Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 878 Dragon and Phoenix Fire God Pillar (Part 2)

The magical functions of the Tower of Eternity are not only attacks and seals. At the same time, inside the Tower of Eternity, the Demon God cannot contact the Demon God Pillar! Back then, Long Haochen used this method to kill Crossel, the Demon God of Insight. At this time, Cai'er became more skillful in using it.

When Barbatos saw Wang Yuanyuan and Cai'er disappear together, he immediately realized something was wrong. Brice has been injured, and he and the Love Demon God Sidi have not transformed into demons, so their strength has been greatly affected. Although the angel and demon god Baimeng is very strong, he ranks ninth. However, like the Love Demon God Sidi and the Music Demon God Burris, he is a demon god who is good at magic. It is much weaker in melee combat.

On the other hand, Cai'er and Wang Yuanyuan were both strong melee fighters, especially Cai'er, who was as fast as lightning, and in her territory, she was also assisted by twelve ninth-level holy guards. The safety of the three trapped demon gods can be imagined.

If Cai'er and the others were allowed to succeed and kill all the ninth, twelfth, and thirteenth ranked demon gods, it could be said that it would affect the entire battle! There were only twenty demon gods here in total, and they killed the top four.

Barbatos knew that he could no longer retain his strength. He was a loyal servant of the Demon God Emperor and had always taken the Demon God Emperor's will as the highest order. At this time, he did not attack others, but quickly rose higher into the air to transform into a demon.

A huge light and shadow appeared behind Barbatos. It was a huge lion, but the lion had three heads. The one in the center was a lion's head, the one on the left was a leopard's head, and the one on the right was a tiger's head. The three heads roared at the same time. The Force Demon Barbatos also merged into this huge light and shadow.

The light and shadow converged, and a gorgeous armor covered his whole body. The armor exuded a dark golden luster. The most eye-catching thing was the relief of a leopard's head, a lion's head, and a tiger's head on his chest.

Barbatos slowly opened the long bow in his hand, and the terrifying power instantly increased to the extreme. The three heads on his chest turned into three long arrows, all of which emitted a strong dark golden luster. The target is the Tower of Eternity.

At this moment, suddenly, a scream sounded in the air, and Barbatos's heart trembled subconsciously, but he must not stop at this time, otherwise all his previous efforts would be wasted.

Barbatos let out a roar, and the shadow that had appeared before reappeared. At the same time, his body moved ten feet horizontally. The Force Demonic Pillar in the distance let out a strong roar.

A colorful ray of light flashed past in an instant, but failed to hit Barbatos' body. The one who shot it was Ye Sanmi, who also had a divine bow in his hand. At the same time, Barbatos loosened his fingers, and three long dark golden arrows flew straight towards the Tower of Eternity.

These three arrows each transformed into a leopard's head, a lion's head, and a tiger's head during their flight. When they hit the Tower of Eternity, each of them had become ten meters in diameter.

With three violent roars, the Tower of Eternity was blasted from the ground and flew up. While the white light had four wings, a large crack actually appeared on one side. Although these cracks are quickly being mended and restored. There is also a dark golden sheen in the cracks that prevents it from compounding.

The Force Demon Barbatos once again took up the longbow.

With a flash of light, Cai'er, Wang Yuanyuan and the three previously trapped demon gods appeared outside at the same time. Barbatos' rescue was absolutely timely. Cai'er, Wang Yuanyuan and the Twelve Holy Guards teamed up to have the absolute upper hand in the face of the Demon God of Love and the Demon God of Music who had not yet transformed into demons. Unfortunately, time did not allow them to kill these three demons, and the Tower of Eternity had already called the police.

The Tower of Eternity is the only relic left to Cai'er by the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Elex, and of course she cannot let it be destroyed. What's more, the Tower of Eternity also carries the Twelve Holy Guards. If it is really destroyed, all Twelve Holy Guards will also perish.

In desperation, Cai'er had no choice but to teleport out with Wang Yuanyuan and everyone.

The Demon God of Love, Sidi, and the Demon of Music, Brice, did not dare to neglect any longer and completed their respective demon transformations in an instant, while giving themselves time to breathe. Led by the angel and demon god Baimeng. At the same time, he launched an attack on Cai'er.

Wang Yuanyuan and Cai'er looked at each other, their figures flashed, and they pounced on Barbatos again. The blood in her eyes had become extremely thick.

Two tactical changes, one successful and one failed, but finally a demon was killed. After a short rest, Lin Xin returned to the battlefield and appeared directly behind Wang Yuanyuan. Forming the best combination of warriors and magicians. A double battle with the Force Demon Barbatos.

At the same time that the Demon Hunting Group of Dawn of Light was launched, the Eternal Heroes and the strong men of the major temples also went all out to attack.

The Demon God Emperor's heaven-defying Demon God Pillar suddenly disappeared. Everyone guessed that the Demon God Emperor used the Demon God Transformation and used the power of the Demon God Pillar to fight against Long Haochen. Confidence is naturally greatly enhanced. The momentum of the demons was greatly affected.

The originally stable situation became much more intense with the outbreak of the powerful men of the Temple Federation. At the same time that Cai'er and the others made two tactical moves. As for the demon clan, five heaven-defying demon dragons have fallen. Two moon demons and one star demon died. On the human side, four eternal heroes were killed.

The Eternal Hero not only played a decisive role in this battle. At the same time, they are taking the lead. Often when other powerful men in the Temple Federation are in danger, the Eternal Heroes can always stand up and resist the enemy's offensive, even at the cost of extinguishing the fire of their own souls.

However, their deaths were not in vain. When almost every Eternal Hero died, they took at least one enemy ninth-level warrior to die with them.

There are now less than half of the more than a thousand eighth-level strong men of the Demon Clan remaining. There are about four hundred more. But on the human side, the power of the magic cannon has also been greatly reduced. When operating at full capacity, more than one-third of the magic cannons exploded. However, the strong human beings who operate them seem to have never thought about the danger that overloading the magic cannon may bring to themselves.

There was a sixth-level knight who controlled the magic cannon to blast with all his strength. When he killed an eighth-level demon, the temperature of the magic cannon was too high. The knight actually spread his spiritual power all over his body. While calling his companions to continue firing, he stepped forward and hugged the barrel of the magic cannon. Use your own spiritual power to lower the temperature.

In the end, his body was scorched on the magic cannon, but the magic cannon fired again. I don't know whether it was stimulated by his companions' sacrifice of themselves. The gunner who replaced him attacked with the same accuracy, and fired again. Killed an eighth-level demon warrior. At this time, the magic cannon finally couldn't withstand the high temperature and pressure, and exploded loudly.

When a hole was blown open in the thick wall of Yulong Pass, the gunner and the people behind him were ready to replace him at any time. A total of six knights died heroically.

They use their lives and chivalry to defend the dignity of Yulong Pass. Defend the future of mankind. They are all real heroes.

The same situation occurs in almost every magic cannon's bore. The more powerful the magic crystal used, the greater the possibility that the magic cannon will explode during continuous firing.

Especially the super magic cannon powered by Samikina's Demon God's Crown. Although it did not explode because of the precious material. However, when it is launched, the surroundings will generate unparalleled high temperatures. And its launch must be calibrated by someone in order to exert its greatest effect.

This super magic cannon has exploded four times. To calibrate it, four strong humans are needed at a time. Which requires at least one magician.

If the gunner at the time didn't know the problem with the first launch, then what about the next three guns?

Before the gunners responsible for firing in the second round walked towards the super magic cannon, they calmly took off their clothes, bit off their fingertips and wrote a few words each, and asked the brothers behind to pass it back and leave it to their families.

Their blood books are simple.

What the main gunner wrote was, Wife, tell our son that he is shooting for human beings.

What the magician wrote was to donate all my property to the Magic Temple.

The two assistant gunners wrote respectively, I love you, baby girl; children, dad is a hero.

Leaving behind the blood letter, the four people entered the launch cabin without hesitation. The super magic cannon exploded again, killing a heaven-defying demonic dragon. And these four heroes also died heroically.

Their deaths are no different from the death of the Eternal Heroes and the ninth-level warriors flying outside. Heroes, regardless of strength or weakness.

Knowing clearly that there are tigers in the mountain, you will head towards the tiger mountain, knowing that you will die, but you will never look back. Every strong man in the Temple Federation is using his own blood and his last strength to fight to defend the survival of mankind. Their death is as heavy as a mountain.

After this battle that determined the life and death of mankind, Yulong Pass simply surpassed the Southeast Fortress and Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. Renamed Hero Pass. At the same time, each of the three fortresses established a hero monument to praise these heroes who sacrificed their precious lives on the battlefield for the future of mankind.

Hiss-- A harsh hissing sound came from a corner of the battlefield. A tall figure suddenly spun half a circle in the air, and then slammed to the ground below.

A dark green figure chased behind him like a ghost. Because of his speed, his body looked completely illusory. But as the body fell, a series of cracks opened up the space behind it.

The figure that fell from the sky was none other than Sima Xian, and the person chasing behind him was the Lightning Demon God Parr, who was ranked tenth among the demons.


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