Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 261: As a brother

On the evening of the second day of the battle, the Byern Legion, who had cleaned the battlefield, finally moved northward, and formally headed towards the road to the imperial capital of Golovin.

The reason why will be dragged to the next day is to clean the battlefield in addition to the necessary rest-to bury the corpses, treat the wounded, sweep the spoils, and dispose of the prisoners ...

Troubles such as this made the Baine Army have to stop. After all, this is not a polar north ice field or a wild country ridge. In case of a large-scale plague in the essence of the Empire, the end may be ten thousand times more terrifying than the fall of the imperial capital.

For this reason, Loren had to give up the idea of ​​chasing the little prince of the elves-although there are cautious reasons, but this excellent opportunity, if he can, he will not let go.

The information sent back by the demon hunter who was on the reconnaissance mission basically verified his guess: the Azores came from the Gem River, but they did not leave the river when they retreated, but quickly reorganized the team, Continue along the previous marching route.

A large army—usually a team of more than a thousand men—needs to determine the route of the march before traveling to maintain the system to prevent the team from moving away; nor will it be lost or do not know where to go The stupid problems within walking lead to low morale, and determining a good route in advance can avoid most accidents and dangers.

Rodria Azore ’s choice demonstrates his ability as a qualified commander; in the face of such enemies, hurriedly organizing a small-scale raid team is purely meat-packed, and if it is an orderly pursuit , And one hundred percent will be easily evaded by him.

Loren hates doing such useless work.

After cleaning the battlefield, the weary and somewhat embarrassed Baien Legion went north, and encountered the Elleman Legion that was even more embarrassed than them.

The Elleman Legion with less than 10,000 people was almost injured. Very few of them appeared to be "normal" and were covered with bandages. They limped and walked with each other, with some dark faces, almost There is no place intact.

The march of the Alleman, which is marching hurriedly, does not have excess weight, so the towed soldiers are almost all unable to move, and can only rely on stretchers and crutches to walk.

Even Grand Duke Ellerman himself was also embarrassed. The large cloak of his body was missing, and his tightly worn armor made his already thin figure even more delicate, and he could not see the majesty of the Grand Duke of a country.

Didn't need to speak at all, and when they saw them, Loren could probably guess what happened-they were ambushed.

The elven little prince had long guessed that there would be an ambush to stop him, so he took the elite adventure to cross the Gem River; and the remaining army encountered the "Aleman ambush" in the middle of the way according to the original marching route-mental and unconscious In the case of very disparate forces, heavy casualties are almost inevitable in order to stop the enemy's offensive.

They can withdraw alive and the system is complete, which is already a miracle in itself; for Loren himself, he does not think he can do better than Yuli Wiltz.

"It's really embarrassing."

When some limping, wounded Elder Mann, approached, Lucien took the initiative to greet him, with a sneered tone of unabashed humor:

"The grand Duke Ellerman is still in danger alone. Are you afraid that the blood of the Wurz family will not be cut off fast enough yet? Or is it too self-righteous and feels that you can do everything?"

"I think it's such a thing, it's not your turn to speak." Despite being extremely exhausted and scarred, Julie Wiltz still stood straight and looked solemnly at the "sneer" Lu Sien:

"I heard ... a guy who apparently does not have the talent of a wizard and still wants to become a demon hunter. With only a tenth of the success rate, he wrote three high-level spells on his own runes ..."

Luss snorted softly, his expression unconcerned.

"Participated in various experiments related to the demon hunter many times, and once climbed the Mount Jufeng ..."

Shrugged, this time the gray pupils were too lazy to answer him.

"Even if it is so inadequate, it is rumored to be in contact with the power of the evil spirits, and it is still trying to master the warrior way of the Azores ..." Juli Wiltz stepped forward, staring dead Those silver-grey pupils that look exactly like themselves:

"This kind of guy is qualified to say that others think they are right?"

"Of course there is." Lussene said unashamedly, looking at his half-brother: "I have succeeded in what you said."

"Even if it succeeds, it will only become a slave of" power "."

"Well, what is better than someone who has blinded one eye."

Looked up sneeringly, and Lucien glanced disgustedly at the blindfold on Julie Wiltz's face.

Julie Wiltz, who frowned slightly, had a deep expression.

The eyes of the "brother-like caring", the gray pupils who looked looked hairy.

The silence lasted for a minute, and Lucien, who couldn't hold his eyes, ripped the corner of his mouth: "Why, why?"

"You are too impulsive, Lucien-don't even need other people to actively stimulate, they will lose their reason and do things that hurt themselves because of the simple reason of` `proving yourself ''."

Yuri Wiltz raised a brow: "That's why my father gave me the inheritance rights of the family; you who are too emotional are not suitable for taking over the burden of the master of a country."

The gray pupil was stunned for a while, then sneered: "Why, do you want to use this to save some face? Rest assured, I have no interest in the thing on your head; even if you give it to me, I will not ..."


Not finished, almost instinctively responding to Lucien, catching the thing thrown by Julie Wiltz; the palm opened, a red and white badge separated by a black cross.

The family crest of the Wiltz family in Dragon Heart City.

"What does it mean?!"

"This is something that belongs to you, it has nothing to do with whether you admit it or not." Grand Duke Ellerman with his hands up, walked to the side of the gray pupil:

"My father chose me that day because he was worried that you were too impulsive and too eager to prove yourself, but ... this does not mean that I must also hold the same view as my father."

"As the current Grand Duke Ellerman, I don't think the next successor must also be an absolutely sensible and calm decision maker." Facing Lusien's Julie Wiltz, the look is difficult to distinguish:

"In the face of the following situation, he may also need such qualities, but he also needs the courage to despair, and the determination to win by any means."

Glanced at Lucien, who was completely stunned, but Duke Elmand turned his gaze to another direction:

"Is that right, Lord Loren Turin, Duke of Byrne?"

The black-haired wizard who was suddenly "named" showed a slightly embarrassed smile-he didn't want to blend into this "brother and brother".

But before waiting for Loren, Duke Elmand had already ended this embarrassment.



"The enemy's attack was beyond my judgment, I did not expect ... No, I should have known that Rodria Azore could have guessed that there would be an army blocking in the middle."

"Don't mention these." Loren shifted the subject consciously: "How about the casualties of the Elmans, is it serious?"

The moment the words fell, Loren noticed a chill in the eyes of Julie Wiltz.

"The words of casualties ... you should have seen it already." Yuli Wiltz's expression became cold:

"I guessed that the enemy might be prepared for blocking, so all that was brought from the imperial capital was the remaining elite-more than one-tenth of casualties, almost one-fifth."

"Two of my deputies, one of them was the Earl of Elmans, in order to protect me during the raid, led the guards to be entangled by the enemy, and attracted three times the enemy to get enough time for me."

"As for the casualties since the beginning of the war, it has long been inestimable-more than half of the 7,000 pioneers have been damaged. The 30,000 Dragon Heart City soldiers I brought from my hometown have gone to the second place today."

"You who once confronted the Azore Elf warriors in Ebden should know very well that in the face of these superb swordsmanship, the enemies who cooperate with each other and have special powers, our warriors ... there are not many ways to deal with them. "

"Arrow in a battle of deaths and fight to death-otherwise, there is no second way."

Julie Wiltz ’s voice was very plain, but it could still make Loren hear the pain in his voice: “Because of their heroic **** fight, they would rather die; I, as their duke, can stand here alive and talk to you . "

"Otherwise ... I may become the second master of the nation after being killed by the Azores after Master Corona."

The faint eyes of Duke Elmand dimmed.

'S plain words, but aroused the resonance of many people around.

Although it has only been more than half a year since the declaration of war, the Azore elves have been called a terrifying fighting force, and have left a deep shadow in the hearts of the imperial people.

The knight of Byrne, the two-handed swordsman of Elmans, the "black wall" of Sacran ... The empire's top fighting power, when faced with the Azore elf warrior, is not at all cheaper, and even depends on "Sneak attack" can win back a little advantage.

And ordinary soldiers, there is no room for parry in front of the Azores long sword ... After losing the advantage of close formation, quantity and terrain, almost only the side was slaughtered.

Array battles, killing lives ... Only this one way.

With countless corpses, paved the way to victory or not to fiasco.

The power of the Azores has broken the pride accumulated by the Empire for centuries-the glory of the thirteenth generation, torn apart in front of the sharp Azore sword.

"Forget it, don't say this."

Grand Duke Elmand shook his head and turned his head: "Lord Loren, you need to consider now, and it is not the Azores outside the Imperial City."

"In a sense, those in the city who need you to protect may be the real big trouble for you."

The voice fell, and the expressions of the people on the side changed—especially the knights of the Byern Legion, which even showed a bit of indignation.

Had long guessed that it would be such a dark-haired wizard, but he saw a lot: "How serious can it be?"

"Beyond your imagination." Yuli Wiltz shook his head.

"Because of the previous fiasco and the siege of the Azores, the imperial nobles are now extremely sensitive to‘ power ’, and they are always worried that their power will be taken away by us.”

"Intimidation and temptation, both hard and soft ... In order to maintain their power and status, the Imperial Parliament has reached the point of omnipotence. In my opinion, it is even approaching the point of madness."

"I originally thought that there was the Yuqian Cabinet, and the nobles of the parliament would be at least slightly restricted, but now it seems that such an idea is really naive." Grand Duke Elman sighed:

"The royal family of Desalion huddled in the dome of the sky do not care about the world, the Holy Cross Church urged in the back, and there were some business associations who were stingy with money, and His Majesty Connold ..."

Yuli Wiltz stopped talking.

The dark-haired wizard probably understood something.

"You mean ... the nobles of the imperial capital, it is likely that the city gate will not let me in?"

"Not very likely, but certain." Julie Wiltz looked at Loren's expression a bit complicated:

"Although I understand that your plan is to help the emperor to be under siege, it is not the case in the eyes of those nobles-in their view, you are the second black prince of the year; any emperor noble who remembers the time of the black prince, all Will not be willing to accept such results again. "

"Even if they know that it is impossible, they will desperately rebel against everything."

"is it?"

The dark-haired wizard smiled innocently ~ ~ Without waiting to say anything, the embarrassed Yuli Wiltz suddenly stepped forward, leaving only the silver eyes staring at his face:

"Loren Turin ... I'm not kidding you."

"I don't think you are joking."

"Then what do you plan to do next, attack the Imperial City Gate and then go all the way to the Sky Dome? If you do this, what difference is there between the Azores outside the city?"

"It's very different ... at least my ears are not that sharp."

"I say it again, I'm not kidding!" Grand Duke Ellerman frowned, and said coldly: "Sky Dome ... This is my bottom line, but also the bottom line of the royal family and the empire, if you ..."

"If I really want to get started, I don't need such trouble!" Loren interrupted politely:

"Imagine if I really wanted to seize power or blood-wash the imperial council under house arrest, why would I even send reinforcements to protect the emperor capitals? Wouldn't it be better to do it when they were besieged by the army of elven little princes and the city was broken?

"From the beginning to the end, there is only one thing I want to do, that is to ensure that the emperor will not fall; to ensure this, I need to be given the power to control the city or I can't do it at all."

"You who have personally guarded this city should know this better than me!"

Yuli Wiltz finally calmed down, no longer refuted, just stared silently at the dark-haired wizard.

"……What do you need me to do?"

:. :

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