Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 806 The Spirit of God (Part 2)

But now the situation is very special. The eternal heart is beating, and a new heart is gradually born in Long Haochen's understanding of life and creation.

A faint light flickered, and a soft smile appeared on Long Haochen's face. He just felt that his body was very warm, and the beating of the Eternal Heart seemed to become more powerful. Little did he know that the eternal heart was gradually merging with this new heart. Every blood vessel is absorbing the power of the Eternal Heart.

The creation of life is the most miraculous. Although Ye Xiaolei can feel the crisis, she is unable to communicate with Long Haochen while she is merging with him. I can only do my best to maintain this creation.

King Easton was watching quietly beside him. He was now Long Haochen's guardian. At the same time, he could also feel the magical aura exuding from Long Haochen's body. The strong vitality gave him a stronger sense of intimacy.

Gradually, the green light became weaker and concentrated on Long Haochen's chest. Long Haochen's whole body felt like he had been reborn. Everything about him seemed to become more transparent and vital.

The green light on his chest fluctuated slightly, which was his heartbeat, and a new heart was quietly completely formed in his chest, and was perfectly integrated with the eternal heart. This must be the most powerful heart in human history.

Ye Xiaolei tiredly fell into a deep sleep in Long Haochen's chest. As a spiritual furnace of wisdom, almost all of her fusion power was finally given to this heart.

Gradually waking up from his enlightenment, Long Haochen subconsciously raised his right hand and pressed it on his chest. There was warmth in my chest, and it was indescribably comfortable. The beating of the Eternal Heart seemed weaker than before, but it did not cause any sensation on his body. At the same time, he could also feel Ye Xiaolei's thoughts staying on his chest, but he fell into a deep sleep for some reason. Perhaps, this is the sequelae of the fusion of the Wisdom Soul Furnace.

However, what surprised Long Haochen was that he clearly felt that the fusion between himself and Ye Xiaolei had been completed. However, there seemed to be no sign of improvement in the internal and external spiritual power that he had experienced before. . Everything is still the same as before.

However, he soon felt relieved. During this period of time, his cultivation level could be said to have skyrocketed like a blowout. It's not good to grow too much at once. Fortunately, the realization he had just now allowed him to improve his realm, at least he would not be left too behind by his rapidly improving cultivation.

After saying hello to King Easton, Long Haochen chose to return. As the Lord of Eternity, he can enter and exit the Eternal Realm at will.

The world of black and red reappeared before our eyes. Perhaps because Cai'er's purification power was too powerful, the air here was obviously much cleaner now, but we just didn't know how long it would last.

Everyone, including Haoyue, was waiting on the hill where it had evolved. Long Haochen's return immediately opened everyone's eyes.

In a flash, Long Haochen had already landed in front of his friends. His eyes looked at Haoyue first.

Haoyue's aura has completely stabilized at this time, and the terrifying destructive thoughts before have been restrained, at least from the outside, nothing can be felt. Otherwise, people like the Dawn of Light would not be able to stay by its side.

The eight big heads slowly came over and overlapped in front of Long Haochen. They looked a bit funny. However, none of the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, who had seen Haoyue's terrifying power before, could laugh. They still clearly remember that the powerful Undead Judgment Knight and Lich King had almost no resistance in front of it, and were completely suppressed in an instant. If Long Haochen hadn't taken action, the two kings would have been destroyed by Haoyue's attack.

Long Haochen raised his hand and touched the two newly born big heads. He looked at the dark golden big head and said, Your ability should be metal. From now on, I'll call you Xiao Jin. As for you... His eyes turned to the top of his head. With a big blue-purple head with ball lightning, Long Haochen said: Let's call you Xiao Lei.

Ho, ho. After receiving Long Haochen's name, Xiao Jin and Xiao Lei seemed very excited. They came closer and rubbed against Long Haochen's body. Indescribably close.

Feeling Haoyue's deep affection for him, the worry that had appeared in Long Haochen's heart before disappeared.

Cai'er said, Haochen, what happened to Ye Xiaolei?

Long Haochen frowned and said, I'm afraid we have to face the Demon God Emperor in advance. At that moment, he recounted the scene he saw when he went to Dream Paradise.

Long Haochen didn't know that Ye Xiaolei's life-and-death crisis came from the Demon God Emperor before he teleported there. At present, humans are far from fully prepared. And the Demon God Emperor saw him with his own eyes. Judging from the Demon God Emperor's original determination to kill him, he would definitely take action.

Sima Xian said bitterly: Soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth. They will come as soon as they come. If the demons dare to launch a holy war again, it is not certain who will win.

The current Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group is no longer the handsome No. 64 Demon Hunting Group during the Holy War five years ago. Now they have the strength to become the main force against the demons head-on. Everyone is holding back their energy.

Long Haochen nodded slightly and said, That's all. When we go back, we need to make preparations early.

As soon as he finished speaking, the first person to react was Haoyue. A layer of purple mist rose up all over Haoyue's body. Before Long Haochen could be surprised, its body shrank at an alarming speed. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Haoyue? Long Haochen called it in surprise. At this moment, a palm-sized figure suddenly jumped in front of him, flapping a pair of small wings and shaking.

Long Haochen suddenly felt dumbfounded. This palm-sized thing was actually Haoyue. It's just a mini version of Haoyue.

He stretched out his right hand and let Haoyue fall on the palm of his hand. Haoyue's eight heads kept shaking and conveyed excitement to Long Haochen. He was obviously very proud of his ability to shrink, just like a man who got a favorite toy. Childlike.

Touching it gently, Long Haochen smiled and said: That's good, at least it will be more convenient for you to follow me. After completing this evolution, you shouldn't need to come back here often in the future.

The silver light of the Flash Realm appeared again at the feet of the Demon Hunting Group of Light Dawn, and the purple-gold light flashed and broke through the void.

It wasn't until they disappeared for an hour that several figures slowly appeared in the distance, looking over at them. Their beating soul fires were filled with many complex emotions.

The return of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group immediately made Long Xingyu overjoyed. Of course, he wasn't that worried this time. Long Haochen, who has been recognized by the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, is not so prone to danger.

Just when he was about to put the marriage of Long Haochen, Cai'er and several other couples in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group on the agenda, Long Haochen told him the possible reaction of the Demon God Emperor. The happy event had to be postponed.

Long Haochen immediately wrote a letter and asked the Knights Temple to forward it to the federal headquarters. At the same time, he quickly summoned the top brass of the Knights Temple to discuss countermeasures. Although the demons are unlikely to launch another holy war for a while, they must prepare for a rainy day. Long Haochen had even guessed the target that the Demon God Emperor would target if he launched a holy war.

Demon clan, Demon City, Demon Palace.

main hall.

The Demon God Emperor sat at the top of the table, leaning against a tall chair. At the top of the high back of the chair was a huge dragon head, and the two red gems in his eyes were emitting a faint light.

Abao, who was also wearing a black luxurious robe, stood quietly beside the Demon God Emperor. His eyes were cold and concentrated, and his eyes were empty, as if there was no thought in his body.

You could hear a needle drop throughout the main hall, and it was so quiet that there wasn't even a speck of dust. But in fact, there were five demons standing below.

The demon standing at the front has long purple hair hanging down. His handsome face, purple eyes, and special temperament all give people a strange sense of beauty. It is none other than Moon Demon God Agares.

Next to Agares, standing side by side was the Star Demon God Vasak. Vasak, who was usually very calm and wise, didn't know why, but he was obviously a little uneasy today, as if he had a premonition of something.

Behind them there are three major demons, namely the undead demon Samikina among the five pillar demons of the demon clan, the hell demon Marbus, and the bear demon Valiver who ranks sixth among the seventy-two pillar demons of the demon clan.

The five demon gods were invited by the Demon God Emperor, but they had no idea what was going on. But as soon as they entered the Demon God's Palace, they felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. The terrifying pressure made even strong men like them have difficulty breathing and feel as if a giant hammer had hit their chests.

The Demon God Emperor, who was sitting on the God Emperor's throne, looked very calm, but half an hour had passed since they entered the main hall, and the Demon God Emperor remained the same as when they first arrived. Only the oppressive feeling in the air is getting stronger and stronger.

These five demon gods have been following the Demon God Emperor for at least three hundred years. They all knew that the calmer and silent the Demon God Emperor seemed, the more severe his mood swings were.

The five demon gods didn't even dare to look at each other to fight for other people's thoughts. Standing there straight, head slightly lowered, waiting quietly.

The Demon God Emperor usually seemed easy-going, but if he really got angry, the terror would be unbearable for any demon clan. The undead demon Samikina still remembers it clearly. About three hundred and sixty years ago. The Demon God Emperor's wrath changed the structure of their demon clan. The original Undead Demon God was directly killed by the Demon God Emperor, giving him the opportunity to inherit the position of Demon God.

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