Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 882 The Rhythm of Fear and Sorrow (Part 2)

This is a battle between the two strongest men in the world today! All the demon gods realized for the first time that the invincible king in their hearts, the Demon God Emperor, had finally met his opponent.

The final victory of this war is hard to say. And the terrifying collision that is about to happen in front of us is likely to be the guide to the final victory or defeat.

Facing the combination of the resurgence of all things and the creation of creatures, the Heaven-defying Demonic Sword in the hands of the Demon God Emperor changed again, and the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar appeared. However, this time, the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar appeared directly at the feet of the Demon God Emperor. Immediately afterwards, the body of the Demon God Emperor seemed to melt, gently blending into the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar.

The loud roar of the dragon sounded, and the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar actually penetrated directly into the huge black hole with a diameter of one kilometer. The originally terrifying size also shrunk rapidly during the process of drilling in.

The sound of the dragon's roar did not disappear because the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar penetrated into the black hole. Instead, it became stronger and stronger. It exploded in the air like rolling thunder. The scene of the resurrection of all things and the creation of creatures in the sky was shaken by the terrifying dragon roar and became slightly unreal. The scene that followed shocked all the powerful humans.

Right at the black hole, a huge head slowly came out. It was a dragon head, its entire body was ink-colored, but it had a pair of huge blood-red eyes. Even from an altitude of three thousand meters, you can actually see the flashing blood-red eyes from the ground, and you can even feel the destructive aura bursting out of it.

On this huge black dragon, there is a layer of dark blue light mist flashing, and in the light mist, there is dense lightning. The huge head slowly emerged, followed by a huge body.

The terrifying size of the body made everyone, including the demons, take a breath.

Originally, they thought that the black-gold thousand-meter giant dragon that once hovered around the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar was terrifying enough. However, when the black dragon appeared, they discovered that the previous black-gold dragon was nothing compared to him.

This giant black dragon is three thousand meters long. Within the range of its appearance, the green sky and all living creatures have been greatly affected. Especially those monsters that had evolved in the light curtain, they quickly disintegrated as if they had encountered natural enemies.

This, this is clearly the true form of the Demon God Emperor! As the leader of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Emperor, this is the first time that the Demon God Emperor has revealed his true form in a battle with humans, and it is the body after merging with the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Pillar!

The terrifying aura continued to rise. The Demon God Emperor's blood-colored eyes were set off by the dark blue light mist around his body. He looked at the light curtain in front of him. It did not actively attack, but just floated in the air. However, the aura on his body was already serious. It disrupted the composition of the green sky. Undoubtedly, Long Haochen was at a disadvantage again after the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Emperor Fengxiu revealed his true form.

Star Demon God Vasak came to Moon Demon God Agares and whispered: Fengxiu must have used his god-level power.

Agares nodded slowly, This power is beyond our ability to compare and resist. I just don't know if Long Haochen can survive it. If even the god-level Fengxiu can't do anything to him, then , mankind will be invincible, and we will finally have a choice.

However, Vasak did not show any joy because of Agares' words. Instead, his eyes exuded a deep worry, Second brother, I don't know why, but I have an extremely ominous premonition.

Huh? Agares looked at Vasak in surprise. If someone else had said this, he wouldn't have cared at all, but the person who said this was Star Demon God Vasak, the great prophet of the demon race! Even the Demon God Emperor must pay attention to his premonition.

Vasak said solemnly: Remember, I once said that in the Star Demon Tower, it was our only chance to kill Long Haochen. If we didn't succeed that time, we would never succeed again. So. , I only agreed to your plan later. Since we could not successfully kill Long Haochen, then Long Haochen may become the key to the destruction of the demon clan. In other words, he should be able to defeat the Demon God Emperor Feng Xiucai.

Agares nodded and said: Of course I remember. But isn't that what we want to see?

Vasak said: However, when I saw Long Haochen today, I felt an unprecedented strong crisis from him. It seems that he has some power that can threaten our existence.

Agares said in a deep voice: I still don't understand what you mean.

There was a hint of panic in Vasak's eyes, Second brother, do you think Long Haochen can defeat Fengxiu now?

Agares said without thinking: It's difficult, even if you want to maintain the balance of power, it's difficult. The power shown by Long Haochen is already quite powerful, but I don't feel that he has the same breakthrough as Fengxiu. Breaking through one million spiritual powers and reaching another level. Therefore, it will be difficult for him to defeat Fengxiu, and even a tie is unlikely. So I am considering whether we should help him.

Vasak shook his head forcefully and firmly, No, never. According to my great prophecy, it is impossible for Fengxiu to kill Long Haochen. However, in today's battle, Fengxiu has completely seen Long Haochen. The threat Chen posed to him. If he defeated Long Haochen, would he be able to let him go? But Long Haochen would not die in such a battle. This also proved that he still has what ability he can compete with Fengxiu. Competing. Apart from the God Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, what power can he have to compete with the Demon God Emperor?

Agares finally understood what Vasak meant, and his expression finally changed, You mean...

While they were talking, the scene in the sky changed drastically again.

The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon King appeared, and the green sky that had begun to be crushed suddenly stabilized. Immediately afterwards, the color of the entire sky was a little darker. Stars began to appear higher in the sky, shining on the growing things and evolving creatures.

At the beginning, the stars appeared one by one. Soon, the number of stars increased sharply. When thousands and thousands of stars were shining, the huge body of the Demon God Emperor and the black holes he released seemed to be frozen in the sky.

The third sword of the Three Eternal Swords, the Eternal Starry Sky, finally appears.

The resurrection of all things, the creation of creatures, and the eternal starry sky, the three swords combine to outline a wonderful picture in the sky.

It is as if another world has been created in the three-thousand-meter-high sky. Under the starlight, all things grow and creatures evolve. What a magical, magnificent creation that follows the principles of heaven and earth!

This is also the most powerful skill that comes with the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, Creation!

The body of the Demon God Emperor was sealed in this dazzling painting, which looked so disharmonious. He seemed to be completely unable to move, but his blood-red eyes were still fierce.

At this moment, the huge thousand-meter black hole suddenly lit up, and the dark purple light suddenly shined. Part of the creation picture was illuminated in dark purple. At this moment, the scroll suddenly became distorted and turned into a huge vortex, centering on the body of the Demon God Emperor. The power of creation has finally arrived.

In contrast, the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Emperor also experienced changes. His three-kilometer-long body was still solidified, but the dark purple black hole with a diameter of one kilometer suddenly shrank and shrank in front of him, turning into a small The dark purple ball of light was pushed up by the head of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon King.

The sky suddenly darkened. The darkness that fell at that moment seemed to strip away all the light, leaving nothing behind.

Whether it was the powerful Moon Demon God, Star Demon God, or the ordinary soldiers fighting in Yulong Pass, they all felt like they were being strangled by the neck at this moment.

Darkness not only appeared in the sky, but also seemed to appear in their hearts. Unparalleled fear also appeared along with this darkness. It seems that if this darkness continues, the whole world will disappear with it.

Fortunately, this extinct darkness finally had light again. It seemed like just a second, and it seemed like an eternity had passed. A little light lit up in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, this light was like opening a door of light, and the dazzling bright light suddenly flashed.

From extreme darkness to extreme light. Even among the eighth- and ninth-level experts, many people screamed and closed their eyes in a hurry when they were caught off guard.

That light appeared in the sky, because the alternation between the dead darkness and the super bright light was so intense that no one could see clearly what color the light was.

A huge light group lit up high in the sky. The scope of this light group was so large that it could even be described as destroying the world. The entire mountain where Yulong Pass is located actually made a harsh clicking sound, as if it could not withstand the pressure brought by the huge light group in the sky and might collapse at any time. And terrifying cracks appeared on the mountain, proving that collapse was not impossible.

Fortunately, the light began to shrink after extremely shining. All the light gradually returned to normal.

The sky has become cleaner than ever before, with not a trace of cloud or dirt within thousands of miles. The clear sky is strange because there is no trace of impurities. Only two figures seemed a bit abrupt.

The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Emperor Fengxiu is still a huge three-kilometer-long body suspended high in the sky. And just opposite him, not far away, Long Haochen, wearing the armor of eternity and creation, spread his wings and was breathing heavily.

Long Haochen's eyes were obviously a little dim, and the white halo of the Armor of Eternity and Creation was also much weaker. But his eyes remained persistent. But besides persistence, there is also a trace of unwillingness.


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