Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 807 Life Prophecy (Part 1)

The Demon God Emperor's calmness was finally broken. He slowly raised his right hand and landed on the armrest of the God Emperor's throne.

Just such a simple action immediately attracted everyone's attention. The five demon gods present subconsciously looked at the Demon God Emperor, but what they saw was a pair of extremely deep eyes, like the underworld. The five people couldn't help but shudder at the same time, and the fear and trembling in their hearts became more intense.

When Abao stood next to the Demon God Emperor, it was a completely different feeling. Over the past few years, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, with leaps and bounds growing almost every year. Even he himself felt as if he was getting closer and closer to his father's realm.

But just now, during the half-hour when the Demon God Emperor was silent, Abao knew that he was wrong. Because he suddenly felt clearly that the gap between him and his father was still as big as heaven and earth, like fireflies and moonlight.

The Demon God Emperor slowly stood up from the God Emperor's throne. It seemed that he was no different from ordinary people. He actually stood up slowly while supporting the armrests of the throne with both hands. But as he stood up, the five demon gods below fell to their knees almost at the same time and said respectfully: Your Majesty.

At this time, the Demon God Emperor in this state will never call them brothers, but a ruthless, invincible Demon Emperor.

Vashak, stand up. The Demon God Emperor's calm voice sounded. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the Star Demon God Vasak with his eyes that gradually became brighter.

Vasak's body trembled subconsciously, and then he stood up slowly, but still lowered his head and said respectfully: Your Majesty.

The Demon God Emperor smiled, and his smile looked very peaceful, even a little gentle. Slowly walked down from the high platform where the throne of the God Emperor was located.

Almost before he took a step, Star Demon God Vasak's body trembled slightly. That oppressive force was extremely suppressing his mind.

The Demon Emperor stopped until he reached the Star Demon God Vasak, and the body of the Demon Prophet in front of him was trembling unconsciously.

Have you had a premonition of something? Demon God Emperor asked with a chuckle.

Vasak didn't say a word. He didn't dare to say a word because he felt a trace of death energy the moment he entered the main hall of the Demon Palace, and this death energy acted on himself. How could he not be afraid?

The Demon God Emperor said calmly: I just don't know if your prediction is accurate. Guess, will you leave here alive today, or will you die here?

Your Majesty. The Moon Demon God Agares, who was still kneeling beside him, was shocked, and subconsciously raised his head and shouted. He had the deepest relationship with Star Demon God Vasak, but he never expected that the Demon God Emperor's anger today was actually directed at Vasak. But he couldn't imagine what the Star Demon God had done to cause the Demon God Emperor's rage to explode today.

Shut up. The Demon God Emperor shouted coldly, raised his right foot, and kicked the Moon Demon God Agares on the shoulder like lightning. Suddenly, Agares' body flew out like a cannonball, hitting the wall of the main hall of the Demon Palace from a distance, making a violent roar. Large pieces of gravel fell together with the Moon Demon God's body.

The Demon God Emperor's kick scared the Dead Demon God, the Hell Demon God, and the Bear Demon God all to the ground, and they didn't even have the courage to raise their heads.

They all knew that the people the Demon God Emperor trusted the most and had the best relationships with were the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God. Moreover, the two demon gods ranked second and third have always been brothers. I don't know what happened today, but the Demon God Emperor was furious because of the Star Demon God, and he instantly fell out with the Moon Demon God. You know, the Moon Demon Clan and the Star Demon Clan both play a very important role in the Demon Clan, second only to the Demon God Emperor’s Heaven-defying Demon Dragon Clan!

However, even the Moon Demon God, who was kicked away, had no intention of resisting at this time. After falling to the ground, he knelt there again, but never dared to say a word again.

Raise your head and look at me. The Demon God Emperor said calmly.

Star Demon God Vasak slowly raised his head. There was only bitterness in his eyes. He could clearly feel the crazy killing intent in the Demon God Emperor in front of him.

He is a great prophet and a prophet of the demon race. However, even his language ability could not be used on the Demon God Emperor at all. Because no one among the demons knows better than him that the Demon God Emperor has transcended all existences in this plane and reached another realm. Back then, when the Demon God Emperor's breakthrough was completed, he stayed by his side and witnessed with his own eyes the Demon God Emperor's heaven-defying breakthrough. He knew clearly that the seventh Demon God Emperor in front of him was the strongest person in the history of the Demon Clan. Any demon who wants to resist him will just be a joke.

Looking at Vasak in front of him, the Demon God Emperor said slowly: Vashak, I trust you so much. I have always regarded you as my right-hand man. You have always done your best for our clan. But, you Do you know that as the prophet of our clan, one mistake of yours will ruin the future of our clan?

His voice was not high-pitched, but with every word he spoke, a layer of orange-red light flashed across Star Demon God's body. When the last question was over, there was already orange-red blood oozing out of Vasak's mouth and nose. out. Although the Demon God Emperor did not attack him directly, the methods he used against him were much more terrifying than those against the Moon Demon God, which were direct soul damage.

Vasak smiled bitterly and said: If I guessed correctly, it should be because of the news more than a month ago. Did your Majesty confirm the authenticity of that news?

The Demon God Emperor nodded, his eyes finally no longer calm, and an icy chill rushed out crazily, Yes, he is still alive. Tell me, why?

No, that's impossible. Vasak lost his voice. At this time, he seemed to have forgotten the terror of the Demon God Emperor.

Impossible? Could it be that what I saw with my own eyes was wrong? Not only did he appear, but he also stopped me from grabbing the natural god. He also talked to me. Hearing is false, seeing is believing. What else can you say? ?”

Star Demon God Vasak took a deep breath, and the fear in his eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by a special look, Your Majesty, I am not wrong. My prediction will not be wrong either. He must have died that day, I have felt the presence of his life many times, and I have made predictions many times, but the results are always the same. A prediction about a person cannot be wrong.

The Demon God Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, So, I saw or heard wrong?

After Vasak was silent for a moment, as if he had decided something, his eyes shone like two bright stars, and he said: I have offended Your Majesty, and I understand my outcome. In this case, I am willing to do the last thing for the demons. One thing. I am willing to use my life as a sacrifice to restore the prophecy. Whether he is dead or alive, he has the aura left when he was killed by Your Majesty. At the cost of my life, I should be able to see that he still exists. reason.

No. No! Moon Demon God Agares flashed his figure and came to the Demon God Emperor. He knelt there and begged bitterly: Your Majesty, since Vasak became the Star Demon God, he has done everything for our clan. You have sacrificed a lot, but you appreciate not only the credit but also the hard work. I am willing to lead my clan to a surprise attack on the Temple Alliance, capture Long Haochen before you, and let you deal with it.

Hearing the words Long Haochen, Abao, who was standing next to the God Emperor's throne, stiffened suddenly. Purple light suddenly erupted in his empty eye sockets, and fierce murderous intent suddenly burst out.

You? The Demon God Emperor snorted coldly, It's hard to say whether you are his opponent now. Okay, Vasak, I'll give you a chance. You can start now. As he spoke, he left He raised his foot and kicked Moon Demon God Agares away again. At the same time, a bright purple light turned into a bubble and sealed Agares inside. He couldn't even make a sound.

Looking at the Demon God Emperor who had regained his composure, a flash of despair flashed in Vasak's eyes. He knew that there was no other possibility. Except for the Moon Demon God, the other three demon gods just crawled there without saying a word.

A sad smile appeared on Vasak's face, and he slowly knelt down in front of the Demon God Emperor, Your Majesty, please take care of my people even when I die for my people.

Fengxiu looked at him coldly, Let's get started.

Vasak didn't get the answer he wanted, and his eyes were a little dull. He stood up again and walked towards the entrance of the hall. When he passed the three demon gods lying on the ground, his steps paused slightly. After walking forward for more than ten steps, he stopped.

The orange-red light gradually intensified as he walked, and when he stopped, it had become extremely bright.

The Demon God Emperor waved his sleeves, and a powerful wave of spiritual power swept away the Dead Demon God, the Hell Demon God, and the Bear Demon God. The three demon gods stood aside and remained silent.

Moon Demon God Agares was in a hurry, but he did not dare to break away from the Demon God Emperor's seal, otherwise, he would definitely be angered. If the Demon God Emperor could kill the Star Demon God Vasak, it may not be impossible for him to do the same...

Vasak slowly opened his arms to both sides of his body, with the palms of his hands facing upwards, each with an orange-red crystal ball. A low spell began to sound, and the intense orange-red light emitted from the body began to surge upwards.

The Demon God Emperor looked at him coldly, his eyes as cold as ice, showing no mercy at all.

The incantation Vasak chanted gradually grew from low to high, and the intense orange-red light turned into flames.

It was a strange flame. Vasak's clothes gradually steamed and burned in the flame, and his whole body began to become transparent and bright.


Tears..., my poor recommendation vote fell off the list, brothers and sisters, please give me some strength! Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. I promise, the ending will be well written and it will not be a bad ending. In about a month, the divine seal will end. The next book is much anticipated, and in response to everyone's request, it will be Douluo Dalu II.

Oh, by the way, there is another good news to inform you that the Ice and Fire Magic Chef published by Angel Culture has been released. This time it's a new version. When Binghuo was first published, I was deceived by that disgusting publisher and didn't even pay me the royalties. This is a reprint, I hope everyone can buy Ice and Fire. It's priced at 15 yuan a copy, so don't buy it wrong. The first volume is already on the market, and subsequent ones will be published one after another. It should be completed within a few months, with a total of twelve volumes. The unit price is low and the number of words is large. Book lovers who still remember and like it should not miss it.

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