Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 669 The God of Death, Cai'er! (Down)

Gray, endless gray, Cai'er's whole body has fallen into gray. The moment the light and shadow of death merged with her body. Her body seemed to become more slender. The spiritual wings on her back contracted, and a layer of gray light like water waves flowed through her body.

When Cai'er slowly turned around in the distance, the color of her eyes changed. It was not black or gray, but a deep white.

White usually gives people a feeling of cleanliness, but the white in Cai'er's eyes seems to have endless magic power. So, when she turned around, the movements of the black mage and the light warrior were stagnant. They didn't even launch an attack immediately.

A layer of gray light also spread from Cai'er's body. A strange scene appeared. The central dividing line composed of chaos and space could not exist within this gray mask. At this time, Cai'er was like a huge gem embedded in the central barrier.

This feeling can no longer be described as strange, and the murderous aura on her body seems to have disappeared. There was only cold silence, but this silence was not the breath of death.

The long skirt is fluttering, and there is no wind. The white light in Cai'er's eyes became stronger and stronger.

The Seven Jue of the Death God, the Sorrow of Death. Cai'er moved, and the Death God's sickle turned completely pure white the moment he took action. And her attack was not aimed at any of the opponents on either side, but directly towards the central barrier. Yes, she has to break this barrier. Only in this way can she have a chance. Otherwise, due to the pincer attack between the two realms of light and darkness, her ultimate result will be failure.

The dark mage pointed forward his staff, and a jet-black light shot out of the sky. At the same time, the waxing moon behind him also flew upwards, and a deep purple light chased after the black light.

The light warrior did not charge again, and pointed the heavy sword in his hand towards the sky. The blazing sun burst out with unparalleled bright golden light. The golden light shone like the purple moonlight, shining on Cai'er.


In the harsh cracking sound. The white barrier shattered. The power of darkness and light instantly gathered in the center.

However, at the moment when these two completely opposite forces collided, the halos of Ziyue and Jinyang also collided in front of Cai'er.

The dark mage's first black light was cut open by Cai'er's death sickle. But it also made her movements slow down. The next moment, the light of the purple moon and the golden sun collided.

A strange scene appeared. When the forces of these two fields collided, the entire space suddenly seemed to solidify. Without the central barrier, the light and darkness that were supposed to collide violently stopped at their respective positions at this moment. There was no unexpected collision. And the Ziyue and Jinyang actually overlapped in this strange scene.

Purple black and golden yellow intertwined to form a ball of light that was like a yin and yang fish and was only the size of a human head.

Seeing this, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group couldn't help but shivered.

This, this is...

The fusion of light and darkness, dual attribute fusion magic!

They had all seen fusion magic, but the simple fusion of light and darkness had never occurred to them.

Chen Ying'er's elemental cage can temporarily fuse six attributes and explode with powerful power. However, her fusion involves tricks. For example, water and fire, light and darkness will all be separated by other elements and will never come into contact with each other. Otherwise, she will be completely unable to control them.

And what is appearing in front of them at this moment?

Magic is produced by the fusion of light and darkness, and it is the fusion of the light realm and the dark realm. Not to mention that I have seen it before, there is no such record even in all human classics!

And such a fusion of light and darkness can unleash such terrifying power! Can Cai'er be able to stop it? I'm afraid that even if the Demon God Emperor were here, his expression would change.

The difficulty of this sixth-level assessment was far beyond their judgment. The two holy guards were actually able to complete such a fusion. How could it be possible to win?

Yes, the moment the light ball appeared, the light and dark attributes on both sides seemed to have found their source and gathered crazily into the light ball.

The souls of the strong men in the eyes of the two skeletons were also beating violently. The entire Tower of Eternity was trembling crazily and violently in this fusion. Once such a fusion explodes. I don’t even know if the Tower of Eternity can withstand it. This is the fusion of two ninth-order realms! And it’s an explosive fusion.

It was at this time that Cai'er launched her second attack.

The white light quietly converged, and her whole body seemed to become crystal clear, as if it were carved from a piece of pure white jade.

Pointing forward with the death scythe, Cai'er's body slid quietly, and unexpectedly rushed towards the ball of light that blended light and darkness.

A strange white light spread out from the Death Scythe. It looked like a thread, lightly resting on the ball of light.

Immediately afterwards, a strange scene appeared.

The white light thread slowly cut into the ball of light composed of darkness and light. Lightly stripping away all the spiritual energy inside.

The light and darkness on both sides merged and paused. The soul fire in the eyes of the light warrior and the dark mage jumped violently, and they launched attacks again in unison.

Domain fusion was originally their most powerful blow. If it weren't for the purifying power contained in Cai'er's death that frightened them from the bottom of their hearts and broke the barrier between light and darkness, they wouldn't have been able to do so. Will take action easily.

But Cai'er's second blow shocked them again. The seemingly tiny white light was more terrifying than the previous death blow. It was a purifying power that no attribute could resist.

Is it easy to merge light and darkness? There has to be a special balance. There is a delicate balance between the two, neither conflicting with each other nor engulfing each other. This is extremely difficult to master, and is only possible with solid-state elements.

But under the peeling off of that white light thread, how can this balance be maintained? The two-color light ball composed of gold and purple and black instantly produced extremely unstable fluctuations. It was about to explode.

The two skeleton warriors guarding this level are undoubtedly Holy Guard No. 1 and Holy Guard No. 2, the leaders of the Twelve Holy Guards. As the most powerful being among all the Holy Guards, he was the former right-hand man of the Holy Law God of the Dead and the Sleeping Calamity Elax. Their manipulation of light and darkness has reached an extreme level.

Seeing that the light ball was about to break open, the two powerful men made a similar action at the same time.

The heavy sword in the hand of the light warrior No. 1, with the right shoulder as the center, coiled into a circle. The same movement was used in the hand of the dark mage No. 2, and the coiled thing was his magic wand.

Being stripped away by the white light, the light ball that was about to explode instantly collapsed. The light elements and dark elements simultaneously faded to both sides like a tide, quickly melting towards the light warriors and dark mage. Together with all the gold and black in the air, they merged in their direction.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xin, who is also a magician, trembled unconsciously.

This is definitely not something that 200,000 spiritual powers can accomplish. Magic is sent and received from the heart, and when it is about to explode, it forcibly withdraws the magic elements released by itself. How much control does this require? These two holy guards not only have super control over magic elements, but even their fields are controlled to the extent that they can use their arms and fingers.

Such strength is really terrifying. Their spiritual strength is probably close to 300,000. Even if the equipment is inferior, it can still be compared with the top thirty-six demon gods who have performed demon transformation.

Cai'er faced these two powerful men alone. What a pressure! Even if Long Haochen is resurrected, he can't win!

However, the process just now confirmed some of Lin Xin's thoughts, that is, Holy Guard 1 and Holy Guard 2 did not want their spiritual powers to collide. Once the integration of each other is destroyed and the light and darkness are eroded, then their abilities will definitely be greatly affected. But what Lin Xin is very curious about is why they cooperate so well, one is light and the other is dark! Powerful people with light attributes and dark attributes should be innately repellent to each other.

The gold and black faded rapidly in two directions at the same time, and a strange scene was staged on the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity.

However, it is obviously not easy for the two holy guards to take back the areas they released in this way. What they endured was the backlash caused by the domain's rebellion.

Two muffled groans sounded almost at the same time. Each took a step back. The spiritual power fluctuations around their bodies were also obviously disordered.

Facing two powerful men who could use the fusion of light and darkness with one person, Cai'er not only did not suffer a loss, but actually gained the upper hand. If the facts were not before our eyes, who would dare to believe it?

But Cai'er has now closed her eyes, and the divine light in her eyes has disappeared with the previous blow.

The second of the Seven Ultimate Skills of Death is the Purity of Death.

All the white that appears around Cai'er, including the white in her eyes, all comes from the purifying power of the God of Death.

When they first entered the third level, Cai'er used the divine descending technique, and the light and shadow of death was actually the arrival of death.

If he were in another place, Cai'er's current cultivation level would be able to sustain the arrival of death for about five minutes at most. But it's different in the Tower of Eternity.

As early as the first time she followed Long Haochen to the Tower of Eternity, Cai'er had some enlightenment here. This understanding comes from the death aura of the Tower of Eternity.

The Tower of Eternity is a powerful artifact of the Holy Law of the Dead and the Scourge of the Undead, Electrox. Absorb souls to enhance your own strength. How powerful is the aura of death it is filled with?

And what is Death? The God of Death is the god in charge of death! He does not bring death, but purifies death. By purifying the breath of death, he can turn the breath of death into the purest power for his own use. This is the power of death.


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