Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 260: Give glory

On the surface of the Jewel River, dozens of large battleships cut off delicate waves, but the turbulent water surface made these warships seem to dance in the stormy waves, and the river continued to overturn on the deck, or from the damage on both sides of the hull Gush.

Because these warships are strictly speaking, it is actually more appropriate to call them "warship wreckage".

Thanks to the superb shipbuilding technology of the Azores-otherwise it is impossible to let the 100,000 troops cross the misty sea-although the battleship was completely burned after the raid by the Grand Duke Elmand, it is still intact and can be used or said ...

Floats on the water.

"We seem to be a little late."

The elven little prince standing on the bow of the ship narrowed his eyes and glanced at the wet boots, with a trace of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"I'm so sorry!"

The captain standing behind him quickly knelt on one knee and immersed his legs in the water-he was even good, and most of the elf warriors were soaked in half of their bodies, and their hands were holding a knife To prevent water rust.

"All warships have been damaged to varying degrees. Temporary repair is better than nothing. To ensure that the ship is not silent, it can only ..."

"Hey ... I'm not blaming you again, what are you afraid of?" Rodria Azore waved his hand indifferently: "I'm just worried that it was too late, and the unlucky Anson and the 20,000 warriors have all been killed. Only. "

The captain kneeling on the ground was still trembling, obviously soaking in the icy river water, but still cold and sweating.

The elf prince, who did n’t even look at him at all, had already focused on the battlefield of Empire Avenue in the distance-not far away, and even by the river, you could just see the sign of the knights of Bain, that flew Billowing smoke.

"How long will the battleship dock?" The little prince asked suddenly.

"Stop, dock ?!" The captain's face was stunned: "But, Your Highness, there is no port near here, and there is no place where the warships can be temporarily docked, even if we stop the warship now ..."

"I just want you to stop the ship now!" The little prince interrupted impatiently:

"Answer me directly, how long will it take to stop the ship and let the samurai disembark and land?"

"This ... about two quarters of a minute?"

"In a quarter of an hour, let the warship dock on the shore-don't get too close, just let the soldiers swim past."

"Follow the order!"

The tattered warships began to move closer to the shore, during which there was also the farce of the disintegration of a warship on the spot ... but finally the army of the elven little prince successfully landed.

No more, no less than five thousand people-just the load-bearing limit of these "damaged warships".

As for the elite prince ’s main force, he is now confronting the elite Grand Duke Elman ’s elite and is "blocked" ... Although it can be pretended, Rodria Azore does not intend to easily spare This **** bear child.

Twice as much as his strength, coupled with the mentality and unintentional, should you allow Julie Wiltz to take a lesson?

"And I can also have a peace of mind, and rescued the two obedient Yuting chiefs by the way."

Raised a lilac cloak, the little prince smiled gently, raised his long sword to the elf warrior soaked behind him:

"Let me go and say hello to the Lord Duke of Byrne!"

"For His Royal Highness Rodria Azores —————— !!!!!!"

When the triangle of Azores appeared from the direction of the Jewel River, the entire battlefield of Empire Avenue exploded with a cheer of excitement.

The already desperate elf warriors immediately began to return to the team, and those who wanted to run away stopped in shame, or under the leadership of a warrior leader, launched a decisive charge towards the phalanx that was still advancing slowly.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed!

The path of the entire Empire Avenue is along the river. With the sudden killing of thousands of elf warriors from the direction of the Jewel River, it is equivalent to directly attacking the weakest flank of the pike phalanx. The original solid blockade line suddenly appeared. Collapsed situation.

Leaned against the forest, and the long-gun phalanx that was fighting against the dense phalanx could not be deployed, and thousands of elf warriors instantly broke the balance of the right-wing battle; the unrestrained heavy servants and ranger knights quickly lost.

What's more troublesome is that this sudden reinforcement has greatly strengthened the morale of the Azore's elf army, and it has also put a lot of pressure on the frontal pike phalanx, and the speed of advancement has become slower than just now.

Bion Legion had to start shrinking the position, but once retreating, it was equivalent to let the two Azores army complete the confluence.

Has been fighting on the front line, and Lucien quickly realized this, and decisively led the fire of the wings of the sky, but only hundreds of people have been paid for the devil hunter, and he ca n’t reverse the gradually bad situation.

Ante, the earl of Tieqing's face, stared at the changes in the battle situation before him, and his face was ugly to the extreme-a little pride that had originally arisen from the timely rescue of the Duke was torn apart.

The right wing of the entire Bain Legion is gradually collapsing. The sturdy pike phalanx quickly disintegrated under the double-faced attack of the elf warrior; the knights or infantry who were too late to leave the battlefield were surrounded, helpless and submerged in the elf warrior In a roar like that.

Fighting like this again, it becomes Beyond Corps itself that is surrounded by two sides!

Watching the siege as it was about to be turned into anti-siege, Ung Anshante, the irresistible irritability, held down the sword hilt on the saddle, and the black-haired wizard suddenly held his shoulder before turning over.

The strength of the sun, even made the Earl, who can wield a large sword with one hand, unable to move.

"Duke ?!"

"Don't worry, Count, this battle is not over yet." Loren smiled slightly on his face-I don't know why, at the moment when the elf prince appeared, he suddenly felt relieved.

Although it was still somewhat unexpected, the other party came.

It was a gamble to decide to attack the Azores himself, and the Earl of Mountain Rock and the Grand Duke Elmand decided to support themselves also betting-although they did not pull out all the troops, but in the face of Rodria Azore His opponent, Loren doesn't think that he can stop his attack by relying on enough troops.

"Don't worry ... But if we go on like this, our right wing will be broken!" Anxiously looking at the battlefield that is still deteriorating, the Earl of Shanyanbao became more and more impatient:

"Let me go! The war knight led by the next person to fill the vacancy, should be able to save some battles ..."

Stopped the Earl of Shanyanbao who wanted to struggle again, and the dark-haired wizard shook his head.

"Believe me, if it is time for the heroic **** battle of the knights, I will never stop you ... but it is not now." Loren stared at the Earl of Mountain Rock Castle:

"Let the knights of the battle go down and spread to the various lance squares to maintain morale and continue to advance the front ... Ramalos!"


"Charge, bring me down from the front!"

"Follow the order!"

Excited cavalry commander, mixed with a hint of bloodthirsty impulse.

While the Azore elves were still attacking the right wing of the Bayern Army, the phalanx of the Central Front suddenly stopped advancing; not only that, these seemingly indestructible phalanxes also showed a tendency to retreat.

"They are defending! That's right, the Empire is timid, they are retreating to defend!"

Neither Anson Zade nor the elven prince knew where this word came from—anyway, by the time they wanted to stop it, it was too late.

The elf warriors who noticed that the enemy had begun to retreat threw down the enemies in front of them, and rushed towards the phalanx of rifles in the middle of the battle, no matter how many times the horn sounded behind them was useless.

So the elf warriors who drew their swords, almost hit the bain knights who launched the "strike on the wall" after they almost hit the pike phalanx from the "retreat".

"Boom —————— !!!!!!"

The shocking sound of the elves and warriors once again proved with blood that their superb skills and long swords were so weak in front of their heavy armoured cavalry like iron monsters.

The sound of iron hoofs, the Azore elves who charged forward quickly collapsed like an avalanche.

There are constantly elf warriors trying to break through the charge, using the spiked spear and superb knife to break through the charge of the Bayern knights, but apart from the very few successful ones, the rest are mostly weapons in their hands that have not touched the enemy. Spilled blood.

Almost as the cavalrymen charged, the "retreating" Phalanx infantry immediately pressed on-unlike the "black wall" of Sacran, Byrne's lance phalanx attacked more like a "wave".

Is not a crowd, but a row-by-row, staggered diagonal attack, which maximizes the impact to the enemy's front.

The disadvantage of this tactic is that the flexibility and steering are very poor; but if you want to compare the impact effect, the phalanx infantry that is charged with a gun is definitely several times stronger than the legion infantry with a shield wall-and it is provided to the Bayern knights who charge Cover, so that the enemy can not organize a sufficiently strong defense.

This is the most important!

There is a very strange scene in the war situation that has been broken right now-the right wing of the Byrne Legion has been broken, but it has broken the middle and left wings of the Azores, and the remaining remnants of the enemy are still stubborn, except for a few. In the sound of the horn, they continued to gather towards the right wing of the Baine Legion.

To put it more simply, the right wing, which was defeated by the Bain Legion but was also defeated by the Azores, the troops of both sides attacked the opponent's belly and flanks in a clockwise direction.

Faced with the crazy raids of the elf warriors, the phalanx of the spear that gradually disorganized the position and the heavy servants were equally weak. After the very few ranger knights were beheaded, they were almost one-sided continuous defeat.

It wasn't until the step knights led by the Earl of Mountain Rock that they finally managed to stabilize their positions, but they were only stable. The scattered phalanx of lances was almost flawed in the eyes of the elves and warriors, and it was only killed. It's just a matter of time.

Who can take the lead, defeat the opponent's last defense line, kill the battlefield to complete this "revolving door battle", who will win the battle.

Therefore, the key to this battle is not the charge of the Bayern knights, but the other side was detained by Loren, and there has never been a step knight on the battlefield-how long can the last line of defense they insist on persist, until To what extent is the final battle point.

Only Bain ’s most elite step knights and demon hunters can withstand the Azore elf warriors ’desperate offensive, use casualties to gain time for the charged cavalry, and fight enough to defeat the last stubborn enemy time!


Seeing that the Brian knight who had broken through the Chinese army continued to charge, the elven little prince said without hesitation: "Blow the horn and let Anson retreat with us all the troops that have not been disbanded."

Although at the moment of the raid, he saw the hope of defeating Loren Turin, but the subsequent battle was enough to prove that the other party was not unprepared; now at least he is still superior in strength, and I am afraid that he will fight in the end. The advantages are lost.

"But Your Highness, we haven't lost this battle!"

The elf warrior holding a flag aside hurriedly said: "Please give us some time, I can wait ..."

"I said, retreat."

The impatient little prince directly snatched out, with a long knife on his neck: "Are you not understanding what I said, or are you going to rebel against me?"


The elf warrior really didn't dare to say more in half a sentence.

"This battle is over and our goal has been reached-break through, save all the troops that can be saved, and the rest of the unlucky eggs will die with them!" The little prince explained helplessly:

"Yes ~ ~ It looks like we are about to win, but this is just because we beat him by surprise-when the guy from Loren Turin reacts, we lose."

"Don't forget that the monster hasn't shot it personally yet. Guess how many useless troops and cards he has in his hand? Guess right, there are rewards!"

"Don't dare to belong!"

"Dare? Don't you dare to execute the order yet ?!" The smiling elf prince lowered his head and looked at the elf samurai of the knife holder's neck with crescent-like eyes:

"Oh ... don't you think I made a mistake, so you plan to guide me?"

"Absolutely, there is absolutely no such idea, the subordinates will organize the retreat!"

After a moment, the rush of the horn sounded.

Almost at the same time, the sound of the marching trumpet of the Byrne Legion sounded at the same time, reflecting each other over the Empire Avenue.

"They're going to run, this long ear is really going to run this time!" The moment he heard the horn, Guy Angter, the Earl of Shanyanbao, waved his sword in his hand excitedly, but he didn't respond to him The knights who came over shouted:

"Have you heard, this is the horn of their retreat-the enemy's army has been completely defeated, and now they have to escape, and now is the time for our final counterattack!"

"Bairen, kill enemies with me!"

"To our Duke ..."

"Give your glory-!"

:. :

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