Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 670 The Seven Ultimate Gods of Death and the Six-Colored Divine Light (Part 1)

Therefore, when Cai'er entered the third floor to accept the test of the Tower of Eternity, the God of Death summoned by Cai'er came and began to absorb the breath of death in the Tower of Eternity. Strengthen yourself by constantly purifying the breath of death. And maintain the coming of death.

All the death auras that passed through the third, fourth, and fifth floors have been absorbed by it. The death aura on the first and second levels was not strong enough and would not be too strong to improve the god of death, so Cai'er gave up.

The reason why she has not activated the power of death is because she is waiting for the last moment to come. Arriving at the sixth level, she used the spiritual furnace of reincarnation to absorb the spiritual power of her four companions, and then endured the coming of death. At this time, she was no longer just temporarily performing the divine descending technique. In a sense, the arrival of the god of death, which had purified so many auras of death, was completely integrated with Cai'er, the saint of reincarnation, so that she had temporarily possessed the magical power. The power of slander.

Such a method is impossible to replicate. The huge aura of death in the Tower of Eternity is not available anywhere. If everyone now leaves the Tower of Eternity and looks outside, they will find that the resentment of all the resentful spirits around the Tower of Eternity has disappeared and turned into pure soul power.

This is the powerful purification ability of the God of Death. Ye Xiaolei once said that Cai'er, who has inherited the power of the God of Death, is the nemesis of all necromancers. Any violence belonging to the necromancer will have no effect on her.

Originally, Cai'er didn't need to use the Death God's Seven Jue as soon as he came up. But the trials she faced still exceeded her judgment.

Cai'er had already overestimated this level, but she still didn't expect that light and darkness could actually be merged. The power of fusion in this field is really terrifying.

The situation just now can be said to be a critical one. If the ball of light was really detonated by Cai'er, then the full power of the two holy guards would be ignited at the same time. At that time, light and darkness will clash. Everyone on this level will die, including the two holy guards, and their soul fire will not survive.

What Cai'er grasped was the weakness that the purpose of these holy guards was to test them, not to kill them. That's why he was so bold to detonate it directly. It is to let these two holy guards take back their territory and have a backlash against them.

In this way, it was equivalent to her breaking the ability of the two holy guards to join forces. This also cracked their field cooperation. The biggest disadvantage was also reversed.

Taking one step forward, Cai'er's body had already disappeared into the void. When the darkness and light were shrinking rapidly, her third blow had already appeared.

Squeak—— A strange sound wave suddenly appeared with unparalleled power of purification. Cai'er's figure also appeared.

The location where she appeared was the center point between the two holy guards, and the closest place to them.

The Seven Ultimate Skills of the God of Death, the third is the Howl of Death.

The powerful ability of the Death God Qijue, which is the perfect combination of the Reincarnation Soul Furnace and the Death God Scythe, must be superior to the fusion of Long Haochen's pair of divine swords when fully exerted. However, the price Cai'er has to pay is also huge.

The pure emanation of death, Cai'er chose to lose her vision. In this level of combat, vision is no longer the most important thing. Moreover, she also had an idea in her mind, that is, to return to the state when she and Long Haochen met in the Holy City.

Although her eyes were invisible, her heart became calmer, and all the past events between her and Long Haochen flashed through her mind. This also put her into a strange state.

Once the Seven Death Gods are used, they must be used continuously. If Cai'er uses the Death of Death, the damage to the body will be the same as using the third Jue. And if you want to continue, you have to do it in order. So, she chose to continue.

It can be seen that from the position where Cai'er appeared, a halo like white jade spread instantly and impacted on the two holy guards.

The God of Death's characteristic of restraining undead creatures is clearly demonstrated at this moment. The violent impact of the howl of death made the two ninth-order holy guards groan again. The soul fire in his eyes beat violently. There were even cracks on the head of the dark mage of the Holy Guard II.

The scream of death is completely aimed at the impact on the soul, and is an extremely special attack method. Any defense from spiritual powers, skills, and equipment is completely ineffective against it. But it's not spiritual magic either. What comes with the Howl of Death is still exclusive to the God of Death, purification.

If a person's heart is extremely pure, without any distracting thoughts. Then, the howl of death would have no effect on him. But if there are distracting thoughts in the mind, there may even be a lot of negative emotions. Then, the scream of death will be infinitely amplified. The strongest effect is enough to break the opponent's soul and kill him.

Undoubtedly, the soul purity of Holy Guard 1, which possesses the attribute of light, is much purer than that of Holy Guard 2, so the impact on Holy Guard 2 is even greater.

The third of the seven unique skills of the God of Death. The hearts of the partners of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group were instantly tense. Duanyi and Yang Wenzhao didn't know what kind of abilities Cai'er displayed, so how could they not know?

At the beginning, Cai'er had not yet awakened to the God of Death, and when she exploded with the Soul of Samsara and killed powerful enemies, she used the Soul of Samsara several times, which caused her to lose her number sense for a long time. At this time, this Death God Qijue is obviously much more terrifying than the original Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace. Cai'er relied on it to fight against two ninth-level experts with domains! Even with the help of divine magic and the spiritual support of his partners. However, the backlash she would have to endure by using the Death God's Seven Skills was impossible to avoid.

Cai'er's actions did not stop. With three strikes of Death's Sorrow, Death's Purity, and Death's Howl, she had already taken strong control of the battlefield situation.

As a favored one by the gods, Cai'er should have been more powerful than Long Haochen after she awakened. However, she lost her memory at that time. Her strength lies in her compatibility.

In any case, Long Haochen only became the Son of Light at the age of ten, and his body as a God's Blessed One did not have a matching divine weapon. He obtained the Sun and Moon Snail Shield much later, and his abilities had already taken shape. Therefore, although he can mobilize the power of this artifact, in terms of compatibility, how can he compare with Cai'er and the Sword of Samsara?

Therefore, Long Haochen has always been the most powerful and has the highest cultivation level among the entire team. However, when it comes to the combat effectiveness of an individual, Cai'er, who has not yet reached the eighth level of cultivation, is actually above him. As soon as the Death God Qi Jue appeared, it was impossible for any of Long Haochen's abilities to stop her final attack. But Cai'er's future potential cannot be compared with Long Haochen. Her improvement can only be based on her own cultivation and the power of the Seven Ultimate Souls of Death. But Long Haochen's future improvement will be in many aspects. In terms of understanding, Long Haochen was still better than Cai'er after all. But the premise is that he can survive.

With Long Haochen dead, Cai'er no longer needs to restrain her cultivation for the sake of her lover. Her memory has been restored, along with her full strength and her compatibility with the God of Death.

Merge into the void again. The monstrous murderous intention has turned the entire sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity into a gray-white color. It's like she already owns the field.

At the moment she disappeared, the dark mage's body suddenly trembled violently, and the soul fire in his eyes beat wildly.

Under the tug of Qi, he had already felt that Cai'er was targeting him. At this time, the two holy guards were withdrawing their spiritual power. Even if the light warrior wanted to save him, he was unable to save him.

In this situation, no one can help him, he can only save himself.

As the gatekeeper of the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity. The strength of these two holy guards is far beyond the judgment of the people of Dawn of Light. Not only are their spiritual powers strong enough, but more importantly, they have the ability to control light and darkness.

The moment Cai'er disappeared, the dark mage had already retracted the staff in his hand and pointed it at his chest.

Suddenly, with his chest as the center, a group of purple-black light burst out like a blowout. This purple-black light instantly transformed into a purple-black light group with a diameter of two meters, completely surrounding him. It was like a purple full moon suddenly appeared there.

Domain control, adduction, defense of self.

Yes, the purple-black color is still the power of the domain, but under the powerful control of the dark mage, his domain is forcibly shrunk and controlled to a diameter of two meters. This makes the power of the domain much, much more powerful than before.

It has been subjected to strong backlash and impact, but it is still able to explode with such a powerful ability at this time. This dark mage's cultivation is evident.

At the same time that the purple-black light group was forming, Cai'er appeared above him out of thin air.

A diamond-shaped gray crystal appeared on Cai'er's forehead at some point. The death sickle swung downwards lightly, and thousands of gray lights suddenly burst out from the gray crystal. All gray disappears in an instant. Finally, it condenses on a point at the tip of the wind blade of the Death Sickle.

Then, the death sickle cut into the purple-black ball of light, and the crystal gray invaded the thick and substantial purple-black field, like a hot knife cutting into butter, like coals falling on a snowball, quietly And enter.

The seventh secret of death, the fourth secret, the kiss of death.

Such a tyrannical territory was cut into half by this slash. It can be clearly seen that thousands of gray rays of light suddenly burst out from the upper half of the purple-black light ball. Countless gray lights burst out, shattering the upper half of the field in just an instant.


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