Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 96 Actually, I am ugly (2)

The third day of the preliminaries for the Demon Hunting Group was gradually passing. Due to the reduction in the number of competitions, all the competitions in the six major temples had ended in the afternoon.

Li Xin's luck was obviously not as bad as that of Long Haochen. Facing an opponent who was not weak in strength but whose mount was not as good as hers, she once again used the power of Rose and her own advantage of the Punishment Knight to successfully pass the third round. This was something Ye Hua couldn't even imagine.

Just as they guessed, the other three fifth-level knights all advanced, and Long Haochen was undoubtedly the candidate for a bye in the next round.

Office of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar Alliance.

An old man sat behind his desk, quietly looking at a stack of information in his hand. The old man has silver hair, and even though he is sitting there, you can still see his tall figure. His shoulders were extraordinarily broad, and his age had not in any way affected the majesty he exuded.

This old man is the top decision-maker for the Knights Temple to settle in the Holy City headquarters of the Temple Alliance. In the entire Knights Temple, the status of the Paladin Captain is second only to the three divine seal knights. That is the person who used to sit in the center of the rostrum at the Knights Trial Grounds.

Bang, bang, bang. There was a knock on the door.

Come in. The Holy Knight Captain slowly raised his head and said calmly.

The door opened, and it was Han Yu, who had short brown hair and a strong build, who walked in from the outside. However, at this time, there was no pride on his face, only a combination of anxiety, pain, and depression.

Seeing that it was him, the Paladin leader's face suddenly sank, and he threw the stack of information on the top nineteen contestants who had advanced on the table.

Bang——, Han Yu punched his chest with his fist and respectfully performed a knight's salute to the Holy Knight Captain.

The Holy Knight Captain just looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Han Yu had obvious sweat on his forehead and lowered his head without saying a word.

Kneel down. The paladin slammed the table, his hair and beard stretched out, and the powerful pressure instantly caused subtle distortions in the air in the entire room.

With a pop, Han Yu's knees weakened and he fell to his knees, his face even more pale.

Facing the terrifying pressure of the Holy Knight Commander, he was like a straw that might break at any time.

The Holy Knight Captain slowly stood up and walked out from behind the table. He raised his hand and pointed at Han Yu, Okay! You are really good. Aren't you always very proud? Don't you always feel that you are the number one among the younger generation? Are you satisfied now? You didn't even pass the preliminary round. You were beaten by a level 4 opponent and you were unable to fight back. What a hero you are!

Han Yu lowered his head and said with a sad face, Grandpa, I was wrong. It's all my fault for embarrassing you.

Don't call me grandpa. I don't have a grandson as promising as you. The paladin captain raised his foot and kicked Han Yu. You still don't know where you went wrong. Do you think you lost today? Am I angry because you have embarrassed me? You are wrong. Let me tell you, I am ashamed because I, Han Qian, handed over a grandson who is not worthy of being a knight at all. This shame is something I have given to myself. of.

The paladin leader was furious, Do you think I wanted to expel you from the Knights Temple in the trial field because of anger? No! I wanted to expel you because you really didn't have the qualifications to become a knight. The first of the ten rules of knighthood is humility. Where is your humility? There is only pride in your heart. Do you think that you are already amazing if you can break through the fifth level at the age of twenty-two? Do you know? The one who defeated you today My child is only fourteen years old. Fourteen years old! Compared with others, you are not even considered a scumbag.

When he heard the words fourteen years old, Han Yu suddenly froze, No, this is impossible.

Han Qian looked at his grandson coldly, Impossible? Can the bone age assessment be wrong? I personally ordered that the information about his age be blocked. Isn't your wish to become a divine seal knight? With your current virtue, even if One day you will have that level of cultivation, and you will be nothing more than a fallen knight. You will be proud, arrogant, and shameless even if you lose the game. You are not disgracing me, you are disgracing the Knights Temple. It’s over. If it weren’t for my old brothers holding me back, I would really want to slap you to death.”

Han Yu's body began to tremble slightly. From childhood to adulthood, although he had put in great efforts in cultivation, as a proud man of heaven, he had never encountered any setbacks. Today's defeat was a huge blow to him. Long Haochen's set of combos shattered all the pride in his heart. He suddenly felt that he was not as strong as he thought.

Han Qian said coldly: You have only two choices now. First, let me destroy your spiritual power and drive you out of the Knights Temple. After all, you are my grandson. I will give you a sum of money to let you live. Live a wealthy ordinary life. If you choose this option, I can personally come forward and ask Long Haochen to release you from your vow. As for the second way, you know.

Han Yu's body trembled and he slowly raised his head, Grandpa, is he really only fourteen years old?

The anger on Han Qian's face seemed to have calmed down a bit, and he nodded vigorously. Judging from these three days of competition, Long Haochen is a kid with a persevering, kind, persistent and heroic character. From him, I seem to see the glory of a knight. When you follow him, what you have to learn is his qualities as a knight. Attitude. Don't think that being a retinue knight is embarrassing. As long as he doesn't die, he will definitely be a generation of strong men who will shock the entire alliance and even the demon clan in the future. Following him and being spurred by him will only be good for your improvement. Otherwise, Five years from now, there will be no trace of his back in your sight.

Han Yu knelt down again and kowtowed to Han Qian three times, Grandpa, in five years, I will definitely impress you.

After saying this, he stood up, saluted Han Qian again with a knight's salute, turned around and strode away.

Watching his leaving figure, the anger on Han Qian's face suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a faint smile.

Long Haochen, I really should thank you. In fact, I have discovered Han Yu's problem a long time ago, but I never found a good time to give him a heavy blow. Although Yu'er is easy to be arrogant, he is not The temper of giving in will only make him more courageous. Being with Long Haochen can only be good for his future. Maybe they can really achieve the divine seal together. But I don’t know where Long Haochen’s inheritance comes from. Who. Punishment knight skills can even be learned across levels of the fifth-level holy sword. His surname is Long, could it be said that he is...

Thinking of this, Han Qian's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He had deep meaning in letting Han Yu follow Long Haochen. First of all, Han Yu lost the game and had lost the qualification to join the demon hunting group. It can be said to be the heaviest blow to his future growth. After becoming Long Haochen's retinue knight, although he had a bad reputation, he was finally able to join the demon hunting group. Secondly, Han Qian was extremely optimistic about Long Haochen, and having Han Yu protect him would greatly enhance Long Haochen's chances of survival when performing the mission of the demon hunting group. At the same time, Han Yu and Long Haochen have been together for five years, and it is not difficult to establish friendship. If Long Haochen achieves the divine seal in the future, it will be of great benefit to his grandson. His cunningness was something Ye Hua couldn't completely guess. Of course, if it weren't for Han Yu's arrogance and arrogance, Han Qian would never be willing to let his talented grandson serve as a retinue for others.

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