Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 667 The God of Death, Cai'er! (Part 1) (Fourth update, please vote for me)

Han Yu said in a deep voice: Cai'er, don't say that. Yuan Yuan was right before, resurrecting the leader is not your responsibility alone. Since the establishment of our demon hunting group, how much has the leader paid for us? We Although I rarely say it, I always remember it deeply in my heart. Without the leader, maybe our group would have been destroyed long ago? How could we have reached this day? How could we have such an honor as a title-level demon hunting group? Follow us. The leader controls the demon clan, and we are worth it. Now that the leader is dead, as long as he can be resurrected, it is worth all our lives. This is a common thought among all of us. Without the leader, the Dawn of Light would be Lost his soul. We need him to come back to life and continue to lead us to create more glory and lead us to defeat the demons. Even the Demon God Emperor, Moon Demon God and Star Demon God believe that the existence of the leader will threaten the demons. Survival or death, the leader's life is more important than all of us combined. Resurrecting the leader means bringing the dawn of victory to the alliance. No matter how high the price is, it is worth it.

Lin Xin nodded and said: Han Yu is right, as long as I can resurrect the leader, I am willing to pay any price. We have finally passed the fifth level test. But, what we have to face next It will only be more difficult. The opponents will be stronger, but there are only three of us left. Cai'er, if necessary, if Han Yu and I do something, don't stop us.

Cai'er looked at Lin Xin and Han Yu standing in front of her. Their eyes showed determination and perseverance, which could not be moved by words.

Having arrived here, they must continue to move forward, otherwise the efforts of their previous partners will be in vain.

After untying Long Haochen's body and carefully laying it flat on the ground, Cai'er did not persuade Lin Xin and Han Yu. At this point, she had to be strong. She is the acting team leader after Long Haochen, and she has to bear more.

Han Yu and Lin Xin sat down opposite Cai'er. Cai'er stroked the warm eternal melody on her chest and said: There are seven floors in the Tower of Eternity. When we first came here, Haochen opened the Necromancer When the Holy Dharma God and the Everlasting Calamity Electrolux inherited his inheritance. Electrolux’s message once said that his inheritance is on the seventh floor of the Tower of Eternity. And before you can see him, you must pass enough tests. Twelve Ten holy guards have appeared now, and only the last two are left. They will undoubtedly appear in the following tests. If there are two on each floor, then it is very likely that they will all appear on the sixth floor. In other words, on the sixth floor The test at this level is likely to be the last one we have to face.”

Han Yu nodded and said: It's very possible that this is the case. The fifth-level tests have already shown the ninth-level strong men with domain. If the sixth level goes further. Then, there will be another test on the seventh level. It’s a bit unreasonable. If you are really that powerful, why do you need his inheritance?”

Lin Xin said: But, what will be the further test on the sixth level? If we follow the previous rules, we should encounter dark magicians and light warriors. Could it be said that they are two people with fields? A ninth-level powerhouse appears together?

He just said this, and the eyes of the three people showed a bit of horror.

You must know that among the six elements, light and darkness are meant to override the four natural elements of water, fire, earth, and wind. Therefore, the owners of light and darkness are stronger than the owners of the four elements of nature. Even if it only appears alone, it will be an extremely difficult test for them. Not to mention the two appearing together.

Han Yu frowned and said, They probably won't appear together. In that case, it will be too difficult to deal with.

Cai'er, who was opposite, shook her head and said, I hope they appeared together.

Why? Han Yu and Lin Xin asked almost in unison.

Cai'er said: Because, only in this way can this sixth level be the final test. The tests in the Tower of Eternity gradually become more difficult, and no matter what test it is, as the last level, it will definitely be better than the previous tests. They are all more difficult. When we reach the sixth level, if the test we encounter is only the light and dark powerhouses appearing individually, then the difficulty is not much different from before, at least there is no qualitative change. Only the two of them appear together. , this difficulty is enough to show the difficulty of the final test of the Tower of Eternity. Although it is difficult for us to pass such a test, it is better than the unknown test.

Han Yu murmured: Actually, the appearance of light and darkness together is not necessarily a bad thing.

Isn't that a bad thing? Those are two strong men with fields. Lin Xin said in confusion.

Han Yu said: But don't forget that among the six elemental attributes, the conflict between light and darkness is also the most intense. Let me ask you, how do light and darkness cooperate? If nothing else, we will Let’s talk about domains. Domain abilities are all range-based, so they are called domains. If the light domain and the dark domain are together, there will be a conflict. How can they cooperate? Maybe they appear at the same time, but they may not be able to use it. field, in this case, it will be relatively easier for us to deal with it.”

Cai'er didn't say a word. She was thinking hard. As the saying goes, know yourself and know the enemy, but she couldn't guess what the test on the sixth level would be.

Han Yu looked at Cai'er and said, How about I go up and try it first?

Cai'er hurriedly said: No. No matter what the sixth level test is, the examiners are too powerful. Moreover, without enough power, they will not be able to stimulate their full strength. You can't detect anything at all. Our chance There is only one chance of passing if you are as powerful as a tiger. Let us quickly regain our strength. This time, none of you should fight with me. Only I can pass.

There is no point in speculating anymore now. Only when they actually face it can they understand the difficulty of this last level.

The three of them sat cross-legged and quickly entered into meditation, recovering their respective spiritual powers. Continuous use of the Conjoined Spirit Enhancement Pill, even though they had recovered their strength before using it again, was still very serious in overdrafting the body.

The sixth level test that they are about to face is very likely to be the final test. This time, Cai'er does not dare to be anxious. They must fully recover their cultivation.

In the sky, the light and shadow of Death still exists. He stands there silently, the gray light emitting from his body is looming, as if a person is breathing, and with every fluctuation of his breath, the breath in the Tower of Eternity seems to There are slight changes.

This time, Cai'er completely immersed herself in the cultivation process. After several previous breakthroughs and regaining her memory, her soul and strength gradually completed the fusion process. At the same time, after several hard battles, her potential was further stimulated, and her strength increased significantly.

When she opened her eyes again, even she didn't know how much time had passed. Lin Xin and Han Yu had already opened their eyes. At the same time, beside her were all the members of Dawn of Light.

Chen Yinger leaned in Yang Wenzhao's arms, while Duanyi helped Sima Xian sit on the other side. Wang Yuanyuan and Zhang Fangfang, who looked pale, had also woken up. On the surface, although there is nothing visible. But their breath is obviously much, much weaker than before. You can't even feel the spiritual energy fluctuations from them.

You are all here. Looking at her friends in front of her, Cai'er couldn't help but purse her red lips.

Cai'er, we can definitely do it. We want to climb to the sixth floor with you. Cheer for you. Chen Yinger's voice was still very weak, but her tone was very firm.

Everyone else nodded in the same way, perhaps, there was nothing they could do to help Cai'er move on. However, they were willing to use their encouragement to help Cai'er complete the next battle.

Cai'er slowly stood up and first glanced at Long Haochen, who was lying calmly next to her. She didn't say any more words of thanks because no words could express her inner gratitude.

It's great to have partners like you. Then let's go to the sixth floor together. As she said that, she picked up Long Haochen on the ground. This time, she did not use chains to entangle him in her body. On the body. Turn around and walk towards the light pillar that has already appeared in front of you.

The light and shadow of Death in the sky also moved forward. The moment Cai'er disappeared in the light pillar, it also turned into a stream of light, blended into the light pillar and disappeared together.

The members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, with each other's support, walked firmly towards the light pillar, and the teleportation rays of light lit up, leading them to the higher level of the Tower of Eternity.

The sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity.

When everyone came here through teleportation, their eyes suddenly condensed.

This floor is different from the previous five floors. With the center as the dividing line, the entire sixth floor of the Tower of Eternity is completely like two worlds.

The one on the left is pitch black, and the one on the right is a golden light. Light and darkness are clearly divided into two sides. What separates them in the center is a strange white energy.

Cai'er carefully placed Long Haochen on the ground and turned to look at her friends, Please take care of him. Han Yu, Lin Xin. I need to borrow your strength. With Long Haochen on her back, it was difficult for her to show her full potential. of all power.

Okay. Lin Xin and Han Yu took a step forward at the same time, about to swallow the conjoined spirit enhancement pill.


The fourth update is completed, just a few more words.

This month, the third child has tried his best. I've been suffering from fever and cold since this time last month, and it's been fine till now, but I still managed to survive. Everyone can see how well you do.

We are currently seventh in monthly votes, but we were sixth last night, and now we are not far behind. The two additional updates promised to everyone and the two guaranteed updates today have been sent out.

It’s the fourth update again.

The third child is working hard, and I also have two wishes. First, to return to the top of the recommendation list, and second, to stabilize at sixth in the monthly ticket.

Brothers and sisters of the Tang Sect, I rely on you.

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