Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 693 Cai'er's Purification Domain (Part 1)

As the chief elder of the Assassin Temple, how could Xue Zhisheng Lao Ermila fail to notice the changes in the mentality of the people around him? As Cai'er said, strength is a very important right to speak. What's more, she also possesses the highly symbolic Sword of Reincarnation. It has an extremely important position in the Assassin's Temple. In addition, Shengyue already has some supporters. If this continues, his control over the Presbyterian Church will definitely be greatly affected.

The reason why Xue Zhisheng strongly supports the neutrality of the Assassin Temple is naturally his own thoughts. First of all, he did think about the Assassin Temple. At the same time, he also had his own selfish motives. Li Zhengzheng, the leader of the Magic Temple, promised him that as long as he kept the Assassin Temple neutral, he would definitely ask him to take up a high position in the new alliance after it was established. Although Xue Zhisheng is old, his desire for power has never diminished. Maybe it’s because the less you get, the more you expect.

At this moment, seeing that Sheng Yue and Cai'er were about to regain control of the situation, he certainly would not give up. With a cold snort, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from him, attracting everyone's attention to himself.

Very good. Then let me test whether you, the Saint of Reincarnation, are qualified to take on important responsibilities. If you win, I will unconditionally support you in any decision you make in the future. At the same time, I will also support you to succeed Sheng Yue. If you lose, then , just stay in the temple and hibernate for a few more years, and wait until you have enough strength to take up a high position.

In any case, Xue Zhisheng was a senior member of the Assassin Temple. After a brief moment of anger, he also gained some understanding of Cai'er after listening to Sheng Yue's explanation. Of course, he also understood that Cai'er's existence meant that the Assassin's Temple was likely to have a glorious future. Therefore, his tone became much calmer. Of course, he didn't think Cai'er could make a difference now. After all, she is still so young. What he hoped for was that he would control the Assassin's Temple and establish a good enough position in the new alliance. As for the future, it is the world of young people like Cai'er.

Therefore, he decided to accept Cai'er's challenge and use his strength to prove everything. At the same time, it also allowed those senior officials of the Assassin Temple who were wavering to continue to support him.

Shengyue didn't look at Xue Zhisheng at all. There was only a relaxed smile on his usually serious face at this time. Because he knew that Xue Zhisheng had already lost when Cai'er came here with a group of senior Assassin Temple officials. The loss was not due to cultivation, but due to age and future. Even if he doesn't say anything, more and more people will support Cai'er. As for this competition, it's done. No matter whether he wins or loses, Cai'er is able to gain traction in people's hearts. It's just a matter of time before he takes control of the Assassin's Temple.

With a slight sway, Xue Zhisheng's body had disappeared. The next moment, he appeared twenty meters away from Cai'er. With his hands behind his back, his old face was unwavering, and a pair of stern eyes were staring at Cai'er, like a poisonous snake watching its prey.

You take action. As a strong man from the older generation, Xue Zhisheng is four generations ahead of Cai'er. He will not take action first no matter what.

Cai'er smiled slightly and said softly: Then you have to be careful.

The death scythe in his hand paused slightly on the ground, and the pure white light of purification suddenly spread in all directions. Everyone saw that there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the sky, and Cai'er's death scythe had already slashed towards Xue Zhisheng.

Just as Cai'er took action, Xue Zhisheng's body suddenly disappeared. Where he originally stood, there was only a pale silver afterimage left.

As the strongest person in the Assassin Temple, Xue Zhisheng is a spatial attribute assassin. Being the strongest is not just something you say casually. He does have great strength.

Cai'er's attack missed, just when everyone felt that she was going to be at a disadvantage. A magical scene appeared.

The Death Scythe completed a strange turning arc in the air. As it passed rapidly, Cai'er's entire body turned white in an instant. On the Death Scythe, a huge white light blade with a sense of vastness slashed out.

The first of the seven skills of the God of Death is the sorrow of death.

When- A figure was chopped into the air in a panic.

It turned out that at the same time as the huge white light blade passed through the void, Xue Zhisheng also happened to appear at the position where its power was maximized.

You can imagine the pressure Xue Zhisheng was under after he had just escaped from space through teleportation, but had to face such a powerful blow.

The killing intent that originally burst out of Cai'er seemed to have disappeared, but when the huge sickle struck, Xue Zhisheng felt as if his body was about to be decomposed.

A pair of silver-white short blades exuding orange-red light crossed to block the white light. He intuitively felt that his soul was shaken, and the spatial attribute spiritual power dissipated rapidly. After contact with the white light blade, his spiritual power actually collapsed. potential.

Attribute suppression.

This is the effect of the purification attribute's absolute suppression of the space attribute.

Xue Zhisheng clearly felt that Cai'er's spiritual power was inferior to his own, but it was he who was blasted away by the huge white light blade. What shocked him even more was that the magic blue and purple death scythes followed the white light and struck hard on his short blades.

With this pair of epic short blades, Xue Zhisheng was able to block the attack of the light of purification, but the moment they collided with the death scythe. Xue Zhisheng's body suddenly shook like an electric shock. He was horrified to see that the same crack appeared quickly on his short blade. Although this blow did not destroy the pair of epic short blades, what about the next blow?

With a flash of figure, Xue Zhisheng's body disappeared again. And Cai'er didn't pursue him. Just stood there quietly. A layer of white mist spread out in the shape of lotus petals. At this time, she looked like a fairy standing in the heart of the flower.

Wherever the white petals passed, a faint white mist began to appear in the air, which was not enough to affect people's sight. It doesn't even feel powerful. But these white hazes of light give people an indescribable sense of fear.

The petals spread until they were thirty meters in diameter before stopping, and no other high-level officials of the Assassin Temple were covered.

Field, this is clearly the field! Cai'er, who is only in her twenties, actually already has her own domain. Moreover, no one can yet see what the role of her field is.

There are many types of fields, and no fields are ever exactly the same. As we all know, the areas that assassins are good at are mainly focused on individuals. Within a small area, the assassin's area has always been regarded as the strongest. The scope of Cai'er's field is considered relatively small among the assassin fields. The smaller the field, the stronger the explosive power.

The unknown is the scariest thing. It is precisely because everyone does not understand what Cai'er's field means that it is easier to feel a sense of awe.

Whether it was the field Cai'er was displaying at this time or the blow that knocked Xue Zhisheng away just now, she had fully proven her strength to the senior officials of the Assassin Temple in front of her. Regardless of the outcome of this battle, her number of supporters will never be small.

The smile on Shengyue's face became even richer. After not seeing her for more than four years, Cai'er's strength had not only grown to a level that shocked him, but her character had also greatly improved. Not only was she fighting Xue Zhisheng, but she was also fully demonstrating herself to make herself more recognized by the senior officials of the Assassin Temple.

At this moment, with Cai'er's body as the center of the circle and her domain as the boundary, twelve bright silver doors suddenly appeared, completely surrounding her.

Twelve Skyspace, the domain of Xue Zhisheng, the chief elder of the Assassin Temple. It is also a field that is more suitable for individual combat, a field with powerful spatial attributes.

The erection of these twelve silver doors immediately cut off the sight of the senior officials of the Assassin Temple outside. Fortunately, it was high enough here, and they each released their spiritual wings to fly into the air, overlooking the battlefield below.

Facing the twelve airspaces, Cai'er still stood calmly in the center without moving, and the white halos like lotus petals no longer spread outwards. She seemed to be just waiting there silently.

Suddenly, a ray of silver light burst out from the silver door on the side of Cai'er. The speed of this silver light was so fast that it even exceeded the tracking of the eyes. Almost as soon as the door flashed with silver light, the next moment it disappeared into another silver door on the opposite side.

The most powerful feature of the twelve airspaces is encirclement and killing. Being restricted by this realm, it is impossible to escape unless you defeat Xue Zhisheng or you are defeated by Xue Zhisheng.

The so-called twelve airspaces refer to the special realm formed by superimposing twelve layers of space. Twelve layers of overlapping space are absolutely impossible to achieve under normal circumstances. But it can be done through the special effects of the field. If you are trapped in the twelve airspaces, you will not be able to escape through any space abilities in the first place, and you will never be able to travel through space again. At the same time, it will be completely locked in this space by the twelve airspaces. It seems that there is no ceiling, but in fact, Cai'er is absolutely unable to fly now.

At the same time, Xue Zhisheng's own attack power will be greatly enhanced by the overlap of the twelve airspaces. Both speed and destructive power will reach an extremely terrifying level.

More than ten years ago, Xue Zhisheng used the twelve airspaces to kill one of the top forty demons in the demon clan, thus becoming famous and completely establishing his reputation as the number one person in the Assassin Temple.

At this time, Cai'er and her realm that had no apparent effect were completely surrounded by twelve airspaces, and the situation seemed very bad.


The fourth update, we keep our word and will never be in debt. The top three recommended votes will be added in two updates to get it done! New excitement and climax are about to unfold, I hope you all like it. It's the end of the month, don't keep your monthly tickets, vote for our divine seal as soon as possible. Also, the recommendation vote is not much different from that of Bloody Pig Head, so we quietly blasted him. hey-hey.

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