Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 877 Dragon and Phoenix Fire God Pillar (Part 1)

Lin Xin's sudden appearance and almost instantaneous magic shocked the Snake Spear Demon God Eligo. However, as the fifteenth ranked Demon God, he is also very confident in his own strength. Even though he had already used Demon Transformation, he had actually never used his full strength in the previous battles.

The blue light beam composed of dragons and phoenixes released by Lin Xin did not have any energy overflow. It felt like a flame light beam. The power is definitely not small, but the Snake Spear Demon God Eligo doesn't think that just such a flame beam can kill him. Moreover, he has a very good relationship with the Demon God of Love and the Demon God of Music. The two demon gods were far less good at melee combat than him, and the three of them would be much more confident in fighting Cai'er together. Once something happened to him, the Love Demon God Sidi and the Music Demon God Brice would never feel better. So he believed that these two demon gods would definitely help him.

Six snake heads emerged from behind at the same time. Together with the snake gun in Brice's hand, they instantly turned into seven shadows in front of him.

But at this moment, the grand lotus thrown by Cai'er arrived. This flourishing lotus appeared very cleverly, exploding right in the middle of the seven snake heads.

This is Cai'er's field skill! The power of the Golden Lotus was fully proven when Cai'er used it for the first time. The power was so tyrannical that the senior officials of the Assassin Temple at that time were horrified.

At this time, it was only targeting one opponent, and its power was fully demonstrated.

Countless white petals exploded instantly and wrapped around all seven snake heads. Snake Spear Demon God Eligo felt an indescribable burning sensation instantly spread throughout his body. Amidst the screams, one of the seven snake heads exploded instantly, and a group of purple-red blood instantly turned into a purple-red halo and expanded in the air. . Trying to exorcise the purifying power of the Golden Lotus.

But at this moment, Lin Xin's attack had arrived.

Sidi, the love demon god, and Buris, the music demon god, really want to rescue Eligo. But they can't do that now.

The formation instantly formed by the twelve holy guards allowed Cai'er to purify the death breath in the air and convert it into purifying power at a rapid rate. The Death Scythe instantly displayed the Sixth Death Path of the Seven Deaths.

The Path of Death is a combination of the top five skills, and under Cai'er's full strength, its speed is so fast and its attack power is so terrifying that even the original Undead Demon God Samikina had to avoid its edge.

Sidi and Brice didn't even have time to transform into demons, so they could only try their best to resist. Your own life is always more important than other people's. How can they care about Iris! They also didn't expect that Cai'er's full strength explosion would be so terrifying.

The Moon Demon God Agares's role in blocking news once again subtly appeared on the battlefield. They still don’t know that the undead demon Samikina died in the hands of Cai’er. Otherwise, how dare they never become a demon?

Boom-- Dragon roars and phoenix cries erupted at the same time. When Eligo was hit head-on by the huge blue pillar of fire, he realized how wrong he was. The terrifying power of this blow far exceeded his knowledge of flames.

There is also a powerful power of light in the terrifying high-temperature flames. Moreover, the explosive power of this blow was so terrifying that even if he was in his prime, he would not be able to withstand it, let alone being attacked by the Golden Lotus.

Under the violent burning, Eligo's other six snake heads exploded almost at the same time. The rich purple blood tried to turn into a barrier to hold his life.

It's a pity that he woke up too late. If he had used the method of disintegrating the demon at the risk of breaking his wrist at the last second, he might have had a chance to save his life. Unfortunately, when he was hit completely head-on by this blow, even if he wanted to use the power of the Demonic Pillar to teleport away, he could no longer do it.

The moment the six tongues were shattered, the filthy snake blood disappeared instantly under the purification of the Heart Flame and the Brilliant Praise. And Eligo's body was completely devoured. Vaporizes instantly. Even his Demon God's Crown lost the power to escape in this terrifying blue flame, and came into Lin Xin's hands with the return of the Fire Phoenix.

However, Lin Xin, who had launched this attack, was obviously very uncomfortable, his face was frighteningly pale, his body swayed in the air, and he almost fell from the air. However, his goal was finally achieved. In this battle, he finally killed a demon god, and he ranked fifteenth.

On the other side, the angel and demon god Baimeng who was left behind by Lin Xin finally reacted. In a flash, he chased towards the battlefield. Trying to kill the weak Lin Xin.

Lin Xin quickly threw a few pills into his mouth, and the fire on his body reappeared. The holy sun above his head once again sounded a dragon roar, and another huge dragon head came out, and the phoenix roar was also loud and clear on his chest.

The angel demon god Baimeng is one of the top ten demon gods, but he asked himself that his cultivation level is not much stronger than that of Eligo. Eligo was instantly killed by this blow. Can he please him if he confronts him head-on?

Baimen's flying speed was instantly stopped, and his whole body stagnated in mid-air. The attack magic he was about to send out also instantly turned into a defensive magic. He was afraid of being killed by Lin Xin's full attack.

Lin Xin laughed, the dragon's roar and the phoenix's roar remained the same, but he didn't take action.

In fact, there was no way he could launch the kind of attack twice in a row!

Dragon is his domain skill, Dragon of the Holy Sun. Coupled with the increase in light attributes of Glorious Praise, one can imagine how powerful it is. Moreover, with Lin Xin's intelligence, he merged his domain skills with the power of the Blue Fire Phoenix Spiritual Furnace, which produced a geometric multiplication effect.

However, Lin Xin is powerful enough in terms of magic control, and in addition to being whimsical, he also has two pieces of immortal equipment to assist him. This allowed him to successfully develop this super powerful blow, which was also a blow that could drain almost all of his power away.

Lin Xin named this skill Dragon Phoenix Fire God Pillar. It is the most powerful skill he can currently use. The power of the attack was so terrifying that it could even be compared with Cai'er's death path, and in some aspects it was even worse. Only in this way can he succeed in one fell swoop and kill the fifteenth-ranked Snake Spear Demon God Eligo.

Of course, Baimeng could not always be intimidated by Lin Xin. It only took him a few breaths to realize that he had been fooled. However, when he wanted to switch from defense to offense, it was already too late. Because the love demon Sidi and the music demon Brice are both in danger.

Cai'er's attack was like a violent storm. Bryce had already been struck by her with a scythe. While blood splattered, his resistance also dropped significantly.

Although the number of dead on the battlefield in front of you cannot be compared with that in the southeastern fortress, don't forget that the people here are the top experts of humans and demons, and the souls they release after death are higher than those of ordinary humans and demons. Much stronger. Therefore, the purification power that Cai'er absorbed was also huge. Under her all-out attack, the biggest disadvantage for Brice and Sidi was that they had no time to transform into demons.

Bryce's left arm was cut off, and the terrifying power brought by the Purification Domain eroded into the wound at a variable speed. It corroded the bones instantly and spread upward at an alarming rate.

Bryce is worthy of being a demon god. At the critical moment of life and death, a strong man can cut off his wrist. His weapon was a harp. He quickly pulled out a string and cut off his arm abruptly, thus curbing the spread of the purifying power. But one can imagine the impact on his combat effectiveness after losing an arm.

Brice and Sidi are both ranked extremely high, one is twelfth and the other is thirteenth. If the two of them die again, Cai'er will be freed up. The impact on the battle situation can be imagined.

Although Baimeng, the angel and demon god, wanted to kill Lin Xin, he was too late in time. With no other option, he could only quickly transform into a demon and at the same time turn his attack on Cai'er.

Cai'er also accepted it as soon as it was good. The attack was suddenly withdrawn, and at the same time the Tower of Eternity flew out quickly, enveloping and sealing all three demon gods. Under the protection of the twelve holy guards, she quickly absorbed the power of purification to replenish her previous consumption.

She was already familiar with the technique of sealing with the Tower of Eternity. In such a short period of time, she and Lin Xin cooperated to kill a demon god.

Cai'er showed her thumb to Lin Xin. Lin Xin also responded with his left thumb, then quickly flew out of the battlefield and returned to the head of Yulongguan City to adjust. With his own elixir and domain-level strength, it won't take long for his cultivation to return to its peak state. When he can help Cai'er share the burden again, the situation will be different.

Cai'er did not trap the three demons for too long. The Tower of Eternity emits white light, and another silver light flashes past. It turns into light and shadow and appears next to Cai'er. It is Wang Yuanyuan.

Wang Yuanyuan's previous opponent was the Force Demon God Barbatos. Barbatos is powerful and has been fighting Wang Yuanyuan. During the fight, he has killed one Adamantine Base Knight and six Mithril Base Knights. Although Wang Yuanyuan was so cruel that it made his teeth itch, there was nothing he could do against him. Whenever she was about to catch up with her opponent, Barbatos' attacks were always able to push her back. This eighth-ranked demon god is truly astonishing in strength.

Just when Barbatos felt that Wang Yuanyuan's momentum had dropped significantly and he was ready to launch a counterattack. Suddenly, there was a flash of silver light, and Wang Yuanyuan disappeared.

He also noticed the scene where Eligo was killed before, but he was far away from the battlefield on Cai'er's side and it was too late to rescue him. At this time, Wang Yuanyuan disappeared again. He was not in a daze like the angel and demon god Baimeng, but looked directly at Cai'er. Just in time to see the Tower of Aion rapidly expanding. Then Wang Yuanyuan appeared next to Cai'er, and the next moment he disappeared into the Tower of Eternity with Cai'er. Disappearing with them were the Twelve Holy Guards.

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