Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 691 They are back (Part 2)

Wang Yuanyuan smiled slightly and said: It is precisely because this temple competition is of extraordinary significance that we want to participate. Master Qiu, are you willing to support us?

Qiu Yonghao said solemnly: Since you have come to participate in the competition, you should know all the rules of the competition. Even if you are a title-level demon hunting group, it is almost impossible to achieve anything with the strength of this team. Rank among the top three. It's even more impossible. Although Long Haochen is kind to the Warrior Temple, you are just messing around this time. I can't support you or make any promises to you. I represent the Warrior Temple.

Wang Yuanyuan's eyes flashed, So, what if we can finally get the first place in points? Above all six major temples. Are you willing to support us?

Qiu Yonghao's body was shaken, and he heard strong confidence in Wang Yuanyuan's words. He had already tested Wang Yuanyuan's strength before. Although it was just a simple contact, he could conclude that Wang Yuanyuan's cultivation level should have broken through to the ninth level.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be surprised, yes! Wang Yuanyuan was just a warrior in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, and his cultivation level had already reached the ninth level. So how far could Long Haochen's cultivation level reach? Moreover, they once destroyed the Demon God Pillar.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yonghao's expression softened a bit, Yuanyuan, what exactly are you going to do? What is your purpose?

Wang Yuanyuan said: Palace Master, we have only one purpose, and that is to lead mankind and defeat the demons.

Qiu Yonghao still shook his head and said: It's a very important matter, and you came suddenly. I can't give you any answer.

Wang Yuanyuan nodded and said: Okay then. I believe that the leader will be able to convince you and the other senior officials of the six major temples. At least for now, strength is the most important thing when fighting against the demons. I'll leave first. Now, please keep the matter of our return a secret.

Qiu Yonghao said: Yuanyuan, don't underestimate the temple competition. Perhaps your strength has made great progress. However, the foundations of the major temples are not something that your demon hunting group can contend with.

Wang Yuanyuan smiled slightly and said, I think you will see a surprise.

Qiu Yonghao smiled bitterly and said: Actually, I don't want this surprise, because it will make it more difficult for me. Although I don't believe you can succeed, if you really get to that point in the end, our Warrior Temple will at least remain neutral. .”

There was a trace of surprise in Wang Yuanyuan's eyes. In fact, her real purpose of coming this time was just to say hello to Qiu Yonghao first, to make it clear that she was back, and to impress him deeply before the temple competition. But she didn't expect that Qiu Yonghao would actually say the word neutral. The Warrior Temple is a loyal supporter of the Magic Temple, and their ability to remain neutral is very important to Long Haochen's plan.

As the master of the Warrior Temple, Qiu Yonghao was naturally not optimistic about the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group because of Long Haochen's favor to the Warrior Temple. Personal favors are one thing; temple benefits are another. The reason why he said neutrality was because he was optimistic about the future of Dawn of Light.

How old is Wang Yuanyuan this year? Less than thirty years old. How many years has it been since there was no ninth level strong man under thirty years old in the Warrior Temple? Not only the Warrior Temple, but also the entire alliance, how long has it been since there was a ninth level of this age? Moreover, he could also tell from Wang Yuanyuan's words that she was by no means the only one in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group who had reached the ninth level. It was already shown that they had the confidence to participate in the Temple Competition as a Demon Hunting Group. many problems. Long Haochen was a talented and talented generation. Today, after more than four years of disappearance, they are back. Whether it is talent or age advantages, it indicates that they will become the mainstay of the six temples in the future. The Warrior Temple took the initiative to express goodwill as he prepared for a rainy day and considered it for the future.

Qiu Yonghao doesn't think that the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group can gain much in this temple competition by participating alone. In this case, what's wrong with selling well? It was after all these considerations that he made that promise to Wang Yuanyuan.

A heated debate was currently taking place in the conference room of the Holy Alliance Assassin Temple.

Master of the Holy Moon Palace, I don't think we should still go all out to support the Knights Temple this time. Can't you see that the Knights Temple has declined? The speaker was an old man, who was thin and tall. , his old face was covered with wrinkles like orange peels, and he was bald. No matter how he looked, he looked like he was in his final years, as if a gust of wind could blow him down. But he had a pair of extremely sharp eyes, as cold as an eagle, and now even more indignant.

In the past ten years, there have been no new divine seal knights in the Knights Temple. Among the original three divine seal knights, Yang Wenzhao was unable to participate this time because he was the leader of the previous alliance. Long Xingyu is even more fundamental. Didn't come. How much can we achieve with just one Dragon Sky Seal? This Temple Competition is different from the past and will determine the future trend of the alliance. If we stand in the wrong direction, it is likely to lead to the decline of the Temple. In the new The voice in the alliance will be greatly reduced.”

Although we will not support the Magic Temple in turn, we must at least remain neutral and cannot be like before.

Although this old man was thin in stature, his voice was as loud as a bell. His speech made the entire conference room tremble slightly.

Shengyue was sitting in the first place, but her face was as dark as water at this time. This is not the first elder of the Assassin Temple to raise objections. Although he is the master of the Assassin Temple, the authority of the elders of the Assassin Temple is much greater than that of other temples. Especially the one speaking in front of me.

Xue Zhisheng, the chief elder of the Assassin Temple, is one generation older than Sheng Yue in terms of seniority. He is a representative figure of the older generation of strong men in the Assassin Temple. The strength is so strong that it is second to none in the Assassin Temple. He is a strong man at the second level of the ninth level, close to the third level. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a mainstay of the Assassin Temple. Moreover, as the chief elder, there are many people in the Assassin Temple Elders who support him. At this time, he expressed his thoughts so fiercely that the impact on this meeting will be turning point.

There are a total of forty-one people in the Assassin Temple, including senior officials and elders present. After hearing Xue Zhisheng's words, at least half of them nodded slightly.

Another elder said: Mr. We have suffered the smallest loss in the competition, and our momentum has been the fastest in recent years. I am not optimistic that the Knights Temple will be able to defend the title in this Temple Competition. Perhaps staying neutral is the best choice.

Shengyue's eyes flashed with cold light, and she said in a deep voice: Elders, I understand what you mean. You are all for the future development of our Assassin Temple. But, have you ever thought about it? How many years have we been in alliance with the Knights Temple? If we give up this alliance just because they are not strong enough to defend the title now, what will other temples think of us after the new alliance is established? Not only will we lose a powerful ally, but we will even be looked down upon by other temples.

Put it another way. In the Holy War more than four years ago, without the full support of the Knights Temple, would we have been able to survive until the end of the Holy War? In order to help us guard the Exorcism Pass, how many knights' loyal souls remained in the Knights Temple? At the top of the city? Do you want to burn bridges just like this? I have made up my mind. No matter whether the Knights Temple can defend the title in the end, we, the Assassin Temple, should fully support them. Even if the Knights Temple loses in the end , at least we can still be united. Our goal is the demons, not civil strife. I believe that whoever ends up in power in the new alliance will not oppress other temples too much.

This is not the first time Sheng Yue has said similar words at a meeting. However, there has never been a unified opinion within the Assassin's Temple. The Temple Competition is about to begin, and the decision and direction of the Assassin Temple can no longer deviate. A decision must be made today. But the opposition is still huge.

Among the six major temples, the one with the lowest ability to control this temple is probably Sheng Yue. The reason is historical. After all, his teacher, the previous master of the Assassin Temple, has been dead for many years, and Xue Zhisheng and his teacher were once competitors. The competition between the two was fierce at the beginning, and their strength and power were almost the same. Now that Shengyue has lost the support of her teacher, she will naturally not have much advantage in the Assassin Temple. This was one of the reasons why he was ruthless in letting Cai'er merge with the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace. He hoped that one day, when his granddaughter takes charge of the Assassin Temple, she would not be like him.

Chief Elder Xue Zhisheng said in a deep voice: Since you insist on having your own way, let's all vote by a show of hands. As the Hall Master, you can get three votes by yourself, and I, as the Chief Elder, can get two votes. The minority obeys the majority. There must be a vote today. A result.

Hearing what he said, Shengyue couldn't help but feel her heart sink. He understood that since Xue Zhisheng wanted to vote in this way, it meant that he had absolute confidence in gaining the support of the vast majority of people. Once the final decision is made, even if he is the leader of the Assassin Temple, he will not be able to change anything, and his authority will suffer an unprecedented blow.

At this point, Holy Moon could no longer stop the vote in front of him. Because of his anger, he couldn't help clenching his fists with both hands, and looked at Xue Zhisheng opposite with scorching eyes.

Xue Zhisheng's cold eyes did not give in at all. Although he was old, the influence of the strongest person in the Assassin Temple was still huge.


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Back, yes, they are back. What kind of glory will the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group create after returning from seclusion for more than four years? Let's wait and see. hey-hey.

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