Sequential Evolution

Chapter 284 Hidden Mission Reward: Demon King’s Arms

This mission... is it over? !

It's so fierce, it flies all the way.

This was Gu Xiaochao's second mission with his best friend, and it actually gave him the feeling of playing a MOBA game with professional players.

This simply opened the door to a new world for him.

The resources to kill the enemy can be found from missions; the BOSS that should be killed by oneself is tricked into working as a hard worker, and a big monster of the same level is killed by the way!

He obviously had a powerful killing move, but he saved it until the end as a guarantee. Even though he was sure of it, he still persisted in preparing for the unexpected.

Is this the legendary You only saw the second layer and thought I was the first layer. In fact, I am the fifth layer?

Gu Xiaochao was still immersed in Lin Tianyi's strength. At this time, he who had killed Pudu Cihang had slowly landed beside Pudu Cihang and began to look for the loot.

Being a national master for so long, you should have a lot of good things, right?

After Pudu Cihang was sprayed with a large mouthful of flames, the appearance of his body was not very good. With a thought in his mind, he stretched out his hand and activated the [Junhou] skill.

stand up.

The low voice echoed in the Nine Netherworld. What Lin Tianyi didn't expect was that Pudu Cihang's body only shook for a moment and then became silent.


Is it because the lord BOSS cannot be summoned, or has the opponent's potential been squeezed out? Or is it because he was burned by the Bone Spirit's cold fire?

This was Lin Tianyi's second time experimenting with level 10 characteristic skills, but he didn't expect to succeed.

Lin Tian stretched out his foot and kicked the opponent's huge insect corpse, and he suddenly felt pain.

The corpse was in good shape, but after being kicked, it turned into ashes.

No wonder it can't be summoned. The natal fire of the old Black Mountain demon is indeed overbearing. Even though his physical body and spirit have been burnt to ashes, it can still remain intact. As long as it is not touched, no damage can be seen from the outside, but actually it has been damaged inside. It's like a corpse that has been left for a long time and crumbs when touched.

As the body turned into fly ash, Lin Tianyi picked up the only remaining item.

Yinsi Monument.

Only the Yinsi Monument remains.

The old demon of Black Mountain died completely, and the Yinsi Monument became ownerless.

Lin Tianyi held the stone tablet in his hand and looked at it carefully.

【Yinsi Monument】

[Quality: Artifact]

[Description: A world-moving artifact. After using it, you will become the master of the Netherworld. 】

[Remarks: If you use this monument, you will become a fallen person, stay in the mission world permanently, become the Lord of the Netherworld, and control the entire six paths of the underworld. The demon body will be retained, and the identity of the evolver will be stripped away. 】

[Note: If this monument is taken away, the world will collapse immediately, and the evolver will gain the authority to communicate with the underworld. Any trial copy that contains soul-like creatures will be suppressed by the underworld monument. 】

[Evolution Palace Tips: This monument can be given to creatures in this world. If you choose this option, you will receive a hidden reward x1]

As Lin Tianyi checked the attributes of the [Yinssi Monument], he couldn't help but be secretly shocked, what an artifact! A true artifact.

From the three options, the best choice is the first one, which is the best policy.

Choosing the first one, Lin Tianyi apparently lost his identity as an evolver and became a god of the underworld.

But in fact, there are no gods in this world, and Lin Tianyi has become the only true god, which means that everything he gets and wants is supported by the whole world. This temptation is not small, and it is equivalent to fulfilling Pudu Cihang's dream wish.

Choosing the second one is a middle strategy. While retaining the identity of an evolver, he also obtained an artifact. Encountering such tasks in the future will become extremely simple. Once the Yinsi Monument is released, it is equivalent to having an additional accessory to the authority of the godhead, which has many benefits.

Lin Tianyi didn't want to lose his identity as an evolver, and he couldn't bear to let the world collapse.

Although this is just a trial mission, and he may never come back after leaving, he has seen the darkness and pain of this world.

The common people managed to survive until all the great demons were slaughtered, and the luck of the court was completely exhausted, and they were about to live a somewhat better life. However, as dawn broke and night passed, it turned out to be the end of the world.

Lin Tianyi hesitated, and the struggle in his heart was more intense than ever.

Destroy a world with your own hands? Just for a mission item.

This was really a big test for him.

At this moment, Yan Chixia walked over with a sword in hand. There was a very guarded look on his face. He looked at Lin Tianyi, who was gradually dissipating the demonic energy and had returned to his previous appearance, and called out cautiously:

Friend Zhiqiu.

Lin Tianyi turned his head and looked at Yan Chixia. He was holding the Yinsi stele and suddenly asked:

Do you want to become the Lord of Hell?

Yan Chixia was stunned by Lin Tianyi's endless questions, but she seemed to gradually relax and said with a smile:

I have been used to being like Xianyun Yehe all my life. Fellow Taoist, you killed evil spirits and almost saved the entire world by yourself. The people will be grateful to you. I can rest assured that you are in charge of this Yinsi Monument.

At this time, Gu Xiaochao and the Fu family also came over.

Most of the country's luck has disappeared, and the last trace of luck has also disappeared from the old minister of rites, Fu Tianchou.

It seems that there will be a change of dynasty here soon.

In fact, all the important ministers in the court are demons. Now they are taken away by Lin Tian one by one. The entire court will stop functioning. If the government does not change, it will be completely unreasonable.

Lin Tianyi can only stay in this world for ten minutes at most. He doesn't want to care too much about how the world will work after he leaves. He just stares at Yan Chixia. The remaining demon power in his body can see Yan Chi clearly. Kasumi's true heart.

The other party actually spoke from the bottom of his heart and really had no intention or intention of coveting this Yinsi Monument.

Lin Tianyi sighed, seemingly with regret and reluctance. He roughly thrust the Yinsi Stele into Yan Chixia's arms, used the Evolution Palace, and directly chose what he thought was the worst move.

The Palace of Evolution, designated by the Yin Si Stele, will be given to Yan Chixia, who will become the Lord of Hell and be in charge of reincarnation.

Are you sure?


Lin Tianyi was in a very bad mood, as if he had picked up 100,000 yuan while delivering food. He clearly needed this money, but for him, this money could improve a certain life, but for another person, But it's life-saving money.

Yan Chixia looked at the Yinsi Stele in her hand in astonishment. He was shocked to find that all the Nine Netherworlds seemed to be responding to his move.

He became the Lord of Hell?

Fellow Taoist! How is this possible...

Lin Tianyi waved his hand and pulled Lin Weier up:

Your own world needs to be saved by yourself, Wei'er, Xiaochao, let's go.

With that said, Lin Tianyi exited the trial space directly.

He had no choice but to run away. The temptation of this artifact was too great. Yan Chixia was a person worth trusting. Since she didn't choose to stay, she should leave quickly. Although she had regrets, she didn't feel guilty.

Returning to the warm and comfortable bed, Lin Tianyi slowly opened his eyes. The first message he saw was about the hidden reward given to Yan Chixia by the Yinsi Monument!

[Evolver Wu Guangjin, you have gained the goodwill and gratitude of the gods of this world. Yan Chixia, the Lord of Hell, will erect a statue for you and sing about your deeds. You will receive a large amount of incense and the power of faith. 】

[Evolved Mist Light Jin, your act of gifting the Yinsi Monument will result in a hidden mission reward: Demon King’s Arms]

[Demon King's Arms]: Using the power of faith of all living beings as the driving energy, the special form skills activated will temporarily obtain the [King] form after use.

Actually... there is no note? !

Before Lin Tianyi could recover from the regret of losing the artifact, a large number of mission completion messages flooded his conscious world.

One of the eye-catching messages appeared in front of his eyes.

[Evolved Mist Light Jin, because you have been recognized by the will of the trial world, the completion of this mission has reached 100%, and your personal score has been raised to SSS level! The rewards are as follows...]

Regarding the issue of the Yinsi Monument, let me make it clear that I am the person who has been helped by good people. Therefore, I choose to be a good person and live a safe life. Hey, actually if I had to choose, I probably wouldn't be that noble. Love has to be passed on by someone, right?

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