Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 679 Long Haochen’s Choice (Part 2)

The terrifying soul fluctuation lasted for a quarter of an hour before gradually calming down.

No, no..., this is impossible. How can such emotions appear among human beings? How could it be? Human beings are despicable and shameless. For profit, everything is nothing. Why, why is this happening? Emotions, why?”

Electrolux was howling hysterically. At this time, he was like a wounded wolf, completely immersed in madness.

Without the soul impact, Long Haochen hugged Cai'er and looked at him. At this time, Long Haochen was also full of confusion. He had agreed to the inheritance of Electrolux, but what happened to the Holy Law God of the Dead? Will it look like this?

Electrolux kept roaring, but what Long Haochen could feel was that in the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity, the aura of death was disappearing at an alarming speed. And the light element here, which was originally very rich, gradually took on a holy aura.

This madness lasted for another meal before Electrox gradually calmed down. Although he was a soul, he seemed to be breathing heavily. The entire body is nearly half smaller than before, but it has become extremely white, pure white. At this time, his soul looked more like a cluster of overall flames. And the soul fire beating in his eyes gradually became calmer.

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. Electrolux's voice seemed a little stiff. Although his emotions had stabilized, the incredible feeling was still there.

Long Haochen looked at him in confusion, Senior, you can let me pass on your power.

Electrolux shook his head and said sadly: No, I don't have this qualification. I was wrong. I didn't expect that I was really wrong. I was wrong for thousands of years. I was wrong, I was wrong... He He shook his head vigorously, his face full of pain.

Cai'er held Long Haochen's hand. At this time, the blank space in her mind had been filled, and all of it was filled with Long Haochen's figure.

She just stood beside him gently, and the coldness in her original temperament completely disappeared. The haze in my heart when I was young was completely swept away without leaving any traces. If you ask her why, she will definitely answer that it is the power of love. Yes, Long Haochen sublimated Cai'er's soul with his love that would last until death and he was willing to give up his faith for her. All the negative emotions in her heart were purified by this, and this was the change before her eyes.

Nothing matters anymore. This life is enough with this love.

Electrolux raised his head and looked at the couple in front of him with burning eyes. His gentle eyes showed unspeakable envy, but there was no jealousy.

Would you like to hear me tell a story? A story that happened more than 6,800 years ago. Electrolux's voice was a little strange, and a deep sadness bloomed from him.

I don't know why, but looking at him like this, Long Haochen felt a hint of sympathy in his heart and nodded subconsciously.

Electrolux said calmly: Six thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven years ago, I was born in a city in the Pangbo Empire in the northwest of the continent. This city is called Sidi.

My father is the lord of Sidi City and a hereditary earl. I am his only son.

I have been a noble since the day I was born. In order for me to inherit his position as earl in the future, my father hired the best teachers to teach me all kinds of knowledge and etiquette since I was a child. When I was six years old, I was I discovered a strong affinity with the element of light. I have the physique of a child of light. Even though nearly seven thousand years have passed, I still deeply remember my father’s ecstasy at that time. He hugged me and spun around in the hall, excited. Shouting, Electrolux, you are my pride.”

Since then, I have become a light magician. My cultivation speed shocked all the teachers. When I was eleven years old, I became a fourth-level great magician. At the age of thirteen , mage, when I was only fifteen years old, I became the youngest sixth-level great mage in the entire continent.

Hearing what he said, Long Haochen was also shocked, because he, who was also the Son of Light, had not reached the sixth level when he was fifteen years old! In other words, at the same age of fifteen, Electrolux was more outstanding and powerful than him.

Father said that I already have the ability to shock the world. So he personally took me to participate in the battle of geniuses hosted by the Brilliant Holy See between the three great empires of the mainland at that time. Only young people under the age of twenty could Participate in the Battle of Geniuses. By the way, is the Brilliant Holy See still there? Do they still rule the continent?

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No, as early as six thousand years ago, when the dark age came, the Brilliant Holy See was destroyed by the demons.

Destroyed? Electrolux was stunned, and then he said strangely: Destroyed, destroyed, destroyed. I knew that they would one day perish. Where did I say it?

The battle of geniuses. Cai'er reminded.

Yes, a battle of geniuses. In that battle of geniuses, I was undoubtedly the focus of the audience. Very few opponents could stand in front of me for more than a minute. When I was young, my appearance was no worse than yours now. I don't know. How many ladies from the three major empires flirted with each other just to let me take another look. The finals are finally here, and my opponent is the imperial princess Flo. She is also a genius, she is a powerful summoner. With the support of the imperial royal family, although there are only ten She is six years old, but she already has her own summoned beast, the Purple Lightning Star Emperor Dragon. Although her cultivation is not as good as mine, the endless summoned beasts are difficult to deal with. The battle lasted for half an hour. In the end, she Due to lack of spiritual power, he was defeated by me. I also won the final championship. And in that battle of geniuses, our Pangbo Empire also became the biggest winner.

Even though thousands of years have passed, when Electrolux said this, his face was still filled with pride. It can be seen how much attention was paid to the situation at that time.

At that time, the Holy Demon Continent was still completely under human rule, and the total human population was probably several times, or even ten times, what it is now. And this battle of geniuses is undoubtedly the highest level display stage for young people. Winning the final crown will be such an honor and respect.

The pope of the Brilliant Holy See personally awarded me a reward, and the empire directly awarded me the title of viscount and a fiefdom of hundreds of miles. The prize I received was a set of sub-artifacts, which were later epic-level equipment. At that time, I, the proud young man, possess the highest glory of all young people in the continent. Even Perot, the son of the Pope, will pale in comparison to me.

As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting. The battle with Princess Flo also made us cherish each other. From then on, we were also known as the twin stars of the empire and were placed with high hopes. And I was directly transferred by the emperor. The Royal Academy of Magic furthers her studies with Princess Flo and has the full support of the empire.”

Even though they were just listening to him telling this story, Long Haochen and Cai'er could still think of how young and successful Electrolux was at that time. At just sixteen years old, he has received such an honor, no matter who he is, he will do the same.

Electrolux's face showed tenderness, During the time when I was studying at the Royal Academy of Magic, Flo and I got along day and night, practicing together every day, and studying magic together. The relationship between us grew deeper and deeper. I fell deeply in love with her. The beauty and genius. When we are together, there are always endless topics to talk about. We are inseparable from each other. The warming of our relationship not only did not affect my cultivation, but made my cultivation improve faster and faster. At the age of eighteen, In 2000, I had become an eighth-level great mage. Based on my cultivation speed at that time, I was certain that I would be able to break through to the ninth level when I was twenty years old. I would become the youngest ninth-level master in the history of the empire.

And as time goes by, my advantage in talent has been fully revealed. Although Flo is equally excellent, after all, she cannot compare with the talent of my Son of Light. When I broke through to the eighth level, she was I had just broken through the seventh level. At that time, I could see that she was unhappy, but I didn’t think much about it and told her that I was willing to stay put and wait for her to catch up with my cultivation.

At the same time, after breaking through the eighth level, I asked my father to propose marriage to Your Majesty and agree to the marriage between me and Flo.

Everything went so smoothly. His Majesty happily agreed to let us get engaged. He only waited for the day when I broke through the ninth level to get married for us. At that time, I was already known as the man most likely to become a god. .The contemporary pope of the Brilliant Holy See came to the empire in person and expressed his willingness to accept me as a disciple and let me accept his inheritance.

For the sake of the empire and for Flo, I refused. At that time, the Holy See had great power on the mainland. In a sense, the three major empires had to obey the orders of the Holy See. And I can feel His Majesty's reluctance. For Your Majesty, I would rather offend the Pope than leave the Empire.

After the eighth level, my cultivation speed has obviously slowed down. My teacher at the Royal Academy of Magic told me that this is because I have been simply practicing without any experience outside. It is recommended that I go outside. Only by experiencing more of the world and experiencing all the magical places on the continent can I continue to improve with more insights. I accepted his suggestion and told Flo about it, hoping to take her with me to complete it. This experience.”

But Flo refused at that time. Although she loved me deeply, she was even more powerful in her heart. I know that she always hoped to surpass me. However, the distance between her and me became wider and wider. Far away. So, she decided to stay in the academy and continue to practice hard, trying to catch up with my cultivation.


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