Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 673 The Road to Heaven and Bloodstains (Part 1)

The message from Electrolux, the Scourge of the Undead, only had this simple sentence. As soon as he finished speaking, the statue at the end of the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity actually moved. What moves is its right arm, moving slowly, the staff in the right hand is raised high and pointed at the dome. The next moment, the entire sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity turned into a golden color.

The only thing left in the sight of everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was this golden brilliance, and the dazzling light made them have to close their eyes. The light element that felt like a liquid a moment ago seemed to have turned into a solid state at this moment, making them unable to move at all.

This intense golden light did not last for too long. When the light converged, everyone's vision was restored. The entire sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity has completely changed.

The surroundings were pitch black, and the original sixth layer had long since disappeared, turning into a night sky around everyone's bodies. Countless bright stars are shining around. Although they felt down to earth at this time, if they just looked at it with their eyes, they would be suspended in the night sky! Under the shining stars, it was the first time for them to experience that strange feeling.

And not far in front of them, a ten-meter-high golden gate appeared there. The door was double-opened and tightly closed at this time.

There are no gorgeous carvings or decorations on this door, only the deep golden color. They cannot see what is behind the light door. The arched golden door radiated light filled with the aura of death.

A golden light fell from Cai'er's head. She subconsciously raised her hand to catch the golden light. It was the eternal melody.

However, the eternal melody at this time is no longer a simple skull. At the end of the skull, a key-like metal strip is drilled out.

A strange feeling appeared in Cai'er's mind, and she vaguely felt that everything they had experienced before was actually preparation for opening the door in front of them.

Every time you defeat a Holy Guard, you will not only get the recognition and help of the Holy Guard, but also inject the power of the strong soul into the eternal melody. When the Twelve Saint Guards are completely absorbed by the eternal melody. Then, the sleeping consciousness belonging to the undead scourge Electrolux will be ignited on the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity. Only then will this golden door appear, and the eternal melody is the key to opening this door.

What is the road to heaven? Cai'er didn't know, but she had no way out.

Turning around and looking at his energetic companions, Beiqi bit his lower lip, I will definitely resurrect Haochen.

Definitely. Everyone said loudly at the same time.

Wang Yuanyuan took Long Haochen from Sima Xian's hand, and together with Chen Ying'er, helped Cai'er carry Long Haochen on her back. Tie tightly with chains.

When Cai'er walked toward the golden door with Eternal Melody in hand, everyone became nervous in unison. Even more nervous than before.

Before reaching the goal, they had been working hard towards the goal with all their strength, but the goal was right in front of them. As if they were timid about being close to home, they felt even more nervous. Whether Long Haochen can be resurrected depends on this. This is the only chance and the last chance. They have worked hard to come here even if they risk their lives for everyone. Whether they can succeed or not is really important to them.

There was no confusion or anxiety in Cai'er's eyes, but only persistence and concentration. In her mind, there was only one thought, which was to resurrect Long Haochen, and it was a resurrection that was bound to be successful. If Long Haochen could not come back alive, then she would have no choice but to accompany him and go to another world to build their home. At this time, Cai'er no longer cared about the overall situation of mankind, she only had Long Haochen in her heart. If the people she loves the most are dead, what's the point of living?

He was like her sky. The moment he died, her sky collapsed.

The golden door was full of majesty and solemnity. When Cai'er came to it, the eternal melody key in her hand suddenly radiated a scorching temperature.

As soon as Cai'er raised her hand, the golden key flew out and disappeared directly into the golden light door.

Suddenly, a surging, solid golden halo spread from the light door, reflecting the surrounding starry night sky with golden light.

Without any sound, the two opposite golden doors slowly opened.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group watched with bated breath. At this moment, they felt extremely nervous. Whether Long Haochen can survive depends on this. They stared at the slowly opening door with burning eyes. What would be behind it?

Soon, they saw it.

The road to heaven is really a road. To be precise, it's a staircase. In this starry night sky, behind the huge golden light door is a golden staircase that leads to a higher and deeper night sky.

The steps extend diagonally upward at a 45-degree angle, with a steep slope and even step height. And that thick golden light.

This is the Road to Heaven, the road to the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity. It literally spreads higher into the sky. However, this road to heaven has no end in sight. Yes, it seems endless.

Kowtow step by step, the road to heaven will lead to heaven. The majestic voice rippled out from the golden light door and reached everyone's ears.

You actually have to kowtow step by step? Everyone was shocked, but at this moment, Cai'er walked into the light door without hesitation, carrying Long Haochen on her back, knelt down in front of the first step and bowed down.

As arrogant as she is, she is willing to abandon that pride for her lover. As long as she can save Long Haochen, Cai'er thinks everything is worth it.

The members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group had unknowingly gathered outside the light gate. Although the golden light gate was open, there was a strong resistance that kept them out. Only Cai'er and the dead Long Haochen on her back could enter.

After bowing for the first time, Cai'er climbed to the first step, knelt down again, and bowed again. Long Haochen was swaying gently on her back.

Lin Xin asked Sima Xian beside him doubtfully: Will there be strong pressure on this road to heaven?

Sima Xian nodded and said, It's possible. This should also be a test.

At this point, he was suddenly startled and murmured: We have defeated the Twelve Holy Guards and passed the test of the first six levels. Isn't this road to heaven a test of the seventh level?

Hearing what he said, everyone's faces couldn't help but change color. They have all seen with their own eyes how difficult the test on the sixth level is. If there is another test on the seventh level, Cai'er may not be able to bear it!

Wang Yuanyuan said solemnly: It shouldn't be a test of strength. The tests we passed before were difficult enough. If there are more difficult tests, we still need to accept the inheritance of Electrolux. I think this level Even if it is a test, it should be from other aspects. It cannot be a test of cultivation.

Everyone was speculating outside the light gate, but only Cai'er who was inside knew the real situation.

There is no pressure on this endless road to the sky, and the pressure will not increase as she moves forward. However, the moment she stepped into the light door, her own internal and external spiritual power had disappeared.

Cai'er didn't even know what kind of magic this road to the sky contained could make her entire cultivation disappear without a trace. At this moment, she is no longer the Saint of Reincarnation, but an ordinary girl. At most, his physical fitness is better than that of his peers.

Long Haochen's weight was not light. When his cultivation was still there, Cai'er didn't feel anything while carrying him. But now she has no internal or external spiritual power. Long Haochen on her back gave her a heavy feeling.

Kowling step by step, Cai'er only climbed a dozen steps before her speed slowed down. Sweat had begun to appear on her forehead. My legs and waist are already a little sore.

Cai'er understood that if she didn't follow Electrolux's message, then all the previous efforts would be in vain. However, just carrying Long Haochen on her back, kowtowing step by step, how far could she go without spiritual support?

If it were anyone else, I am afraid that there would already be a sense of gain and loss in their hearts, and they might even give up. But in Cai'er's heart, there is only persistence.

The road to heaven in front of her will become increasingly difficult, but she will not retreat. There was only one thought in her mind, either to die on the road to heaven, or to take Long Haochen to the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity.

Under the influence of this belief, she did not have any negative emotions in her heart. The more difficult the situation, the more stubborn she felt in her heart.

Kowling step by step, Cai'er never looked back once. In her eyes, there was only an upward ladder.

Her pace was very steady, she took one step, fell to her knees, bowed down, and stood up. Take another step, kneel again... and the cycle repeats.

When Cai'er stepped onto the twentieth step, everyone outside the door could already see her difficulty.

Is this road to heaven really stressful? Otherwise, with Cai'er's cultivation, how could he start to slow down in such a short period of time. However, if there was pressure, she should use her spiritual power to resist, but Cai'er didn't have any spiritual power to release.

There was no further discussion, and the truth could not be obtained through discussion. Cai'er was already on the road to the sky, so she could only keep moving forward.

Cai'er, come on. Wang Yuanyuan clenched his fists. Now they can only bless Cai'er and cheer for her in their hearts.

When Cai'er reached the thirtieth step, her whole body was sore, especially her knees, which felt like they were being pricked by thousands of steel needles. Sweat had soaked her clothes. Bowing down thirty times in a row had consumed most of her energy.


Ahem, these chapters are quite cruel, and they happened to burst out at the same time. If you want to take revenge on me, just vote hard. Anyway, after writing these chapters, I feel like I’m not my biological father…

This is an additional update to the top three recommendations. Including today's guarantee, there are four updates in total.

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