Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 264: Authorize

The black-haired wizard who had “farewell” with Fitronai continued to move forward, and Metternich Leopold stood in front of the gate at the other end of the corridor.

Minister Zhang Xi ’s expression was extremely complicated. Even when he heard that Byrne had “forcibly” snatched the city defense and walked through the gate in the cheers of the imperial capital, he had exhausted all his ways of thinking to guess the other side. What means will you use ...

But when the bill "Granting the Duke of Bayern to the Guardian of Golovin" was put before him, the elderly man with rich experience was still shocked to be speechless.

If this proposal is passed, then the entire Imperial Parliament and Yuqian cabinet will be aloft by Loren Turin alone; plus the vacancy of the throne in the Sky Dome, Loren Turin ... he is equal to the nameless emperor!

This is almost something that requires the Imperial Parliament to take the initiative to suicide itself, and even hand over the legacy and power to the "enemy" before committing suicide, it should not be mentioned!

But it just appeared, and it was the afternoon after the Byern Legion entered the city.

There was no army rushing into the Imperial Parliament, no army blocking the sky dome, no street control, Yaowuyangwei ’s cavalry and patrols-the Baine Corps only controlled most of the city ’s defenses after the Duke entered his city, the barracks and some warehouses. Let the imperial council fall.

In just one day, what happened during this period? !

In any case, Metter Nirvana does not believe that the aristocratic parliamentarians who were still swearing to punish the Bayern and the Elmans the day before can become "deeply justified" in one night, so that the insanity is inconsistent To the point.

"Your Excellency Metternich Leopold."

Loren's words were very soft, as if inadvertently breaking the old man's nightmare.

Then dragged him into a more brutal reality.

"Lord Turin, Duke of Byrne."

Through the obsidian-like black eyes, Metternich could feel that Loren in front seemed to be different from the last time he met; but it was difficult to tell exactly where it was.

But for ministers who have experienced countless winds and rains, it ’s already a passive skill to be surprised.

"I am honored to be here to greet you, the savior of Golovin and the winner of the battle of the Valley of Blood". Metternich smiled slightly and whispered in the gentle tone unique to the old man:

"Yes, your messenger has told me before and after the Battle of the Boundary Mountain-the annihilation of the army of monsters, the beheading of the eagle ... The entire empire owes you a great kindness."

"As we talked about when we last met, the more the crisis is about, the more empire needs loyal and loyal men to come forward and become a strong shield for the empire and a wall that will never fall."

"For today's empire, there are not many heroes who can turn the tide; if you can, I hope you can be one of them ..."

Facing the silent dark-haired wizard, the unchanging minister of the seal of the palm stopped abruptly and shook his head: "But I think you today should not be interested in these clichés."

"So if you don't mind, let us get to the topic."

"Hear your ears and listen."

Metternich nodded slightly: "So, about the proposal that the Imperial Parliament granted you the" Guardian of Golovin "..."


"Proposal to grant Duke Byrne" Guardian of Golovin ... "

In the parliament hall of the Sky Dome, the slowly rising voice of the Minister of the Seal, echoed under the dome: "According to the general rules of parliament, once a proposal is submitted, it must be put into ruling."

"Ask the proponent to speak freely, and the opponent to point out the fallacy."

The old man who fulfilled his duties as minister of the seal of the sun returned to his chair again, his expression flat.

Between the pillars, under the dome, the noble parliamentarians looked at each other in silence.

In the past, because of the back and forth of seats in a theater, the colors of the chairs were loud and noisy. The noisy Imperial Parliament is now too quiet.

Tie Qing's face-faced Yuqian judge even squeezed her lips tightly, as if tolerating anger.

The cold and repressive silence lasted for a quarter of an hour; so much so that Metternich had to fulfill his duty as minister of the seal of the seal again:

"Ask the proponent to speak freely, and the opponent to point out the fallacy."

'S voice will fall, and the Minister Zhang Xi's "crack!", Knocked the judge's hammer and knocked hard.

"I, I think ..."

The old aristocrat with his hair bleached, his white eyebrows and white pleats suddenly stood up like a shock, Rick's waist and dry arms shook violently:

"The proposal to grant Duke Byrne the" Guardian of Golovin "is ... Yes, it is the top priority right now, and must be rushed in the evening ... Ah! I am, I should say as soon as possible ... Implement as soon as possible!"

Looked at this trembling, incoherent old nobleman, Metternie frowned.

"But, Your Excellency, in the last proposal for the Bion Corps, did you still insist on controlling them and restricting them? How did you change your mind after such a short period of time?"

"Then ... of course because the worries are lifted."

Gently put down the wine glass and account book in his hand, smiling little Yoder looked up at the old nobleman who was trembling, thinking for a moment and then leisurely said:

"The previous resistance was because you thought that Baine was a group of uncivilized southern barbarians, but in fact this was wrong; the Baine and the Sakran ... or the Golovins are equally civilized."

"Think about it, the Bain Legion who came forward and defeated the barbarian elves has not committed any crimes against the emperor until now; and the Lord Duke Bain who saved the emperor has always paid tribute to the Sky Dome and the royal family. These should be It ’s enough to prove ... I mean, lift your concerns. "

"Of course, forgiving all your debts has spared your family's life, so reasonable conditions should be relieved of any worries." Little Yod shrugged, then waved his hand like he suddenly remembered something:

"Oh, delete this sentence without saying."

Metternich's brows were more severe.

Does not mean to suspect that he is lying—basically everyone who speaks in the Imperial Parliament is lying—just this ridiculous explanation, it sounds like it is not going to cover up anymore.

"Say, that's right!"

As the Minister of the Seal of the West was about to speak again, another noble congressman suddenly stood up and shouted with excitement: "The Duke of Baine must be granted the title of" Guardian of Golovin "as soon as possible, this siege war can no longer continue Go on! "

Metternich knew this man. Before the siege began, he was the tax officer of the port outside the Imperial City.

"As a port tax officer, I can clearly tell you how terrifying the disaster caused by this terrible siege is!"

"Our army can supply a 200,000 army for a year, but the population in the Imperial City has now exceeded one million;"

"Our water channels are not damaged, but they are not enough to supply the demand of the whole city;"

"We have reserves of medicine resources, but neither the materials nor the doctors who can treat the disease will be of any help when the Great Plague arrives;"

"Luxury goods, food, food ... the most important thing for trade is healthy trade. Without trade, there is no work. Without work, more poor mobs will be born. They will steal, rob, and murder; the damage caused by these mobs Even bigger than the enemies outside the city! "

"If the chaos caused by this siege continues, our civilized Golovin, the queen of the city will become a terrible **** full of hunger, dry and dirty, plague rampant, and riots."

"Dear distinguished parliamentarians, when the civilians outside the wall begin to eat people, the next turn is the rich in the wall!"

The nobles became more and more excited: "Masters, we must stop this chaos from spreading, and now the best way is to grant the title of" Guardian of Golovin "to the Duke of Bain and give this burden to the real burden People! "

Clang's powerful and eloquent speeches even aroused some sparse applause in the Parliament.

Is indeed a good speech, but Metner, the minister of the seal of the seal, still can't help but frown. He always feels that the style is similar to that of Loren Turin.

"Yeah, I haven't really noticed it." Little Yoder couldn't help but smile, although he did copy some of Loren's speech at the Round Table Parliament and changed it according to his own ideas.

"Then, that speech I ..."

"Remember it, I will ask you to memorize it when you are at the Parliament." Little Yode interrupted politely: "Trust me, if you memorize it or remember it wrong ... I have a way know."

The nobleman shivered and shivered.

"Remember your mission." Little Yoder stared at him coldly: "You have to memorize these words well, you have to make the Imperial Parliament understand the importance of granting the Duke Lord" Guardian of Golovin ", Let them see what will happen if they do n’t do it. "

"If we don't do this, what will be our end?" The noble asked again loudly:

"Gentlemen, as a member of the Imperial Parliament, our highest mission is to protect the majesty of the empire-but if the unity is not enough, so that the imperial capital falls, then the majesty of the empire is destined to disappear!"

"This is our last chance and our only chance to give this burden to those who can bear it; this is shameful, even noble, and it is a manifestation of the unity of the empire up and down, doing so ..."

"Does it really make sense!"

A voice came suddenly, interrupting the noble's voice.

The moment the voice sounded, the faces of the old nobility and the port tax officer were all white at the same time, without any blood.

"Look at your extreme cowardice, if you don't want to take responsibility, this is also a member of parliament ?!" The young aristocrat asked with an impassive loud voice with **** dark circles and a vacant face :

"Leave all the responsibilities and give the burden to an outsider who has nothing to do with the city. Is this how you stand up?"

This time, not only the tax officer and the old nobles, but all the noble parliamentarians present changed their colors and stared at the slightly mad young noble with the expression of the dead.

"The more this time, the more we should stand up, assume our responsibilities, bear our responsibilities, and fight against the enemy of the empire to the last moment ?! Like this, because of the fear of taking the consequences, we will take all responsibilities and Trouble throwing it all away is really ... cowardly! "

Powerful words echoed in a hall-like atmosphere.

"In other words ..." The Minister of the Seal, who was faintly aware of something, looked at the young aristocrat meaningfully and said lightly:

"Your Excellency ... is against the proposal to grant Duke Byrne" Guardian of Golovin "?"


"Your task is to stand up when all the nobles are silent." Little Yode coldly said: "If necessary, you need to show a little courage and come out loudly."

"Reverse, Oppose, Scold ... This is too ..."

"Yes, after all everyone agrees or defaults. If there is not even one opponent, would n’t it seem too strange?"

Little Yod shrugged: "After all, this kind of thing is also a precedent for the empire, and it should still be somewhat opposed."

"But, if at that time the Minister of the Great Seal or Lord Yuqian asked me if I opposed the proposal ..." the young nobleman asked anxiously, his face covered with cold sweats: "Of course I support Lord Duke! But if They forced me to stand ... "

"In that case, you said that you are not opposed to the proposal." Little Jord laughed very cunningly: "You are opposed to putting all the responsibilities on the Duke alone. As the center of power, the Imperial Parliament must also take part. Responsibility-For example, endorsement of the appointment of the Duke and Master ... "

"It turns out that I understand."

Although the expression was indifferent, Minister Palmetto's eyes flashed a hint of disappointment that was hard to detect.

He is almost certain that at least one-third of the noble parliamentarians ~ ~ have been blackmailed by Loren Turin.

"In this case, if no member of parliament is still prepared to refute this proposal ..." Minister Zhang Xi slowly looked up and looked at "the last hope":

"His Honorary Judge, please make a final decision on behalf of the Holy Cross Church."

Under the attention of many people, the Holy See, the representative of the Holy Cross Church, slowly rose and opened his expression blankly.


"... Because the Holy Cross Church is unwilling to make its final statement, I also ask His Excellency Duke Byrne to understand that we cannot hold any honor-giving ceremonies for you, nor can we officially declare your identity as 'Guardian of Golovin' to the imperial court subjects . "

As he said, Minister Palmetto held a scepter with the arms of the crown of the Iron Crown of Desalion in his hands, and handed it to the black-haired wizard:

"But as the Imperial Parliament, we still have the power to grant you the status of" Guardian of Golovin "and all the corresponding powers-from now until the end of the siege, or when His Highness Brandon arrives in the Imperial Capital, you will have the temporary grant of the Imperial Parliament The right to regency! "

Nodded, Loren, took the scepter: "Then what should I do next?"

"You should go to Parliament and officially announce your ruling program and plan to the parliamentarians and Yuqian Cabinet who granted you power." Metternich slowly bowed to salute:

"Guardian of Golovin ... His Excellency Loren Turin!"

:. :

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