Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 688 The Beating Eternal Heart (Part 2)

Just before the Holy War was about to end, Lu Xi, the leader of her demon hunting group, was killed in an enemy sneak attack. The demon hunting group also disbanded. After the holy war, the other members dispersed and returned to their temples. Only Li Xin stayed, and she had to wait for Lin Xin's return.

For four years, she has been practicing in the Magic Temple, accompanying Lin Chen, and fulfilling her filial piety for Lin Xin. Lin Chen had tried to persuade Li Xin many times, but she still did what she should do, but she just refused to leave.

Lin Chen loved this girl who was supposed to be his grandson-in-law very much, but he couldn't be so selfish! Lin Xin has been missing for more than four years, and the last time he appeared was at the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass in the Soul Temple. After such a long time, they have been fighting against the demon clan deeply, and their chances of survival are really too low. No matter how unwilling Lin Chen is to admit it, he doesn't want to delay Li Xin's future!

Grandpa Lin, please stop talking. I won't leave. I have to wait for him and Haochen. They will definitely come back. There were tears in Li Xin's eyes. No matter how strong she is, she still has a weak side inside. Of course she knew that the possibility of Lin Xin and the others surviving was very low, but even if there was only a chance, Li Xin would not admit that they were dead as long as they did not see their bodies.

Hey, you silly girl! Well, then you can stay for now. In a few days, we will set off to the Holy City to participate in the ten-year Temple Competition. After the Temple Competition is over, No matter what, you have to go home and take a look. Your father has written to you many times, and I know that.

Li Xin nodded silently, yes! Even if she insists on waiting for Lin Xin and Long Haochen to come back, she should go home and have a look.

Lin Chen smiled and said: Xin'er, you have broken through the eighth level and have rich combat experience. The double swords customized by grandpa are coming soon. After the temple competition, do you have the confidence to attack your knight temple? An adamantine base?”

Li Xin is no longer the same Li Xin as before. Four years of dedicated practice have enabled her to break through the seventh-level and eighth-level bottlenecks. He is now an eighth-level and first-level powerhouse. The demon hunter who survived that holy war has almost made great progress in her cultivation. Now she is a mithril pedestal knight. Although it is still difficult to attack the fine gold base, Lin Chen customized a pair of epic epee swords for her! This was originally the wealth Lin Chen prepared for his only grandson, but Lin Xin never returned, so he gave this heavy gift to Li Xin.

The Holy War that year brought great disaster to the Temple Alliance. In that war that lasted for two full years, countless soldiers of the Temple Alliance were wiped out on the six great passes. But similarly, the demons also suffered heavy losses in that holy war.

It has been four years since the Holy War ended. During these four years, the advantages accumulated by the Temple Alliance over thousands of years have emerged. Although the sharp decline in population cannot be recovered in a short time, it has recovered quickly in other aspects. In particular, after experiencing that holy war, almost all the six surviving strong men from the Temple had made a qualitative leap in strength. Situations like Li Xin's are very common. After two years of holy war and four years of precipitation, compared with before the holy war, the number of strong men in the Temple Alliance is even greater than before, but the number of ordinary warriors is much smaller than before.

The Temple Competition is about to begin. This is a major event in the alliance every ten years. The strongest players in the six temples will communicate with each other in this event, and a new ranking will also be carried out.

Almost all the top leaders of the six major temples knew that this temple competition was of great significance. As the first temple competition after the Holy War, not only did the rankings need to be rearranged, but at the same time, there were many decisions to be made.

The two-year holy war has taken a huge toll on the alliance, but similarly, the demon clan's strength has also been greatly reduced, and even two demon pillars were destroyed. The Temple Alliance is like a sharp sword sharpened by the demons, becoming increasingly sharp. After the Holy War, mankind did not fall into the decline expected by the Demon God Emperor. Instead, it became somewhat prosperous. Although compared with the overall strength of the demon clan, it seems that the Temple Alliance still has a gap. But the gap is not that huge. Once these younger generations who have experienced the Holy War fully grow up, it is difficult to say how long the demons can suppress the Temple Alliance.

In order to ensure the superiority of the demons, the Demon God Emperor has invested all its resources in the development of the eastern and southern oceans in recent years. Although there are also monsters in the ocean, there is more food. Food with high nutritional value plays an extremely important role in enhancing the strength of demons. The demons have never lacked strong men. Instead of plundering humans and obtaining a pitiful amount of food, it is better to turn to the sea and obtain more from the depths of the sea. This matter is now presided over by the Moon Demon God Agares, which shows how seriously the Demon God Emperor takes it.

The Temple Competition is about to begin. The Competition is not a simple battle. As the most important event of the Temple Alliance, the Temple Competition is a comprehensive and comprehensive competition. Finally, the rankings are based on the total points of each major temple.

Although this kind of competition cannot be completely fair, after so many years of development, the Temple Alliance has made the Temple Competition as fair as possible. As a mithril pedestal knight, Li Xin will naturally fight on behalf of the Knights Temple.

Hearing Lin Chen ask if she wanted to level up as an Adamantine Base Knight, Li Xin couldn't help but smile and shake her head, saying: Grandpa Lin, I'm still far away. There are a lot of talents in the alliance, and a group of young people have also emerged in our Knight Temple. For the strong ones, there are only a few sets of adamantine base armor available, and I don’t want to compete with them. Let’s wait until I’m strong enough in the future.”

Lin Chen said proudly: Why don't you have enough strength? When the two fire god swords I built for you are completed, it may not be impossible to challenge the ninth level elementary level. I think you can take advantage of this temple competition. Than, just take a set of fine gold base armor.

Li Xin was silent.

Lin Chen looked at the look on her face and naturally knew what she was thinking, Silly girl, aren't you willing to accept it? Although you are not my granddaughter, in my eyes, you are much better than that boy Lin Xin Don't say that there is no news about him. Even if he comes back alive, my property will not be left to that unfilial little bastard. If you still recognize me as your grandfather, don't shirk anymore, otherwise, Grandpa Lin really wants to Angry. Do you still want me to take those things of mine into the coffin? Besides, I have already forged a knight's epee, so what's the use of keeping it?

Li Xin's eyes were slightly red, Grandpa Lin, you are so kind to me.

Lin Chen smiled slightly and said: Don't you treat grandpa well? Don't think too much. During this period, you have to work hard to perform well in the temple competition. This competition is different from previous competitions. It’s different. Because of the holy war four years ago, I’m afraid there will be many variables in this competition. At the same time, it is also a major opportunity for the alliance.”

Li Xin's heart moved and she nodded slightly. Lin Chen is a senior member of the Magic Temple, but she must belong to the Knights Temple. Therefore, Lin Chen cannot tell her directly about many things and can only remind her in a subtle way. But with her intelligence, this is enough.

Holy city.

This is a simple log cabin with a wooden structure as a whole. All the tables, chairs and benches in the log house are the simplest wooden structures. But these woods are very distinctive, with beautiful wood grains and a faint scent of osmanthus.

This kind of wood is called agarwood, and it is a very precious wood. The breath it emits is of great benefit to the human body, prolongs life, and also refreshes the mind.

Behind a simple wooden table, a girl sat quietly. The girl was wearing a white dress, and her pure face was flawless. But there was a touch of sadness in her eyes.

On the wooden table in front of her, there was a pile of crimson fragments. From the arcs on the fragments, it could be seen that they should have been spherical when they were still complete.

It's been four years, Baldhead, you bastard, why are there still no news? The Red Dragon Pearl is broken, your Red Dragon Armor is already broken. But, you know, I'm still waiting for you. I believe you are still alive. You must be. Still alive, right?”

As she spoke, a lavender bead appeared out of thin air in her palm. The bead exuded a very strange aura, faintly surrounded by snake electricity. Although the spiritual energy fluctuations were not strong, they fully demonstrated their own strangeness.

It's been four years, you must still be alive, but where are you? Why haven't you come back for so long? Do you know how...

At this point, two drops of clear tears fell down. It landed on the table with a slight splash.

In recent months, the Holy City has been extremely lively. Because the once-a-decade Grand Temple Competition is about to begin.

If the Demon Hunting Group Selection Tournament is only a grand event for the younger generation, then the Temple Competition is the grandest and most important event of the entire Temple Alliance.

The alliance is making intensive arrangements for this competition. Except for some strong men who stayed on the front line, most of the strong men from the six major temples gathered in the Holy Alliance at this time to prepare for this temple competition. Work. Many alliance elders who usually lived in seclusion also came to the Holy City. Although there are still a few days until the Temple Competition, the Temple Alliance headquarters is holding meetings every day, and the senior leaders of the six major temples are constantly discussing various matters. As for what they were discussing specifically, that was a top secret of the Temple Alliance. Only the most senior people present at the meeting knew.

Anyone with a keen sense of smell will find that this year's temple competition is different from previous ones, and the atmosphere is obviously much more tense. Obviously something big is going to happen.


Hehe, yes, I believe everyone has noticed that what is about to begin next is the Temple Competition! Another round of climax is coming.

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. There will be an early update after 12 o'clock tonight. Just like this week, Monday's recommended votes will be in the top three, plus two updates. I am cheering for you all.

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