Sequential Evolution

Chapter 401 Chaotic Battle Situation

After killing several terrifying monsters with hundreds of black tentacles, Lin Tianyi seemed to be surrounded by a black ice jungle.

In the more than 20 minutes he spent deep in the alien zone, he had killed no less than 80 weird and deadly things.

Compared with the intensely colored jungle that we encountered in the old song city before, the environment here is more dangerous than the aberrant creatures in the movie Star Color.

The lv10 trial battlefield is already so dangerous. I really don’t know how many high-level evolvers will die in the more advanced trial areas.

With this thought in mind, the jungle in the distance suddenly made a violent noise.

A large number of thick and towering trees collapsed in an instant, startling numerous 'ticks' that flew up like green balloons.

These green balloon bugs have two sharp crayfish-like tentacles. After flying up, they can reach an impact speed of more than 430m/s through the jet of tail. This is already comparable to the attack power of a 9mm bullet. If there is no 10 Evolvers who have a physique above 10 points and enter here wearing cloth armor will suffer.

Being bombarded by these things, if it hits the exposed skin or head, even if the defense cannot be broken, the various powerful neurotoxins are enough for any evolutionist to drink a pot.

"There's a fight ahead."

Lin Tianyi waved his hand alertly, signaling the servants to stop.

Wearing the epic ring [Evil Eye of the Guard Dog] again, Lin Tianyi quickly passed through the probing eye and cast his sight towards the situation in the dense forest to investigate.

One of the warring parties is indeed the evolvers of European heavy industry.

The huge flame-colored cat eye of the Eye of Supervision appeared on the head of one of the savage-like female evolvers. She actually gave up her protective clothing!

The skin that should have been white is, after tanning, covered with fluorescent blood belonging to alien creatures, forming mysterious lines, like Indian totems or Amazon warriors.

Especially her chest, which was simply wrapped with a piece of vine to cover up the important parts. The grass skirt on her lower body was swinging and she used her feet to make weird drum beats. She easily controlled the entire forest to fight for her.

As soon as she waved her palm, a large number of distorted vines immediately wrapped around the three hostile evolvers from all directions.

These vines are as thick as calves, with hundreds of open or closed piranha mouths growing on them. The fangs made of wooden thorns are dripping with purple venom. While entangling everyone, the mouths constantly emit violent corrosive smoke. .

The enemy's evolvers are led by a man with more than twenty mechanical arms.

Long sword, machete, pulse launcher, force light blade, shotgun, snake spear, hand ax...

A large number of weapons, under the chaotic dance of his more than 20 mechanical arms, accurately hit all kinds of incoming bugs, vines, and beasts. The explosions of various juices splashed wildly, making the scene chaotic.

And his other fellow evolver, the energy shield surging all over his body, helped the three of them resist the attacks of insects from the alien area and other enemies of the European Heavy Industry.

Compared to the particularly eye-catching primitive woman, the other two members of the European heavy industry were wrapped extremely tightly in thick protective clothing.

The European Heavy Industries member at the rear had black particles emerging from the palms of his hands. Computer information codes were flowing rapidly around him. The bright green zeros and ones formed a stream of data torrent, continuously invading the enemy's energy shield.

There were four Evolutionaries from European Heavy Industries, the same team that had previously teamed up to kill an S-class hunter!

[lv11 Daughter of Nature·Audrey Fanny]

[lv10 code hacking·Kendini]

[lv13 Flame Man·Leodopeth]

[lv12 Science Monster·Hopson]

Among the four people, there are three superpowers. It is not known whether European Heavy Industries has made a breakthrough in cell mutation medicine, or whether there are members of the Statue of Liberty among them.

No wonder the opponent's team of four was able to kill an S-class hunter.

This is simply the home court of Audrey Fanny, the daughter of nature, and all animals and plants in the alien region are used by her.

The code hacking ability is also quite perverted. Those green virtual codes are almost pervasive and continue to penetrate into the opponent's body, interfering with the operation of various electronic devices. Lin Tian only observed for a while and discovered that The power of this code hacking skill.

This thing seems to be able to interfere with people's thinking, a bit like the secret sect that Lin Tianyi heard about in the [His Arrival] mission copy before. It can instill a lot of useless knowledge into people's minds, making people constantly confused. In a state of inability to concentrate.

As for the superpower Flame Man, his abilities are similar to those of superpowers in foreign American TV series. His whole body is burning with flames, and his state is close to that of Gu Xiaochao’s Flame King. According to Lin Tianyi’s analysis, this flame skill user Leo Dopes should be even more powerful. Go to Gu Xiaochao.

The battle situation is chaotic, four people fight three people!

Lin Tianyi looked towards the defender who was beaten in an extremely embarrassed manner. When he saw the opponent's virtual name tag, Lin Tianyi's expression became solemn.

The name displayed on the virtual nameplate of the guy who can control more than 20 mechanical arms is: [lv13 Mechanical Power Operator·Jiuding Lengfeng]

Looking at the teammates behind him, the member who is constantly releasing energy masks, the virtual name brand is [lv12 Future Technology·Jiuding Guyu]

Among these three people, there was only one unofficial evolver at level 10, who was an old acquaintance of Lin Tianyi, and the two were evolvers who had not added friends - [lv10 Extremely Evil Knight·Red Sun].

Among the three evolvers, two of them have virtual name tags with the word Jiuding on them.

This shows that they are not naturally recruited evolvers, but the identity of the evolvers obtained by the Jiuding organization by capturing some of the repeat offenders and the military kings selected by the military to kill them!

Although Gu Xiaochao is also a member of Jiuding, whether it is the May 4th Style, Shao Siming, or the lv29 super load Ju Jing that he has seen, they are all members who joined Jiuding through natural recruitment.

This was the first time that Lin Tianyi saw such an official organization evolver with obvious characteristics.

At this time, while Lin Tianyi was observing the battle between the two sides, the battle situation rapidly changed in a direction that was not conducive to the members of the Jiuding Organization.

[lv13 Flame Man·Leodopeth] instantly filled the gap on the battlefield, and [lv12 Science Monster·Hopson] continued to throw various reagent bottles, which were obviously related to explosions and radiation.

Once ignited by the raging flames, the multi-headed hell creatures summoned by the evil knight Red Sun were immediately wrapped in colorful flames and screamed in agony as they were burned.

"Quick! This is your chance!"

"Haha, kill these Jiuding organization's trash."

"Ma Fakeer, the alien fragments belong to us."

The mechanical arm was hacked by the code, and more than a dozen arms lost control. They shot directly at their own people in chaos, and the honeycomb blue protective shield was instantly broken.

This is not because the three Jiuding Evolvers are weaker than the four-man team of European Heavy Industries. It is because the terrain does not have an advantage and their abilities are suppressed!

It is estimated that the unlucky S-class hunter died at the hands of four people because of this situation.

Jiuding Organization’s [Mechanical Power Manipulator Leng Feng] roared:

"You two retreat first, I will stop the rear, Guyu! Retreat with all your strength, and you must stay alive to pass on the news here!"

Lin Tianyi sighed, looked at the [Sloth] clone and said:

"It's time for us to take action."

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