Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 668 The God of Death, Cai'er! (middle)

Their movements were stopped by Cai'er, It's not about conjoined souls. I'm going to use the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace to use your strength. Within a period of time, you will lose all your spiritual power. It will take at least three months to recover. Later, while I absorb your spiritual power, you must relax completely before I can complete it.

Both of them were slightly stunned. Cai'er still had such a method?

Everyone else was watching silently from behind, watching Cai'er and Long Haochen. The situation on the sixth level has clearly told them that what they are about to face must be the simultaneous appearance of light and darkness. Can Cai'er really pass this level?

No one knows whether Cai'er can succeed. They can only pray silently in their hearts.

Cai'er, there are us. We can also lend you our spiritual power. Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi stood up almost at the same time. Apart from Han Yu and Lin Xin, they were the only two who still had spiritual power.

Cai'er was not polite to them and nodded, Okay.

The four people lined up and stood in front of Cai'er. Cai'er slowly raised the death sickle in her hand, and the light and shadow of death above her head dropped slightly.

Cold murderous aura filled the air, but at this time, this murderous aura did not seem to be aggressive, but a special state of energy fluctuations.

There was a strong aura of death in the Tower of Eternity, but at this moment, the aura of death suddenly disappeared. And the light and shadow of the god of death became brighter and brighter.

Cai'er's chest lit up, and it wasn't the brilliance of the eternal melody. It was a ball of gray light, with gray halos, quietly appearing on her chest like a vortex.

The death sickle pointed forward and fell on Han Yu first.

The sharp blade was directly pressed against Han Yu's chest. Suddenly, Han Yu shivered intelligently, and he felt as if his body had fallen into an ice cellar. But that cold breath seemed to have supreme majesty.

The spiritual power in his body surged out crazily as if he had found an outlet. Along the Death Scythe, it turned into circles of white halo and spread toward Cai'er.

Han Yu followed what Cai'er said before, without any stoppage, completely relaxed his body and allowed Cai'er to absorb it. In just a moment, all his tens of thousands of spiritual powers had been absorbed.

However, the absorption was not over. Han Yu directly turned on his Light Blessing Spiritual Furnace and sat there cross-legged. He said in a deep voice: Cai'er, you absorb other people's first. With the effect of my spiritual furnace, you should be able to absorb more.

Cai'er nodded silently, the death sickle flashed, and the second one fell on Lin Xin. At this time, the Blessing Spiritual Furnace of Light had enveloped the bodies of Lin Xin, Duan Yi and Yang Wenzhao, causing their own spiritual power to recover at a high speed.

The majestic coldness on the Death Scythe kept flashing, wandering over the four people, absorbing every drop of their spiritual power. The four of them were able to remain standing at first, but as a large amount of their spiritual power disappeared, they felt weak and had to sit down.

Time passed by minute by minute, and this absorption lasted for a full meal. Cai'er received more than 100,000 spiritual powers from these four people.

These are all the effects of the Light Blessing Spiritual Furnace. Without this spiritual furnace, Cai'er's ability to absorb 60,000 spiritual powers from them would have been quite good.

The injection of a hundred thousand spiritual energy filled Cai'er's whole body with a layer of strong spiritual energy fluctuations. A faint gray air flow slightly fluctuated around her body.

The cold majesty that the four people she had absorbed before could now be felt by everyone.

The light and shadow of Death in the sky also became clearer. Except for his face, which was still illusory, every line on his gray armor could be clearly seen at this time.

Holding the death scythe in hand, Cai'er slowly bowed to her friends. The depths of her eyes were full of determination.

The demon hunters of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group all felt their hearts sinking. The determination in Cai'er's eyes was filled with an indescribable silence. She has already made up her mind to fight this battle to the death!

However, at this time, none of them tried to stop Cai'er, and they also knew that no one could stop her now.

Taking a deep breath, Cai'er dropped the Death Scythe in her hand to the ground. Suddenly, the gray light around her body was like the gray light ball on her chest before, fluctuating in a vortex, and a series of gray light arms surrounded her body. Circling quietly. Cai'er's feet had quietly left the ground.

If I had to describe the feeling she gave people at this time, then the word nihility is very suitable. Even her friends behind her felt that she felt unreal at this moment.

Layers of spiritual power continued to surge out of Cai'er's body, and monstrous murderous intent erupted the moment she picked up the Death Scythe again.

It can be clearly seen that a powerful gray light rushes forward like a horse, and the chosen impact route is the white barrier between light and darkness.

Just as Cai'er took action, two lights and shadows appeared at the same time in the two completely opposite worlds of gold and black.

At this moment, everyone in the Dawn of Light felt as if the sun and the moon appeared simultaneously on the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity.

Yes, this is the feeling, the sun representing the day and the moon representing the night appear at the same time.

They were two skeletons with identical bodies. The golden skeleton is wearing armor, and the black skeleton is wearing a robe. Just as Cai'er expected, the last two holy guards appeared together. Moreover, judging from the situation on the sixth floor, with the white barrier in the center, their respective fields will not interfere with each other.

Boom - The gray murderous intent suddenly impacted the thin cross-section of the white barrier. The sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity swayed slightly. The white barrier looks thin, but in fact it is extremely tough. Such strong and sharp murderous intent cannot cause any damage to it at all.

It's the attribute of chaos.

There are also spatial properties.

Chen Yinger and Wang Yuanyuan spoke almost at the same time. Their eyesight has become more and more powerful as their strength grows. During the swaying of the white light just now, they all felt the familiar attribute fluctuations.

The combination of chaos and space forms this barrier.

The two skeletons moved at the same time. Behind the light warrior, a pair of huge golden spiritual wings suddenly appeared. The body turned into a stream of light and went straight towards Cai'er to launch an attack. This skill is somewhat similar to Long Haochen's Speed ​​of Light Flash, but even faster. The moment he activated it, a ball of brilliance like the sun suddenly shone where he was standing. Intense light element fluctuations suddenly erupted in a sticky manner. The light shines.

On the other side of the order, the dark mage raised his staff, and behind him, a dark purple first quarter moon appeared. The same sticky dark attributes also burst out.

It is impossible for light and darkness to truly merge, but when these two powerful men activated at the same time, Cai'er's body suddenly solidified at the core of light and darkness. In other words, the chaos and space barrier that separates the two attributes is right in the middle of her body. At this time, she had darkness on her left side and light on her right side. The body was fixed and had to face the attacks of two powerful men at the same time.

Yes, light and darkness cannot truly merge, but due to this ingenious design, Cai'er was restricted to the center of the sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity. Withstand the impact of light and dark realms and powerful skills at the same time. But she could only move in a straight line in the center. The restrictions in the realm of light and darkness forced her into a desperate situation the moment it was activated!

The expressions of everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group have all changed. Compared with the previous five levels, the difficulty of this sixth-level assessment has been greatly increased.

Originally, they thought that the fifth-level assessment was too difficult, and they faced a strong man with a domain. But at this level, Cai'er not only faced two strong men, but also had to withstand attacks from two completely opposite attributes at the same time!

The repulsive power of light and darkness is so terrifying. Once these two attributes act on her body at the same time, the power of the repulsive attributes will be enough to tear her body into pieces.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Cai'er didn't panic at all. Holding the Death Scythe in her right hand, she looked very calm.

Taking a step forward, her body moved and moved forward in a straight line.

At this moment, Cai'er's speed suddenly reached an indescribably terrifying level. It even surpassed the warrior of light who already had domain abilities. Almost in a flash, she passed by the warrior of light. She even passed the dark mage, but she did not launch an attack.

What skill is this? All that can be seen is a gray figure. Even a ninth-level assassin cannot achieve such speed!

As Cai'er's body moved forward, the light and shadow of the god of death that had been suspended in the air finally fell, chasing behind her like an afterimage. In the process of shrinking, it finally merged into In Cai'er's body.

Divine descending technique? The same words appeared in the minds of everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. However, they don't understand what the divine descending technique Cai'er cast is.

As early as when they were fighting on the third floor, this Death God's light and shadow appeared and briefly participated in the battle. But then it continued to exist, but it was never used again by Cai'er. Does a divine descending technique need to be brewed for such a long time and can it be maintained for such a long time? ——

Everyone must be guessing, how did Xiaolong come back to life? The wonderful climax is coming soon. hey-hey.

Hurry up and vote. Do you still remember the third child’s wish yesterday?

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