Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 677 You win

Cai'er looked at Long Haochen affectionately and said: So what, my heart is with him, he can be resurrected by me, that's enough. I am willing to die for him. Apart from me, who else is here? Is there a second heart? All I ask is that you resurrect him.

Electrolux was silent, his eyes were extremely struggling, but Cai'er's attention was focused on Long Haochen and she didn't notice.

It would be great if she was like you when I met her back then. Perhaps, all of this would never have happened. Or maybe, I had already gone with her. Even if we were in the same place of death, I would still carry her with me. Go away happy.”

Electrolux's murmuring voice woke up Cai'er. She raised her head and insisted: Please use my heart...

Electrolux suddenly interrupted her and said: Kid, don't worry. Let's do this. Let's make a bet. If you win, I will help you resurrect him. If you lose, then you have to give up. He passed down my power wholeheartedly. Although I don’t like your purification attributes, I like your character.”

I don't bet. Cai'er shook her head vigorously, I won't bet on anything related to him, because I can't afford to lose.

Electrolux said coldly: It's not up to you. At this moment, he showed the majesty of the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Sleeping Natural Disaster.

With a wave of his hand, Cai'er felt her whole body tense up. Her body was completely out of control, and even the death sickle in her hand was suppressed back into her body.

Pulled by the golden light, she came to Electrolux. Immediately afterwards, everything around him began to distort slightly, and everything was undergoing strange changes. Everything becomes illusory and becomes substantial again.

Cai'er was surprised to find that not only could she not move, she couldn't even make a sound, and she couldn't control even a little bit of spiritual energy fluctuation. It was as if the whole soul had solidified.

Electrolux floated quietly next to her, layers of golden halo constantly releasing from his body. Right next to Long Haochen, there was another Cai'er. Cai'er's chest was cut open, with blood holes and her heart missing.

Then, the index finger of his right hand pointed a little at Long Haochen's body. The wound on Long Haochen's chest healed at an astonishing speed. In the strong golden light fluctuations, the fine gold base armor on his body was lifted. Under Cai'er's excited gaze, Long Haochen's pale skin gradually gained a trace of blood.

All of this was really amazing. With just a few gestures, Electrolux seemed to have rekindled Long Haochen's life.

Electrolux's voice rang in Cai'er's mind, I made him temporarily return to life, and everything seemed to be alive. Guess how he will react when he knows that you used your heart to resurrect him. ?”

Cai'er's originally excited mood was like being splashed with a basin of ice water. She desperately wanted to break free from Electrolux's shackles. However, this man who once brought disaster to all mankind and even almost caused the destruction of mankind. How can it be so easy to resist the restraints of the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Sleeping Natural Disaster? She could do nothing but watch as the vitality gradually revived and Long Haochen's body began to tremble.

It was so cold, Long Haochen felt as if he was immersed in ice water, and his whole body was shaking with cold. His dead brain gradually began to fluctuate, and he shivered one after another in the cold feeling. I was awakened by this coldness.

His eyes were filled with gold, and the strong fluctuations of light elements made the chill in his body seem to subside a bit.

This, where is this? Hell?

Subconsciously, Long Haochen raised his hand and pressed it on his chest. He was surprised to find that the hole in his chest had disappeared. There seems to be a vague feeling of heart beating and blood flowing in the body. However, his powerful cultivation was gone. The feeling of weakness was hitting his brain in waves.

Are you awake? The old voice attracted Long Haochen's attention, and he saw the huge coffin and the soul suspended in the air at a glance.

Who are you? Where is this? Long Haochen said subconsciously. At this time, he was still a little confused, but the coldness on his body gradually faded away. The pure light element in the air made him feel very comfortable, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to be It is also slowly recovering under the injection of these light elements. Finally there is some warmth.

This is the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity. You must know who I am. Electrolux said calmly.

Long Haochen was shocked and woke up immediately, What? This is the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity. So, then you are..., how did I get here.

Electrox pointed to his side and said calmly: She brought you here.

Long Haochen looked in the direction of his finger. The next moment, his whole body froze. With his mouth wide open and his eyes widened, he suddenly realized that he couldn't even make a sound. The whole person stood there motionless as if a immobilization technique had been cast on him.

That, that's Cai'er. Cai'er's chest was opened and blood flowed all over the floor.

Cai'er lost her life and turned as pale as paper.

Cai'er, Cai'er, how could my Cai'er do this?

Maintaining this stiff movement for half a cup of tea, Long Haochen remained motionless.

Electrolux's voice rang in his ears, She brought the eternal melody I gave you, carried your body on her back, and passed the difficult assessments in the Tower of Eternity to come here. She said, you are me Descendant, let me resurrect you. You should know how you died. Your heart has been lost. Even with my undead magic, I need a fresh heart to resurrect you. Therefore, she will I gave you my heart.

No - Long Haochen looked up to the sky and wailed. He knelt on the ground with a pop and threw himself on Cai'er. He hugged her delicate body tightly and tears burst out of his eyes.

Cai'er's body was so cold, as cold as ten thousand years of black ice. Long Haochen felt as if the blood in his body had solidified at this moment.

Why are you so stupid? Why are you so stupid! Cai'er. Do you think I can live alone after you die?

Turning around suddenly, Long Haochen looked at Electrolux, Senior, I beg you to return her heart to her. You must have a way, right? Please resurrect her.

Electrolux said coldly: Do you think this is a game? Can a heart transplant be repeated? What's more, even if I can do it, you will still die if you lose your heart.

At this point, his voice suddenly became gentle, The person is dead, and she resurrected you with her heart, just in the hope that her heart can merge with yours, so that you can never be separated. Could it be? Don’t you understand her painstaking efforts? You are my chosen disciple. When you come here, it’s time to pass on my power. Where is there no grass in the world? With your excellence, you will definitely find a better girl than her in the future. . Moreover, you can only get revenge if you survive. If you don't die, she won't die to resurrect you. You should seek revenge from the person who killed you. Instead of being cowardly and sad here.

Get up and accept the inheritance of my undead scourge Electrolux. When you leave from here, you will be the strongest man in the human world. At that time, everything is up to you whether you want to live or die, no matter how many women you want, you can .After you avenge her, just use the corpse of your enemy to commemorate her.

Long Haochen held Cai'er's body and turned to look at Electrolux, his eyes were very indifferent. He seemed to be convinced by Electrolux, all the previous hysteria subsided, and his mood calmed down.

Holding Cai'er's body, he stood up slowly and said to himself: If only one of us can survive, then it would be better if she died.

There was something strange in Electrolux's eyes, and he turned to look at the real Cai'er beside him. Long Haochen couldn't see it, but he could. His cold voice sounded deep in Cai'er's soul, See, this is the man you are willing to sacrifice your life for.

However, Electrolux was disappointed because all he saw in Cai'er's eyes was sadness and endless affection. She seemed not to have heard Long Haochen's heartless words at all.

Don't you understand yet? Electrolux asked Cai'er angrily.

Cai'er shook her head gently and didn't look at Electrolux at all. I understand very well. It's you who don't understand because you don't understand him at all.

Electrolux snorted coldly, Don't you understand?

He turned to Long Haochen, who had an indifferent gaze, and said in a deep voice: You are right, her death will help you. Are you ready to pass on my power?

Long Haochen shook his head gently and said: Inheriting your power? What does that mean to me? You are an executioner. A person who obviously has the physique of a son of light should bring light to the human world, but in the end But I chose the executioner of darkness. I don’t want to inherit your dirty power.”

Living is more painful than death. If Cai'er and I can grow old together, then I will definitely try to die later than her. In this way, when she dies, I can be by her side to help her die. If I die before her, how lonely she will be when her life comes to an end.

What power, what revenge? None of this is important to me anymore. Maybe I still have a lot of responsibilities, but how can I make my Cai'er wait.

Having said this, he turned his eyes to his left hand, I'm sorry, Sun and Moon God Snail, I let you down. I can't finally bring light to mankind. Even if I am a child of light, even if I think there is no impurity in my heart. But I still have a weakness that can never be changed. Just let me be willful and selfish for myself once. Cai'er, walk slowly, I'm coming.

Holding Cai'er with his left hand, he lowered his head and kissed her red lips deeply. He raised his right hand, and all the spiritual power he had just recovered was condensed on his right palm, and he suddenly slapped it on the top of his head.

Don't die. Electrolux shouted unwillingly, and his soul figure instantly came to Long Haochen and grabbed his arm.

Long Haochen raised his head and looked at him coldly, What qualifications do you have to stop me?

I don't know why, but with such a powerful soul power as Electrolux, he shivered when he was swept away by Long Haochen's cold gaze. He actually couldn't say anything to refute him.

Get away. Long Haochen roared angrily. Earn fiercely.

However, Electrolux grabbed his arm hard, Is there nothing else in this world that you miss? It's just the love between a man and a woman that will kill you. Is it worth it?

Long Haochen smiled contemptuously, Listen to what you said, you don't understand what love is at all. Love is dull when it is deep, and it is even stronger when it is deep. Without her, my heart is dead. In any world, My nostalgia has no meaning to me. This world is colorless to me. Don’t stop me from finding my Cai’er. Do you think I can’t die if you hold my hand?”

As he spoke, Long Haochen's eyes suddenly lit up, and it could be vaguely seen that there seemed to be golden flames burning instantly in his pupils.

Asshole, you're crazy. Electrolux shouted angrily and pointed at the center of Long Haochen's eyebrows.

Long Haochen was sent flying out by the direct click of his finger, and hit hard against the wall of the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity.

If Electrolux's action was even half a minute later, Long Haochen's soul would be on fire. At that time, not to mention the necromancer, not even the arrival of the gods would be able to revive him.

The impact bounced off the wall, but Long Haochen still hugged Cai'er tightly, raised his right hand again, and patted the top of his head without hesitation.

Crazy, Electrolux felt an unprecedented madness from Long Haochen's indifferent eyes. There is nothing more sad than death. Perhaps, this is the true meaning of his eyes.

She's still alive.

These four simple words were more effective than any other barrier. Long Haochen's right hand was frozen on top of his head. He lowered his head to look at Cai'er, but he still didn't see any signs of life.

However, at this moment, a cry that sounded like a cry, Haochen.

Cai'er in Long Haochen's arms turned into bits of golden light and disappeared, but right next to the undead Scourge Electrolux, Cai'er appeared alive, with a flash of body, she rushed into his arms and burst into tears. .

Cai'er's body was warm, and her tears wetted Long Haochen's clothes almost instantly. Her arms were so strong, holding him tightly.

Cai'er, Cai'er, Cai'er, Cai'er, Cai'er... Long Haochen kept calling her name. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't shed a single tear. The joy of regaining something made his dead soul Finally there was a glimmer of light. Holding her tightly, his chin trembled, and his calls were filled with choked sobs.

Looking at the men and women hugging there, Elex, the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, said with difficulty: You won.


Well, I am guilty, and to atone for my sin, this chapter is four thousand words long. I sincerely ask all brothers and sisters to accept it.

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