Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 692 They are back (Part 2)

Just when the atmosphere of the meeting was extremely depressing, and a conflict might even break out, a cold voice suddenly sounded from all directions in the meeting room, What's the use of voting? There is undoubtedly only one reason why you oppose supporting the Knights Temple, and that is the Knights Temple. The current fist is not big enough and the strength is not strong enough. In this case, our decision should also be based on strength. Whoever has the strongest strength will listen to whoever.

As soon as the words fell, everyone present clearly felt that the temperature in the entire conference room dropped sharply. There was no murderous intent, but there was an unparalleled terrifying murderous intent bursting out from all directions. Although at least half of the many powerful assassins present in the Assassin Temple were those with cultivation levels above the ninth level, everyone still felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar in the face of this terrifying murderous intent.

Huh? Both Shengyue and Xue Zhisheng were shocked. The sudden killing intent was too powerful. What the Assassin Temple is best at is killing, but at this moment, they were enveloped in this murderous intention, but they all felt shocked. When did this person come? There were so many strong men present, but no one noticed it. Moreover, this murderous intention has clearly reached the domain level!

There are nearly twenty ninth-level experts in the Assassin Temple, but only four of them actually own the realm. This includes Sheng Yue and Xue Zhisheng.

Just because they own the field, their understanding of the field is deeper. The sudden appearance of cold murderous intent was clearly above their realm in terms of level. That kind of invisible suppression was what shocked them the most.

A black figure quietly appeared directly above the center of the conference room. The conference room was seven meters high, and she was near the roof.

A long black dress completely covered her body, and her long lavender hair spread behind her and even reached her feet. Her long hair was slightly spread out, and the cold murderous intent was emanating from her body.

In his right hand, a huge scythe exudes magical blue and purple brilliance in the black background. Although she is just suspended there, it gives people the feeling of being at the core of heaven and earth. Everyone felt that the terrifying murderous intention in her body seemed to be using all its strength against them. No one dared to act rashly, because no one, including Xue Zhisheng, was sure to take her full blow.

Her stunning face was slightly pale, but her eyes were filled with endless depth. On her body, layers of white halo slowly exudes. The halo is not strong, but the simple white color gives people an unparalleled sense of nobility. A stronger white halo appeared on her chest, and that ball of white light was full of holy flavor.

Seeing her appearance, Shengyue suddenly felt that her eyes were a little blurry, and tears were looming. His clenched fists unclenched unconsciously, and his body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

She's back, she's finally back.


Hearing Sheng Yue's somewhat trembling call, the senior officials of the Assassin Temple present could not help but be surprised. Almost everyone knows that Shengyue has a granddaughter who inherited the Sword of Reincarnation. But not many people have actually seen Cai'er. All they knew was that Cai'er disappeared more than four years ago.

At this moment, Cai'er appeared in front of everyone again, but it gave them such a strong sense of shock. Could it be said that she has really mastered the power of the Sword of Reincarnation? But how old is she? Only in his twenties.

Cai'er looked at Xue Zhisheng with deep eyes and said calmly: Before the vote, I challenged Elder Xue as the Saint of Reincarnation of the Assassin Temple. If I win, I will take the position of the chief elder of the Assassin Temple. If you win……

After saying this, she paused and suddenly smiled. That alluring smile made the whole audience stunned, You will not win, so there is no if. I will take everyone to a place where it is convenient for Elder Xue to perform.

As she spoke, she waved the death scythe horizontally in her hand, and a layer of crystal clear white light suddenly turned into a mask, covering everyone. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw Cai'er's chest glowing with white light, and the next moment, everything around them became illusory.

Space travel, and space travel with so many people.

There was a flash of white light, and the next moment, all the senior officials of the Assassin Temple appeared in a hall with a faint white halo. Everything around him has an illusory feeling, and soft spiritual energy fluctuations are flowing in the air. They are pure non-attributed elemental fluctuations. They are not strong, but they give people a feeling of majesty.

The senior officials of the Assassin Temple were completely shocked. Cai'er's sudden return had already surprised them, but at this time, what she showed was beyond the understanding of these senior officials of the Assassin Temple. They even I don’t know what Cai’er did to accomplish such a magical scene. This is obviously no longer on the Holy Demon Continent, but where is this place? Could it be that Cai'er's cultivation level is enough to open up another dimension?

Xue Zhisheng's face turned ugly, and his eyes were always fixed on the Death Sickle in Cai'er's hand. He was the only one present who recognized that the white light emanating from the Death Scythe was the light of purification, and it was so pure that it made one's heart palpitate.

Xue Zhisheng had also long heard that Sheng Yue had a granddaughter who was a reincarnation saint. She was extremely talented and had an innate spiritual power of over ninety. But in his opinion, even if Cai'er is still here, she is still young after all. What's more, he's been missing for so long. But he never expected that Cai'er would come back at this time. And it can be seen from Sheng Yue's expression that even he didn't know that Cai'er would appear at this time.

Cai'er's eyes swept over the senior officials of the Assassin Temple and said calmly: Everything depends on strength. I will challenge everyone one by one. Whoever accepts my challenge and loses, his voting rights will belong to me. Anyone who does not accept my challenge will be deemed to have given up.”

Xue Zhisheng snorted coldly, Little girl, what qualifications do you have to do this?

Cai'er smiled calmly, I am a member of the Assassin Temple, and my strength is my qualification. According to the rules of the Assassin Temple, if you reach the ninth level of cultivation, you can automatically become a temple elder. In this case, I am already a temple elder. I am a member of the elders. What's more, none of this is important to me. This is my world. Without my permission, you can't get out. If you don't accept my proposal, then you will stay here forever. It’s better here.”

You... Xue Zhisheng was furious. Although Cai'er was smiling and speaking easily, the domineering nature of her words almost made the chief elder furious. A little girl in her twenties dared to speak to herself like this.

Shengyue, is this how you discipline your granddaughter? Xue Zhisheng turned to Shengyue to put pressure.

At this time, Sheng Yue had long lost her previous anger, and smiled calmly, saying: Cai'er is my granddaughter, but she is also the treasure of our Assassin Temple. Everyone should have heard that Cai'er started to work when she was three years old. Fusion with the Spiritual Furnace of Samsara was recognized by the Sword of Samsara. But do you know how much pain and suffering Cai'er went through in order to fuse with the Spiritual Furnace of Samsara? Her six senses were lost, and she died in a She spent a long time alone in the cold cave. All of this is to become stronger for our Assassin's Temple. Maybe she is not old, but in my opinion, she is the best for our Assassin's Temple. The temple has paid no less than anyone present. She has been missing for more than four years and finally returned. Then, it is time for me to take a back seat. The next thing we have to vote on is not only the assassination of the Assassin Temple in the Holy At the same time, I also proposed that Cai'er should succeed me as the leader of the Assassin Temple. Oh, there is one more thing I have forgotten to announce to everyone. As early as five years ago, Cai'er The Holy Maiden of Reincarnation has officially awakened and become the favored one of the God of Death. I believe that her cultivation as a favored one has also been completed now. It is time for the Assassin Temple to unite as one.

For some people, Shengyue's words were a bit earth-shattering.

The one favored by the God of Death, taking over as the leader of the Assassin Temple? This is really important to the Assassin Temple.

Looking at the death scythe in Cai'er's hand, some people's expressions gradually relaxed. Perhaps, among the elders present, there are more people who support Xue Zhisheng than those who support Shengyue, but their starting point is for the sake of the Assassin Temple.

Shengyue had proposed as early as ten years ago that when Cai'er could truly control the Sword of Samsara and reached the ninth level of cultivation, the fact would be passed down to her. It was passed unanimously.

The former Son of Reincarnation brought the Assassin Temple to the pinnacle of the alliance. And why can’t the new generation of reincarnation saints do it? At this time, Cai'er came back. Her cultivation had obviously broken through the ninth level, and she even had domain-like abilities and the magic of opening up another space. Anyone who truly cares about the Assassin's Temple knows how to choose.

The most important thing is that Cai'er is only in her twenties this year! Everyone knows very well what a ninth-level strongman in his twenties, the successor of the Sword of Reincarnation, and the Favorite of the God of Death means to the Assassin Temple.

Even if Cai'er has just broken through to the ninth level, so what if she is given another ten years? Everyone knows Li Zhengzheng's strength, but Li Zhengzheng's innate inner spiritual power is only eighty. He is just a wind elemental user, and his cultivation can be so powerful. And Cai'er, whose innate spiritual power is over ninety, even infinitely close to one hundred, has completed the awakening of the God's Favorite. How will he grow in ten years? By that time, the Assassin's Temple no longer needs to rely on anyone, right? It should be someone else who relies on me.

Thinking of this, the mentality of the senior leaders of the Assassin Temple present changed to varying degrees.


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