Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 649 I give you this honor (Part 1)

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu's eyes looked very gentle. He looked too young. He looked a few years older than Long Haochen. At this time, he was like an elder brother chatting with Long Haochen.

I was really surprised that time, and it was the first time I felt the threat from you. Unfortunately, at that time, I still didn't know that you were the person chosen by Austin and Griffin, and brought him to This world. It wasn’t until Abao told me the news and told me that Austin and Griffin had grown to four heads that I knew that the person who brought our clan’s destructive future was actually you.”

Long Haochen said coldly: So, you launched a holy war that will destroy all lives.

The Demon God Emperor said calmly: No matter how reluctant I am to kill you, when your existence threatens the safety of our clan, I have to make a choice. Ci cannot control the army, not to mention that I am the leader of the clan. Even if the person with Austin and Griffin is Po, I will make the same choice. In order to bring you here, I will not hesitate to act with Agares. In fact, I have known for a long time that Jihad There will be no results. It is just a waste of human power. Unfortunately, you are not me, not a superior, and you will never understand what you need to give up and what choices you need to make to rule.

Long Haochen said in a deep voice: If you hadn't acted in person, how could we have believed it? You used a bait we couldn't refuse to lure us here, and you succeeded. Talking is useless, just do it.

The Demon God Emperor shook his head, sighed softly, and said: Listen to what I have to say. I don't want to kill you, but I have to kill you. I have no choice. I am willing to do the last thing for you. You commit suicide, you die. Well, Austin and Griffin will naturally die in another world. My goal has been achieved. I will let your companions go, so that you can die with peace of mind.

Your Majesty— Agares on the side couldn't help shouting. Long Haochen is not the only one who is outstanding in this Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group! In this demon hunting group, there are two other gods' favored ones. In the history of the demons coming to the Holy Demon Continent, almost every one of the God's Favoreds had given them a huge blow. In this desperate situation, when the gods' favored ones have not fully grown up, letting go of these young humans with unlimited potential and full of endless resentment towards the demons is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain!

Shut up. Fengxiu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and an unparalleled terrifying aura suddenly burst out from his body. The suppressed Agares blocked all the words he wanted to say later. At this moment, the majesty of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Emperor was unmistakable.

Agares's face turned pale, but he lowered his head respectfully and did not dare to say a word.

Fengxiu glanced at Agares coldly, No one can question my decision.

Please punish me, Your Majesty. Agares lowered his head.

Fengxiu waved his hand, ignored Agares, and faced Long Haochen again.

Although he knew that the Demon God Emperor would not tell lies, Long Haochen couldn't help but asked in a voice: You, are you telling the truth? Are you willing to let my companion go?

Long Haochen and his friends had already realized that they were going to die when they discovered that they had fallen into a trap. But at this time, the Demon God Emperor suddenly said that he was willing to let his partner go, which was the biggest surprise for him.

The words I have said are never forgotten. Fengxiu slowly closed her eyes and said lightly.

Long Haochen was not familiar with the Demon God Emperor, but the Moon Demon God and the Star Demon God were very familiar with him. The Star Demon God Vasak did not show any sign of it, but the Moon Demon God Agares was secretly surprised because he knew, The Demon God Emperor would only have such an expression when he was extremely entangled in his heart. He has followed the Demon God Emperor for so many years, and this situation has only happened a few times, but now it happened when he faced an enemy that must be killed.

Boss, we will live and die with you. Behind Long Haochen, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group said almost in unison.

Long Haochen suddenly turned around and said angrily: Nonsense. Do your lives belong to me? Your lives belong to the Alliance and the entire human race as early as the day you became a demon hunter.

His body was trembling slightly, and he looked deeply at each of his partners, Do you still remember what I said to Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi? Only when you are alive can you have a future and avenge your partners. If you are dead, You will lose the opportunity forever. Death is not terrible, but if you just follow me, I will not forgive you even if I go underground, because you are cowards. In the dark, I will always watch you and see I hope you will come here again one day, come to the heart of this magical city. If you still recognize me as the leader, don't do stupid things. I order you, every member of the Dawn of Light, to live well. Revenge and fight for me in the near future.

Seeing the persistence in Long Haochen's eyes and his eyes that gradually turned red, the bodies of everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group began to tremble with excitement unconsciously. Yes, dying is easy, but living is more difficult.

No - Cai'er suddenly screamed almost hysterically, and threw herself into Long Haochen's arms. However, before she could make another sound, Long Haochen's hand silently pinched her neck. superior. Cai'er groaned and slowly fell into his arms.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down Long Haochen's cheeks. In his heart, all the things that happened with Cai'er kept flashing through his mind. He still clearly remembers the first time he met Cai'er, when he was just a little girl. He also clearly remembers every bit and every bit that happened after he and Cai'er were together. To him, The happiest moment in this life may be the time when I was able to send Cai'er home every day, hold her hand, and walk quietly on the street during the preliminary stage of the Demon Hunting Group selection.

However, none of this would happen again. He knew that he could convince other partners and make them obey his arrangements in a righteous way, but he could not convince Cai'er. Therefore, he could only ask her to calm down first.

He lowered his head, kissed Cai'er gently on her forehead, and then kissed her fair and pink cheek. At this moment, every member of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group could clearly see the intense emotion in his eyes. of reluctance.

Captain. Lin Xin shouted with tears already streaming down his face.

Shut up. Long Haochen shouted. Of course he knew what Lin Xin wanted to say, but he couldn't let him continue. He finally managed to get his friends to suppress their emotions. If they were ignited again, he was not sure that everyone would be able to calmly accept the tragedy that was about to happen.

Long Haochen did not look at his friends anymore, but lowered his head and gave all his last feelings to Cai'er in his arms.

Silly girl, how can I watch you do stupid things? Do you know? Now I really hope that you will lose your memory again after leaving here. If you forget me, you will forget all the pain. I'm sorry, I can't continue to accompany you. Until I grow old.”

As he spoke, he carefully took off the forget-me-not ring that he had never left his hand. The blue forget-me-not pattern shone faintly under the dark golden light in the Star Demon Tower.

Long Haochen put it on Cai'er's finger, kissed her cheek gently again, stepped forward and handed her into Wang Yuanyuan's hands.

He raised his head and looked at his friends again. He saw the tears in everyone's eyes and the almost dead sadness in their eyes.

Don't be sad. I'm very happy that you can leave here alive. Remember my words and live well. In another world, I will also wait for the day when you avenge me. My soul will be in the dark. I'm watching you all. I ask you one last thing. No matter what, don't let Cai'er rush to avenge me. You must keep her alive. After she wakes up, even if you knock her out, you can't let her do it. Stupid thing.

Wang Yuanyuan took Cai'er and nodded vigorously. He was as strong as her. At this time, he was already sobbing and completely speechless.

It's easy to die, but it's really hard to choose to live. How they wanted to fight and die here with Long Haochen! However, they understood more deeply that Long Haochen was right. They were demon hunters. As early as the day they passed the demon hunting group trials, their lives no longer belonged to themselves, but belonged to the alliance and the entire human race. They can't just die here. Only they can avenge Long Haochen in the future.

Turning around suddenly, Long Haochen did not dare to look at Cai'er again, fearing that he would no longer be able to suppress his inner emotions. Lowering his head, he murmured to himself: Haoyue, I'm sorry. I failed to protect you, and I caused you to die with me. If we have another life, I am still willing to merge with your blood. You He will always be my good brother, forever and ever.

After saying this, he suddenly raised his head, shook off the tears on his face vigorously, and looked up at Demon God Emperor Fengxiu who still had his eyes closed in the air and never stopped him from saying goodbye to his friends.

Your Majesty the Demon God Emperor, although we are hostile, you are willing to let my friends go. I thank you. However, I have one more request, which I hope you can agree to.

Fengxiu said calmly: You tell me.

Long Haochen's face revealed his own pride, and he said loudly: I am a knight of the Knights Temple. I have grown up learning the spirit of chivalry since I was a child. As a knight, I have not been able to Protect my friends, today, I will definitely die here. However, I am a knight, and I hope you can give me a decent way to die. I don’t want to be a self-inflicted coward, I want to ask you challenge.


The third child used the best plot to break out, hoping to increase the popularity of our divine seal. Monthly tickets, recommended tickets, fire at me! Fourth update

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