Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 694 Cai'er's Purification Domain (Part 2)

After that flash of silver light, Cai'er still stood there as if nothing was wrong. But anyone with a discerning eye could see that when the silver light launched its attack, Cai'er's body suddenly became illusive, allowing the silver light to pass through her body. When the silver light disappeared, she returned to normal. It's obviously a special evasion method.

Xue Zhisheng received the increase of twelve airspaces. It is not an exaggeration to say that his speed is now the best in the alliance. But under such circumstances, Cai'er can still dodge through skills. How can this not be surprising?

Suddenly, the death sickle in Cai'er's hand swayed in one direction. Then it goes back to normal. But the Twelve Skyspaces remained silent. No one understood what she was doing.

The only person who was really surprised was the person involved, Elder Xue Zhisheng.

Cai'er's fainting moment just now almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood. Because the direction where the Death Scythe was flying and slashing was exactly the direction where he was going to launch his second attack. With the lessons learned from the collision, he really didn't dare to have a head-on collision with the Death Scythe, lest he destroy a pair of epic short blades. Therefore, when he saw Cai'er suddenly moving the death scythe, his body froze almost subconsciously, and he stopped his saving action.

You know, the twelve airspaces can greatly enhance his attack power, but at the same time, his body also has to bear double the pressure. If he suddenly stops the attack he was about to launch, his body will immediately suffer the backlash. As the most senior person in the Assassin Temple, Elder Xue Zhisheng is no longer young.

From the fight until now, Cai'er has only taken the initiative to attack once, but the whole process was like a stormy sea, giving Xue Zhisheng multiple shocks.

Not to mention the powerful attack power of Cai'er's previous attack and the domineering power of the Death Scythe. Just the fact that Cai'er could accurately determine his location puzzled the elder.

Perhaps Xue Zhisheng was not the strongest person in the alliance, but he was definitely the one with the strongest spatial attribute cultivation in the alliance. He asked himself that he could outperform five other people in terms of spatial attribute cultivation. He couldn't figure out what kind of ability Cai'er used to predict his position. This seemed completely impossible to him. Because of this, he was at a disadvantage as soon as he came up.

At the same time, after he launched his first attack through the twelve airspaces just now, he had already discovered the terrifying aspects of Cai'er's field.

That seemingly peaceful realm, like lotus petals, had something that made even his cultivation level feel terrifying. His previous attack was so fast, but it still passed through Cai'er's territory. This passage does not matter. Xue Zhisheng only felt that one percent of his spiritual power disappeared in an instant.

For some strong men with low cultivation level, one percent is nothing, but for a strong man like him, whose inner spiritual power is close to 300,000, one percent is three thousand spiritual power. Yes! Moreover, it was only a moment. If he were to fight Cai'er in this realm, wouldn't it mean that his own spiritual power would be purified and exhausted over time? Moreover, the purified spiritual power is likely to be fed back to Cai'er. What a terrifying purification realm.

It was precisely because of these discoveries that Xue Zhisheng chose to hibernate temporarily. Attacks could not hit Cai'er and would be purified by her domain. How to fight such a battle? And her attack power is still so powerful.

There is another reason why Xue Zhisheng is restrained, that is, it is impossible for him to really hurt Cai'er. After all, Cai'er is the future hope of the Assassin's Temple. No matter how lustful he is for power, he is still a member of the Assassin's Temple! Therefore, it was impossible for him to use certain killing methods against Cai'er in this competition.

Feeling Xue Zhisheng's silence, Cai'er took action, with a faint smile on her pretty face, and gently waved the death scythe in front of her. Suddenly, several petals from the Purification Domain were rolled up by the blade of the death scythe. In the area around Cai'er's right hand, the light blade suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot toward the gate of the Twelve Space Domains.

As soon as she launched her attack, the gates of the Twelve Sky Domains suddenly twisted violently, and the powerful spatial spiritual power turned into a twisted barrier.

As a field that specializes in individual combat, the Twelve Airspace integrates attack, defense, and amplification. For most fields, he has a proud position.

Unfortunately, this time Xue Zhisheng met Cai'er. Cai'er's purification domain was realized through the death scythe purifying the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Sleeping Calamity Elax, and then the death scythe evolved and she continued to purify the breath of death. From a level perspective, her purification domain is truly the ability of the God of Death. How can its status in the field be comparable to that of the Twelve Skyspaces?

The white light blade turned into nothingness in the twisted silver light. The twelve airspaces were not broken, but Xue Zhisheng was shocked to find that his spiritual power dropped sharply by another percent in an instant. Moreover, while maintaining the realm, no one's spiritual power can be restored by absorbing elements in space. Unless the field itself has absorptive properties. The Twelve Airspace obviously does not have this capability.

Cai'er gently took a step forward. Suddenly, the purification domain around her also moved forward, and the twelve air domains immediately surrounded her and advanced and retreated together. Obviously, Xue Zhisheng would never want his domain to be directly touched by the Purification Domain.

Just now, Xue Zhisheng thought of only one way to win, and that was to compete.

The consumption of spiritual energy in the field of application is huge. Judging from his experience, there is still a gap between Cai'er and him in terms of cultivation. The Purification Domain is stronger than his twelve air domains, but the consumption of spiritual power is bound to be greater. As long as the consumption continues and Cai'er's domain is lifted first, then he can win without a fight. As for Cai'er's desire to use her domain to collide with his? Xue Zhisheng has absolute confidence in speed and anticipation.

As for Cai'er's attack, it can only be blocked. Xue Zhisheng is absolutely sure that when Cai'er launches a domain attack, the consumption will be accelerated. Although his consumption is also large, the advantage in cultivation can be revealed. come out.

Cai'er naturally saw Xue Zhisheng's tactics, and so did the Assassin Temple strongmen who were watching the battle from the air. Being able to force the chief elder to do this, Cai'er has been fully recognized in their hearts. Undoubtedly, from the perspective of cultivation, Cai'er will never be weaker than Sheng Yue, and she is so young. With her leadership, the Assassin Temple must be full of vigor and vitality.

But does Cai'er's strength stop here? No, of course not. Everything that happened just now was just the beginning of the performance for her.

The death scythe was slowly raised, Cai'er's eyes gradually turned white, and the surrounding purification domain suddenly surged violently, surrounding her body and completely enveloping her. She could no longer be seen from any angle. See her appearance.

If the previous Purification Realm was like a huge white lotus, then the current Purification Realm is like a flower bud formed by the lotus flowers, and Cai'er is its stamen.

What is she going to do? Including Xue Zhisheng, everyone had strong doubts in their hearts. The next moment, an inexplicable crisis suddenly appeared in Xue Zhisheng's heart, and he activated his twelve airspaces almost without hesitation.

The dazzling silver light twisted violently, and the twelve light gates suddenly changed their directions. The twelve light gates merged into one, and the twelve light gates were completely superimposed. It can be seen that around this superimposed light gate, all the It's a black twisted light. That was a sign of breaking through the boundaries of space.

Anyone familiar with Xue Zhisheng knows that in this state, the chief elder is the most powerful. Through the overlapping of the twelve airspaces, he can even teleport thousands of kilometers. You can also upgrade your attacks to an extremely terrifying level.

The sense of crisis made Xue Zhisheng no longer dare to have any reservations. The white purifying light in front of him suddenly faded, and Cai'er reappeared in everyone's sight.

The realm of purification disappeared. However, in the palm of Cai'er's left hand, there was a crystal clear, very small white lotus.

Cai'er smiled slightly and said: Elder Xue, this is my domain skill, Lotus of the Age, do you want to try it? However, my research on it is not deep enough. I can release it or not.

No need, I admit defeat. Xue Zhisheng's somewhat gloomy voice sounded, the silver light converged, and he took one step out of the Twelve Sky Domain. The eyes looking at Cai'er were full of complexity.

The death sickle in Cai'er's right hand moved slightly in her palm. White silk threads separated from the tip of the blade and sank into the lotus in her left hand. Layers of white petals were peeled off and quietly dissipated in the air. The whole process lasted for nearly half an hour.

Xue Zhisheng stood opposite Cai'er and watched silently, as did other senior officials of the Assassin Temple. Although the process was very long, the rhythmic death scythe in Cai'er's hand was full of artistic sense. It was precisely because of the long process that they could feel the terror of the flourishing lotus even more.

The realms of ninth-level experts are also divided into different levels. After reaching the ninth level and second level of cultivation, it is possible to have your own domain. A ninth-level powerhouse with a domain can almost be said to be on another level.

Everyone's field is unique, and the level of the field determines future potential. The stronger the field, the higher the possibility of continuous improvement in cultivation, and at the same time, the greater the possibility of the field itself evolving.

The reason why Li Zhengyi was able to convince Xue Zhisheng was because he had understood the existence of domain skills through his own domain. And just now, Cai'er actually displayed her domain skills.

Domain skills can be said to be the product of domain evolution. In all fields, only one percent can evolve domain skills.


It’s a new day, keep working hard. I rushed forward and smashed the fat ass at the front of the monthly ticket list...

Well, I suddenly discovered that the six people in front of us on the monthly vote list are all fat people... The total weight of these six people is estimated to be 1,300 or 400 pounds. Coding is hard work! Look how much the brothers have been tortured. Even I am almost 170.

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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