Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 883 Creation Scroll (Part 1)

You are proud enough to be able to force me to use the Nirvana One. Back then, the elf dragon that the goddess of nature left in the Dream Temple to guard the dream paradise died under my Nirvana One. Although you have not yet You were severely injured, but your trace of the breath left by the God of Creation has been exhausted. Why do you still have to contend with me?

Yes, your creation picture is very powerful. If you also have god-level power, then I will probably be defeated. Unfortunately, no matter how magical the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation is, it will not be able to elevate you. To the realm of God.”

The Demon God Emperor's voice was very calm, as if after the battle just now, all the emotions in his heart had disappeared.

Long Haochen raised the Sword of Eternity and Creation in his hand with some difficulty, Demon God Emperor, you haven't won yet. There's no need to speak to me in such a tone.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu smiled indifferently and said: Your creation picture has used up even a trace of the soul breath left by the creation god. Is there any more powerful skill than this? Yes, it uses Nirvana's After that, I consumed a lot. But, I am God, how can God’s recovery be comparable to that of humans?”

The Demonic Sun.

The huge dragon head suddenly lifted up and looked up at the sky. A ball of purple light seemed to tear open the space and appear above the Demon God Emperor's huge body. It turned out to be like a sun, a dark purple sun.

Dark purple light fell on the Demon God Emperor, causing his breath to recover at an alarming speed.

On Long Haochen's chest, the Eternal Heart was beating violently, helping him restore his spiritual power. However, he could clearly feel that the Demon God Emperor's recovery speed was much, much faster than his own.

The devastating collision just now turned into nothingness. And that blow almost exhausted the power of Long Haochen and the Demon God Emperor. The difference is that the Demon God Emperor only consumes spiritual power. But what Long Haochen consumed was a trace of the aura left by the God of Creation on the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation.

Without this breath, Long Haochen would have lost the power of the God of Creation that even the Demon God Emperor was very afraid of, and it would be impossible for him to use the Scroll of Creation to fight again. This is why the Demon God Emperor's words are full of the meaning of victory.

God-level power finally defeated the super artifact controlled by humans. In the eyes of the Demon God Emperor, this war is over. Long Haochen competed with him on recovery speed. Can you imagine the result? In ten minutes at most, he would be back to his peak condition. As for Long Haochen's depleted spiritual power, even if he had a lot of magical equipment to assist him, it would take at least half an hour to fully recover.

The Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God looked at each other, and each could see the tension in the other's eyes.

Moon Demon God Agares said subconsciously: Perhaps it is because of His Majesty's love for him and the fact that His Majesty's blood is flowing in him, so His Majesty did not kill him?

Star Demon God Vasak looked a little confused, I don't know, I can't see everything clearly. But His Majesty killed him once, and Long Haochen represents the entire human race, how could he admit that he has That bloodline? Just like we dare not admit that we have human bloodline.

Moon Demon God Agares said in a deep voice: The facts will tell us the result. The only thing we can do is wait.

Compared with the calmness on the demon side, the humans are completely out of control. The Demon God Emperor's voice came down from high in the sky, and each of them could hear it clearly. Long Haochen did not refute the Demon God Emperor's words. There was no doubt that he was already at a disadvantage.

Although Long Haochen was able to persist until this point, all the strong men in the Temple Federation were proud of him. However, he still failed to defeat the Demon God Emperor after all! Once the battle between them ends, doesn't that mean that mankind will be defeated?

Xiao Huo and Shu Yongxiao looked at each other, and they both saw the determination in each other's eyes. If the Demon God Emperor returns, they may not even have a chance to kill any other demons. How can you wait at this time?

Kill—— Xiao Huo, the usually calm first-generation master of the Knights Temple, suddenly let out a thundering roar. A pair of golden giant swords transformed by spiritual power suddenly burst out with unparalleled brilliance, and they killed the demons with all their strength without any reservation.

Under his leadership, the powerful human beings all attacked again, and the remaining magical cannons that had just been silent and cooled for a long time also burst out with intense light again.

A more brutal battle began.

Moon Demon God Agares and Star Demon God Vasak still followed the previous strategy and did not go all out, but Xiao Huo and Shu Yongxiao were still blocked by them even when they exploded at full strength.

They are in a stalemate here, but the battle in other positions is not like this! Every powerful member of the Temple Federation felt the crisis.

Humanity cannot afford to lose this battle. Once it loses, it will lose the future of millions of humans. For the sake of family, for the fate of the race. In this holy war, they are determined to fight until the last drop of blood is shed.

The Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was completely concentrated at this time. Standing at the front is Lin Xin. Behind Lin Xin are Cai'er, Wang Yuanyuan, Chen Ying'er, Han Yu, Sima Xian, and Zhang Fangfang.

Cai'er's twelve holy guards guarded them, becoming the most powerful group force on the human side.

Above Lin Xin's head, the Holy Sun hung high, and his entire body had turned into a blue crystal color. Even the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God, who were facing Xiao Huo and Shu Yongxiao in the distance, couldn't help but show shock after discovering that terrifying aura.

The conjoined spirit-enhancing pill appeared on the battlefield again.

With the help of this magical elixir developed by Lin Xin, the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group struggled out on the verge of life and death several times. But this time, the main materials for the conjoined spirit-enhancing pill developed by Lin Xin were the Demon God's Crown and the flesh and blood of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, plus countless precious materials. Not only can it work on ninth-level experts, but it can also last for half an hour. This is also the last trump card of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group.

High in the sky, the battle between Long Haochen and the Demon God Emperor seemed to be clear, and Long Haochen was clearly at a disadvantage. However, only the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group still have full confidence in their leader.

Long Haochen's performance has completely exceeded their imagination, and even increased to the ninth level of terror during the battle. However, they all know that until now, Long Haochen still has a trump card that he has not revealed, and that trump card is enough to shock the entire demon clan.

Therefore, what they have to do is to do everything possible to solve other problems for Long Haochen besides the battle with the Demon God Emperor. Do everything possible to protect the strong human beings.


A small outburst is disrespectful. It’s a new week, please vote for recommendations. Thanks. This should also be the penultimate week of our divine seal.

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