Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 97 Actually, I am ugly (3)

The third day of the preliminary round of the Demon Hunting Group Selection has been completed and it has entered the final stage. Among them, the top ten of the Assassin Temple, Soul Temple, and Priest Temple have been determined. Next, the more important thing is the battle for ranking.

Because the competition was a bye on the fourth day, Long Haochen didn't go to the training ground at all. At three o'clock in the morning, he went to the place where he met Cai'er every day and waited silently.

Assassin's Proving Ground.

There were only the last ten people left in the rest area, but nine of them had their eyes on the same person.

Cai'er sat there quietly, her dull eyes clearly putting great pressure on the other nine contestants. Looking at the harmless green bamboo stick in her hand, almost all the other contestants were secretly praying not to encounter her.

A fifth-level assassin with a secret skill shadow clone. Among the contestants this year, he is the only fifth-level member of the Assassin Temple.

While everyone was observing her, Cai'er, who exuded a cold aura, slowly stood up from the first row, bowed slightly towards the podium, and said in her unique cold voice: The rest of the preliminary round I abstained from the game.

After saying this, under the stunned gazes of the other nine contestants, she tapped the ground with her green bamboo stick and walked out of the Assassin's Temple with the sound of Tuk, Tuk, Tuk.

Long Haochen, who was standing on the street waiting for Cai'er, had time to calm down and appreciate the largest city in the alliance for the first time.

Most of the buildings on both sides of the street are high-rise, and reliefs are the decoration of most buildings. The strong classical atmosphere highlights the ancient charm of this city.

Yesterday's injury has completely recovered. The injury was not too serious in the first place. In addition, Long Haochen used the guardian knight skills to heal himself and has recovered. The battle against the fifth-level knight also gave him a deeper understanding of his own abilities. After a day and night of practice, his spiritual power has improved a lot. Especially after practicing with the power-charging skills, his understanding of liquid spiritual power has deepened. Long Haochen was confident that if he continued to practice like this, he would have a chance to hit the fifth level threshold within ten days. Dad said that when I reach the seventh level of Templar cultivation, I will be qualified to find him and my mother.

Du, du, du. The unique and familiar voice pulled Long Haochen out of his thoughts.

Cai'er. Looking at Cai'er who was walking slowly not far away, a joy from the bottom of his heart suddenly surged into his heart. Long Haochen ran over in three steps and held her little hand.

Cai'er smiled slightly and said, Have you been waiting for a long time?

Long Haochen shook his head, No, I've just been here a while ago. Do you come and wait for me so early every day?

Cai'er shook her head and said, No, I don't have an exact time when I come back every day. But it should be a little earlier in the next few days.

Holding her soft little hand, Long Haochen felt warm in his heart, and this kind of warmth was different from when he was with his parents. He didn't know what Cai'er gave up to prevent him from waiting too long.

Holding hands, with that hazy, purest emotion, their figures gradually faded away in the sunshine.

Cai'er, how long can you stay in the Holy City? Long Haochen finally summoned the courage to ask when they were about to break up.

Cai'er was silent for a moment, Why do you ask this?

Long Haochen's heart suddenly tightened and he said with some embarrassment: I, I just want to know how many days until I can send you back.

Cai'er fell into silence again, and the two stood face to face. Long Haochen's hands were sweating unfavorably.

Feeling the wetness in his palm, Cai'er said softly: I'm just a blind girl. Is it really that important to send me back?

Long Haochen was stunned for a moment, but said honestly: I, I don't know.

Cai'er was also stunned. Although girls develop emotions earlier than boys, her growth experience was simpler than Long Haochen's!

Don't you dislike me? Cai'er lowered her head and said.

Long Haochen's heart was suddenly filled with pity, and he held his hand in front of him, How could I dislike you? I don't know why, but at this time, he was filled with uneasiness, and he felt that it was not a good answer. , as if he might never see the girl in front of him again.

Cai'er, actually, I'm actually very ugly. I'm so ugly myself, so what right do I have to dislike you. Long Haochen said in a panic.

Cai'er was stunned, Ugly?

Well, it's ugly. Long Haochen quickly confirmed.

Cai'er smiled. Although she couldn't see her face through the veil, Long Haochen subconsciously felt that her smile was beautiful.

Then if I let you hold my hand forever, would you be willing? Cai'er's voice was soft, but almost whispering. When she said this, her slender and white neck was already blushing with embarrassment.

I do. Long Haochen was in a strange state of emotion at this time, and he blurted out almost without hesitation.

This time it was Cai'er's turn to panic and took her hand out of Long Haochen's hand, I, I'm going back first.

Long Haochen said anxiously: Then, then tomorrow, I will send you back.

Yes. He nodded lightly, tapping the green bamboo stick on the ground at least twice as fast as usual, and Cai'er ran back to the hotel as if running away. His words kept echoing in her heart, and he actually said he was ugly? Is his beautiful girl-like appearance still ugly? Warmth that she had never felt before flowed quietly in her heart. How could she not understand that he was trying to comfort her?

Haha. Long Haochen couldn't help laughing. Although he was still young and didn't understand the relationship between men and women, his perception was much sharper than ordinary people. He could clearly feel Cai'er's attitude towards him. Something seems to have changed, good change.

With a happy mood, Long Haochen returned to the hotel. Before he could calm down and start practicing, there was an urgent knock on the door.

Haochen, Haochen. Li Xin's excited voice came.

Long Haochen was startled and hurriedly walked over and opened the door.

Li Xin looked really embarrassed, her armor was damaged in at least three places, her hair was messy, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth, but her mood was obviously in a state of excitement. As soon as he saw Long Haochen, he immediately hugged him and shouted excitedly: I won, I won. Haochen, I am also in the top ten. Both of us, brother and sister, can participate in the demon hunt. It’s a group.”

Ah? Long Haochen reacted immediately and was overjoyed, Sister, you won? You are really great. Congratulations.

Li Xin said proudly: Yes! What a blessing. I still haven't met a fifth-level opponent today. Haha, sister, I'm so good. Although it was a narrow defeat, I still won in the end. Dad will be proud of me. of.

Li Xin's own cultivation level is not outstanding among the knights competing this time, and can even be ranked at the bottom. However, she trained as a disciplinary knight, coupled with the timely advancement of the Rose Unicorn and good luck. He actually broke through the encirclement and passed the preliminary round together with Long Haochen.

Li Xin smiled and said: It's a pity that we are all knights. It is impossible for my sister to be in the same demon hunting group with you, otherwise it would be even more perfect.

Long Haochen chuckled and said, What does it matter? You will always be my sister.

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