Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 674 The Road to Heaven and Bloodstains (Part 2)

If Long Haochen had not been carried on his back, this situation would not have occurred until at least two hundred steps down. It even becomes less impactful as she slows down.

But now, on Cai'er's back, there is Long Haochen who weighs more than 160 kilograms! Her own weight is less than one hundred pounds. In this overload situation, the burden on her body was too heavy.

However, Cai'er never stopped, and the physical pain did not affect her perseverance at all. Kowtow one step at a time, moving forward slowly but firmly.

Thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven,..., forty-two, forty-three, forty-four...

Look, what is that? sharp-eyed Chen Yinger suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger and saw two faint touches of red appearing on the crystal clear golden stairs.

The red color is very light and cannot be seen unless you look carefully.

It's here again. Chen Ying'er shouted again. As Cai'er climbed up the first step again, two more light red marks appeared on the higher step.

Han Yu raised his fists to his chest and clenched them tightly. With his strength, his voice even trembled, Cai'er's knees are worn out.

Yes, that light red mark is blood, Cai'er's blood.

After descending more than 40 steps, Long Haochen, who weighed more than 160 kilograms, was carrying on her back. Her long skirt was frayed, and the blood from the scratches on her knees was left on the steps, leaving that mark.

Everyone's heart couldn't help but tighten for Cai'er. Although they didn't know how much pain Cai'er endured on this road to the sky, they could tell from the situation that this road must be extraordinary.

Although this road to heaven deprived her of all spiritual power, it could not shake her willpower. Cai'er's willpower, which she has practiced hard since she was a child, is far beyond ordinary people. What's more, she is now trying to resurrect her man!

One step after another, one step after another.

Two bloodstains began to appear on the endless road to the sky. The bloodstains grew from shallow to deep. When she climbed the fifty-seventh step, the bloodstains changed from two to three. The third blood stain came from Cai'er's forehead.

Chen Ying'er had already thrown herself into Yang Wenzhao's arms. She couldn't bear to look at her and burst into tears. Everyone else closed their eyes unconsciously.

Their bodies and minds were trembling violently. Cai'er was really too strong.

Cai'er didn't pause, as if she couldn't feel the pain.

Level 50, level 60, level 70, level 80. She just moved up step by step, hard and staggeringly. Her body had already begun to shake, and the blood marks left on the ground began to appear in liquid form, flowing down the stairs.

But she was still moving upward, still climbing. Somehow, there seemed to be an incomparable force supporting her increasingly fragile body.

Bang - On the 112th step, Cai'er suddenly fell down and hit the step in front of her hard, but her right hand was fiercely dug into the glorious surface of the step. Point your toes on the steps below to prevent yourself from sliding down.

Blood stained the hem of the long skirt and slid down the toes. Cai'er's originally stunningly pretty face was now covered in blood.

Her body was trembling violently because she had endured too much, but her eyes remained persistent and firm.

Breathing heavily, she reluctantly moved up another step, and with a bang, she kowtowed again.

However, this time she failed to get up again, her vision went dark, and she fell into a coma.

Cai'er—— Outside the light door, everyone who could see clearly shouted in unison. Wang Yuanyuan couldn't help but hit the barrier of the light door with his body, but was directly bounced away.

Not to mention Chen Ying'er, even big men like Sima Xian, Lin Xin, and Han Yu can no longer stand it. Those three blood marks were like three sharp swords piercing their hearts.

However, they can't do anything now. They can't enter the light door, so naturally they can't help Cai'er. They can only watch helplessly here. Looking at the bright red blood stains on the golden stairs.

Nothing has changed on the road to heaven, everything remains the same. The golden staircase has no end.

An hour passed.

Cai'er's body suddenly moved slightly, her arms supported her body, and she slowly lifted up. She woke up.

Without looking back, she paused briefly, then struggled to stand up, took a step upward, and knelt down again.

In just one move, the blood stains reappeared on a new level.

Cai'er... Chen Yinger and Wang Yuanyuan both had tears streaming down their faces. Their voices were hoarse from crying.

All the men's eyes were already red, and the nails of their clenched fists were already piercing into their palms. How they hope to board this road to the sky to replace Cai'er!

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps...

After waking up, Cai'er was still so strong. The Long Haochen she was carrying on her back was as heavy as a mountain to her, but that was the whole sustenance of her heart!

Life is endless and progress is endless. Either die on this road to heaven, or save my man.

In Cai'er's heart, she kept repeating this sentence.

This time, she advanced twenty-eight steps. When she fell again, she fell directly into a coma. However, even so, when she fell, she still held on to the steps in front of her to prevent herself from sliding down.

Climb, coma, climb again, coma again...

Cai'er fell down again and again and got up again and again. When she climbed the 200th step, she had turned into a bloody person.

At this time, she was unconscious on the road to heaven for the seventh time.

Chen Ying'er had fainted from crying, and the others were frantically attacking the barrier of the light door. Only in this way could they vent the pain and torture in their hearts at this time.

Cai'er's knees no longer had any intact flesh, and her white bones were directly exposed. Her fair, slender legs were always spasming unconsciously at this time. Due to excessive blood loss, his whole body looked sickly pale. Her life was draining away at an alarming rate. But the road to heaven still has no end in sight.

This time, Cai'er was unconscious for a particularly long time, and it took a full seven hours before she woke up again.

Cai'er, Cai'er— The people in the Dawn of Light frantically bombarded the barrier in front of them, shouting at the top of their lungs. They really couldn't stand it anymore, and they wanted to tell her not to continue. The stairs from the sixth floor to the seventh floor tortured them far more than the previous tests!

However, Cai'er never looked back. She raised her head slightly, and all she could see in her eyes was blood red.

After reluctantly moving her body, she found that she couldn't stand up.

Seven times of coma had consumed all her energy. Her life is coming to an end.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a light ahead, and a huge light door appeared ten steps away. Golden light shone, and the light door slowly opened, faintly revealing the golden world behind.

Door, door...

Cai'er's originally gray-white eyes suddenly became brighter the moment she saw the door. Door, hope. Hope is just around the corner.

She saw it, and everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group also saw it, and they unconsciously became quiet. Looking at the light door that appeared higher up, he gritted his teeth in pain.

Cai'er's legs had lost all feeling, but at this moment her eyes became extremely bright. Carrying Long Haochen on her back, her arms desperately dragged her and Long Haochen's bodies up one step. , forehead collided forcefully on the steps.

Deep bloodstains were left on the steps, and the golden road to the sky even glowed with a faint red light because of the blood she left behind.

But Cai'er didn't care about all this, the door was right in front of her, and hope was right in front of her. I will definitely be able to take Haochen into this door of light and resurrect him.

For some reason, Cai'er felt vaguely that there seemed to be a choking voice echoing in her ears, howling like a sob. But these are not important to her. How could she think about anything other than moving forward?

The potential of her body was stimulated by the word hope, and she just relied on her arms to climb up day by day. On every step, at least two-thirds of the area would be stained red by the blood on her body. But the blood stains are getting lighter and lighter. Will her blood drain out?

five four three two one.

Finally, the light door was just a few steps away, and a smile finally appeared on Cai'er's firm and persistent face.

Raising his hand, bones loomed on the already frayed fingertips, and he tremblingly grabbed at the light door.

However, at this moment, a scene appeared that made everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group almost crazy. The light door suddenly shook slightly and moved up a step, causing Cai'er's grasp to fall into the empty space.

Despair appears in the eyes of everyone outside the light door. Is the door on the stairs actually fake? They attacked the door in front of them hysterically in a frenzy.

They cursed the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Electrox.

Cai'er is just a girl, why should he be so cruel.

Cai'er was the only one who didn't despair. Her eyes remained firm, her empty hand fell on the empty steps, and her body moved upward again.

This was her last chance. She knew that if she fell into coma again, she might never wake up. This is the last chance to resurrect Haochen.

Faith and perseverance burned like a flame in an instant. Cai'er's hands suddenly used all their strength and pushed hard on the stairs almost crazily.


Hiding my face and running away... I don't want to do that either... I've already thought about this part, no swearing! ! !

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