Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 666 The arrival of the giant spirit god (Part 2)

Boom, boom, boom. The moment the sky silver crystal forced its way into the last inlay hole, three huge roars sounded almost in no particular order.

In the violent roar, the space spiritual power emitted by Wang Yuanyuan expanded three times, no, it should be said to explode three times.

A shocking scene appeared. During the three explosions, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group saw only a piece of silver. However, when the explosion ended, they were surprised to find that the originally extremely powerful wind The system field actually collapsed in these three explosions.

What kind of strength can you do this! They never expected that Wang Yuanyuan actually had such ability.

A huge figure appeared in front of Wang Yuanyuan at some point. This figure was ten meters tall, and its whole body was covered in silver armor. What shines outside the armor is not silver light, but a blood-red bloody aura.

This giant ten-meter-tall warrior holds a shield in his left hand, which is an enlarged version of the Giant Spirit God's Shield. The massive shield was as tall as his body.

Amidst the loud noise, the soldier suddenly took a step forward. The entire Tower of Eternity trembled violently with his step.

At this time, Wang Yuanyuan's eyes had completely turned silver, and the shield of the giant spirit god that she had held up before had disappeared. It could be clearly seen that from Wang Yuanyuan's exposed skin, fine drops of blood were seeping out rapidly, and her whole body was trembling violently.

Divine Descent Technique, this is clearly Divine Descent Technique! However, unlike the divine descending techniques that Cai'er and Long Haochen had performed before, Wang Yuanyuan was not a favored one by the gods. She used her own weapons to launch the divine descending techniques.

Using the blood of the Giant Spirit God as a guide and the Giant Spirit God's shield as a medium, she actually completed this incredible summoning.

When the terrifying Giant Spirit God took one step forward, the ten-meter-high giant shield in his hand flew out. In an instant, there was only silver in the entire space. The harsh tearing sound caused a galaxy to appear wherever the shield passed.

The power of God, this is the power of true God. Cai'er asked herself, at least among the divine descending techniques she had used, none of them could compare with the giant spirit god in front of her, not even Long Haochen.

What is the price for such a horrific attack?

Cai'er, Lin Xin, Han Yu, and Zhang Fangfang all felt that their hearts were being tightened at this moment.

The wind magician was also completely shocked by this sudden scene. His hands were beating crazily, and complex runes exploded in front of him. The broken field regrouped. In just a moment, nine consecutive small tornadoes were created. Gather around him.

These nine tornadoes are completely different from the previous realm. Although they are much smaller in size, they feel more terrifying.

Each small tornado exudes green-gold brilliance, and its flying speed is very slow, but it is on the only way forward for the giant spirit shield. After releasing these nine small tornadoes, the soul fire beating in the eyes of the blue skull also became much weaker. Obviously, the release of this magic is not easy.

Poof - The first tornado shattered at the moment of contact, and countless green lights scattered, followed by the second, third, fourth, and fifth. Five consecutive tornadoes failed to stop the advancement of the Giant Spirit God's Shield.

However, when the shield of the giant spirit god defeated the sixth small tornado, it was slightly paused. This meal also seemed to indicate that it was somewhat exhausted.

Kill—— Wang Yuanyuan looked up to the sky and roared, and in the midst of the roar, he spurted out another mouthful of blood mist. In an instant, a huge bloody light and shadow burst out from around her body and merged with the giant spirit god in front of her. I saw the giant spirit god wave his arms, and the flying giant spirit god's shield suddenly stood up.

The seven empty silver crystals on the shield of the giant spirit god lit up brightly. Immediately afterwards, a huge silver beam of light burst out.

That was a silver light beam with a diameter of ten meters!

The remaining three cyan tornadoes, together with the cyan skeleton, were instantly swallowed up.

The violent roar caused the entire Tower of Eternity to tremble violently. Every time it trembled, there was a faint fluctuation of strong aura of death.

At the same time as this blow ended, all the superimposed spiritual power generated by the conjoined spirit enhancement was also drained away. Wang Yuanyuan knelt down on one knee. Like Sima Xian before, she had also become a bloody person. The difference was that the blood on her body was seeping out from her body, but there was no trace of scars.

The ten-meter-tall giant spirit god's figure collapsed, and after a series of circlings, the shield was inserted in front of her with a bang.

Ding—— In the harsh shattering sound, the seven forward empty silver crystals on the shield of the giant spirit god were shattered at the same time. The shield also completely lost its luster and turned into a dark black.

Wang Yuanyuan knelt there on one knee and did not move. The silver light in her eyes gradually faded away, but her eyes were always fixed forward, watching the position where the huge silver light pillar gradually disappeared.

Finally, the silver light completely subsided, but the cyan skeleton was still standing there. There was a solid cyan light shield around his body, but at this time, it seemed to be solidified.

Didn't kill him? Cai'er and the other four looked at the blue skeleton in disbelief.

However, at the next moment, the sound of click, click sounded, and the green light around the blue skeleton's body slowly cracked like a broken egg shell, and the body of the blue skull also cracked.

Holy Guard No. 3, I surrender to you. The blue light shone like a blue light arrow that shot in front of Cai'er, quietly merging into the eternal melody.

Cai'er didn't care to feel the warmth coming from the eternal melody, and took a step forward to stand in front of Wang Yuanyuan.

What she saw was that the strong murderous intent and persistent belief in Wang Yuanyuan's eyes were gradually melting away, and a touch of relief and relief gradually emerged. However, her eyes had clearly turned gray.

At this moment, suddenly, a blood-red light lit up from the side, and then, in the blood-red color, a rune the size of a fist flew past Cai'er and was directly introduced into Wang Yuanyuan's forehead.

Wang Yuanyuan's body trembled violently, and his pupils that had turned into gray-white regained a bit of sparkle. With a muffled groan, he fell to the ground.

Cai'er quickly caught her body, while on the other side, there was another person, Zhang Fangfang, who fell at the same time.

Wang Yuanyuan had fallen into a deep coma, but Zhang Fangfang was still conscious. A satisfied smile appeared on his face and he murmured: Now Yuan Yuan is mine, and he can only be mine. . Haha. I am very satisfied. You must succeed!

After saying this, Zhang Fang closed his eyes and fell into coma.

When he also fell into a coma, something strange happened. Wang Yuanyuan and Zhang Fangfang all emitted a faint blood-red light, and a blood-red rune each began to shine on their foreheads.

The two runes are not the same, but it can be seen from the edges that if they are put together, they must be able to form a complete rune. But, what exactly does it mean?

Han Yu supported Zhang Fangfang's body and slowly laid him flat next to Wang Yuanyuan. He knelt down on one knee, raised his right fist across his chest, and gave them the most solemn knightly salute in a sonorous and powerful manner.

This is already the same etiquette as paying homage to the teacher.

Han Yu, use healing magic quickly! Why don't you treat them? Lin Xin on the side couldn't help shouting anxiously.

Han Yu shook his head silently, It's useless. The healing magic will have no effect on them. Brother Zhang is the most respectable young knight I have ever seen, except for the boss.

Cai'er asked anxiously, Will they be okay?

Han Yu shook his head and said: Life is worry-free, it's just...

Lin Xin was also anxious, Can you please stop speaking halfway? What's going on with them?

Han Yu took a deep breath, his eyes full of emotional excitement, If I guessed correctly, the power Yuan Yuan used just now was completely beyond the scope of her endurance. She used her own blood and the shield of the giant spirit god to trigger the divine descending technique. And after launching two consecutive attacks, she had exhausted her life force. She burned her own life with the spirit explosion method and raised her blood aura to the strongest level, so that she could complete this summons! So, After the battle, Yuan Yuan’s life also came to an end.”

Didn't you say that their lives are safe? Cai'er said eagerly.

Han Yu nodded and said: Brother Zhang is really worthy of admiration. Although I don't know this magic, I have seen it in ancient books. What he used should be a life-extending secret method passed down from ancient times. .Transfer one's own vitality to others. Let the dying person share the vitality of the caster, thereby extending his life. Looking at Brother Zhang's appearance and the brilliance of this rune, he should have directly given half of his life to Yuan Yuan. In other words, if he could live to be a hundred years old, now he and Yuan Yuan can live to be fifty together.

Hearing what Han Yu said, Cai'er and Lin Xin couldn't help but take a breath. No matter how cold-hearted Cai'er's character was, they couldn't help crying at this moment.

Yuanyuan, why are you doing this! If Haochen knows that you have sacrificed so much for him, I'm afraid he would rather not choose to be resurrected. Cai'er's body was shaking violently, and she walked here step by step. There were already three people there. The partners were in a near-death crisis, and Zhang Fangfang also shared half of his life force. In order to resurrect Long Haochen, they paid too much.


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