Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 689 The Beating Eternal Heart (Part 2)

In the quiet room, two old men sat facing each other quietly. Both of them looked very serious, making the atmosphere in the entire quiet room seem a bit depressing.

If anyone who is familiar with the senior leaders of the Temple Alliance is here, they will be surprised to recognize that these two people in front of them are both very important figures in the Temple Alliance. The two masters of the Knights Temple. Yang Haohan and Long Tianyin.

Yang Haohan is not only the leader of the Knights Temple, but also the leader of the Temple Alliance. Of course, his position as leader will also expire at the beginning of this temple competition.

According to the rules of the alliance, the leader of the alliance cannot be re-elected. In other words, Yang Haohan must step down as leader this term.

Brother Long, I can only rely on you this time. Hey... Yang Haohan sighed, looking a little lonely.

Long Tianyin frowned, I'm afraid the situation will change this time! Our Knight Temple may...

Yang Haohan naturally knew what he was going to say, and smiled bitterly, What can we do? In the past ten years, our Knights Temple has produced the most outstanding talents among the younger generation. However, in that holy war, we also suffered the greatest losses. It's us. Although Xingyu is back, for some reason, he is only willing to stay at Yulong Pass to guard, and is unwilling to participate in this competition. I can only trouble you.

Long Tianyin snorted coldly, Don't mention that unfilial thing. He has this gloomy face all day long. No one knows what he is thinking.

Yang Haohan comforted him: Don't blame Xingyu. Haochen has been missing for so long, can he not be anxious? When the word Haochen was mentioned, the two powerful divine seal knights couldn't help but fell silent.

yes! Long Haochen has disappeared for more than four years since he left Yulong Pass with Han Yu. The last time they appeared was in the Soul Temple. No more news after that. For this matter, Long Tianyin and Yang Haohan once went to the Soul Temple in person to inquire about the information.

Long Tianyin slammed the table in front of him and said with regret: It's all my fault, I shouldn't have agreed to let him reorganize the demon hunting group. If he had stayed in Yulong Pass, how could we be so passive now? Four He had already broken through to the eighth level many years ago. After more than four years, even the ninth level is not impossible! He is the son of light and the one favored by God. Even if his cultivation level is weaker, if he can obtain eternity and The approval of the Divine Seal Throne of Creation. This temple competition will definitely shine. How can we two old guys be in trouble here?

Yang Haohan looked gloomy, This incident still started because of Wen Zhao. If it wasn't to save Wen Zhao, they wouldn't have disappeared. We tried all kinds of methods to find out the news, but we never found anything. But I never believed it. They will really be harmed by the demons.”

There was deep sadness in Long Tianyin's eyes, Who would want to believe it? Several of the best talents among the young generation of our Knight Temple have disappeared. Now we are in a period of drought. In recent times, Li Zhengzheng At the alliance conference, he has clearly stated his support for the reorganization of the six temples, ending the loose alliance of the alliance, and integrating more closely to establish an alliance-style country. This is clearly provoking us! Doesn’t he just want to do it? The first leader of this new alliance?

Yang Haohan said: Li Zhengzheng has some strength. But his character is too gloomy and stubborn. Although he is kind on the surface, he is extremely arrogant in his heart. With his character, it will not be a blessing to control the new alliance. But , I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to stop him now. Unless the seniors of the Demon Hunting Group take action.”

Long Tianyin shook his head, That's impossible. Those seniors have made it clear that they will only appear as judges in this competition. It is impossible to participate in the competition again. Li Zhengzheng, huh, I want to see it, How much progress has he made in the past ten years? Can he pass my level?

As the saying goes, the power of the tiger is still there. As soon as he said this, Long Tianyin suddenly burst out with strong fighting spirit.

Yang Haohan said: No matter who the final leader is, the establishment of the new alliance is urgent. Although the jihad more than four years ago brought us huge losses, it also allowed us to see the dawn. If there can be a voice within the alliance, Unify and allocate all resources. Then, I believe it won’t be long before we can launch a counterattack against the demons.”

Long Tianyin nodded and said: I met with Sheng Yue yesterday. The Assassin Temple expressed its clear support for us. Over at the Warrior Temple, Qiu Yonghao and I also said hello, but they have always been on good terms with the Magic Temple. , I think there is little chance. The Priest Temple has always been neutral. Now, the attitude of the Soul Temple is the most important. If they can also support us, then our chances will be greatly increased.

Yang Haohan said: In terms of supporters, I don't think we need to worry too much. After all, we have dominated the alliance for so many years. The level of recognition will not be weaker than that of the Magic Temple. The key now is the result of the competition. This is very important Important. When fighting against the demons, it is inevitable to collide with the Demon God Emperor. Strength will become the most important part in determining the ownership of power after the establishment of the new alliance. Li Zhengzheng is extremely talented and has been holding back these years. The Saint ten years ago In the palace competition, he obviously had reservations. It was obvious that he was not absolutely sure at that time. This time, he was obviously much more high-profile and was bound to win! Old Long, you can't be careless. Li Zhengzheng won after all. When he was young, I think his inner spiritual power might have exceeded 200,000, and it might even be higher.

Long Tianyin said: No matter what, you have to give it a try. It won't be easy for him to defeat me.

Yang Haohan said: In three days, the Temple Competition will begin. Let's go. I want to hold a meeting for the elders of the Knight Temple to unify our thoughts.

Yeah. Long Tianyin nodded. The two powerful men stood up at the same time and walked outside.

At this moment, a sonorous and powerful voice came from outside, Report to the leader, someone wants to see you.

Huh? Yang Haohan frowned slightly and said, Who is he?

He didn't say anything, he just asked me to hand something over to you. The voice outside replied.

Yang Haohan opened the door and walked out. Outside, a middle-aged knight wearing a mithril base armor stood respectfully, dragging a token on his hands.

Long Tianyin waved his sleeves, and the token flew towards them. Yang Haohan raised his hand and let the token fall into his hand. The eyes of the two divine seal knights also fell on the token.

What shocked the mithril pedestal knight was that when the two divine seal knights all focused their eyes on the token, their bodies shook violently at the same time, and their expressions changed in horror.

Subconsciously looking at each other, Yang Haohan and Long Tianyin shouted to the mithril base knight almost in unison: Where is the person holding the token?

The headquarters of the Temple Alliance, the quiet room of the Magic Temple.

The short and fat Li Zhengzheng sat silently in the center of the quiet room, with a layer of faint green light surrounding his body steadily. The green light exudes a distinct metallic luster. It is clearly the Ling Gang form. And it looks like a solid mask, without any illusory changes.

After taking a long breath, Li Zhengzheng slowly opened his eyes, and two blue rays of light that looked like cold lightning suddenly shot out from his eyes. Stab directly on the Ling Gang in front of him.

Ding—— The Linggang Light Mask trembled slightly, and in the next moment, it immediately turned into countless cyan light spots suspended in the air. Li Zhengzheng opened his mouth and took a deep breath. Suddenly, all these cyan light spots were sucked into his body and disappeared.

Hall Master, the elders are all here. A respectful voice came from outside.

Yes. Li Zhengzheng agreed, his body slowly floated up, his feet landed on the ground, and he slowly walked out of the quiet room.

A middle-aged man wearing a green robe was waiting quietly outside. When he saw Li Zheng coming out, he led the way.

The Holy Alliance headquarters is divided into six major areas according to different temples, and the Magic Temple naturally has its own part. Passing through two corridors, the middle-aged magician led Li Zhengzheng to a luxuriously decorated conference room.

Although the Magic Temple is inferior to the Knight Temple in terms of status, when it comes to wealth, no temple in the entire Temple Alliance can compare with the Magic Temple.

Seeing Li Zhengzheng's arrival, everyone in the conference room stood up.

Li Zhengzheng moved slightly, and the next moment, he had reached the seat at the front of the conference room.

At this time, there were about fifty people in the entire conference room. Although this is just a simple conference room, if outsiders come here, they will be shocked to find that the concentration of magic elements in this conference room is at least ten times that of the outside world. Just a simple breath will make you feel sticky. There is no doubt that this strong magical element was naturally brought by these people in the conference room.

More than 80% of the magicians who can sit here have white hair and beards. They had obviously been waiting here for a long time, waiting for Li Zhengzheng to come to preside over the meeting.

From this point, we can also see Li Zhengzheng's status in the Magic Temple. When other temples hold similar meetings, the temple master is usually not the last one to come. This is out of respect for the elders of this temple. Li Zhengzheng was obviously the last one to arrive. In addition to his own temperament, the most important thing was naturally his control over the Magic Temple.

Li Zhengzheng glanced at everyone present and said in a deep voice: Elders, the Temple Competition is about to begin. According to reliable information. This time, the Knights Temple will participate in Long Tianyin. The Knights Temple has always Supporting the establishment of the new alliance, coupled with our promotion this time, is basically a certainty. I have always disagreed with the establishment of a new alliance and the integration of the power of the six temples. It is not that I am optimistic about the advantages of the new alliance. It’s because our Magic Temple doesn’t have the dominant power yet. But the situation in this Temple Competition is different.”


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