Sequential Evolution

Chapter 400 Alien Star Zone!

A large amount of life essence was extracted, as if the body was hollowed out.

At this time, due to the transformation of Yang Shou, the first servant Albedo's condition became fuller.

The impact originally caused by the forced interruption of the skill was also dispelled by Lin Tianyi's operation.

Sitting in the magic metal car, Lin Tian looked at the state of his first servant and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

【Servant Albedo】

[Level: lv12]

[Potential: SR+]

[Equipment: Malicious Ghost's human skin dress, low-voltage dark light and wind staff, Wind Chime Princess' golden anklet]

[Skills: War Dance (Life Draining), Forbidden Spell (Life Draining), Vocal Cord Transformation Surgery, Spiritual Charm, Gumantong Refining]

[Upgrade rewards: unlock skill learning ability, body humanization, and spiritual recovery]

[Skill Slot 1: Limit one for one]

[Skill slot 2: Create something out of nothing]

[Automatically allocate 10 points of free attributes, current mental power value: 30 points]

[Remarks: The servant's unique learning ability can transform temporary skills into personal skills by absorbing the master's vitality. After the skills in the skill bar are actively forgotten, they can be learned a second time. 】

[Remarks: Master, please give Ya'er your orders! 】

Looking at Albedo, who looked like a witch resurrected, and whose complexion and condition were almost the same as those of humans, Lin Tianyi raised the corner of his mouth.

Very good, this servant of mine can be said to be extremely powerful in his current state.

Although it may still be incomparable with S-level hunters such as Psychological Scalpel and Red Heart Pitaya, with the blessing of two powerful skills carefully selected by Lin Tianyi, it cannot be underestimated.

After completing the transformation of the servant, the speed of the magic metal car has also been greatly reduced.

In front of you is the location of the meteorite fragments provided by [lv13 Intelligence Expert·Red Heart Dragon Fruit] - the alien area.

This place is not too far from the volcanic landscape. Logically speaking, the landscape near active volcanoes should be relatively desolate.

However, the lushness of the vegetation in the area in front of him was almost comparable to the outer reaches of the jungle under the influence of the Seven Deadly Sins World Core [Fruit Core] that Lin Tianyi had seen.

Get familiar with the dense jungle, a large number of plants, flowers.

Under the aurora flashing and dancing in the sky, it is simply more terrifying than the secret jungle in any horror story.

Lin Tian felt his skin itching slightly just by looking at it, as if seeds from a plant falling on his body would immediately take root and sprout.

In the distant jungle sky, there are clouds of black mist like miasma particles floating in the sky.

In the sky, there were several hairless, footless, herbivorous birds with huge mouthparts like carp kites, gliding through the thick fog, sucking in the black mist like silver carp and bighead carp.

Lin Tianyi's eyesight was very good. He saw many circular ribbon-shaped creatures that were like hydrogen balloons quickly flying into the sky, and then falling rapidly by expelling the gas from their bodies, and stuck on the skinless pterosaurs, sucking the flesh and blood.

Kind of like those pesky ticks in the forest?

At this time, [Sloth]'s clone stepped out of the car and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The oxygen concentration here is much higher than that in other areas of the trial battlefield. Just taking a breath makes your whole body feel light and slightly intoxicated with oxygen.


"It's so fresh. I wonder if walking in will produce intoxicating oxygen."

Lin Tianyi's [Godhead] avatar was smiling and talking when suddenly he spit out a dozen bulging green cells.

These dust-like particles, which were originally too small to be visible to the naked eye, were inhaled into the body by the clone, and immediately stretched out the awl-like plant roots to quickly absorb water, and in the blink of an eye they expanded to the size of a pea.

Lin Tianyi frowned and watched as the clone crushed these dangerous seeds with his feet.

He immediately took out the miner's protective clothing obtained from [Dimension Star] and distributed it to his clones and servants.

"It's very dangerous here. No wonder the Red Heart Pitaya would rather fight for the [Sacred Fire] with the Kryptonians than come here."

"But it doesn't matter."

"We have encountered this kind of situation several times."

Lin Tianyi has slowly adapted to the feeling of communicating with his clone through language.

The light of [Double Eyes·Vientiane Dark Gold] lit up, and the clone [Lazy] took the initiative to order Fan Bian, the four-staff mage who was already fully dressed, to take the lead in stepping into the jungle area.

As vision sharing turned on, Fan Bian immediately saw a large number of black columns growing on the surrounding ground.

On these columnar mushrooms, there are yellow fluorescent dots arranged from top to bottom, just like a mushroom with more than a dozen regular cat eyes.

Seeing Fan Bian walking by in protective clothing, the black mushroom suddenly sprayed out a large number of scarlet spores, which landed on the protective clothing, stuck to it, and corroded the protective clothing with its tiny mouthparts in an attempt to get in.

"It's quite troublesome, but the protective suit material of [Dimension Star] is very special, so biological attacks of this level are not a big problem."

"Earlier, didn't you see a lot of evolvers from European heavy industry killing an S-class hunter in the alien area? How did they survive there?"

After hearing Lin Tianyi's question, the clone handed over the [Evil Eye of the Guard Dog] and said:

"In European Heavy Industries, there is an evolver with the ability to control plants. Several other people seem to be superpowers and can transform into flame people and metal people. This kind of environment is actually beneficial to them."

When Lin Tian heard this, he nodded and said:

"Oh, that's right, then I'm overcomplicating the problem."

As Lin Tianyi finished speaking, a large amount of liquid memory metal covered everyone's body.

The fruit specialty of the Statue of Liberty is indeed convenient, and the value of 500,000 evolution coins is indeed not an exaggeration.

"Let's go deep into the jungle. I've added liquid memory metal armor both inside and outside the protective suit."

"In this way, even if the first level of protection breaks and the protective suit is damaged, the liquid memory metal on the surface of the flesh and blood can ensure that the body is not parasitized."

As Lin Tianyi, the lazy clone, and the first servant Albedo entered the jungle, a large number of thumb-sized bugs suddenly gathered on the ground. They had sandworm-like mouthparts and amazing jumping ability. The moment Lin Tianyi and others entered the jungle, he jumped on everyone's bodies, opened his mouthpiece and stabbed several people.

A bit like an annoying dry leech, Lin Tianyi never had a good impression of bugs. Seeing that he didn't move much, a large number of hedgehog-like spikes immediately protruded from the surface of the memory metal, instantly penetrating the bugs on his body.

A black ten-eyed mushroom on the ground exploded with one kick. Surrounded by a large amount of pink mist, the four people quickly headed deep into the forest.

Around the thick trees with various thorns that can release poisonous mist, there are spherical creatures the size of heads hanging. The yellow slime like spider webs extends vertically and horizontally, hanging these spherical balls high.

Looking at these spheres emitting various colorful spectrums, [Sloth]'s clone was quite interested and said with a smile:

"These things are simply the treasures of biological evolvers. Look at those head-shaped balls, do they look like shining light balls?"

As the clone's words fell, a ball on the head suddenly turned outwards and sprayed out a large amount of colorful fluorescent liquid.

It is a strong radioactive material!

Lin Tianyi didn't make any move. The staff in the hand of Four-Wand Master Fan Bian was swung rapidly, and the red gem immediately burst into surging waves of fire.


All the balls were burned and ignited, and a lot of screams came one after another.

"It does shine. I'm afraid the liquid memory metal will also be corroded by these things sprayed out."

"It's a pity that I'm not in the mood to collect these good things now."

"Speed ​​up. The animals and plants here are too dangerous. It seems that those guys from European heavy industries need to be eliminated. Otherwise, if they take away biological samples, they will probably cause trouble in the real world." Lin Tianyi said calmly. said.

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