Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 884 Creation Picture Scroll (Part 2)

The super version of the conjoined spiritual enhancement pill was also used at this time.

With Lin Xin as the caster, behind him, every member of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group exudes a strange colorful luster. It seems as if their bodies have now become artifacts.

Duan Yi and Yang Wenzhao did not participate in this conjoined spirit enhancement. In addition to the fact that their bodies may not be able to withstand the backlash of the conjoined spirit-enhancing pills, more importantly, the conjoined spirit-enhancing pills of Lin Xin's seven people have reached the extreme, and there is no objection to increasing the number of people.

The seven strong men of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group have all risen to the realm level. The combined spiritual power of the powerful men in the seven realms is enough to exceed 1.5 million. But focusing on Lin Xin, the highest he can achieve is only 990,000. The realm of God and the realm of God cannot be breached under such circumstances.

However, don’t think that 990,000 is too much less than 1.5 million. Because, the 1.5 million was divided into seven parts, and the 990,000 that Lin Xin had at this time, the ninth level of peak strength, was displayed by him alone! What's more, with the sufficient spiritual support of their partners, they can even last more than half an hour with the help of the conjoined spiritual enhancement pill. And Lin Xin suffered such a huge spiritual impact. Fortunately, they had killed twenty heaven-defying demon dragons before. Using the inner elixirs of those heaven-defying demon dragons, Lin Xin refined the latest body-protecting elixir to ensure that His body can support the spiritual impact of the ninth level peak.

The immortal dragon fire was raised, and Lin Xin's body was like a burning blue flame elf. His eyes even glowed with blue mist due to burning. As soon as the battle began, he showed his extremely strong side.

A solid blue halo with a little bit of starlight bloomed on the top of his staff. Covering a radius of several hundred meters. When the radius of this blue aperture reaches fifty meters, it suddenly stops. Immediately afterwards, a powerful explosion appeared in the air.

Intense blue flames turned into huge fire pillars and soared into the sky. In the explosion, at least eight invisible demons were shaken out and turned into fly ash. Only one demon escaped with his life, and it was the 45th Demon Pillar Demon God of the Demon Clan who was best at assassinating, the leader of the Dike Clan, and the Hidden Demon God Bain.

Just now, it was Bai En who had made himself invisible with the strong men of his clan, preparing to sneak attack Lin Xin. But how could he escape Lin Xin's terrifyingly powerful elemental perception at this time? As long as there is a fire element, no changes can escape his range of perception.

The magic that Lin Xin cast just now was just a fire ring resistance plus flame explosion. They were all magic below the fourth level. But just such a magic, it easily killed eight top eighth-level Ke clan experts!

The reason why Lin Xin is the leader of the conjoined spirits instead of Cai'er is because he is the best at long-range attacks in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, and he also has a powerful Heart Flame.

Byrne was shaken out of his invisibility, turned around and ran away. The sneak attack failed, and the solid fire element surrounding Lin Xin's body filled him with horror.

Want to run? Lin Xin snorted coldly. The immortal dragon fire pointed at Byrne.

Emitting from the huge dragon crystal of the Immortal Dragon Fire turned out to be a black ray. Byrne felt something was wrong and when he wanted to resist, his body was penetrated instantly. The magic blade in his hand shattered, and a huge hole appeared between his chest and abdomen, but strangely no blood flowed out.

The next moment, Byrne's body turned into a wisp of steam and evaporated in the air. There was a flash of blue light, and a flaming hand accurately grabbed Byrne's Demon God's Crown and brought it back to Lin Xin.

Vulcan pointed. It was not black, but the color of the blue flame condensed and compressed to the extreme.

The forty-fifth pillar of the demon clan, the hidden demon god Bain, died in battle. And it was killed instantly.

Lin Xin's fangs were just showing at this time. Under the protection of the twelve holy guards, he slowly flew forward, and the immortal dragon fire was raised again.

The Holy Sun above his head did not increase in size, but it quickly turned dark blue, and then turned black like the Vulcan Finger before. Surrounding the black, there is a circle of blue flame mist. It looks a bit like the color the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Emperor exudes when he appears in his true form.

At this time, Lin Xin's appearance, with the black sun above his head, looked more like a demon than a demon. However, in the following period of time, he became the nightmare of the demons.

A dark fireball flew out of the Holy Sun first, with a diameter of about five meters. There was a layer of dark blue mist around the black fireball. It flew slowly and slowly towards the front. . And wherever it flew, it left a moist feeling. What's even more terrifying is that because of the moist air, this giant black fireball gives people an erratic feeling, and it's impossible to see its specific location clearly.

It flew forward in the air in a blink of an eye, as if it was looking for a target, which was completely different from the short-term activation of normal magic.

Immediately afterwards, the second black fireball flew out. It was exactly the same as the first one. It also flew forward in a blink of an eye, bringing up a watery, twisted space.

The scene where Lin Xin had just killed the Hidden Demon God Baimeng was deeply imprinted in the hearts of every demon strongman. He watched the unknown black fireballs appear that were more terrifying than the one finger of the Vulcan who killed Baimeng. , who dares to confront him head-on? God knows how powerful this thing can be.

There was a smile at the corner of Lin Xin's mouth. His smile looked gentle, but it had a bit of a bad taste. People who were familiar with him knew that Brother Youyao was obviously going to do something bad.

The giant black fireballs flew out one after another as if no magic power was needed. Lin Xin didn't stop until the ninth one flew out.

And at the moment when the ninth giant black fireball flew out, the other eight fireballs that seemed to be unable to find their target suddenly accelerated instantly. Fly straight to the place where the demons are most concentrated. The target pointed to the place where the Demon Dragon Team and the Demon Gods gathered.

Because they were deterred by these black fireballs, many demons moved away from Lin Xin's direction and unconsciously gathered in one direction. There was strength in numbers, and the demons had the same idea. At this time, facing the black fireball erupting like a meteor chasing the moon, many powerful demons quickly dispersed, trying to avoid it.


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