Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 259: I am equal to this fight

As soon as the battle flag of the Byern Legion emerged from the forest, Anson Zade's mood fell to the bottom of the valley.

The cold fear was like a bone gangrene, climbing up the spine and piercing his mind, letting his breathing stop and his pupils spread.


My thoughts, strategies, decisions ... all within Loren Turin's expectations.

From the beginning, this was the trap set by Loren Turin to wipe out himself and 20,000 elf warriors; and his eagerness for revenge became his tool for accomplishing all this.

Is as simple as a grub in an urn-no matter how struggling, it is impossible to escape the shackles of raising Gu people.

In a trance, the suffocating elf boy blushed and his body shivered violently.

The smoky battlefield was noisy ... The elves warriors who had just broken through the bamboos faced a dilemma facing the formation of the front, rushing out of the jungle on both sides of Empire Avenue. .

The sound of weapons waving, the vibration of armor collisions, the sound of arrows breaking through the air, the harmony of command and shout, the inconsistent horn, the wailing wailing ...

Anson Zade ... He has no idea what to do.

Maybe, maybe I am **** right here, right?

It wo n’t take long for the 20,000 army of elves in chaos to be completely surrounded by the army of the Duke Byrne, their knights will tear the front, and their phalanx of lances will turn into steel prisons, bleeding little by little for themselves , Kill the last elf warrior.

He can even guess that Loren Turin will definitely not end this battle soon. He will bleed little by little to give the hope that the stubborn elf warriors will "turn over".

Is this the price of self-righteousness?

Thinking like this, Anson Zade gradually recovered from fear.

"Master Anson Zade!"

The elf warrior holding the battle flag aside suddenly kneeled down on one knee, roaring with fear and roaring the elf boy.

"Master Anson Zade, please lead me to a decisive battle with the Empire!"

The stunned elf boy shook his head slightly, as if shaking his head subconsciously: "No ... it's no use, we have fallen into the enemy's trap, even if we struggle in vain, it can only be ..."

"Then die to war!" Elf warrior roared stealing:

"Since it is a death anyway, then die here!"

"As you said before, it is worthwhile to exchange the blood of a thousand warriors for the head of Loren Turin, then it is worthwhile to exchange the blood of 20,000 warriors for the same, even if it is a defeated **** battle!"

"Anyway, I can't escape, why don't I die for righteousness ?!"

The blank elf boy suddenly woke up.

Yeah, why not.

Has run out of water, what else can't you put down?

"Let's fight then." Throwing away the magic wand that had been clasped in the palm of your hand, Anson Zade took over the Azores war banner in the hands of the wizard:

"Go, let's fight to the last moment ... this time, I will take the flag."

The elf warrior kneeling on one knee nodded solemnly to Anson, got up and pulled the knife, and moved forward.

"Warriors of the Eagle King-"

Holding a long sword in his hand, the elf warrior ran quickly while roaring, rushing towards the direction of the Byrne Legion:

"Draw a knife! Meet the enemy--!"

………… At the moment when the horn sounded, the Azore elf warriors finally stopped shaking, and the roar of wolves roared through Empire Avenue again, and thousands of long knives flickered under the sun. Dazzling Hanmang.

Despite the scattered front and the opposite of the heavy crossbowmen and pike phalanx of the Byen Elite, these proud warriors still waved their swords as usual, and attacked from the front regardless of everything-as if not doing so, it could not be shown Their identity is the same.

But Rulin's spears don't care about their identity, nor can the arrow rain like locusts.

"Crossbowmen ready-shoot!"

Face to face, the heavy crossbowmen squatting in the front row did not need to aim at all, and flattened their crossbows and fired a whole row of crossbow arrows-in the scattered front of the elf warriors, a burst of "dingling" sounded, but more It was the sound of arrows piercing.

Elves and samurai walking on the robe corpse, without any panic, rushed madly towards the phalanx of the Baine Legion.

The phalanx infantry with their long rifles walked out of the forest without any hassle, forming a close phalanx at the center and sides of the avenue; the jungle-like heavy lances fell down like an open steel lupin.

"Form, move forward!"

A heavy and uniform sound of stepping sounded, and the phalanx slowly moved forward-unlike the "black wall" of Sackland, the Baien who raised their guns and trained the phalanx, but they were far from the level of tacit understanding. , You can maintain rapid formation on the chaotic battlefield.

But walking slowly, tightly arranged in a uniform line, brought a completely different sense of oppression from the Sacran Army.

"Dang! Dang Dang Dang-Poof!"

An elf warrior rushed to the front of the gun array to shoot off the pierced spears one by one, and before the long knife was lifted down, the neck and torso had been penetrated instantly;

More elf warriors rushed towards the Phalanx, and the Phalanx infantry still maintained their pace of advance; the soldiers with slashed guns continued to fall down, or retreated behind the Phalanx The soldiers in the back row immediately stepped forward to fill the vacancy.

Roar and wailing were intertwined in the roar of the collision of the blade and the armor and the body of the flesh, facing the Azore elf warrior who rushed continuously like a desperate, the slowly advancing spear phalanx began to stand still, even Was repelled, leaving a whole line of corpses.

The pile of flesh and blood has filled the gullies on both sides of the road.

"Battle of the trapped beast."

Sneered at the elf warriors who fought bravely and bloody, and there was a sneering expression on the face of Earl of the Rock Fort Guy Anget, and then he smiled and turned his eyes to the dark-haired wizard beside him:

"Duke, congratulations-20,000 long ears of dross, it is your booty; if the nobles in the imperial city see this scene, I am afraid that all of them will be scared."

Although some arrogant emotions were unavoidable, it was the first time that Loren, who had been "smoothing" with the sword at the round table council, had been so flattering.

Went alone, and without any advantage, destroyed the blockade that the Azore elf tried hard to set up, and even had a big appetite to destroy the 20,000 army of Azore elves forced to retreat ...

If Loren fails, he must wait until Earl Shanyanbao leads the army to rescue the situation, then it can be called arrogant or insatiable;

But he succeeded ... Well, in the eyes of the Bayern, he is a genuine hero; even a hero who can be compared to the "Black Duke" and brings Bayern with supreme glory.

"Battle of the trapped beast?"

The dark-haired wizard shook his head: "No ... it's far from that; we can't carelessly until we get the final decisive result."

"Duke, do you think that at this point, the elves on the other side can make a comeback?" The Earl of Shanyanbao had difficulty channeling.

At the age of the black-haired wizard, he was also worried that the other party would be complacent, and he had to find a way to persuade the Duke to come.

The silent black wizard, staring at the triangle of the Azores on the battlefield.

The whole battle is shifting towards what he most hopes to see-although I don't know why, the commander of the opposite Azore elves gave up the chance of a final retreat and decided to fight against him on the spot.

Next, as long as he slowly surrounds him, he can kill these 20,000 elf warriors with a little blood; the battle may be very fierce, and it will hit the day and night, but the final victory must be yourself.

According to the information sent by the Earl of Mountain Rock, Grand Duke Elleman, Julie Wiltz, had led the army to stop the elf prince-he had no worries about his final worries, only to ensure there would be no breakouts.

But the more so, the more careful you must be, after all ...

"After all, my dear Loren ca n’t use the power of the void at will as he used to ~" The voice of the childish words was mixed with a little joking, sounded in the ear of the black-haired wizard:

"Well ... Although Dear Loren was already very cautious in the past, I didn't expect that it would only become more cautious when opening the second valve, and even began to be a little timid ..."

"To shut up."

After interrupting the interference of a certain guy, the dark-haired wizard turned his attention to the battlefield again—as the battle line gradually entered a white-hot state, the elf warriors finally stopped attacking the front of the pike phalanx, and began to maneuver to the sides, trying to attack The wings of the Byrne Legion.

But this is destined to be in vain.

Heavy shield servants wielding shields, chain hammers, and battle axes. Ranger knights with high swords rushed out of the jungle, wantonly plundering the single elf warriors who attempted to go around.

The moment the blades were staggered, the elf warrior who held the sword to the enemy was able to block the saber that fell from the top of the head, and the galloping knight had already escaped the battlefield calmly;

The elf warrior raised his head in consternation, and saw the hammer that was flying towards him.


The crisp crackling sound, the elf's face and head shattered into slag; the torso of the head lost kneeling on his knees, twitching and falling into the green grass together with the long knife that fell.

Similar scenes are being repeated repeatedly.

Sometimes the ranger knight was dragged off the warhorse and died together with the elf warrior; sometimes it was besieged by a heavy servant and fell under a sudden cavalry sword; sometimes the superb swordsman warrior calmly parried, making the surrounding servants and cavalry dare not dare Forward, sometimes ...

In any case, the narrow jungle with two wings has become a blood-soaked, impenetrable fighting field, ensuring that the wing of the lance phalanx will not be penetrated; while the frontal battlefield has been completely dominated by the lance phalanx and cannot pass at all.

Such a net has been formed, no matter how struggling the Azores ca n’t escape, unless they can forcibly break through from the front, or collapse in place to disperse the birds and beasts ... But that kind of ending is not as good as the whole army.

If they insist on fighting **** with the Legion, then it is only a matter of time to annihilate them; if the Azores are going to retreat to escape, then it is only a matter of time to annihilate them.

Just as the Earl of Rock Hill "touted", twenty thousand Azore elf warriors are already in Loren's pocket.

So the last thing left is only one thing-beware of the last case.

"Rigrel, Ramallos!" Loren shouted behind him.


"All the knights have finished their rest, and they are waiting together!"

"Follow the order-!"

The two counts immediately retreated, summoning the rest of the Bayern knights.

"Send a knight now, wouldn't it be too early?" Earl Shanyanbao frowned slightly: "This group of long ears has no brains, but the morale and physical strength are very good, and it will not be easily defeated in a short time ..."

"Our enemies are not just those in front of us, Earl Angut."

"It's not just those in front of you, you mean Grand Duke Ellerman has ..."

"Just in case." Shaking his head, Loren interrupted the guess of the Earl of Mountain Rock Castle: "In any case, His Highness the Elven Prince will not easily give up the army of these 20,000 Azore elves, so he Must come. "

"I believe in the strength of Grand Duke Elmans, but even if it is only 1 in 10,000, it must not be taken lightly." The black-haired wizard explained:

"Earl, the 20,000 legions you brought from the imperial capital, it's already reluctant to surround the enemy in front of us. In fact, in a hurry, we can't actually build a sufficiently complete line of defense, and the back and belly are almost completely exposed; once they are attacked, they will end ... Too much stronger than the opposite Azores. "

"Winning ... will still win, but that kind of victory with heavy casualties, let's try to avoid it."

Slightly amazed Earl Mountain Rock stared at Loren stunnedly ~ ~ To stop talking, he remained silent.

He actually did not like this seemingly safe "conservative" tactic-if possible, the Earl of Mountain Rock still hoped that Loren could become another existence like the Black Duke.

Even the man was the culprit that made Byrne's decline.

Lorren staring at the battlefield, constantly thinking about the tactics that Rodria Azore might use.

It's almost impossible to fight back at this point; but it is almost impossible to reverse the situation; but Rodria Azore ... the elf little prince, he is really hard to imagine the other side will calmly admit defeat.

The only question is how he will break the game.

What about myself ... what would you do if you faced this situation?

The siege of the army, but also the enemy's obstruction-the rapid attack of the enemy does not even exist in the logistics of the sneak attack. How can we solve the siege in such a situation?

Where are your flaws, and where is the only flaw in the entire layout?

Where is the Baine Corps that will never be considered and can be organized to defend?

While he was still musing, a demon hunter suddenly crossed the battlefield and rushed anxiously in front of Loren:

"Master Duke, there are a large number of military operations in the direction of the Gem River. It is suspected that the Azores are coming towards the battlefield!"

"Strength ... There are thousands of people!"

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