Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 808 Life Prophecy (Part 2)

Moon Demon God Agares has closed his eyes. This is Vasak's prophecy at the cost of burning his own life force! It is also the strongest prophecy of the Star Demon God. It was a level higher than the great prophecy technique he used last time. Once the life prophecy is used, it is irreversible and will definitely consume all the user's life force. But the prediction effect is also the best and closest to the truth.

Vasak turned around slowly, his eyes turning completely blood-colored. The high-pitched chanting also stopped the moment he turned around. Facing the direction of the Demon God Emperor, he spurted out a mouthful of blood. Suddenly, the orange-red flame that was burning fiercely suddenly surged and turned into an orange-red light pillar that shot up five meters.

A strange aura began to appear in the entire main hall of the Demon Palace. The strong demons present felt that their consciousness was slightly in a trance, even the Demon God Emperor was no exception.

The Star Demon God is burning with the fire of life, and his soul power has increased to an extremely terrifying level.

This is the first time anyone present has seen the life prophecy. Only the Star Demon Gods of the past generations can use it. In the history of the demon clan, this is only the second time it has appeared. After all, this is a prophecy at the cost of the Star Demon God's life!

The orange-red light beam gradually turned into a light curtain and appeared in the sky of the main hall of the Demon Palace. The illusory light and shadow first changed in a whirlpool, and then gradually became clear.

What the picture showed was exactly the scene when the Demon God Emperor killed Long Haochen. Long Haochen's heart was pierced and he slowly fell to the ground. Then Cai'er and other members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group took his body out of the Star Demon Tower and left quickly.

The scene followed Long Haochen and the others to the wild. Ye Xiaolei appeared and said something to Cai'er. Then there was a scene where Cai'er picked off the eternal melody from Long Haochen's neck and carried it with her.

Seeing Ye Xiaolei, the Demon God Emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, but when he saw that Ye Xiaolei did not help Long Haochen's treatment, doubts appeared in his eyes. Even if she is the goddess of nature, she cannot resurrect the corpse.

At this moment, the screen changed again and the transmission began. Cai'er and everyone instantly turned into rays of light and disappeared into the open space.

The orange-red light curtain once again formed a vortex, and the Star Demon God's body trembled violently, as if he was suffering from some severe pain.

The orange-red vortex lasted for a full minute before the picture reappeared, but this time, the picture became much blurrier than before.

A seven-story pagoda appeared on the screen. When they saw this pagoda, all the powerful demons present felt an inexplicable pressure from their souls. Even the Demon God Emperor is no exception.

The screen zoomed in, directly into the tower, and then there was a scene of Cai'er carrying Long Haochen's body on her back, leading the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group to climb upwards.

Although the picture is very blurry, at least the most important people of Dawn of Light can still be vaguely distinguished. Especially Cai'er, who was carrying Long Haochen's body, could tell the difference with her special death sickle.

Seeing this, the Demon God Emperor's face could not help but darken. Long Haochen was dead, but Cai'er carried his body and teleported to such a special place. It was obviously to resurrect him. Otherwise, why would it be like this? However, Vasak kept telling himself that Long Haochen was not resurrected at all, and that his death was simply not a pity.

The picture continued to change, and battle scenes gradually appeared, but they became increasingly blurry. When the scene where Cai'er begins to climb the road to heaven appears, only gold can be faintly seen in the entire picture.

The golden door of light appeared, and Cai'er jumped in. The next moment, the whole scene suddenly became chaotic. The image becomes completely unreal.

Vassago roared and spurted out a mouthful of orange blood again. This time, his whole body trembled violently involuntarily. Vitality plummeted.

With the support of his blood, the image gradually stabilized and became clear again. A huge coffin was presented in front of the sight of the demon gods.

The Holy God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Electrox, appeared. The aura that had suppressed the souls of all demon gods before suddenly rose to its peak.

A necromancer of the light system? The Demon God Emperor almost blurted out.

The screen jumped very quickly, and the scene of a golden heart condensing in Electrolux's hand appeared. Although it was only a momentary scene, it was still clearly captured by the Demon God Emperor. The next moment, he saw golden light surging and jumping around Long Haochen's chest.

When the scene changed again, it was the moment when Electrolux was holding the death scythe to purify himself.

Vassago's prophecy reached this point but could no longer hold on. He forcibly enhanced the life prophecy, causing the time of prophecy to be greatly reduced.

The orange-red light curtain gradually dimmed, and the picture disappeared. Vassago's body was constantly shaking under the light. not...a human..., an undead..., he is the body of an undead..., he is still...dead. dead, Austin..., Griffin... ...It is impossible to be...alive...Long Haochen's...body is just an undead..., undead...

The voice of Star Demon God Vasak was so tearful that all the demon gods who heard it could not help but turn away. At this time, Vasak looked like a ghost, and his whole body was burnt black. He used his own life to tell the Demon God Emperor that his prediction was not wrong. Long Haochen was indeed dead at the beginning and was never resurrected. He is living in the body of an undead. All he has is the heart of a powerful necromancer simulation.

Questioning eyes shot out from the eyes of all the demon gods almost instantly, falling on the Demon God Emperor, especially the Moon Demon God Agares, who had clenched his fists because of his anger.

At this moment, the Demon God Emperor raised his right hand, and a ball of green light flew out and fell towards Vasak's body.

A soft green halo surrounded Vasak's body, and the powerful breath of life was injected into his body crazily. The sweet and crisp collision sounds kept ringing, like mountains and flowing water, and like the harmonious sound of harps and harps.

Vasak's obviously exhausted life breath began to recover at an alarming speed, and his shaking body actually stabilized.

What power is this? All the demon gods looked at Vasak in shock. No matter how powerful the Demon God Emperor is, what he possesses is the power of darkness! The magic in front of me is clearly life magic, and its level is so high that it can even rival the Demon God Emperor's level in dark magic!

The Demon God Emperor frowned slightly. He knew that he had gone too far today. No matter how high his authority is in the Demon Clan, Vasak is still the third-ranked Demon God in the Demon Clan, and he is also the Demon Clan’s prophet. He had to take out this valuable treasure to save Vasak's life, otherwise the demon gods present might be separated from him.

The Demon God Emperor took off his luxurious black cloak, walked slowly to Vasak, looked at his body that was gradually returning to life in the green light, sighed, and said: Care leads to chaos. This matter I wronged you. Each of you understands what Austin and Griffin mean to our clan. This is why I am angry. What I can do is to take back the life you lost, third brother, I hope you can understand what I am doing. As he spoke, he put the cloak on Vasak with his own hands.

That green light had such a strong aura of life. In just a short time, Vasak not only recovered all his vitality due to the life prophecy, but also healed the wounds caused to his body by the prophecy in the past. . For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was speechless looking at the Demon God Emperor in front of him.

The Demon God Emperor released the Moon Demon God's seal with a wave of his hand, turned around and walked slowly back to his God Emperor's throne.

The restoration of Star Demon God's vitality made the resentment in the hearts of several Demon Gods disappear quickly. Moon Demon God Agares quickly came to Star Demon God Vasak, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Vassago looked at him deeply, with gratitude in his eyes. Among so many demon gods, almost every one of them has received his favor. As a demon prophet, almost all demon gods have come to him to ask for prophecies. However, at the critical moment, the only one who was willing to speak for him, even at the cost of arousing the Demon God Emperor's anger, was the Demon God Agares. As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed, although Vasak didn't say anything, his grateful eyes told He learned many things from the Moon Demon God.

Agares winked at him, and Vasak nodded slightly, wrapped his body in the Demon God Emperor's cloak, took a few steps forward, and knelt down respectfully, Your Majesty, I wish Vasak You plead guilty. Long Haochen is indeed still alive. It was my lack of ability in prophecy that caused so much trouble to Your Majesty. Please punish me.

Agares and Vasak both knew the temper of the Demon God Emperor. Although the life prophecy just now indicated that the Demon God Emperor had mistakenly blamed the Star Demon God, who dared to really blame him? No matter how much resentment Vasak felt in his heart, he couldn't show it on the surface. He even had to cover up the past for the Demon God Emperor.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu is the most powerful person in the Demon Clan for more than six thousand years, and his current status is not just based on his strength.

With a wave of his hand, a spiritual power lifted up Star Demon God Vasak. Fengxiu sighed: Right is right, wrong is wrong. You are not guilty, it is me who is wrong. However, I believe you also felt that just now The breath of life is good for you. Consider it the apology given by your elder brother. It is called the Elf Source. It can not only restore your vitality, but also increase your life span by at least five hundred years. Over the years, you have served our clan For prophesying and damaging the origin many times, this can be regarded as a reward from me on behalf of the whole clan. I hope you don’t bear any grudge against my elder brother.”

Vasak lowered his head and said, I don't dare, my brother. Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty.


Please vote for me again! The seventh simplified version of Throne of Gods, the Heart of Eternity, records the most exciting and touching part of the book, the part about Electrolux. It has been on the market for a while. Shenba (how does it feel like a rocket...) will probably be launched on the 15th of this month, basically in sync with the Internet. Everyone is welcome to collect. The last two copies of Shen 8 and Shen 9 will be gilded with silver and gold respectively, which are very exquisite. I have discussed with the publisher that when the last book of God 9 is released, in order to thank book friends for their support, we will make a large gift box. The cost price will be higher than the selling price to repay book lovers for their continued support. As for what will be given in the big gift box, it will be kept secret for the time being. The only thing that is certain is that there will be a trial reading of Douluo Dalu II in it. The specific name of Dou II has not yet been determined. I will notify book friends as soon as possible after it is decided. It will probably be around November 10th. Then it will be officially uploaded around November 20th.

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