Sequential Evolution

Chapter 399 High-intensity temporary skills (important must-read chapter)

[Sloth] The clone heard the main body's words and said lazily without comment:

"You are the original body, whatever you want."

"In a moment, if you really encounter those people from European Heavy Industries, just rest and let me do it."

"I helped you extract the effective information about the Evolution Palace, which you haven't had time to check yet. Before entering the alien area, take the time to check it out, so that you can plan your next combat skills."

There are obviously benefits to being able to think independently.

Lin Tianyi's body forcibly cheered up and read the contents compiled by the latter.

"S-level hunter Wu Guangjin, while in [Xuanwei] state, you killed [lv9 Stage Shine·Long-Legged Azashi] to gain a temporary skill: Highlight Moment."

"S-level hunter Wu Guangjin, while in [Xuanwei] state, you killed [lv11 Gang Godfather Jin Taichang] and obtained the temporary skill: Framing."

"S-level hunter Wu Guangjin, while in [Xuanwei] state, you killed [lv12 Historical Inventor Caihao Oppa] and obtained the temporary skill: Create something out of nothing."

Your [Xuanwei] skills are as follows:

[Ground Crying]: Activating this skill will consume a lot of mental power. Every 10 points of mental power can affect geological changes within a 10-meter range. The more mental power is consumed, the larger the range and the stronger the power. (Number of times this skill can be used x1)

[Art of Paper Explosion]: Activate this skill to create powerful explosive objects by cutting, folding, drawing, etc. The strength of each attack depends on the exquisiteness of the paper. Simple paper drawing can be doubled by Infusion of mental power to improve attack effect. (Number of uses of this skill x10)

Note: If a piece of paper is folded in half 103 times, the universe may not be able to accommodate it!

Note: When swinging the paper cannon, the paper expands rapidly under the impact of the airflow, forming a curved surface. As long as the pulling force and paper force are strong enough, I can create a supernova-like explosion effect!

[Highlight Moment]: When K-pop music sounds, you will get the protagonist’s halo bonus! Under different music, different costumes, and different scenes, as long as someone screams for you, your charm, strength, and skill effects will be increased by the [Power of Faith]! This skill has no consumption. (Number of times this skill can be used x1)

Note: No one can beat me in my story! Not even ghosts and gods.

[Framing and Framing]: Activate this skill to forcibly change a kill decision. You can forcibly transfer your own or others' kill behavior to any nearby evolvers, NPCs, powerful creatures, etc. within 100 meters. After this skill is successfully activated, 3 points of inherent energy will be deducted. The judgment result was recognized by the Evolution Palace. (Number of times this skill can be used x1)

Note: You did it, Zhang Qiandan!

[Create something out of nothing]: Consume mental energy to forcibly obtain extraordinary skills that the opponent has already released, including but not limited to scroll skills and title skills. This skill actively consumes one point of all attributes, and there is a probability of determining the ownership by rolling a dice. When the number of points is greater than three, the skill ownership will be forcibly obtained. (Number of times this skill can be used x1)

Note: Your skills beat mine, so I applied for intangible cultural heritage!

"Evolved Mist Light Ember, current temporary skills: 1. Earth Cry (number of uses: 1); 2. Art of Paper Explosion (number of uses x10); 3. Highlight Moment (number of uses x1) 4. Framing (use Number of times 1); 5. Create something out of nothing (number of times used 1); 6. Corpse control technique (grey)"

"The upper limit of your [Temporary Skills] has been exceeded. Please choose a temporary skill to give up immediately, otherwise [Zombie Control Technique] will be replaced by [Su Nuo's Palm] and automatically converted back to the mission item status."

Lin Tianyi's face was strange.

The [temporary skills] given to the several evolvers from Bang Country that he casually killed were actually so powerful.

Not only is it awesome, the notes on the Evolution Palace are also very interesting.

Who is Zhang Qiandan? ! Lin Tianyi didn't even know where this joke came from.

For a while, Lin Tianyi really had a hard time making a choice.

First of all, [Su Nuo's Palm] Lin Tianyi must not give up.

Regardless of whether you have feelings for this mission item that has followed you since level 1, it doesn't matter.

His current physical fitness has increased in strength after breaking through lv10, and the recovery effect of [Reversal Technique] has gradually become less effective than before.

In particular, it was Lin Tianyi who obtained the non-consumable item [Da Qian Lu].

This, combined with his clone, and the bonus of [Su Nuo's palm] for reversing the technique, simply added three points of strength to Lin Tianyiping.

Therefore, one of these temporary skills must be chosen or discarded.

Looking at the five temporary skills [Creating something out of nothing], this skill is too overbearing.

Consume attribute points to turn the enemy's skills into your own, absolutely! Absolutely amazing!

The evolver named [LV12 Historical Inventor Caihao Oppa] has the qualities of an emperor.

I didn't expect that I would kill three super powerful evolvers with my casual killing. This wave of blood gain came too suddenly.

Also, the skill [Frame and frame] can actually be recognized by the Evolution Palace. Does that mean that he can use this skill to make a killing in the next S-class hunter battle?

In other words, if the skill of framing someone was given to the first servant Albedo, then the subsequent trial tasks would be much easier.

As long as he uses it well, he can provoke fights between major NPC forces, and even trick other evolvers...

No wonder these three Bang Nation evolvers dared to confront him head-on. If the battle really dragged on for a long time, Lin Tianyi might really suffer a big loss.

Isn’t it possible that gossip will be dealt with by others?

Incredible, Lin Tianyi patted his chest.

After a brief hesitation, he chose the more direct effect of [Creating something out of nothing] and used this skill to fill up the remaining skill slot of [Albedo] by consuming Yang Shou.

The good intentions of the Evolutionaries of Bang Country cannot be wasted.

Any temporary skill is useful. Lin Tianyi is reluctant to give up one directly.

Activating the [Junhou] skill, Lin Tianyi forcibly summoned Albedo who had forcibly interrupted the [Extreme One for One] skill.

On the back seat of the magic metal car, Albedo, wearing the [Male Specter's Human Skin Dress], had her eyes closed and her hands wrapped around the [Low Voltage Dark Light] staff, like a sleeping beauty.

Seeing that Sekhmet's meteorite fragments fell to the ground in front of him, Lin Tianyi did not hesitate and directly chose the [Create Something Out of Nothing] skill to fill Albedo's skill slot.

"You chose to spend 7 years of Yangshou to fill the temporary skill [Create Out of Nothing] into the first servant Albedo's skill slot two. Do you want to activate it?"

Lin Tianyi was shocked when he looked at Yang Shou's consumption number in surprise.

This is too much. The previous [Extreme One for One] only consumes less than one year of Yangshou. This exclusive skill of [lv12 Historical Inventor Caihao Oppa] is really terrifying, and it also proves its huge potential in disguise. .

"It's okay. Anyway, there are products that increase lifespan for sale in the Evolution Palace's mall. You can just make up for it when the time comes."

With this thought in mind, Lin Tian directly clicked [Skill Transformation].

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