Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 266: Who will lead

The imperial capital, the sky dome palace, the royal front cabinet hall.

If some of them choose Loren, they definitely do n’t want to use it as their own war meeting room. Considering the time the messenger wants to go back and forth from the Imperial City Gate or the military camp to the Sky Dome, it sounds hopeless.

The problem is that he has no choice.

With the memories of the imperial capital nobles, or the goldfish of the imperial councils, as long as they and the two hundred people who came with them and the Baien Knight Guard leave the Sky Dome, they will immediately forget the despair when they were threatened and tempted yesterday. And the illusion of "I can fight back" arises, and I start to dig myself in the back.

The Prime Minister of the Seal, Metternich and the Yuqian cabinets have proved with facts that they can't persuade this group of stupid groundhogs and mouldy oranges. The only way to suppress and aerialize them is to keep threats at all times, so Loren must personally sit in the Sky Dome and keep the black lion flag flying on the inside and outside of the main entrance of the Sky Dome so that they can be a little impressed.

As for Yang Fengyin's violation, he said that he should do one thing, remember to eat or not to remember, to rebel from time to time, and to assassinate ... From the two days after the declaration of battle, Loren has reached the point where he is strange, even "infatuated".

Facts have proved that this group of people is not stupid, but it is absolutely self-righteous-as if everyone feels that they are extremely talented conspirators, and feel that they can't guess who did or did not do anything at all.

After doing a few of the most powerful guys in the jump, the remaining nobles of the imperial capital still did not have any idea of ​​"reflection" and went to succeed him with various small actions to trouble him.

If it were n’t for only three days, the dark-haired wizard really had the urge to burn the Imperial Parliament.

"Dear Lord Duke, although your declaration in the Imperial Parliament is magnificent and generous, but ..."

With a tangled face and little dark circles, Little Yode stared at the dark-haired wizard with a maddening look: "Three days?"

"Just finishing all the accounts of the chambers of commerce in the Imperial City, it takes more than three days to mobilize the materials in the warehouses, not to mention you have to defend the city, but you are going out of the city to fight, and the overhead will only increase without decreasing. Do you understand? "

"I emphasize again that I am not a monster like you, not an evil god, a vampire, or a devastated fanatic. I cannot achieve the miracle you want to achieve!"

Took a deep breath, and Xiaoyode shook his hands: "There are more than 100,000 troops in the Imperial City. It is not easy for them to complete the rest in three days. You also want to arm them all out of the city to fight ..."

"You don't need such an army, 80,000 up and down is enough." The black-haired wizard shook his head: "50,000 Baine Corps, 20,000 Ellemand Corps, and 10,000 Sacran Corps staying in the imperial capital."

"Among them, the Sackland Legion does not require us to be responsible for logistics. The Ellerman Legion is basically the same, and then the Byrne Legion ... Weapons and equipment, we have controlled the Armory of the Imperial Capital, as long as it is moved out and used."

Eighty thousand people ... including the deployment of troops, are decisions made by Loren after careful consideration.

First of all, although he participated in more than tens of thousands of melee fights, but he really had little experience in commanding nearly 100,000 people to fight, and maybe 30,000 or 40,000 people were okay. It is difficult to grasp after doubling.

From forty to fifty thousand to more than one hundred thousand, not only doubling the strength of the battlefield but also the width and depth of the battlefield, more than one hundred thousand army confrontation, the war is enough to turn everything outside the Imperial City into ruins.

So he needed Grand Duke Elleman, Julie Wiltz, and his Elleman Corps, and he was only responsible for half the battlefield and co-ordination, so as to reduce the pressure.

As for the Ten Thousand Sacran Army ... just in case.

This heavy infantry regiment that was left behind by Connor and was responsible for maintaining law and order was the royal guard in the royal capital-in fact, it was just adapted from a veteran regiment-the only remaining elite; Loren did not feel able to rely on They are, instead, worried that they might rebel.

Although this legion has always maintained its consistent good style and stayed out of the inner fight, Loren cannot put his hopes on the quality of the other party, so he must pull this elite from the imperial capital.

In this way, no matter how the nobility in the city will toss, the left Baine Legion can also ensure that the critical moment is suppressed and the logistics line will not collapse.

The front line is guaranteed, and the front line battle is equal to a half win. As for the Sakran Army Loren, who has been put on the battlefield, there is a way, whether it is the reserve team or putting them on the front line, they have even done a good job. Psychological preparation before turning back.

Although this possibility is indeed very low.

"The remaining troops will be stationed in the key city defenses and warehouses in the Imperial City, assisting the Royal Guards and Guards Corps to maintain their continuity just in case. They do not need to go out of the city to fight, nor do you need to consider logistics issues for them."

"But, it's just the accounts of all the military, chambers of commerce, warehouses ..."

"If you are thinking of using the title of" Guardian of Golovin ", Duke of Byrne, for personal gain, I suggest you die this heart!"

At the other end of the long table, Victor Hughes, former imperial judge sitting on the side of the long princess Fitrone, snorted and interrupted Jord.

That's right, the long princess Fitlonai and the entire Yuqian cabinet, which is one of the reasons why Loren must stay in the Sky Dome.

Even if he had the authority to rule the imperial capital of Golovin, the imperial parliament was still trying to limit Loren's power; one of them was to ask him to do everything, and he must be absolutely open to the regent Fettelonai.

Although in the eyes of Loren, Her Royal Highness did not seem to have any interest in politics, she has been silent from the beginning of the meeting to the present, relying on Victor Hughes's firm maintenance to maintain a final sense of existence.

Since this is the case, Loren is also happy to ignore her and maintain this harmonious relationship.

"In the name of the Yuqian Cabinet and the Imperial Parliament, I assure you that the Empire will never interfere with normal logistics and trade transactions; but if I were made aware that you have any other ideas ..."

"Yes, we can't refuse the goods from Byrne, but we can refuse you-you still have any one of your subordinates, and any person with the surname Yode will be expelled from the gate of the imperial capital!"

The words with a sharp voice echoed in the hall, and the sneered little Yoder shook his head and no longer spoke.

Victor Hughes ’s threat sounds scary, but in his voice it sounds like there is no difference between a bow and a soft suit; as long as he can make money, little Yoder does not care whether he is "unwelcome person".

"The logistic problem ends here, and the next is the deployment of the army." The dark-haired wizard turned his head and looked at Grand Duke Elmans and Earl Shanyanbao across the table.

The serious-looking Julie Wiltz said nothing, trying to open his arms to stretch out the map that was a bit big for him. As for the direction and strength of the Azore elf siege camp, it had also been marked on the map in advance. on.

Almost at the moment when he saw the location of the siege camp, all generals could not help but frown-the reason is simple, because the terrain advantage occupied by the Azores is so good.

As for why it is simpler, because the timid and imperial nobles never let the defending army out of the city to harass or attack the enemy, so the opposite Azores can choose the location of his camp at will.

The camp of the Azores can be roughly divided into three parts-the Royal Avenue on the north, which controls the road to Lotel and Ebden;

East stronghold, it should be the elven little prince's formation, controlling a highland with tower castle;

The southern stream is a stream and tidal flat that diverges from the Jewel River.

The three parts of the camp are linked together, and the back of the Jewel River surrounds the strongest southern gate of the capital. The total strength is about 100,000. The frontal attack on such a solid camp occupying avenues and highlands is simply looking for death.

Of course, there is no way to crack it-no matter how the camp is arranged, the Azores ca n’t avoid the largest water source of the Jewel River; finding a way to cooperate with the frontal pinch from the river is the simplest and most effective way.

But it ’s a pity that the imperial capital ’s port has been turned into ruins, and all ships were either scuttled or burned, and the reason is basically the same as above.

Severin de Salleone was not present, neither the eldest princess nor the Yuqian cabinet knew anything about the military, so Yuli Wiltz was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly opened:

"The only way to defeat the Azores is to launch a strong attack from the front!"

"The line of defense that controls the first line of the avenue is the strongest, and there are a lot of trenches, earth walls and fences. Only the war will quickly evolve into a tough battle; and the enemy will not be stupid enough to let us attack. The enemies on the high ground will rush down, From the flanks, we defeated our army; "

"It is difficult to build a defense on the tidal flat, but it is also difficult to maintain a close front. The only end of the scattered charge is the slaughter by the elf warrior;"

"As for the enemies in the highlands ... they will not rush down in case, but if we try to attack, they have a superior advantage; the lance square and the shield wall are difficult to play in this place, and the cavalry is even more in this way;"

"Furthermore, if I remember correctly, the Azores also have a projectile weapon called a" launcher ", which can emit a flame beam from a far away, powerful enough to leave marks on the walls of the imperial city and be hit. People ... will become coke. "

"Since their position is above the high ground, the position of the projectile weapon should also be above; after the start of the war, these horrific projectile weapons will force us to attack as soon as possible, and use explosions and roars to turn us into a piece of sand."

"Since it is destined to cause heavy casualties, why do you support taking the initiative to attack?" Justice Yuqian asked.

"Because of the timidity of the nobles and adults, this has become the last choice of hope!"

Grand Duke Ellerman's voice was strong with anger.

"I don't want to talk more about if ... so we have to take the initiative to fight, and we have to meet two conditions if we want to defeat them." Taking a deep breath, Yuli Wiltz said coldly:

"First of all, it is necessary to take advantage of the foggy weather in the early morning-only then can the enemy ’s field of vision be slightly obscured and a surprise attack be launched;"

"Second, we must do everything possible to capture the high ground; occupy the high ground to occupy all the initiative, otherwise the enemies from the top will still kill us completely."

"Therefore, our army must also be divided into three parts to attack from different directions-to avoid too concentrated forces and become a living target for the enemy to project weapons!"

"The Alleman Legion will attack from the tidal flat ... We have the least strength, but if we want to contain the enemy, there is no more suitable person than the two-handed swordsmen of Alleman."

Yuli Wiltz glanced at Loren, and after confirming that the dark-haired wizard had not interrupted his thoughts, continued: "The Byrne Legion is on the front line of Empire Avenue, and at the same time, a sufficient reserve team must be reserved to meet the Ellerman Legion and Beware of enemies in the highlands; "

"Of course, the 50,000 Byern Legion alone is not enough to complete the combat missions on the two battlefields, so the Sackland Legion must also enter the battle and be nailed under the high ground to block the enemy's charge."

"Then what?" Victor Hughes asked.

"Then it depends on who collapsed first." Duke Elmand answered very directly: "It is only a matter of time if the enemy retreats to the highlands and surrounds them; if the avenue or tidal flat battlefield wins a turn, it can support the highland troops; if Both battlefields are completely destroyed ... "

"Then, the battle is over." Loren said softly.

Yuli Wiltz slightly nodded.

Originally in Loren's plan, he hoped that the Holy Cross Church would stand up or send a group of elite oath knights to cooperate with the Sacran Army to block the enemy's offensive in the high ground.

He guessed that the church might refuse, or put forward various requirements or conditions, but he did not expect the Church of the Holy Cross to close the door and stay completely out of business; until now, there is still no news, and he is even unwilling to have any contact with himself ~ www.novelmtl. com ~ Surprised to be surprised, there is still something to do.

"Under the highlands, I will put Bayern's lance phalanx here to stay dead, and the War Knight will be monopolized by Guy Angert, Earl of Shanyanbao. As for the Sacran Army ..."

"I will lead."

Silent Fitronai suddenly said suddenly.

Before the long table in the cabinet hall, it was quiet for a minute.

"Why didn't you hear it clearly?" Feel like she was ignored by Her Royal Highness Princess, frowning slightly: "Then I will say it again, the Sacran legion fighting out of town ..."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Victor Hughes was shocked and almost instinctively stood up: "His Royal Highness, you are willing to fight for the empire, you are in a good mood, we can understand, but this time let the second heir to the empire Leaving the Sky Vault, this is really ... "

Fiteroney interrupted the panicked judge with a wave of his hand, and silently looked at the dark-haired wizard with no emotion:

"You rejected my second request, so this time I changed one, should I agree?"

"Do I have any choice?"

Loren asked rhetorically.

"No, unless you intend to accept the 10,000 Sacran regiment's refusal to accept your order."

"Then it's so settled."

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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