Sequential Evolution

Chapter 283 Kill the Ghost King and Kill the Demon Emperor (delivered in the fifth update)

The demonized Lin Tianyi raised his palm.

The nails are pitch black and the demonic energy is overwhelming.

He raised his hand, turned his palm slightly, and looked back and forth.

The armor as black as ink quickly covered the entire palm.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the armor on his body. It was all cold black, with complicated patterns and exaggerated shapes.

If Lin Tianyi felt something, the black flesh wings on his back stretched slightly. He patted it unskilledly, and the bulging shoulder blade muscles drove the flesh wings.

After just a few shots, Lin Tianyi naturally rose into the air, as if he had applied a lightening technique, and his body was as light as a feather.

Magic surges without being cumbersome.

Gu Xiaochao and Lin Weier looked back and saw Lin Tianyi with overwhelming demonic aura. Gu Xiaochao couldn't help shouting:

Damn, he's so handsome! What kind of move is this? Can he also transform into a demon?

Lin Weier had never seen Lin Tianyi use this move before. A faint blush appeared on her pretty face, but she just said 'hmm'.

? ? ?

Caught off guard, Lin Weier actually agreed to what he said?

Looking at Fu Qingfeng on the side, his cheeks are also slightly red?

Men are not bad, but women don’t love them?

Gu Xiaochao was speechless. Lin Weier could like Lin Tianyi, but you can't!

Lin Tianyi's appearance, set off by the Black Mountain Old Demon and Pudu Cihang, looks more like the final BOSS in this trial mission.

Evil, unruly, and arrogant.

At this time, Gu Xiaochao wanted to shout:

Welcome to Yiling Patriarch Wei Wuxian.

Give Lin Tian a strong reputation.

Pudu Cihang secretly complained.

In his opinion, the strength of the previous young Taoist was completely ignored.

And now Lin Tianyi, just the momentum escaping around him, is no worse than the state he was in when he was in his prime due to the national fortune, and is even... stronger!

With such a killing move, why would the opponent pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger?

What a deep scheming, what a powerful means.

Now, even if they join forces, it's too late!

The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.

It's amazing, it's really amazing. Montenegro has already slapped me in the face.

I, Montenegro, am convinced after losing to you.

Pudu Cihang clasped his hands together, his smile a little stiff, looked at Lin Tianyi and said:

Fellow Taoist, since our strength and identity have been exchanged, our status will also naturally change. How about you sit here as the co-leader of the three realms and I will drink soup with you?

Lin Tianyi raised the corner of his mouth and made what he thought was a warm smile, but in the eyes of the two demons, it was cold and gloomy, like a demon:


The evil spirit is stronger than that of Pudu Cihang, and the ghost energy is stronger than that of the old demon from Montenegro!

Yan Chixia didn't know how many times she had been dumbfounded.

He felt like a human being, as if he had jumped into the middle of a battle between demons.

And the biggest evil hidden beside him is Chiaki Ichiyo, whom he completely trusts and regards as a true comrade.

Yan Chixia shouted loudly:

Fellow Daoist Zhiqiu, you are possessed by a demon. Quickly force the demonic energy out of your body!

Lin Tianyi turned a deaf ear, but looked at Heishan and said:

Are you going to die yourself, or should I do it myself?

Heishan laughed loudly, and suddenly the huge black giant's body collapsed, and his soul fled deep into the netherworld.

But Pudu Cihang was more direct, golden light surged around his body, he turned around and ran away, not even daring to attack at all.

Lin Tianyi soared into the air, and suddenly there was a long and a short one in his hand, and the dragon's claws grasped the dragon-horned knife.

He opened his mouth, and the surging moonlight penetrated into his nose, and then swallowed it into his belly.

His chest swelled high, and the Xuan Zhen and Ximu Longjiao swords in his hands, one long and one short, were suddenly crossed in front of his chest.

boom! ! ! !

The terrifying devil flame sword energy wrapped in black energy flew out instantly, and Pang Fei's ghostly ghost energy surged like waves hitting the rocks.

Hundreds of meters of sword energy shot out vertically and horizontally, directly plowing out two deep sword marks like canyons on the extremely hard Jiuyou ground.

Crossed, the earth cracked.

Deep underground, the miserable howl of the old Black Mountain demon who could not run far came from the cracked gap. It was not loud, and it only screamed once and then stopped completely.

In Gu Xiaochao's evolution palace, the trial prompt came immediately.

[Congratulations to Mr. Chao, your teammate Wu Guangjin has successfully killed the ‘Black Mountain Old Demon’ and the entire mission score has been improved! 】

The next second, Lin Tianyi's figure suddenly disappeared, leaving two red afterimages of his eyes in the air, like lasers captured by a delayed camera, accurately and faithfully recording Lin Tianyi's movement trajectory.

So fast!

Yan Chixia's pupils were shaking, and his gaze could not catch up with Lin Tianyi's movements.

The energy fluctuation caused by the red light in his eyes allowed everyone to see clearly all his movements.

So arrogant.

Pudu Cihang apparently also discovered the death of the Black Mountain old demon.

Are you kidding me? As an old monster whose body is a mountain, if he escapes into the hard Netherworld land, he will almost become one with the entire Netherworld land. How did he find out, and how did he manage to kill Black Mountain with one blow?

Pudu Cihang turned around suddenly and spoke immediately, using the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra!

He attempted to use Buddhism to break Lin Tianyi's demonic body!

Vairochana, Sabha Lusena, the secret lord of Vajrapani, looks like a void, and is resurrected with the majestic void clouds of the Universal Perfect Heaven Palace, the seal of great majesty and virtue!

His body sprouted hundreds of hands, making the shape of a flower, and pushed them out with one palm!

A huge diamond palm, shining brightly, illuminated the Jiuyou world where darkness always resides, and pushed towards Lin Tianyi's demonic body.

Lin Tianyi's body disappeared quickly, and he didn't even take the powerful Buddha handprint!

I have become a demon, not a stupid person.

A cold, low voice sneered behind Pudu Cihang.

It’s the flash of magic dimensional shoes!

The long and short dragon horn boning knives were handed out directly, and the terrifying piercing effect of the sword's blade, infused with Lin Tianyi's demonic energy, instantly penetrated Pudu Cihang's true body.

It was extremely hard, enough to fight with the Black Mountain Old Demon's body, and the hard shell of the opponent's fists and feet was penetrated instantly like a mountain falling apart.

Green blood sprayed out.


As soon as Lin Tian drew his sword, he found that the opponent actually used a lot of magic power to suck the dragon horn sword tightly.

At the same time, Pudu Cihang's body began to transform into a golden body!

The Golden Body Dharma Appearance actually still has the energy to use it again.

Thousand-Armed Buddha.

This is the original form of Pudu Cihang. He is originally a centipede and transformed into a Dharma form. The number of arms is naturally inherited.

Countless golden handprints struck Lin Tian quickly. Every arm was as if made of pure gold, with strong Buddha power.

I, you can see it!

You can't support this demon body for long. If you have the ability, you can kill me with one move!

That's fine.

Lin Tianyi was quite surprised that at this level, Pudu Cihang still had enough energy left to make the final struggle.

Lin Tianyi himself knew clearly about the massive consumption of demonic energy.

His [Ghost Swallowing] skill is only a temporary skill. Every time you use it, you lose one point. Unlike these big monsters, they have practiced for thousands of years and have a strong foundation.

Therefore, Lin Tianyi did not hesitate, and the [Black Flame Ring] on his hand lit up with a cold light.

He opened his mouth suddenly and made a pop.

A large amount of bone spirit cold fire swept through Pudu Cihang's golden body in an instant.

Countless arms around the opponent's body were frozen, like a golden statue sealed in ice. Every time he tried to break the ice, new white ice cubes would condense.

To withstand the actual burning cold fire of this cold, Pudu Cihang consumed only the re-condensed Dharma from his original source, and instantly transformed back into his true form due to the overdraft of all his mana.


He seemed to want to say something, but he could only barely highlight one word. The entire huge insect body seemed to be frozen by solid ice, as if it was melting within the ice and gradually turned into fly ash.

The Black Mountain Old Demon's sacrificial flames were indeed so powerful that even the soul could not leave the body and was directly burned to dregs.

[Congratulations to Mr. Chao, the evolver. Your teammate Wu Guangjin successfully killed the main trial BOSS Pudu Cihang. The mission is completed and the rewards for this mission are being settled for you...]

Everyone, please book it online. I was tired yesterday and felt a little uncomfortable. I will try to get some sleep. There will be an update later.

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