Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 648 Star Demon Tower (Part 2)

I don't want to know. Long Haochen suddenly shouted and walked with the sword, tapping the toes of his left foot on the ground. His whole body had rushed up like a giant white dragon. The sword of creation and life swept up and flew straight into the air. The Star Demon God beheaded.

After falling into this trap, and listening to Star Demon God Vasak's explanation, he understood that it would be difficult for everyone to survive today. However, even if there was even half a chance, he would have to recruit the Star Demon God to back him up.

At the same time as Long Haochen burst out, all the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group also unleashed their strongest attacks, concentrating on the Star Demon God Vasak.

Faced with their sudden attack, Vasak didn't react at all. He smiled and shook his head, Young man, don't you understand?

While he was speaking, an indescribable terrifying pressure suddenly came from all directions. It was a kind of terrifying oppression that was impossible to resist, as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

All the skills and spiritual power used to launch the attack were shattered in an instant. Long Haochen was also forcibly suppressed from the air at that moment. Amidst the clang, incandescent light surged violently on the sword of creation and life in his hand, and the light rolled back, barely protecting his body, but However, he was hit hard on the ground with his sword.

Two figures quietly appeared on both sides of Star Demon God Vasak.

There is a person on the right, about two meters tall, wearing a purple robe with gold edges. His long hair is scattered behind his back and tied with a hair tie. His eyebrows are picturesque and he looks as handsome as a woman. There was a faint golden light in a pair of purple eyes, and in the middle of his forehead, there was a faint magic pattern like a waxing moon. It is none other than Moon Demon God Agares.

The person on the left is slowly withdrawing his right hand. This person does not look very tall, only about 1.9 meters tall, with a waterfall of black hair suspended behind his back like a black roulette wheel. The gorgeous black robe hangs down, with faint purple light patterns shining on it. His skin even looks a little pale, and his blue eyes seem to reflect the starlight in the universe.

In terms of appearance, he is not as good as Moon Demon God Agares, and in terms of mysterious aura, he is not as good as Star Demon God Vasak. However, he was just floating there quietly, giving people a feeling of being the only one in the world. Whether it's Agares or Vasak, by his side, they can only serve as foils.

Yes, he is the ruler of the contemporary demon clan, the leader of the heaven-defying demon dragon clan, the number one among the seventy-two demon gods, the demon god emperor, Fengxiu!

The moment he appeared, Star Demon God Vasak straightened up naturally, and together with Moon Demon God Agares, they were half a point behind him.

Among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan, the three most powerful demon gods, ranked first, second, and third, actually appeared together in front of everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group.

It's him, it's him, it's his aura. He actually appeared in person. It's over, Haochen and the others are over. Haha, hahahahaha, isn't this what I want to see? But, this is really what I want Do you want to see it? Haha, hahahaha.

Tears flowed down the face of the man in gray uncontrollably. His body was trembling violently, but he did not stop. He dodged and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Whether it was Long Haochen or each of his companions, their expressions had turned deathly silent at this moment. Demon God Emperor Fengxiu actually appeared here. The moment he appeared, Long Haochen understood that everything Star Demon God Vasak said was true and was not delaying time.

When Vasak narrated the process of using the Great Prophecy Technique before, Long Haochen still had hope in his heart, that is, Vasak sensed their arrival and came to protect his Demonic Pillar. The barrier here originally belonged to the Star Demon Tower.

But now he knew that his last extravagant hope had come to nothing. This is indeed the burial place set by the Demon God Emperor for them.

Turning around, Long Haochen bent slightly towards his friends. His eyes already contained too many, too many emotions.

Boss, I have no regrets. I realized this the day I became a demon hunter. Sima Xian laughed and said. The powerful pill of light in his hand hit his chest hard.

Boss, we can't live at the same time, but we can die together. This life is worth it. Han Yu yelled with red eyes.

Lin Xin laughed and said: Boss, in the next life, will we still be brothers and teammates? You will still take us with you. I will still pretend to be taken in by you like I did before.

Wang Yuanyuan said solemnly: Boss, when the soul chain connected our lives for the first time, we were already one. This action is a joint decision of all of us. If you die, you will die. We don't know how many we have killed. Demon clan. They have already made enough money.

Zhang Fangfang hugged Wang Yuanyuan's slender but extremely elastic waist from the side, Yuanyuan, I just want to hug you now. It is my honor to die with you. When we get to another world, are you willing to marry? Give it to me?

Chen Ying'er chuckled and said: Brother Fangfang, you actually proposed here. How ingenious! If I had known, I would have brought Wen Zhao just now. Oh, what a loss. Boss, it's better to wait until another world, You can take me as your concubine. You are much better than that guy Yang Wenzhao.

Only Cai'er didn't say a word. She just looked at Long Haochen blankly, with light waves rippling in her beautiful eyes, but her body was trembling slightly.

Long Haochen stepped forward, hugged Cai'er gently, and glanced at all his friends.

It's meaningless to say who is right or wrong now. As the leader, the last thing I can do for everyone is to be the first corpse. No one is allowed to snatch it from me. This is an order. I can fight with you for so long. , is the greatest honor in my life.

After saying this, Long Haochen let go of Kai'er and took a step back. His right fist struck the adamantine base battle armor on his chest extremely powerfully, making a deafening roar. Even the adamantine base battle armor Even such a solid epic-level armor was slightly dented by his punch.

With a crash, all the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group collectively responded to Long Haochen with the etiquette of their respective temples.

Long Haochen suddenly turned around, faced the three demon gods in the sky, took a deep breath, and his emotions had completely calmed down. Coldness flashed in his eyes, but he nodded to Demon God Emperor Fengxiu, Thank you.

His thanks were to thank the Demon God Emperor for giving him and his companions the opportunity to say goodbye to each other. Because during the whole process of their talking, the three demon gods just watched quietly. There is no intention to take action.

This is not the first time we have met, is it? Fengxiu looked at Long Haochen, and there was a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Long Haochen was slightly stunned, You know me? He understood that he could not escape the clutches of the devil today, but his waist became straighter. He was a knight. No matter what the situation, the spirit of the knight It cannot be annihilated.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu said calmly: The first time I met you was at the Exorcism Pass. At that time, I received news from An Luoxian and the three of them, and learned that Austin and Griffin might appear, so I went to investigate in person. Then At that time, you were at the top of the Exorcist Pass. I felt your presence.

Long Haochen said in surprise: There were so many people on the city wall at that time, how could your Majesty know about me? He was still very weak at that time, and the Son of Light's physique was far from being awakened to become a God's Favorite. There were so many strong men there, how could the Demon God Emperor notice him?

Fengxiu smiled calmly, Because you are different. Unfortunately, at that time, Austin and Griffin hid their auras, and I didn't discover them. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to die. It was just them that died. That’s all.”

There was a stubbornness in Long Haochen's eyes, There is no difference between killing it and killing me.

Fengxiu looked at Long Haochen with a smile, What a resemblance! I like your character. Compared with you, Abao is more persistent, but less charming. It's a pity, it's such a pity... At this point , the sadness in his eyes became a little stronger.

The second time I saw you was probably in the Moon Demon Palace. You are so awesome, you actually made Agares' Moon Demon Palace a mess. Just now he almost couldn't help but take action. But in order to make you fall into despair here, we just watched the forbidden spell you cast wreaking havoc in the Moon Demon Palace. But for this, you are worthy of pride.

Long Haochen had a sullen face. He didn't understand why the Demon God Emperor hadn't taken action yet and was instead telling him this. Is this a cat-and-mouse tease?

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu didn't seem to feel the anger in Long Haochen's eyes, and continued: You were by Yue Ye's side at that time. In fact, even without Vasak's great prophecy, I would have known about the close relationship between you and her. But don’t worry, I have promised Agares that I will not take my anger out on her. After all, she is also the smartest among the younger generation of the Moon Demon Clan. It’s just a wrong step. But it’s you who attracted her, and I Not surprised.”

The anger in Long Haochen's eyes subsided slightly. He knew very well that with his status as the Demon God Emperor, his words would definitely count. If he said that he would not vent his anger on Yue Ye, Yue Ye would naturally be safe, which also made him I felt a little better. After all, Yue Ye was also a victim, and it was because of him.

After that meeting, I heard news about you many times. Our third meeting should have been in the dream paradise. I tore apart the space to save A Bao and the others from leaving. In fact, I was very surprised at the time , although Abao's strength was not very strong at that time, it should not be something you can compete with.


Got into a trap...

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