Sequential Evolution

Chapter 282 Demonized Lin Tianyi (fourth update)

Gu Xiaochao had never known that Lin Tianyi could be so meticulous in his operations.

After the big explosion, they actually hid their back-up plan, so that the clones operated in a wave, and the two demon kings had no scruples and started a full-scale war.

The fight between the two was fierce and the fight was dark.

The city wall that had been in vain for tens of millions of years collapsed.

In a battle of this level, it is already difficult for Yan Chixia to intervene.

He could only release a large number of area-wide spells while flying around with his sword, consuming the strength of the two demon kings at the same time.

I don't know if Pudu Cihang's condition was good enough, or if Zhiqiu Yiye's actions finally touched this big monster.

Facing Yan Chixia's large-scale attack, he was completely indifferent, and the golden body of Dharma attacked the opponent frantically.

The sky collapsed and the earth split apart. There was no sun or moon in the underworld, so there was no light.

A large number of stones fell from the old demon of Montenegro, and the giant of Montenegro was crumbling.

He was completely burning his soul to fight.

In this case, escape is impossible.

The situation is unrelenting. At this stage, no one will let the tiger go back to the mountains.

Begging for mercy can only show weakness and speed up death.

Montenegro is not feeling well, and Pudu Cihang is not in good shape either.

In the heart of the mountain, he has burned a lot of mana. This is the base camp of the old Black Mountain demon. It is full of ghost energy and lacking in demon energy.

Later, Zhiqiu Yiye was hit hard again.

Although he withstood the explosion, the space in the belly of the mountain was small, so he could bear 100% of the damage within a sealed range.

If it had not been for the blessing of national luck, he would have died in that explosion, and the Buddha's golden body could not protect him.

The old demon from Black Mountain continuously absorbs Yin Qi and burns the source.

Pudu Cihang consumed the fortune of the country. If Lin Tianyi hadn't given him that drop of true dragon blood, he would never have been able to work so hard.

The golden body of Buddhism has begun to flicker at this time.

There is still a certain gap between the Dharma Bodies of the two people. Black Mountain's body is a mountain, but he is just a centipede spirit. This is a gap in species!

Then he punched Pudu Cihang's Buddha's face hard.

That fist, which was the size of a house, actually made a huge dent in the face of Pudu Cihang's golden Buddha for the first time.

It's like a gilded hollow handicraft being squeezed flat by someone.

He is dying!

Montenegro has long been unable to bear it.

If it weren't for the burning will of hatred that forcibly supported this battle, he would have died long ago.

At this time, seeing that the opportunity had really come, Montenegro directly used his trump card.

The yin and yang are in order, the heaven and the earth are vicissitudes of life, the wheel rotates ten times, and all things will eventually perish!

The Yinsi Monument, town!!!

As the spell was suddenly spoken, the Yinsi stele placed in Pudu Cihang's arms instantly exploded into a large number of phantoms.

Once the shadows in the shape of these stone tablets spread, they would immediately have an infinite aura of death, directly taking away Pudu Cihang's longevity, magic power, and national destiny.

His body rapidly aged and stiffened, and the dragon shadow behind him flickered and disappeared.

My longevity, my national destiny!!

Heishan, you are so ruthless, you actually detonated the soul mark on the Yinsi Monument and plotted against me!

The old Black Mountain demon's body collapsed, and his remaining soul was almost unsustainable, but he laughed happily:

Hahahaha, little bug, I have long said that if you offend me, you will get nothing, you will only take your life and be buried with me!!!


He roared angrily, and the mana all over his body was lost. Without Yangshou and national luck, it would be difficult to maintain the law. In an instant, the body of the huge stone giant from Montenegro smashed into the City of Wasted Death with several punches, crushing the city walls and houses.

However, it was precisely because Pudu Cihang was completely seriously injured and the two demons' synchronicity between heaven and earth disappeared at the same time that they noticed something was wrong.

There should be countless resentful souls in the entire City of Wasted Death. Even though Lin Tianyi strangled and killed a large number of evil objects, most of them were sucked away by the old demon from Black Mountain.

There should be tens of thousands of ghosts left in the city.

At this time, two people rushed into the city of Fusui to fight, but no ghost appeared.

Did everyone escape?

Both of them felt something was wrong.

At this time, the two big demons looked at the place where the Black Mountain body collapsed.

Tens of thousands of ghosts should have been suppressed there, but now, there is only a huge whirlpool spinning silently in the back hill of the City of Death.

Black swirl.

Horrible whirlpool!

What it is?

When did it appear?

Thousands of innocent ghosts were trapped in it, but they couldn't make a single sound.

The strange whirlpool crushed a large number of evil ghosts and continued to absorb the pure soul power.

In the center of the black vortex storm, a black shadow can be vaguely seen.

The terrifying power of demons fluctuates within it.

[Ghost Swallowing]: Swallow ghosts and resentful souls to strengthen yourself! The greater the number, the greater the power gained.

Lin Tianyi's true body was hidden in the shadow left by the explosion in Black Mountain. With the huge momentum of the battle between two people, he covered up the skill he had obtained by killing the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma with [Xuanwei].

This is the underworld, and the most indispensable thing is ghosts!

As for the skill of swallowing ghosts, there is no upper limit.

The only side effect is that the more wronged souls are taken, the greater the risk of losing control. It is very likely that one will be deprived of his mind and his body will become demonized!

It is a pity that Lin Tianyi has the [God Killer] skill. His soul limit is extremely high, and he has the qualifications to accommodate the uniqueness of the true god!

Therefore, there is only one price he pays, which is not losing control.

But demonization.

Yes, Lin Tianyi was possessed.

Reason is still there, but the whole person is occupied by malice.

Yes, it's malice, monstrous malice.

He became cold, bloodthirsty, violent, arrogant and despised everything!

Because he took the initiative to become a demon, no one forced him to do so, and he had no resentment or hatred, so he was indifferent and quiet, quietly enjoying the different senses that becoming stronger brought to him.

The demonized Lin Tianyi, the double pupils and dark gold in his eyes turned into blood red, double horns sprouted from his forehead, his skin was as pale as a vampire, and the teeth in his mouth were not only sharp tiger teeth, but like sharks. Generally, all sharp.

A large number of spell lines appeared on his face, a third eye appeared under his eyelids, his lips turned pure black, and every time his pupils swayed, there was a red comet tail dragging.

Because he had eaten too much dragon meat, fleshy wings sprouted from the gap between Lin Tianyi's shoulder blades on his back. These fleshy wings were thick, wide, and had sharp spines on the corners, like the wings of a pterosaur.

While breathing, a large amount of moonlight continued to circulate, as if the lunar star in the sky and earth was particularly favored by Lin Tianyi.

That's right!

After Lin Tianyi became a demon, Yuehua Tuna really showed its effect.

His strength increased tenfold, speed, endurance, mental strength, evil spirit, all doubled, not doubled! More than double.

As the saying goes, being possessed by a demon is ten times stronger and a good person is seven times weaker.

Lin Tianyi, who became a great demon, is more like a dragon than the thousand-year-old centipede spirit Pudu Cihang.

The devil dragon among the nine sons of dragon, the devil who was born to rule the hell.

His body was floating in the air, his head slightly raised, and a large amount of souls were still being sucked into his body. He raised his hands in a gesture of acceptance. The excess soul power that could not be absorbed actually began to condense into black armor.

The Black Mountain old demon and Pudu Cihang shouted almost at the same time:

Zhiqiu Yiye!

Hearing the incredible screams of the two demon kings, Lin Tianyi slowly stopped the [Swallowing Ghost] skill, and looked at the two demons with his head. To be precise, his body should be gradually rising into the air, and his eyes slowly opened, overlooking The two great demons raised a mocking smile on their lips and said:

To be precise, you...should call me Demon Lord.

The current time is 6.53 and this chapter will be released regularly. From yesterday to today, I wrote for a total of 21 hours. Good night~!

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