Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 690 They are back (Part 1)

I hope that everyone here can support me unreservedly and act in unity. I don't want to hear any discordant voices. If you want to defeat the demons, the new alliance must have strong leadership capabilities. As the saying goes Do your duty. The Knights Temple is old, and I have the confidence to lead the new alliance to launch another holy war against the demons. In my lifetime, I will lead the alliance and mankind to regain the land that belongs to us.

Li Zhengzheng's tone was very calm, but full of unquestionable majesty. Listening to his words, although some elders frowned and showed a bit of dissatisfaction, the eyes of more people showed enthusiasm. The Magic Temple has always been ranked second in the alliance, and has been suppressed by the Knight Temple for too long. It wasn't until the talented wind magician Li Zhengyi appeared that this situation began to change subtly. Now, it's finally time to launch, how can they not be excited?

Palace Master Lin. Li Zhengzheng turned to look at Lin Chen who was not far away.

Lin Chen nodded to him and said, Everything is ready.

Li Zhengzheng smiled slightly and said: Okay, then, let me announce the candidates to participate in this temple competition.

Not only the Knight Temple and the Magic Temple are holding meetings, but several other major temples are also holding similar meetings. The establishment of a new alliance is imminent. What the senior leaders of the six major temples need to do most now is how much power this temple will gain in the new alliance.

The atmosphere of the meeting in the Warrior Temple was much more relaxed than that in the Magic Temple.

Qiu Yonghao sat in the main seat, and more than thirty elders from the Warrior Temple were all present.

Okay, it's settled. This time, we will do our best to help the Magic Temple win. Hall Master Li Zhengzheng has promised us that after the new alliance is established, the Warrior Temple will occupy an important position. I have announced all the arrangements. Do you elders have any suggestions or opinions? This meeting is the last meeting before the start of the temple competition. If you have any opinions, please put them forward quickly, otherwise, it will be deemed that you have agreed to act in a unified manner.

Similar meetings in the Warrior Temple have been held many times, and those who have opinions have already mentioned it. At this time, under Qiu Yonghao's gaze, the elders of the Warrior Temple nodded one after another, expressing their approval of his final decision.

At this moment, suddenly, a sudden voice broke the harmonious atmosphere of the meeting.

I have an opinion. The voice appeared very suddenly and seemed a bit unreal. The next moment, right next to Qiu Yonghao, the master of the Warrior Temple, a silver light lit up without warning, and a warrior covered in silver armor appeared out of thin air.

The elders present in the Warrior Temple were all stunned. Who would have thought that someone would dare to cause trouble during an elder-level meeting in the Warrior Temple, using skills similar to teleportation.

Qiu Yonghao was also stunned, but his reaction was so fast that he was absolutely sure that this sudden person was definitely not any elder of the Warrior Temple. Moreover, the opponent still appeared next to him, giving him a great sense of threat. Almost subconsciously, Qiu Yonghao struck out with his left hand and went straight to the chest of the silver-armored warrior who appeared.

But don't underestimate his simple palm. With one palm strike, the air within a one-meter diameter area was instantly evacuated. There seemed to be a black hole in Qiu Yonghao's palm, forcibly sucking the silver-armored warrior so that he could not escape.

As a ninth-level powerhouse, Qiu Yonghao's strength has made great progress since he gained the understanding brought by the sword intention left by Long Haochen. When used at this time, there is a state of reducing complexity into simplicity and making great skill but clumsiness.

The silver-armored warrior didn't dodge at all. Faced with Qiu Yonghao's palm, she also slapped it with one palm. The silvery palm connected with Qiu Yonghao's left palm.

The two palms touched together, and a strange scene appeared. Qiu Yonghao's body shook slightly, and he stepped off the seat and moved one foot sideways, but the silver-armored warrior shook his shoulders and took a step back.

The most strange thing is that in their collision at this level, there was no leakage of spiritual power, and there was no violent roar. After the palms met, it was as if nothing had happened.

For a moment, the expressions of all the elders present in the Warrior Temple changed greatly, and they all jumped up and surrounded the silver-armored warrior.

The most shocked person was naturally Qiu Yonghao himself. The lack of spiritual power leakage was not due to him, but to the ability of the silver-armored warrior. It seems that the other party suffers more when the palms are connected, but the other party has also restrained all the spiritual power and restrained it with the power of space attribute. The overall cultivation level should not be lower than him. Moreover, through this contact, he could also feel that the other party had no ill intentions.

Qiu Yonghao raised his hand to stop the warriors and temple elders who were about to take action. He stood up and looked at the silver-armored warrior in confusion. He didn't know why, but he felt an obvious sense of familiarity after the collision just now.

Who are you? Qiu Yonghao asked in a deep voice.

The silver-armored warrior did not take off his helmet, but stood there quietly. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qiu Yonghao's ears are moving slightly, obviously receiving the sound transmission from the silver-armored warrior.

Listening to the voice transmission from this uninvited guest, the look of shock on Qiu Yonghao's face became more and more intense. He waved his hand suddenly and said to the elders of the Warrior Temple: The meeting will be here for the time being. I have something to discuss with this warrior in detail. Everyone goes back first, and this matter must be kept strictly confidential. As he spoke, he said to the silver-armored man The soldier nodded and strode outside.

The sudden appearance of the silver-armored warrior shocked all the top brass of the Warrior Temple. It can be seen from the armor that she is indeed a warrior. Qiu Yonghao's attack was only slightly inferior. Coupled with her sudden appearance, which was obviously due to her spatial ability. For a while, the senior officials of these warrior temples really couldn't imagine when there was such a powerful person in the temple. warrior, and from the voice she interrupted Qiu Yonghao before, it could be heard that she was actually a woman.

The Shining Armor Warrior followed Qiu Yonghao to a secret room in the Warrior Temple located inside the Holy Alliance.

Qiu Yonghao closed the door, and a layer of golden light spread from his body. The golden light was solid, exuding a metallic color, and instantly spread throughout every corner of the room. Only a strong person at Qiu Yonghao's level can use Ling Gang to seal off the outside world's perception of this place.

Yuanyuan, is it really you? Qiu Yonghao asked impatiently after releasing his spiritual power.

The helmet was taken off, and the silver-armored warrior revealed a beautiful face, with perseverance and calmness in his eyes, Wang Yuanyuan pays homage to the palace master.

That's right, it was Wang Yuanyuan who had been missing for more than four years who suddenly appeared in the Warrior Temple meeting and interrupted Qiu Yonghao.

Although Qiu Yonghao had already known Wang Yuanyuan's identity through sound transmission before, when he actually saw Wang Yuanyuan's face, he couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Yuanyuan, you are finally back. Where have you been in the past four years or so! Qiu Yonghao had been sad for a long time after Wang Yuanyuan left with Long Haochen and the others. Not only because of Wang Yuanyuan's deceased family, but also because of Wang Yuanyuan's own strong talent and character.

During the Holy War, Wang Yuanyuan just relied on her own strength to become the Blood Goddess of War. Even some ninth-level warriors may not have made greater contributions to the Holy War than she did. In the southeastern fortress, the name of the bloody goddess of war was once unparalleled. Qiu Yonghao had already made up his mind to train her well, even as his successor.

Perhaps Wang Yuanyuan's talent cannot be compared with Long Haochen, but what Qiu Yonghao values ​​​​is her extremely firm and indomitable will. Perseverance that is difficult for even men to possess appeared in Wang Yuanyuan.

However, after Long Haochen arrived at the Southeast Fortress, Wang Yuanyuan left with him without hesitation, rejecting all the suggestions made by Qiu Yonghao in private. There was no news from her after that. Moreover, Qiu Yonghao also learned from many sources that it was not just Wang Yuanyuan who was missing, but the entire demon hunting group. This incident had caused shock among the senior leaders of the Temple Alliance for a long time. After all, Long Haochen's existence was extremely special. Leader Yang Wenzhao was also impeached by senior leaders of several other major temples because of this incident, blaming him for not allowing Long Haochen to reorganize the demon hunting group.

Unexpectedly, more than four years later, Wang Yuanyuan would come back. Moreover, her strength has grown to such an extent in just four years.

After bowing respectfully, Wang Yuanyuan's beautiful eyes exuded a dazzling light, Palace Master, not only am I back, but all my friends are also back.

Qiu Yonghao was shocked again, You mean, Long Haochen and the others also...

Wang Yuanyuan nodded and said: The team leader asked me to give a message to the temple master. We will participate in this temple competition alone as a title-level demon hunting team. If we can achieve certain results, I hope we can get Your support and that of the Warrior Temple.”

Qiu Yonghao was slightly startled, You mean, you are going to compete as a title-level demon hunting group? This...

Wang Yuanyuan said: According to the rules of the Temple Competition. As a group with special contributions to the alliance, the title-level demon hunting group has the qualifications to participate in the competition independently. Points can also be calculated. If the points are among the top three in the end, then, Qualified to put forward a condition to the alliance that the alliance can achieve.”

Qiu Yonghao frowned and said: Yuanyuan, you have been away for so long, and you suddenly returned, but you have to directly participate in the temple competition. Do you know that the significance of this temple competition is extraordinary. Long Hao What on earth is he going to do? He knew very well that Long Haochen was the real core of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group.


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