Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 95 Actually, I am ugly (1)

Ye Hua looked at Long Haochen and snorted, You brat, this is your trump card.

Long Haochen lowered his head, Teacher, I...

Ye Hua waved his hand and said: Needless to say, in fact, when Fatty Nalan asked me to teach you, I already knew that you had another inheritance, otherwise how could you have such cultivation at such a young age? ?Your inheritance comes from your father?”

Long Haochen nodded.

Ye Hua patted his shoulder, Don't think too much, I don't mean to blame you. However, your luck is not very good. You met a fifth-level opponent this round. Although you won, your trump card was also exposed. ”

Long Haochen saw the worry in Ye Hua's eyes, and his heart suddenly became hot. He leaned close to his ear and said something in a very low voice.

Ye Hua's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at him in shock.

Long Haochen nodded to him.

Ye Hua's cold face showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and he gave him a thumbs up.

Teacher, what's going on with the knights? Long Haochen asked in confusion.

Ye Hua said: You got a bargain this time. The knights are just like the warriors of the magician, but the difference is that the knights can be said to be your servants, not your partners. He swore an oath, then, When you are in danger, he can always die in front of you. It is equivalent to a living shield. In the rules of the demon hunting group, followers are not allowed to exist, but the knight knight is an exception. If the knight himself is If you are a disciplinary knight, then you will be allowed to have a retinue knight who practices guardianship. Because for the demon hunting group, the role of the guardian knight is too important.

It's just that almost no knights are willing to be other people's followers. So, you have found a treasure this time. You are still a fifth-level knight, which will have a certain influence on your future status in the demon hunting group and your ability to survive. Huge benefits. Moreover, to be able to cultivate to the fifth level before the age of twenty-five, I am afraid his origin is not simple.

Long Haochen scratched his head and said, However, his cultivation level is higher than mine, so he may not be convinced.

Ye Hua smiled mysteriously, You underestimate the knight's oath. No matter how proud he is, under the oath, you are his god and his master. Even if he is not convinced in his heart, everything can only be done. Thinking about you and serving you. However, it is also good for him to become your knight knight. At least he can follow you into the demon hunting group. Otherwise, he will be eliminated and will never enter the hunting group again for life. The possibility of a demon group. As for five years from now, I’m afraid, he will only be able to look up to your achievements by then.

Teacher, I'm going back first to fully recover from my injuries and prepare for tomorrow's game. Long Haochen did not forget his agreement with Cai'er. At this time, the game was over, and he suddenly felt like he was returning home.

Ye Hua nodded and said, Go ahead, but you don't have to rush it. You don't need to participate in tomorrow's game.

Huh? Long Haochen looked at him in surprise.

Li Xin, who was next to her, had already laughed and said: Silly brother, have you forgotten that bye spot? Unless someone can defeat the fifth-level knight today, will this bye spot still escape your grasp?

Long Haochen suddenly realized, yes! With his performance in defeating Han Yu, he should be able to get this bye spot.

If it's just a game, maybe he is not very interested in this bye spot, because he hopes to improve his actual combat experience and stimulate his potential through constant actual combat.

But the situation has been different in the past few days. He has touched the threshold of liquefied spiritual power, and figured out a cultivation method that focuses on accumulating skills. In this case, he needs more meditation.

After leaving the knight training ground, Long Haochen couldn't wait to run in the direction he and Cai'er had agreed upon. From a distance, he could already see Cai'er standing there quietly, as if she was standing on the street. Just like a statue. There was no change in her outfit. She placed the green bamboo stick in her hand on the ground in front of her and stood there quietly.

The sunlight shining on her body seemed to make her feel a little more warm, and also gave her purple hair a little more crystal luster.

Cai'er. Long Haochen shouted and ran over quickly.

Hearing his voice, Cai'er turned slightly, but just as Long Haochen was about to approach her, she clearly felt a strong chill emanating from her body.

Cai'er, what's wrong with you? Long Haochen was startled and stopped quickly.

Cai'er's voice had a coldness that Long Haochen had never heard before, Are you injured? Who hurt you? As she spoke, she raised a hand and grabbed Long Haochen naturally. Morning hands.

Long Haochen said curiously: How did you know I was injured?

Cai'er said: I heard it. Although I can't see, my hearing is better than ordinary people. You are out of breath, so you are obviously injured. At this time, the chill on her body dissipated slightly. , and also let go of Long Haochen's hand.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: It's nothing. I'm participating in the alliance's Demon Hunting Group Trials. The opponent I encountered today was very strong, so I suffered a slight injury. It doesn't matter anymore, but I won. By the way, I I haven’t told you yet, but I’m a knight. I performed well today, and I should have a bye in tomorrow’s game, so I’ll be considered among the top ten in the preliminary round.”

Yes. Cai'er nodded gently to him, and the chill on her body had completely dissipated.

Let's go, I'll take you back. This time it was Long Haochen who took the initiative to hold her little hand and pulled her slowly towards Cai'er's residence.

The two walked slowly and entered the peaceful atmosphere again. Long Haochen walked very slowly, like a child who had just learned to walk. The sun shone on them, and the warm feeling gave birth to There was something strange in their hearts, their heartbeats were no longer calm.

However, no matter how slowly you walk, there is still an end.

The moment he stopped, the strangeness in Long Haochen's heart suddenly turned into reluctance. Holding the soft little hand that had been warmed by his cover, he was really reluctant to let go.

Go back and rest early. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow. Cai'er said softly.

Okay. I will definitely come early. I have a bye for the game tomorrow, so I can come and wait for you first. Long Haochen hurriedly agreed. What he was most afraid of hearing was Cai'er saying that he didn't need to send her off anymore.

Reluctantly, he let go of his hand and said, You go in. I'll leave after you go in.

Cai'er shook her head and said, I want to hear your footsteps leaving, okay?

I don't know why, but every time Long Haochen looked at her dull eyes, he couldn't say no to her, Okay, then you should be more careful when you go back.

Don't play so hard in the future. Cai'er suddenly said.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: It's not about desperate efforts, it's about hard work. If I don't work hard to become stronger, how can I protect you? After saying this, he obviously felt his heartbeat speeding up, and he didn't dare to stay any longer and bid farewell to Cai Cai. Son, walk away quickly.

Listening quietly to the sound of his leaving footsteps, Cai'er's face turned slightly cold, He was injured, but fortunately it wasn't serious. A trace of murderous intent flashed from her body.

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