Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 672 The Seven Ultimate Gods of Death and the Six-Colored Divine Light (Part 2)

Gradually, a glimmer of understanding appeared in Cai'er's heart.

Yes, the tests they had received before were so difficult, and everything had to be passed on their own strength. Eternal Melody offered them no help. Several of them even nearly died in the process of passing the examination.

However, this is an assessment after all, not a battle of life and death!

No matter how evil the Holy Law God of the Undead and the Scourge of the Undead, Ilaix, his ability to stay in the Tower of Eternity is to choose a successor for himself to pass on his powerful strength, not to destroy it.

Therefore, after everyone passed the sixth level assessment, it seemed that all the assessments had been completed. The Tower of Eternity dropped this powerful six-element recovery light to help them heal their wounds and restore their vitality.

Electrolux would never want a disciple who was covered in pain and even had injuries that could not be recovered.

The first to recover were Lin Xin, Han Yu, Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi who provided all their spiritual power to Cai'er. Cai'er sucked away all their spiritual power, and even damaged their vitality. However, in less than ten minutes, everything returned to normal, and their spiritual power was even stronger than its original peak state. This is an improvement after stimulating one's own potential through constant battles.

Then came Chen Ying'er. Her face gradually turned red. With the help of Yang Wenzhao, she was able to sit up. The energy she had consumed was slowly restored by the power of these six elements. Half an hour later, she was pleasantly surprised to find that she had recovered as before.

Strangely enough, as long as he recovers completely, the six-colored light will avoid his body and will no longer be integrated into him.

At this time, we can see the extent of the other people's injuries.

Sima Xian, Wang Yuanyuan, and Zhang Fangfang were bathed in six-colored light that lasted for an hour and still continued. The same goes for Cai'er in the distance.

And the six-colored light continued as if it were endless.

After another full hour passed, Zhang Fangfang and Wang Yuanyuan opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes full of joy. Their vitality has completely returned to normal.

It's not that Wang Yuanyuan's injuries were not as serious as Sima Xian's. In fact, she had already sacrificed her life at that time and was originally going to die. But at that time, Zhang Fangfang was equivalent to sharing the backlash and gave her half of his life force. This is what two people have to bear. After sharing, the injury was naturally not as serious as Sima Xian's.

Sima Xian's recovery lasted nearly four hours before being completed. When he stood up from the ground stroking his bald head, everyone couldn't help but cheer.

That's the feeling of having a good life after all the hardships. Their hard work and dedication paid off at this moment. The more serious the injury, the more you will gain in the Tower of Eternity assessment.

For example, Sima Xian's inner spiritual power has been directly upgraded to the seventh and eighth levels, and he is getting closer and closer to the eighth level. The inner spiritual power of Wang Yuanyuan and Zhang Fangfang has also been upgraded to the seventh level and the eighth level. However, their original cultivation level is higher than that of Sima Xian, so the degree of improvement is not as great as that of Sima Xian. Everyone else has also improved more or less.

Their cheers did not last long before they became quiet again, because the six-colored light did not disappear just because of their recovery.

The halo was still there, but at this time it was only focused on Long Haochen and Cai'er.

Strangely enough, Long Haochen was obviously dead, but the six-colored light was still pouring into his body, and the same was true for Cai'er. The two of them have now become the two cores of this six-color halo.

Will the boss be resurrected like this? Lin Xin said with hope.

Han Yu silently shook his head, The possibility is very low. After all, the boss is dead. You see, the wound on the boss's chest shows no signs of healing. The power of the Demon God Emperor is too terrifying. Even the wound cannot be healed, let alone Let alone resurrection. It seems that we still have to go to the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity.

I don't know what the seventh floor is. Cai'er has passed the test of the sixth floor, but why is there no passage to the seventh floor? Chen Yinger said doubtfully.

Zhang Fangfang said: Now we can only wait. After the six-color light ends, maybe the passage will naturally appear.

Wang Yuanyuan said with some worry: I hope it will be faster. The boss can only last seven days. And it will take time to resurrect him. We have spent two days so far. There are only five days left.

Sima Xiandao: It's okay. There are still five days left. They won't be able to absorb this recovery light here for that long.

Time passed minute by minute. Six hours, seven hours, eight hours, nine hours,..., twelve hours.

When this six-colored light lasted for twelve hours, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group began to become a little anxious. If this continues, how long will this six-color light last?

However, because of this, they all couldn't help but secretly admire Cai'er. After their bodies were fully recovered, they no longer had the six-colored light integrated into them. Not to mention the dead Long Haochen, Cai'er was definitely still alive when she finished that battle. But she had been bathing in this six-colored light for a full twelve hours, and she still had not fully recovered. It can be seen how terrifying the backlash of using the Death God's Seven Arts is.

Just as everyone was getting more and more worried, the six-colored light in the air suddenly faded. Until it slowly dissipates.

Cai'er also opened her eyes as the six-colored light disappeared.

Cai'er. Everyone immediately ran towards her excitedly. Sima Xian ran at the front holding Long Haochen's body, and reached Cai'er in three or two steps.

Chen Ying'er grabbed one of Cai'er's arms and stared at her face carefully, How is it? Cai'er, the backlash of your Death God's Qijue...

A smile appeared on Cai'er's pretty face, Unexpectedly, my backlash disappeared. It seems to have been offset by the ability in the Tower of Eternity.

That's great. Chen Ying'er suddenly shouted in surprise. They all know that when the God of Death uses his seventh skill to his sixth skill, the backlash Cai'er endures is likely to last for several years! It's even possible that some aspects may never recover.

Just as everyone was immersed in excitement, suddenly, the light on Cai'er's chest shone brightly again.

This time it was no longer a six-colored light, but a brilliant golden light. From the skirt of Cai'er's chest, an eternal melody in the shape of a skull came out. The necklace connected to the pendant also turned into a flash of golden light and disappeared.

I saw the golden skull rising slowly, floating above Cai'er's head. Its small eyes suddenly lit up. Two clusters of small but extremely bright golden flames were beating quietly. Suddenly, two golden lights shot out from the eye sockets, like two golden needles piercing the end of the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity.

Wherever the golden light passed, the originally hazy sixth layer was completely illuminated. At the end of the sixth floor, there is still a statue of Electrolux.

The whole body of this statue is made of gold, except for the heart, which is black. From where the people of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group are standing, the black color looks like a rising black flame.

The body of light has a dark heart of death. Perhaps this is the true portrayal of the undead Scourge Electrolux. Compared with the statue of Electrolux on the first five floors, this statue has a slightly more sad charm.

The golden light emitted from the eye sockets of the golden skull of Eternal Melody is injected right into the eye sockets of this statue of Electrolux. Suddenly, a strong golden flame rose and burned. The entire sixth floor was also completely ignited.

Starting from the outermost side, rich golden flames rose from each pillar, and the aura of death that had been purified by Cai'er's death force suddenly became stronger. In the thick aura of death, there seemed to be thousands of innocent souls wailing. But even in such a voice, there is an unparalleled rich aura of light elements.

At this moment, the concentration of light elements on the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity was even higher than when they saw the Sun and Moon Divine Snail in the Dark Swamp Crypt. However, although this light element is huge and rich, it is full of domineering and ferocious flavor, and does not have the peace of the original Sun and Moon God Snail.

Pairs of giant pillars were ignited, illuminating every detail of the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity. A strong golden halo spread in the air. The light aura also became stronger and stronger. It felt to Cai'er and the others as if their bodies were immersed in a lake composed of light elements.

Including Sima Xian, there were five owners of light attributes present. However, they did not dare to absorb the power of these elements in such a rich environment of light elements. The aura of death among these light elements made them unconsciously feel a strong sense of rejection.

Only Cai'er's face was normal. As a favored person of the God of Death, any breath of death and resentment would naturally dissipate as soon as it came close to her body.

The old voice suddenly sounded from all directions. It was a tremor from the soul. Even if Cai'er lost all six senses, he could still hear the meaning conveyed by this voice.

Welcome to the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity. Being able to come here proves that you are strong enough to accept my inheritance. Climb the stairs to the Road to Heaven. I am waiting for you on the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity. As long as If you can come before me, then you are my disciple. Otherwise, you and I have no chance.

There was no emotion in the old voice. If Long Haochen was still alive, he would definitely recognize that this voice was exactly the same as the one he heard when he first entered the Tower of Eternity. The only difference is that the voice is a little less cordial and a little more indifferent.


A new week has arrived, as mentioned in the previous chapter. Today is the first guaranteed update. Two updates will be added to the top three recommended votes, and two updates will be added if the monthly votes advance to fifth place. Everyone works hard to vote, and if you can, let me update it six times!

What follows will be the pinnacle of the entire climax. Especially the next chapter. Hey Hey.

What are you waiting for? Hurry up and vote.

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