Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 647 Star Demon Tower (Part 2)

A ray of orange light suddenly fell from the top of the Star Demon Pillar and shone on the ground. An orange figure also appeared in the middle of the light beam.

He was sitting cross-legged in mid-air. The orange robe makes his appearance look no different from ordinary Star Demons. However, he has a pair of eyes that seem to see through everything. The deep eyes are citrine-colored. If you look carefully, you can seem to see the endless night sky from his eyes.

With his long hair hanging loosely behind his head, he just floated there quietly, his handsome face looking a little pale. There is a special temperament in him, exactly the same temperament as the Star Demon Pillar.

Even though it was the first time for everyone to see him, one name emerged in the hearts of everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, the Star Demon God, Vasak.

The ominous premonition suddenly reached its peak in everyone's hearts. Star Demon God Vasak unexpectedly appeared here, and at this time, they lost the ability to summon the bright moon. what does that mean? It means this was originally a trap.

Long Haochen almost blurted out, Yue Ye. Yes, the problem must be with Yue Ye. He couldn't imagine that this was really a trap. He couldn't even think of Yue Ye showing even a single flaw. At this moment, his body was soaked in cold sweat.

However, even in such an unfavorable situation, Long Haochen was still able to remain calm. Without any hesitation, he immediately activated his spiritual and mental power, and tried his best to arouse the eternal melody in his chest.

Intense golden light instantly burst out from his chest, covering himself and all his companions.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group naturally knew what he was going to do and hurriedly moved closer to him. They had no idea of ​​taking action. The appearance of Star Demon Lord Vasak here proved that their plan had failed. In this case, the only option is to leave as soon as possible. As long as they can return to the Tower of Eternity, they have a chance to make a comeback.

The golden light blooms and then converges. Has everything disappeared in this transmission?

Star Demon God Vasak quietly looked at Long Haochen who was stirring the eternal melody, but did not stop him in the slightest. His eyes were still so calm, and seemed to have a touch of sadness and desperation. His face also looked paler. Couldn't help coughing lightly.

The golden light disappeared, but the people did not disappear with it.

Long Haochen, Cai'er, Lin Xin, Wang Yuanyuan, and all the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group are still standing where they were before, still in the Star Demon God's Star Demon Tower, still in the Star Demon God In front of his Star Demon Pillar. It did not leave during the transmission, nor did it disappear during the transmission.

Not good. At the same time that everyone's expressions changed, Han Yu had already rushed towards the gate of the Star Demon Tower behind him. The teleportation failed. Although they didn't know what the Star Demon God Vasak had done, it was obvious that they couldn't leave through teleportation here. Even if everyone understands that they have fallen into a trap and are trapped in a trap that may make them irrecoverable, at this time, they still have to fight hard and are unwilling to give up even if they have a chance.

Boom - Han Yu hit the tower door hard, but his body was bounced back faster. A layer of soft dark golden luster also lit up throughout the Star Demon Tower at any time.

All the dark golden magic patterns on the ground and walls emitted a bright luster at this moment, illuminating every detail of the entire Star Demon God Tower.

The strange elemental fluctuations made them unable to feel the presence of any dark aura, but at this moment, Long Haochen clearly felt that they were already in a cage. In a cage that cannot be broken out no matter what.

His heart has sunk to the bottom. At this moment, Long Haochen has understood that today, they may not be able to survive. However, he never understood that he would fall into such a trap, a trap that seemed impossible to exist at all.

I know you are not willing to give in, and you don't understand. Star Demon God Vasak said lightly, Among humans, you are undoubtedly an outstanding existence. In fact, even if you are bound to die here today, you can still do it for I am proud of my own death. Because, in order to kill you without any accident, our clan has used almost all its power. From the moment the holy war began, this plan began. A plan launched by tens of millions of people It is slowly unfolding. No matter how smart you are, how powerful you are, and how bright your inheritance is, you will eventually come here and walk into my Star Demon Tower to put an end to this plan.

Long Haochen took a deep breath. Faced with the desperate situation, his heart gradually calmed down. As the saying goes, there is no greater sorrow than death. He knew in his heart that the demons had set up such a big game, and it was impossible to leave them even. The slightest chance. In this case, even if he has to die here, he will do his best to fight the enemy and make his death more valuable.

I would like to hear the details. Long Haochen's voice also became indifferent, and he looked at the Star Demon God floating in the air with burning eyes.

There was a look of approval in Vasak's eyes, You deserve me to describe this process for you. You are the only human being I have ever seen who has such qualifications.

The moment you enter the Star Demon Tower, this plan comes to a successful conclusion. And I have actually seen this whole process. I have seen it a few years ago.

Do you think Yue Ye deceived you? Was she the one who led you into this trap? Vasak said with a smile, his tone less indifferent and more angry.

Long Haochen said coldly: Isn't it?

Vasak shook his head and said: Of course not. If she has been lying to you all along, how could you not detect it with your keen perception? At least subconsciously you will feel the danger. Because of everything It's all true, that's why you were finally fooled. Yue Ye is just a part of this plan, and even now, she has no idea that you have fallen into this trap that we launched with the power of the whole clan.

Long Haochen was slightly startled, Yueye didn't lie to me? She was also one of the deceived? Have you known about our cooperative relationship with her for a long time?

Vasak shook his head again, We don't know anything. It's her own fault. After all, her Moon Night Chamber of Commerce is not monolithic. In fact, it is not difficult to make her believe in us. What is difficult is to make you believe it and let you follow our instructions. The plan is to come here step by step. Because God's favored ones like you are born with a strong sense of danger. Even if there are slight changes on our side during the development of the plan, it will cause you vigilance. And I also believe that you are a very cautious human being. Once you find any clues, your plan will not continue at all, right?

Long Haochen said calmly: But, I still fell into your trap.

Vasak said: That's because this trap is too perfect. Almost everything you see is real. Including Yue Ye telling you that my cultivation is only one-tenth of what it was when I was at my strongest is also true. . It is also true that His Majesty the Demon God Emperor and the Moon Demon God led many demon gods to the Exorcism Pass. It is also true that this holy war started because of you. It is precisely because of so many real combinations that you will not notice it. .That’s how I got here.”

Long Haochen was stunned, Is it true that only one-tenth of your strength is real? Aren't you afraid that we will kill you now? Even if I can't summon Haoyue, I can't leave here through teleportation, and I can't destroy your Demonic Pillar. But as long as we kill you, our death will be worth it.

Vasak smiled slightly and said: You are wrong. For you, this is not worth it. If I can exchange my life for yours, for our clan, it will actually be a profit, a huge profit. Make money, because you are the only one who has the potential to subvert us in the six thousand years since our clan came to the Holy Demon Continent. If we continue to make you stronger, then one day, you will become our clan's life-and-death enemy. So, For you, I activated the great prophecy at the cost of my life force, the real great prophecy.

In the great prophecy, I saw many, many things. Although it cost me a hundred years of life, it was worth it for the future of the demon clan. I saw your amazing growth rate, and saw you kill As a member of my tribe, I also saw the process of you going to the Exorcist Pass and finally coming here. Although I can't see everything clearly, even after you come here, my great prophecy still has A subtle change. But I can feel that this is the only chance to kill you, and also the only chance to kill Austin and Griffin. If I can't kill you this time, then what I see is my family. The twilight energy. So, no matter what, you can only stay here today and stay here forever.

Beloved of the Goddess of Light, in fact, if you are the only one, you are not enough to bring such a huge threat to our clan. In fact, the only ones we want to kill are Austin and Griffin. Even now, with us Although it has absolute strength, it is still unwilling to face it, because only it has the ability to tear apart the barrier here. We are not willing to have even the slightest possibility of deviation, so while you are here, it cannot come. As long as you die No matter how powerful its bloodline is, it can only go with you. You brought it to this world, so its life will definitely end with you. Do you really want to know what it is? What is it? Why are we so afraid of it, not just me, but even His Majesty is also worried about its existence.


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