Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 678 Long Haochen’s Choice (Part 1)

You win.

These four simple words seemed extremely difficult to say from Electrolux's mouth. His soul body was suspended there in a daze, but his eyes were full of incomprehension and incomprehension. It was as if something most important had been touched in his heart, so that his soul body fluctuated unsteadily, and layers of white light continued to show signs of dispersion.

But at this time, Long Haochen and Cai'er were completely immersed in the joy of reunion and didn't notice his changes at all.

Cai'er, Cai'er... Long Haochen kept murmuring her name. At this moment, his emotional state of mourning was changed by the appearance of Cai'er, and turned into extreme fear, lest the Cai'er in front of him was fake, and the glimmer of hope he finally had was shattered.

Therefore, he hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to integrate her into his body. Keep calling her name.

Long Haochen still clearly remembered how he felt the moment his heart was pierced by the Demon God Emperor. As darkness approached, there was no resentment or pain in his heart, only endless reluctance and attachment to Cai'er.

Darkness gradually fell and Cai'er's figure became blurred. It was only then that he became afraid of death. The last thought in his mind was: Will he never see Cai'er again?

But now, he was alive again, and his Cai'er was finally back in front of him. How could this man's rising fire of joy and hope be described in words. Holding her tightly, the extreme fear in his heart gradually turned into extreme happiness. If this was a dream, he hoped he would never wake up.

If you want to be together forever, then just calm down. The gentle voice with a strong soul shock woke up the two people who were immersed in happiness.

Long Haochen and Cai'er turned around at the same time, and then they saw the changes in the Undead Scourge Electrolux.

Electrolux's solid soul is emitting circles of white halo. And above his body, the aura of death was slowly spreading outward. On the body formed by the condensed soul, the eyes seemed to be much brighter than before. He was watching them with burning eyes.

Long Haochen was a little confused after hearing his words, but Cai'er shivered smartly, yes! Long Haochen was not really resurrected, but was only temporarily brought back to life by Electrolux using a special method.

She immediately stepped forward and said with some urgency: You just said that we won. Since we won, shouldn't you help Haochen be resurrected?

Long Haochen was stunned for a moment and looked at Cai'er in confusion, Aren't I doing well? Cai'er, what are you talking about?

Electrolux smiled slightly and said: You are really a stupid boy. Have you forgotten what happened before? Although the scene you just saw was virtualized by me with the power of my soul. But in a certain sense It can also be regarded as reality. If I had promised this girl to use her heart to help you resurrect, then the scene just now would have been real.

Cai'er, you... Long Haochen hugged Cai'er tightly in his arms, Why are you so stupid! Don't you understand that if you die, what's the point of my life?

Cai'er lowered her head and buried herself in his arms. When Long Haochen was just a corpse, she had only one thought in her mind, which was to revive him. However, the scene before was also very exciting to her. Especially what Long Haochen said. yes! If you save him and you die, he will still die. So is there any meaning to everything I am doing now?

At this moment, the two of them were very quiet, and Cai'er seemed no longer eager to resurrect Long Haochen. Either live together or die together. After thinking about this, she felt relieved.

So, does true love really exist in the world? A wry smile appeared on Electrolux's old face. Although it was just a body made of a condensed soul, he looked a little older at this time.

Of course. Long Haochen raised his head and looked at Electrolux with burning eyes. He had no good impression of Electrolux at all. It was the executioner in front of him who caused the destruction of all life in the Holy Demon Continent and the great loss of human vitality. If it weren't for him, how could the dark ages have come? If it weren't for him, maybe everything would be different. As the possessor of the Son of Light's physique, the person chosen by the goddess of light eventually embarked on a path of destruction. Long Haochen still deeply remembered the helplessness in his heart when Sun Moon God Snail told him.

How could Electrolux not see the repulsion in Long Haochen's eyes? He said calmly: Long Haochen, you have a choice now. Compared with her, you are the person more suitable to inherit my ability. . It can be seen that you have officially become the favored one of the goddess of light, and you must look down on me, a person who goes to death and darkness. However, now you can only survive if you choose to inherit my power. On the other side is the woman you love deeply , the other side is your faith, now you can make a choice. Choose to inherit my power, you can be with her, you can survive together, and you will become stronger. If you choose to give up , then, you will die, and she will probably die because of you. You choose.

Long Haochen was stunned, and so was Cai'er.

None of them expected that Electrolux would actually ask Long Haochen to make such a choice at this time.

You, you mean, even without my heart, you can help him resurrect? Cai'er asked in surprise.

Electrolux said proudly: I am the great necromancer, the eternal scourge Electrolux. In this world, there are too few things that I can't do. His soul is still there, reshaping the body. What is it? But why should I help him resurrect? Unless he is willing to inherit my power and become a new generation of undead natural disasters, otherwise, you will just fend for yourself. You will watch him die. As for how you choose? It has nothing to do with me. At worst, I will sleep for thousands of years, waiting for the arrival of the next inheritor.

Cai'er instantly turned to look at Long Haochen, but the moment her beautiful eyes met Long Haochen's dull gaze, the excitement in her heart was instantly extinguished as if a basin of ice water fell from the sky.

yes! Only those who choose to accept the inheritance of Electrolux can be resurrected. However, Haochen is the favored one of the goddess of light and the son of light. How could he inherit the power from Electrolux? Electrolux is the enemy of mankind, the source of evil, and the eternal scourge. If Long Haochen inherited his power, would he still be the Son of Light? If he does that, he will give up his faith!

Cai'er couldn't say the words when they came to her lips. She loved this man so much, how could she let him give up his faith for herself. Cai'er knew very well that for Long Haochen, this faith was even more important than life. He is a knight, the purest knight at heart. Asking him to give up his faith is tantamount to making him commit suicide!

Without saying anything, tears fell from Cai'er's eyes again. She stretched out her arms and wrapped them around Long Haochen's waist, pressing her body tightly against him. She no longer wanted to think about anything. Let him make a choice. If he chooses to die, then I will die with him. At this moment, Cai'er suddenly felt so tired. She just wanted to hold Long Haochen like this, no matter life or death, and keep going like this forever.

The dullness in Long Haochen's eyes gradually disappeared. He lowered his head and looked at Cai'er in his arms. The light in his eyes flickered, but there seemed to be no emotional struggle.

A faint smile began to appear on his lips. Long Haochen raised his head and looked at Electrolux calmly.

Have you made a decision? Electrolux looked at him in surprise. He originally thought that Long Haochen would be struggling in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would look at him with such eyes so quickly. This was obviously The decision has been made!

Long Haochen said calmly: I am willing to accept your inheritance and survive.

After hearing his words, both Electrolux and Cai'er were shocked.

Cai'er suddenly raised her head and looked at him with disbelief in her eyes. Haochen, you——

Electrolux said in disbelief: You are not even afraid of death, but now you want to give up your faith? Have you forgotten that you are the son of light, the one chosen by the goddess of light?

Long Haochen raised his hand and gently stroked Cai'er's long hair, I am willing to die for her, and I am willing to live for her.

Having said this, he paused for a moment, and when he looked at Electrolux again, his eyes were already bursting with dazzling light, So what if you give up your faith for Cai'er?


Two explosions appeared almost at the same time. One explosion appeared in Cai'er's brain, and she felt that her mind went blank. The whole person has completely lost the ability to think.

Another explosion appeared directly on the body formed by the condensed souls of the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Electrox.

The terrifying explosion produced huge soul fluctuations, sending Long Haochen and Cai'er flying away.

Electrolux raised his head and let out a painful scream. His whole soul body was shaking violently. A big, big breath of death spewed out from his soul, and a more intense holy white flame began to burn in him. burning on the soul. With the momentum of doing whatever it takes, it crazily spread to every corner of his soul.

Long Haochen hugged Cai'er tightly, using his body to bear the terrifying impact of the soul power. Electrolux's soul power is so powerful that even the Demon God Emperor seems unable to compare with him. In the face of this terrifying soul pressure, he couldn't even struggle.


There's a lot of pressure up there, and we're getting further and further away from the fat man up there. As we enter the second half of the year, do you still have the energy? This exciting period is not over yet. hey-hey.

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