Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 265: 3 days period

"... Really, that guy has arrived in the Imperial City?"

Smiled indifferently, the little prince asked with a very relaxed tone, still holding a cup of Sacran dry red in his hand: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"No, but ..."

The elven warrior who bowed his head lowered his mouth and said carefully: "But just after the gate of the black lion and the golden lion war was raised at the gate of the imperial city, the cheers of" Congratulations to the Black Duke "sounded in the city, and the subordinates guessed ..."


The elven little prince interrupted suddenly, causing the elf warrior to tremble.

"You know ... I don't like‘ guess ’,‘ guess ’,‘ estimate ’… ambiguous words, if you report wrong information, do you know how much damage will be caused?”

"Don't dare!"

The elf warrior immediately leaned down and forced his head to the ground with a bang! "If His Highness does not abandon, his subordinates would like to visit the Imperial Capital again to explore ..."

"Forget it ... 嘁 ... Next is not an example."

"Follow the order!"

Looking at the elf warrior who hurriedly ran away, Rodria Azore shrugged boredly.

"Depending on the situation, our old friend His Excellency Loren Turin has really arrived in the Imperial Capital, and I am afraid that he has also begun to control the city's city defenses, hiss ..." The little fairy prince suddenly took a breath.

"If you think about it this way, it feels very difficult to do; the easy-to-attack Eboden made him last for a month. This time it was replaced by a copper wall and iron walls. The imperial capital with sufficient supplies-although playing with him The time is always very happy, but I do n’t want to be so happy for so long! ”

Mumbled and complained, while the elf little prince picked up the wine glass and had a mouthful of pouring.

"... sorry."

Anson Zade's dull expression looked down and gritted his teeth: "It's all my fault, if not ..."

"If it's not that you're stupid enough to fall into that guy's trap, if it's not that you're stupid enough to want to defeat the guy by yourself at first, if not you think you are twice, if if if ..."

The elven little prince watched him grimacing: "Where are there so many, if there is this self-satisfied Kung Fu, troubles give me more snacks on how to defeat Loren Turin this more important thing!"

Anson Zade, who gritted his teeth, had no room for rebuttal.

"His Royal Highness, shall we ... withdraw our troops for now?"

The elven teenager who could not restrain his emotions said: "If we continue to fight like this, even if we get reinforcements, the situation is still very unfavorable to us-there are still imperial troops on the Ebden defense line, and the battles between the north and the west have not yet ended. , His Majesty the King ... "

"The eagle king is dead." The little prince said suddenly.

Anson Zade looked stunned: "Your Highness ?! You ..."

"Just guess." Rodria shook his head: "But besides this answer, I can't think of the second possibility at all ... That Loren Turin can leave the Fortress of Forbidden Mountains intact and appear in the Imperial City Outside possibility. "

"Regardless of the result, my father ... his plan must have failed, otherwise it will not be the north or there is no news at all."

"Reinforcement or luck ... are unreliable." The little prince stood up and patted Anson Zade's shoulder:

"Defeat the empire and drag the Azores from the edge of life and death ... only ourselves!"


"... defeating the Azores and dragging the queen of the city from the edge of life and death ... only us!"

Wearing a black lion gold cloak, holding the scepter of the Imperial Parliament in the hands of Loren Turin, generously made a speech in the main hall of the Sky Dome.

The ministers of the Yuqian cabinet standing beside him either looked pale or silent; the noble parliamentarians in the hall were more trembling, like thin ice; or pale, or gnashing their teeth looking at the one from the south Duke Byrne, standing on the stairs just below the throne.

Never qualified to step on this ladder, they slightly bowed their heads, thinking that their expressions and reactions were well hidden; in fact, from Loren's point of view, it is simply a glance.

When Eckhart II met with himself, probably the same?

Loren suddenly became enlightened.

"Of course, I know very well that you will not believe me easily, and believe in a duke from the south; but there is one thing, I must tell you ..." Loren whispered, the voice became thick under the blessing of the main hall dome powerful:

"No need to count on the reinforcements of His Highness Brandon de Salion, we must use our own power to defeat the Azores outside the city!"

In the dead hall, the always silent Lord Yuqian snorted.

"Maybe you will feel that I am alarmist, yes, I can tell that the armies of the empire are coming one after another-Boyle, East Sackland, Ellerman, Arles ... His Royal Highness Brandon and the armies of the Principalities All are gathering to the imperial capital, the total proportion is not less than 200,000 ... but! "

The dark-haired wizard turned around: "If such a large army, if we can know their existence, the enemy can also know their existence; if they know ... What do you think they will do?"

"I can tell you again a very unfortunate news. On my way to the capital city, the south of East Sackland has been occupied by the Azores, the army's planned marching route was blocked, and the top of the tower in the furnace town has been erected. Battle flag of the Azores; "

"On the Ebden line, Lord Servilin de Salion, the Secretary of State for Military Affairs, is still persevering, but he is about to face another elf army that has arrived in Ebden, with a total strength of not less than 100,000;

"On the Western Front, Duke of Ruttel, Ruben Frid, died in the Deep Forest Castle, and the casualties may be retreated to the line of Fort Eagles at any time-everyone may have no idea, but if the troops of Lotter retreat to Fort Eagles , Then the entire Lothal has opened its doors, and the enemy can launch a general attack from the west to the imperial capital at any time. "

"The Lotel to the west, the Ebden line to the north, the south of the city that is now besieged and the occupied furnace town east of the Jewel River, plus the army of Azore elves now outside the city ... "

Said, Loren couldn't help but smile-the laughter sounded very ridiculous in the ears of noble congressmen and Yuqian cabinets.

"You ... have you not realized that we have been surrounded by the enemy on all sides?"


"Loren Turin's plan ... Probably just outside the Imperial City, encircling us from all sides?"

Looking at the map in his hand, the elven little prince speculates while touching his chin.

"Sitting on all sides ?!"

Anson Zade's face flashed an incredible look, and then immediately said: "You mean that he attacked the blockade for more than just ..."

"It's not just to lift the emperor's siege and establish prestige ... That guy is not so boring, or a guy like that kind of coward, will not do such a big deal for such a simple purpose."

Rodria stretched his waist, an expression of impatience mixed in his expression.

Coward ... This is probably the "image" of the dark-haired wizard in the eyes of the little prince.

This guy is clearly holding a lot of powerful cards, but he always refuses to let it go until he has no choice; he pretends to be desperate, but he is actually ready for what to do if something happens ... Cautious To an outrageous degree.

Such a guy wouldn't do anything with a hot brain.

Destroy the blockade ... If it seems to be actually very unfavorable to him, although he won the victory, it also allowed the Azores to regroup the scattered forces and have the conditions to immediately attack the imperial capital.

Even if the occupied area is recaptured, the army surrounded by the imperial city will not be able to restore rule to these places; in addition to inspiring morale, the casualties caused are actually like that.

"... So, his real purpose should be to clear the road for the imperial army that is about to arrive and fight a real annihilation battle outside the Imperial City."

"Although I don't know where he has such great confidence." Rodria Azore pouted and couldn't help but sigh: "If he succeeds, or take a ten thousand step back and say to force on the battlefield Retreat from us and have to retreat to Ebden ... "

"Then this war is about the life and death of the Azores ..." The expression of the elf's boy was so severe that cold sweat soaked the temples:

"It's about to end, isn't it?"

"Roughly the same."

The elven little prince shrugged, a careless expression.

That's right, at that point, you don't care about anything; even if you can break away from the ancient wood forest and Ebden, the empire will never let the Azores go.

The war will last for fifty years, one hundred years, two hundred years ... The Azores, whose population, territory and resources are at an absolute disadvantage, are only a matter of time before they are destroyed.

Such a hopeless future, even if it can be won, what is the point?

"Loren Turin, he is the kind of guy who does not have absolute confidence or last resort, and he will not shoot-since he appeared outside the capital city, it means that the army of the empire has begun to gather and prepare for a real decisive battle with us. . "

"One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand ... God knows how many troops they can gather, but no matter how many, we can't resist it now."

"Before the war, we must strive for the minimum advantage-even if we really can't conquer the entire empire, at least we must lay down the territory of two or three principalities and stand firmly against it." The little prince said in a deep voice.

In his mind, a basic strategic policy has basically taken shape.

The defeat of the King of the Eagles indicates that the Azores ’attempt to destroy the entire empire with a war has been declared bankrupt, but they still occupy a considerable strength and situational advantage.

Since the total destruction and peace talks are completely out of the blue, then we can only retreat to choose the second rule, and connect the land that has been controlled and will be controlled to form a new Azores kingdom.

At that time, the DeSalinese family, which lost the imperial capital and most of the royal family, will lose its natural dominance over the empire; the remaining territory of the empire will be split into an alliance of several principalities; while the elves can rely on strong troops to maintain a unified situation, to human The kingdom forms an absolute advantage.

As for when it will be possible to destroy all human kingdoms and realize the revival of the Azores ... that goal is too far, and it is temporarily out of consideration.

"Lotaire, West Saklan, Ebden ... These three principalities are the territories we want to take. In order to achieve our purpose, we must immediately attack the imperial capital!"


"We must ... attack the Azores before they decide to attack the Imperial Capital!"

The dark-haired wizard cuts the railroad:

"Victory of war depends on initiative, who is more prepared, who has more detailed information, and who can have more sufficient combat power in a more limited environment."

"If you want to defend the Emperor Capital, then you must guard the entire city wall, spread more than half of the troops to all the walls, and be able to gather together to effectively annihilate the enemy's troops at most half;"

"Half of the troops cannot form an absolute superiority for the Azores to annihilate; even in terms of the combat power of both sides, the disadvantaged side is likely to be us!"

"So if we do n’t want to wait until Azore ’s reinforcements destroy the Ebden line, do n’t want the furnace town to become a scorched earth, do n’t wait for Lotel to be torn to pieces ... do n’t want to wait for the Azoreian soldiers to be under the city, and surround the imperial When ~ ~ was opened by the gates of 100,000 and 300,000 elven warriors wielding long swords and attacked the sky dome ... "

"We ... can't just sit back and wait for the fight!" The dark-haired wizard stepped forward, his eyes sharply sweeping across the hall:

"For this reason, for the continuation of the empire, for the continuation of the empress of all cities, and for the rest of you to continue to enjoy every peace of mind and carefree afternoon, I ask you to order you ..."

"The imperial capital fully prepares for war, gathers all troops, and meets the enemy outside the city!"

"As for the time of the battle ... it will be three days later." The little prince said flatly.

"Three days?"

"We can't give Loren Turin time to rectify the strength and resources at hand ... The more time he is left with, the better he will be prepared; changing to another guy may become our advantage, but that caution Too cowardly ... "

Rodria shook his head: "In short, the faster the preparation, the better for us-no matter how late it is, it may be too late."

"I guess that guy may have a similar plan. If we can expel us from the West Sacran area before the confluence of the army, the army of the empire will be able to separate us from the army of the west and break them one by one."

"So we only have three days, at most three days, we must grab the Azore elves to attack the city again, or try to regain control of the West Sacran area before launching the general attack." The black wizard said in a deep voice:

"After three days, our victory or defeat ... will determine the fate of the empire!"

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