanyuan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Lujiazhuang in Taihu Lake? Could it be that Brother Huang is talking about Guiyunzhuang in Taihu Lake?"

There are so many Lu Family Villages in the south of the Yangtze River, but there are only two that are often mentioned by the martial arts people in the south of the Yangtze River. One is the Lu Family Village in Jiaxing, and the other is the Lu Family Village in Taihu Lake, which is Guiyun Village.

Only then did the three realize they had made a mistake and made a big oolong.

Along the way, although the three of them talked often, they only talked about the scenery along the way, places of interest, and anecdotes about the rivers and lakes, but they didn't specifically talk about Taihu Lake and Lujiazhuang, and Jiaxing and Taihu Lake are not far away. It was coming from the east, so Huang Rong and Li Mochou didn't feel that the route was wrong.

It was still today, Huang Rong felt a little off, so she asked.

But this is really no wonder for Lu Zhanyuan, Guiyun Village in Taihu Lake, people in the Jianghu also call it Lujiazhuang, so this thing went wrong.

The three of them were silent for a while, Li Mochou looked at Huang Rong and said, "Then shall we go to Taihu Lujiazhuang?"

Huang Rong has always loved to play, and it doesn't matter to her where she goes. She rolled her eyes and saw the eagerness in Lu Zhanyuan's eyes. She was afraid that she would say that she was going to Taihu Lake, and then take Li Mochou away.

Huang Rong immediately smiled and said, "Sister Mochou, where do you want to go?" But she no longer called Brother Mo.

Lu Zhanyuan stared at Li Mochou, and said earnestly: "Miss Mochou, I sincerely invite the two of you to visit Jiaxing, where the scenery is beautiful, if you don't go, it will be a great pity."

Li Mochou listened and was about to speak.

Huang Rong immediately shouted: "No way, let's go to Taihu Lake. My senior brother asked me to go before, and I haven't been there yet."

Saying that, she dragged Li Mochou to leave.

Lu Zhanyuan was in a hurry, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold Li Mochou's hand, Huang Rong saw it, and blocked the hilt of the long sword in her hand, blocking Lu Zhanyuan's hand.

Huang Rong glared and said: "What do you want to do with the surname Lu?" She was intelligent, so she naturally knew what this surnamed Lu was thinking, but she didn't like this person a little. If this person really loved Li Mochou, she would Not much to say.But the way this man looked at her earlier disappeared because of the hostility she showed, but she was not mistaken. How could she make Mo Chou commit herself to such a flamboyant son.

Huang Rong grew up with Dai Daojin. The stories Dai Daojin told her on weekdays, as well as Huang Yaoshi, Qu Lingfeng and others' personal statements, were all monogamous, so she naturally knew that they were monogamous since she was a child. In this way, it is forgotten that there are too many men in this world who have three wives and four concubines.

Lu Zhanyuan withdrew his palm and said anxiously: "Brother Huang, don't blame me, I'm really impatient, don't blame me."

Huang Rong snorted, ignored him, and dragged Li Mochou away. Li Mochou looked at Lu Zhanyuan apologetically, and followed Huang Rong.

Only Lu Zhanyuan was left standing there with his face changing.

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