Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 879 Dragon and Phoenix Fire God Pillar (Part 2)

Sima Xian had an astonishing scar extending from his left shoulder to his right waist. The thick armor on his body was almost cut through, and there was faint blood oozing out. Moreover, his aura also seemed very weak, and his original strong aura was completely gone. Only the bald head still shines.

Although his body was cut off by the Lightning Demon God Pal, he still held the chain of the Light Power Pill tightly in his hand. Before his eyes, his body was about to hit the ground.

The fight between the Lightning Demon God Pal and Sima Xian has been going on for a long time. Sima Xian relied on the power of the Purple Fantasy God's Thunder Spirit Furnace and the lightning coverage to barely resist Pal's attack.

But Parr is known among the demons for his aggressive attacks, and his strength is indeed superior to that of Sima Xian. Among the demons, the lightning demon Parr has a very close relationship with the snake spear demon Eligo, and they can be said to be close friends.

Parr watched Eligo die under Lin Xin's attack. At that time, he was completely entangled by Sima Xian with the power of thunder and lightning, and he was unable to rescue him in time.

Eligo's death also made Parr's eyes red. He no longer cared about conserving his strength, so he directly used Demonic Transformation. In an instant, he completely suppressed Sima Xian in terms of strength. With his terrifying attack power and speed, he finally broke through Sima Xian. Sima Xian's defense line was slashed hard on Sima Xian's chest with a sickle. If it weren't for the defense of the epic armor, I'm afraid that the sword just cut Sima Xian into two pieces.

Pal's forelimbs are exactly like those of a mantis, and his lower body has four legs. A pair of thin wings on his back, once unfolded, not only fly very fast, but are also particularly good at changing direction in the air. His attack method is a bit like the Shura Slash used by Long Haochen and several strong members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Moreover, he has a sharpness similar to Shura Slash at every level. Once hit, it is a serious injury.

Dark green light flashes. If you can catch it with the naked eye, you can see it. Starting from the wings behind Pal's back, a strange green color is extending forward at an alarming speed, not only from the wings, but also from the four legs. color. In the end, these weird green colors were concentrated on his forelimbs.

This is Pal's domain, the domain of broken seals. Display all your power in destructive power and enhance your sharpness. His field can not only greatly enhance his own attack power, but also has the ability to cut through the opponent's field. It can be said to be an extremely special but terrifyingly powerful field. If he can be ranked among the top ten of the Seventy-Two Demon Gods, how can his cultivation be weak?

Eligo's death completely angered Parr. He wanted to take Sima Xian as the first sacrifice under his attack from the Seal-breaking Domain. After killing Sima Xian, he went to avenge the snake spear demon Eligo.

The tenth demon pillar of the demon clan launched a fatal blow with all his strength. There is no doubt that Sima Xian is now in an extreme crisis. However, if Parr is familiar with the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, he should understand that the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group have always cooperated with each other in an extremely tacit understanding. However, why did Cai'er not activate the Realm of Flash when Sima Xian faced such a crisis, and when he was attacked just now, the life-sharing effect of the soul chain did not appear?

Unfortunately, Parr was not familiar with these. It was also the first time for him to face the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group on the battlefield.

There was no panic in Sima Xian's eyes, and the Light Power Pill was held tightly in his hand. Falling from the air, in just two breaths, he had already hit the ground hard. Because Pal's previous attack was strong enough, coupled with the Light Power Pill and his own weight, this time it actually made his The body is completely embedded into the ground. And Parna used a pair of mantis knives from the Broken Seal Realm to fall from the sky, with a strange green light, slashing towards Sima Xian's body. Prepare to cut him into pieces.

Just when Sima Xian was about to be destroyed by Parr's attack, suddenly, a strange scene appeared.

A white light suddenly lit up on Sima Xian's chest, and a white angel pattern quietly appeared on his chest armor. There were obvious tears on that beautiful angel's face, and her clear eyes seemed to be filled with endless sadness.

The moment the angel appeared, a figure quietly appeared in front of Sima Xian. A huge shield also blocked the lightning demon that fell from the sky.

Keng, Keng-- Two explosions shook the surrounding area. Under the influence of the realm of breaking the seal and the transformation into a demon, the sudden figure was directly knocked away by the lightning demon Parr.

However, he also successfully rescued Sima Xian. Parr knocked his opponent away and rebounded slightly. It failed to hit Sima Xian who was embedded in the ground.

Moreover, when he hit the opponent's shield just now, what Pal saw were two weird images. One picture is exactly the same as the sad angel on Sima Xian's chest, while the other picture is a terrifying demon.

These two images both appeared on the shield, each occupying half of the area, resulting in a strange scene where the shield was half white and half black.

After slashing away the knight holding the shield, Parr clearly saw that the demon image on the shield became illusory, and a shadow seemed to come out of the shield and fall on him.

Because he was attacking with all his strength at that time, he couldn't stop and dodge. Therefore, even if he felt something was wrong, he could only hit the opponent and endure the invasion of the phantom.

what happened? Parr was shocked and quickly activated his spiritual power, trying to dispel the enemy's power that invaded his body. But he immediately discovered that doing so was completely in vain, because he did not feel any energy invading himself.

At this moment, Sima Xian, who had been stuck on the ground, got up. He looked really embarrassed and gray-headed, but when he looked at Pal, he grinned. Said something to Pal that he didn't understand.

This is a battle between angels and demons. As he spoke, the angel on his chest suddenly became extraordinarily shiny.

The sad angel seemed to have come to life, and at this moment, a pattern appeared on Parr's chest, which was the fearful demon on the shield of the previous knight.

The next moment, Parr and Sima Xian were like the two poles of a magnet, generating a huge attraction, and they rushed towards each other instantly. The strength of that force completely exceeded their respective cultivation levels.

not good. Pal had already judged that something was wrong, but even in his demonic state, he couldn't resist the terrifying suction. He could only watch his body crashing into Sima Xian. But Sima Xian's body expanded crazily at this moment. In the blink of an eye, his whole body was shining with a rich golden color, and he had become a hundred meters tall.

There is no doubt that it was Han Yu who helped Sima Xian withstand the fatal blow. After completing this resistance, as the owner of the Divine Throne of Fear and Sorrow and the Knight of the Divine Seal of Destruction and Forgiveness, he did not continue to help Sima Xian in the battle. Instead, he instantly returned to the original battlefield and continued to resist. Live his previous opponent.

Although the Lightning Demon God Pal didn't know what skill the opponent was hit by, at this moment, he felt a little panicked for no reason. Unpredictable situations are the scariest. But as a demon god and the tenth most powerful being, Parr will naturally not show weakness at critical moments. If you can't dodge, then accept it. The Lightning Demon cannot display his fastest speed, but he still has the most terrifying attack power.

A pair of sickles were raised, and the Broken Sealed Domain burst out again. The dim light flickered and went straight to Sima Xian's heart.

Parr already understood at this time that Sima Xian did not go all out before, at least he did not use the field in front of him! However, no matter how strong his domain power is, it has no effect in front of his own sealed domain. It's not as if the body getting bigger can offset the damage. Even if he could calculate himself, he would lose his speed advantage. But in the face of tyrannical attacks, he will still die. At most, he can attack himself once even if he is dying. But in his demonic state, Parr was confident of resisting Sima Xian's attack.

One big and one small, the two figures collided instantly. Sima Xian, who is already 100 meters tall, cannot compare with Pal in terms of dexterity. As expected, Pal's pair of mantis knives cut his chest first.

There was a hint of disdain in Parr's eyes. Not to mention the bald man in front of him, even beings at the level of the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God would definitely die if they were cut by his double swords with the realm of breaking the seal. Only His Majesty the Demon God Emperor might be able to withstand it.

Can Sima Xian stop Parr's broken realm? Of course it can't be stopped. The Tenth Pillar Demon God, who is famous for his attacks, uses Demon Transformation and Breaking the Sealed Domain at the same time. At this moment, his attack power is enough to rank among the top three demons.

However, there is a major premise, that is, his attack power must be able to be used, and the effect of the Seal-Breaking Domain must be produced.

The pair of mantis knives attached to the Broken Seal Realm seemed to be less than an inch away from Sima Xian's chest. The power of light outside Sima Xian's body had been completely broken, and his chest muscles felt a strong sting.

At this critical moment, a scene that was strange to the Lightning Demon God Pal but magical to Sima Xian took place.

The fear demon on Parr's chest and the sad angel on Sima Xian's chest lit up at the same time. The moment they shined, the fear demon raised its head and let out a long roar without any sound, while two drops of tears fell from the eyes of the sad angel. The two drops were crystal clear, as if they contained tears of the purest thing in the world.


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. I find that my ability to control large-scale battles is getting better and better. Wow haha.

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